Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013: (Mary Buechel Funeral Mass)
Mary said: “I am happy to see all of my family and friends who came to my funeral Mass. I thank everyone for helping me in my later years. I love all of you. As you heard from Father, I was always filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. You know about our prayer group when we spoke in tongues. I also was happy in sharing our presentation on Garabandal, Spain. You are familiar with many of the words on the Warning and the Great Chastisement. I am in heaven already, and my relatives and Bill were there to greet me when I came. I was blessed to die on Christmas, when Our Blessed Mother takes souls to heaven. I will be praying for all of My family and friends, so you can be with me in heaven one day.”

Jesus said: “My people, this casket is a representation of how many people died from terrorist activities this year, either from AK-15 guns or bombs. This same kind of behavior will occur next year as well, because the one world people thrive on instilling fear in the people. Continuous terrorist attacks are one of the three means for initiating a national martial law. The other two are a crash of your financial system, and a pandemic virus in the chemtrails. Perpetrating these activities would be how the one world people plan to cause a takeover of America through martial law. During martial law the army or mercenary forces, will illegally takeover your government and your local police forces. This will be a dictatorial running of your country by the executive authority of the acting President through Executive Orders. This authority will be invoked by the acting President who will declare a state of martial law. He will have control over food, transportation, and the running of your country. Once such a martial law is invoked, the authorities will be eliminating all of those people who do not go along with the new world order, and those who do not take the chip in the body. This will be the time when My faithful will be called to come to My refuges for protection. These events will lead quickly into the declaration of the Antichrist in a world takeover. Your acting President will be replaced by the Antichrist’s leaders. Fear not these evil ones because the reign of the Antichrist will be brief, when I will bring My victory over all the evil ones. My faithful will see their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Pentagon building, and your Defense Budget is the largest portion of your budget. This is the military industrial complex that buys your planes, ships, tanks, and pays the bill for all of your service people. The Defense Department fights your wars and runs all of your secret operations as the HAARP machine, the chemtrails, and your military satellites. Whoever controls all of these weapons and supplies, can control or influence many countries. I keep encouraging My people to pray for peace and not war. These forces could also be used to control your own people or put down any revolutions. Many of your military bases can be used as detention centers or death camps to eliminate Christians and the patriots. Be aware of how all of this Defense money is spent because it could be used to establish a dictatorship that could control your citizens. I am warning My people that this part of your government could be exploited by your current Administration. Many of your Defense contractors peddle influence and control a lot of jobs. As you see budget cuts coming, the Defense Budget will be the biggest target. Be aware that the one world people control this power as well.”

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this morning you saw the sky full of chemtrails, and in the vision you saw lightning that was being influenced by the HAARP machine. These two things are secret operations run by your government to cause sickness, storms, and even death and chaos in an attempt to cause martial law. The microwave beams work in conjunction with the particles of the chemtrails to set up a charged electronic field to control certain communications and other secret projects. The chemtrails in the sky are very obvious to your people, but very few people are complaining about all the aluminum oxide, barium ions, viruses, and polymeric fibers that military and commercial planes are spraying by the tons every day. Your people are getting flu like symptoms and the ground is becoming more alkaline from these sprays. If your people were aware of all the health effects of these sprays, they would be complaining more. Many of your memory problems, and immune system problems are caused by these sprays. People need to be educated about these symptoms from articles on the internet because they will not hear about it through your censored media. When the evil ones start to spread their pandemic viruses in the chemtrails to kill people, I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges where you will be healed by looking on My luminous cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have a goal of spying on people to know everyone’s business and their daily movements. This is why you have microchips in your driver’s licenses, your passports, and even your cell phones. You have chips in your car, in your ‘easy’ passes, and in your satellite TV boxes. Not only do they know your movements, but they listen to your phone calls, e-mails, and even in your living room through your cable box TV. By knowing your religion and political affiliations, these Masons can determine if you are in favor of or against their new world order. Christians and patriots are on their lists to kill before martial law starts. Have no fear because I will warn people when it is time to go to My refuges to be protected from the evil ones who want to kill you. My angels will put an invisible shield over My people when they come to My refuges. Be aware of these dangers, but have trust in My protection.”

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Satan controlling the one world people in all of their attempts to ruin My creation, and reduce the population as well. You are seeing the HAARP machine used to create storms that kill people, and major earthquakes that kill people. You are seeing chemtrails place millions of tons of toxic materials in the air as aluminum oxide and barium ions with viruses that kill people and cause diseases. You are seeing many GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) crops being used that are killing people with cancers and other diseases. Even your vaccines are being abused to kill people and lower your immune system defenses. Man through his corporate greed is destroying the harmony of My balance of nature. Yet your people are blind to all of this destruction because of the brainwashing of the people with the lies from your media. Wake up America and see how you are being punished by the one world people’s control for all of your abortions and sexual sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are still seeing people without electricity in cold weather. Let this be a warning to people to have alternative sources of heat for the winter along with enough fuel for several months. It is hard to live in a cold home in the winter time without a source of heat, as from a kerosene burner or a wood burner. Also, you need to make sure that your burners are in working order. You need to have a windup flashlight or oil with your lamps for light. Having food and water is also necessary for survival. Those people, who have been without electricity in the winter, know how necessary these preparations are needed. If your house is an interim refuge, you also need to have these things, and an independent source of water. By being ready to deal without electricity, you will be ready for the one world people who want to control you by shutting down your grids. Trust in My help in the coming trials which could include power outages.”

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing an audience that represents the workers, and the actors on a stage that represent the leaders. Many of your leaders in government are like puppets on a string. They are doing the bidding of the one world people. Many of your people in New Jersey and New York are suffering from power outages and gasoline shortages. Now the cold is moving in, and heating a home is becoming more of a problem. Many are going to shelters, but some are trying to protect their homes from vandals. Many people are not aware of how the HAARP machine can be used by the one world people to direct storms as Hurricane Sandy by changing the jet streams that steer these storms. If people knew how HAARP and the chemtrails were used as black operations to cause chaos with storms and earthquakes, they would be furious. But this is what is being done to affect the election and reduce the population. Your leaders will be held accountable for all the evil things that they are doing to your people. Remember that the more people are given, the more that they will be held responsible. Also, the more people exalt themselves, they will be humbled. The more you humble yourselves, the more that you will be exalted.”

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with St. Francis and his holy life, but also with his love of the animals. Now in the vision I am showing you how man is destroying the perfection of My plants and animals. In the plants and crops man is genetically altering the structures to build in insecticides that are killing the good bugs and the bees. By changing the corn and other crops, you are causing more cancers and sicknesses. You even have demon led people that are creating viruses and flu shots to reduce the population. You have more evil people manipulating your weather and the earthquakes with the HAARP machine. The chemtrails are spreading viruses and causing memory problems with aluminum oxide sprays. Men are also manipulating the genetic makeup of animals as well as feeding them hormones to grow animals bigger and fatter. Pollution of your water and air is another destruction of your environment. With all of this influence by man, I will have to renew the earth to undo all the evil that the devil has led man to do. My faithful will rejoice in My Era of Peace when all of these evils will be removed. Until then, My people will need to eat organic foods without any GMO crops. You also need to take Hawthorn berries, vitamins, and herbs to build up your immune systems and avoid taking any flu shots. This will protect you from the viruses and vaccines of people who are trying to reduce the population. Pray for My protection at My refuges where you will be healed of your ailments and protected from the coming persecution of the Antichrist.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know that some people were pleasantly surprised at the outcome of the first debate. I especially liked Gov. Romney’s summation statement that invoked My presence and mentioned Me in your founding documents of your Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I have told you many times that America is great because of your faith and allegiance to Me. When America turns its back on Me in your sins, and neglects honoring Me, then America will cease to be great.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing just the beginning of your fight for your religious freedoms in reference to your Health Care plan. Already the current administration is trying to force Catholics to violate their beliefs with government edicts. You need to keep fighting against abortion in your protests, and in your attempts to cancel Obama care. This new plan has many restrictions that will favor euthanasia, and it has the intention of forcing people to buy insurance and eventually force chips in the body. Refuse to take any chips in the body that could control your mind.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is ironic that the Democrats are being critical of someone who wants to lower taxes and keep the same revenue without a deficit. The current administration has raised your National Debt $6 trillion with $1 trillion deficits every year and into the future. It was obvious as some have said that balancing the budget was not a priority for the President.”

Jesus said: “My people, this sign in the vision of the thread running out represents how America is at the end of its rope financially before bankruptcy could be in your future. Your National Debt is growing exponentially and your government is not making any serious attempts to balance its budget. Entitlement programs and your government’s growth are expanding out of control, and they are the largest reason for your deficits. Taxes may be increased, but there are no plans to limit your entitlements. Your country’s credit rating may be decreased again because of your debts. Pray that your government will change its deficits before bankruptcy could happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve is run by the central bankers who want to destroy your country. This current plan to buy $40 billion/month of your banks’ bad loans will not help jobs or your finances. These debts will be added to the taxpayer’s National Debt for the purpose of bailing out the banks of their scandalous derivatives that they did not want on their books. This will cause inflation and increase the taxpayer’s debt that will fall on their children to pay. This is how evil the one world people are in trying to destroy America. These evil ones will meet their fate in hell when I bring My victory over them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more invasions of your privacy from chips in your driver’s licenses, your passports, your car, your cell phones, and many other means as cameras. You do not need these devices. They are only meant to control your lives and spy on your activities. Many of these chipped devices work with microwaves which are really a hazard to your health, and it is a means of tracking everyone. You can avoid using these devices, or you can put aluminum foil around them. Your latest privacy attack is now coming from smart meters of your utilities that want to control how you use your energy. It is better to refuse these devices to protect your privacy, and to protect you from any microwaves that could harm your health.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to have faith and have your opinions in the security of your own home. It is another thing to spread your religious opinions in the public arena where you may face criticism. When you protest against abortions, euthanasia, and same sex marriage, you may be criticized for your stands, but you are entitled to your free speech. By voting for moral issues and candidates who support them, this is one public forum. You can protest these issues in your actions and conversations. This is an example of witnessing to your faith in Me by your actions to others. Take advantage of your freedoms before they are taken away. I will reward My evangelists of souls who are teaching My Good News in a society that is turning its back on Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that your friend, Patty, was taken so suddenly with this aneurysm. I have My plans for her soul that only I can carry out. I can understand how she wanted to be in this end time struggle at her refuge, but she will be praying and encouraging her husband to carry on their work. Those, who were planning to come there, can still help her husband in this work. I have called many people to set up refuges, and I will support these leaders with My graces and My angels. They will be successful in protecting My faithful. Pray for her soul as she will be praying for her family.”

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before of a coming virus that would not only be deadly, but it would be contagious as well through the air. Without occupying a host, most viruses die off in the summer heat. These flu viruses are more virulent in cooler temperatures, and that is why you see less cases in the summer and more cases between October and February. Many of the flu shots being offered will not protect you against this new outbreak. These shots actually do more harm to your immune system than they help. I have advised My faithful to have masks, and to take Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. Any spreading of such viruses in the chemtrails would probably be done in the cooler temperatures, when viruses could survive until they find a host. If you start seeing an unusual amount of deaths from this pandemic virus attack, then you will have to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge. At the final refuges you will see My luminous cross, and when you look on it, you will be healed of any viruses or any other ailments. At the final and interim refuges you will have miraculous springs of healing water. This water will also heal any deadly viruses and other ailments. Have no fear of the evil people’s means of killing people because My angels will protect you from their weapons and their viruses.”

Jesus said: “My people, over the next few months you will be entering the peak time for hurricane formation. You have had an unusually warm summer, and the heat in the ocean is what feeds these storms. America has only had a few storms make landfall in the last few years, but wherever they hit land, you can see considerable damage. The Gulf of Mexico has many oil rigs at risk to any storm. Any storms that threaten this area could drive up your gas prices even higher. The threat of war with Iran, refinery fires, and speculation on oil prices are driving up oil and gasoline prices. Add inflation from printing so much debt money, and your prices could again approach $4/gallon for gasoline. If these prices continue to rise, you could see a new recession coming. Major events will be picking up to the end of the year, so be ready if you see martial law brought about. I will protect My faithful at My refuges. So when it is time to come, pack quickly and leave your homes with My angels, or you could face martyrdom.”

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw Me criticize the towns around Me for their lack of faith. There is a Scripture passage when I spoke to My apostles of the weak faith of the people while I was still with them. I said if they are this weak in the time of green pastures with My presence, what are these people going to do in the time of the ‘dry’? I was speaking of the end times when My Name is forbidden to be expressed in public. (Luke 23:29-31) ‘For behold days are coming in which men will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and breasts that never nursed.’ Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall upon us’, and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ For if in the case of green wood they do these things, what is to happen in the case of the dry?’ With the current drought with very little rain, your grass has turned brown and your crops in the fields are withering. You are seeing the lack of faith in the spirit mirrored in nature as a lack of water. It is My grace in My sacraments that refreshes your souls and makes them vibrant. It is My Body and Blood that you eat and drink worthily that can restore your faith and belief in My Real Presence. If you have strong faith in your heart, you will be able to endure any persecution or drought in your spiritual life. Stay close to Me in My love, and you will be joyful without worries or depression from life’s trials. You know how to water your lawn to keep it green, so you know how to water your soul with My grace which is the lifeblood of the soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day your privacy freedoms are being invaded with more cameras and listening devices. There are people monitoring your phones, cell phones, e-mails, and any other forms of communication. The latest Executive Order gives your President control over all of your communications, even the internet. These new edicts by your President will allow him to declare martial law at any time. Some people on the West Coast are seeing radioactive Cesium 137 (half-life of 30 years) in the air and water coming from the crippled Japanese nuclear reactors. Chemtrails could be used to spread such radiation poisoning without the people knowing the danger unless they had a Geiger counter to measure the radiation. Some people have obtained such devices in the West to monitor any unusually high levels of radiation. Chemtrails can spread virus diseases, but radiation and heavy aluminum oxide levels are the new threats to people. If chemtrails are thick and numerous, it may be better to stay inside to avoid any contamination. It will not be long before you may have to come to My refuges so you can be healed of any radiation or viruses by looking on My luminous cross. Call on My protection, and I will have My angels lead you to My refuges.”

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, at various times you find yourself waiting at a doctor’s office or at an emergency room when you have some time to spend. Even if you have a different time when you pray, do not waste any of your precious time. Your time goes by very quickly, and it can never be retrieved. In those moments of waiting, you could be praying for your family members or for the souls in purgatory. If you carry your rosary with you at all times, you could pray it while you are waiting. By putting your time to good use, you will be better able to make an accounting to Me of how you spent the time that I gifted to you on this earth. Remember that your time on earth is relatively short compared to the eternal life of your soul. While you are still alive on earth, take every opportunity to love and serve Me and your neighbor so you are living the faith that you believe in. When you come to Me at your judgment, you will be judged on your good works and how much you loved Me and your neighbor.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about various colored auras that some people can see and some devices can measure. This aura is a sign of the spirit body that animates your physical body. Even the Holy Spirit sent tongues of fire over My disciples. This energy of life is also a sign of the Holy Spirit’s Presence in every living human being. At death this life spirit leaves your body, and your soul comes before Me in judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your deficits keep mounting, there are some in Congress who are seeking to find some compromise in dealing with your government’s overspending. The longer this gridlock continues, your entitlement programs are coming closer to running out of money. Hard choices on the growth of entitlements need to be made now before they could cause your bankruptcy. Some states have made these hard choices, and they are balancing their budgets, and prospering as a result. Common sense to save these programs is needed over continuing political rhetoric with no action.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will try to force flu shots on you because of a more deadly and contagious bird flu. This makes money for the drug companies, but the flu shots over time will actually be detrimental to your immune system. Avoid taking these flu shots, and instead build up your immune system with Hawthorn pills, vitamins, and herbs. Also have some masks on hand when the evil ones try to spread this virus with chemtrails. Come to My refuges if you see people dying, so you can be healed by looking on My luminous cross at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been to many countries in Europe where the buildings of older generations have deteriorated by weathering. It is the stone buildings and statues that have survived over the years. Even historical documents are now being saved to optical disks to preserve what man has discovered. It is important that the history of nations should be preserved as it happened, and not recorded with a false agenda. One thing has been true through the years, and that is when people ignore the mistakes of the past, they may live to repeat them.”

Jesus said: “My people, your current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down, but the regime changes in many Arab countries are causing stress among these peoples. As you see an increasing battle of good and evil, you are seeing more signs of the Antichrist’s coming. This tribulation has to come, but I will be victorious over all of the evil ones. Rejoice that you know the outcome of this battle and My victory will prevail.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to set up a refuge because My refuge builders have spent much money, and some have endured harsh criticism. Many of My builders have had inner messages or they have been directed by the Holy Spirit to go forward with their work. Some of My builders have also been given signs to encourage their work. All of them will truly receive My reward for providing safe havens for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to go through your day’s work when you meet up against problems that seem unsolvable. You should pray for My help in the beginning of your projects, but you may pray harder when things are not working out. After praying, you have seen many times how I have worked out your problems. Remember to thank Me for resolving your problems, and have faith in depending on Me to answer your prayers.”

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012: (Funeral for Henry Mitalski-Carla’s uncle)
Jesus said: “My people, in your life time you just scratch the surface of things that you could learn about in this short life on earth. The spiritual world is another realm of knowledge which is focused on a battle for souls. You will not be judged on your knowledge, status, or how much money you have. You will be judged on your actions, and how you loved Me and your neighbors. My Commandments of love are your spiritual guides as you should do everything out of love for Me. Keep focused on Me throughout your lives, and I will lead you to your home in heaven. Pray for Henry and have Masses said for him, as he will be praying for all of you. Strive for the higher levels of heaven in all that you do to carry out My mission for each of you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing various places where statues and icons are weeping tears of oil, and even blood in some rare instances. These weeping statues are occurring because of heaven’s response to all the abortions being committed. There are also many sexual sins, as your society is turning its back on Me. Pray for sinners, especially for the lukewarm who are spiritually lazy when they do not come to Sunday Mass. Do not refuse My graces by not coming to Mass, but come to Communion so you will have strength to fight the devil’s temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, many places offer free flu shots that your government is paying for. The vaccines are made by your drug companies who are making a good profit. It is sad that some shots are using aborted fetal cells to make the vaccines instead of animal cells. It is safer to reject these flu shots which are causing more harm to your immune system than they are helping. I have asked you to take Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. You will need this protection when the evil ones will try to spread a new Bird Flu that will be contagious and deadly. This is the pandemic virus that will be spread by chemtrails to reduce the population.”

Jesus said: “My people, a good number of My faithful are working to set up refuges for the coming tribulation. Some refuges will be found in caves or dug out houses in the side of a hill or in the mountains. My angels will be guarding My refuges, and they will protect My faithful. You will need full trust in Me when you come to My refuges. Those refuges, where they have stocked food and water, will have these necessities multiplied as more people come to My refuges. My faithful will have an invisible shield around them, and a luminous cross of healing at My refuges. Trust in Me to provide for your needs throughout the whole tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing millions of abortions carried out each year, and most of these mothers have no feeling about killing their babies. Killing a defenseless little baby is about the worst abuse that you could do to My children. You know how much I love the little children, and I am crying like your statues to see these killings continue every day. This killing is an evil in your society that can never truly be justified. Your country will suffer greatly for all of these crimes. Your people need to realize that the death culture’s abortions are the worst and most brutal means of reducing your population. Pray for abortions to be stopped, or your punishment will be even worse.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a hard task to carry through with building and stocking a refuge with food and fuel. Those faithful, who have chosen a particular refuge to come to, may consider helping with money and food donations, or even some physical labor. Many people, who come to refuges later, will be forming communities to help each other through the coming tribulation. Be grateful to all those people who have volunteered to set up a refuge. Helping them could be your best gesture to show your appreciation for their work.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are not setting up a refuge, you could also think of possibly bringing as much food and bedding that you could bring in your vehicle. If you can bring more than one vehicle, you could help by bringing even more food. Whatever food and bedding that you could bring, it would be multiplied and a help to support the refuge of your choice. If many people would do this, it would help those people who are setting up refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people first come to My refuges, it is going to be a huge task to organize it with people doing various chores. You need to determine what skills people have, and hopefully they could bring their tools of their trade. Once you allocate the skills, then one or more people need to plan what is needed most. Setting up housing and bedding even in tents will be first. Then setting up places for food preparation would be next. You will need to farm crops or pray for food to be multiplied. Organize a means of water for drinking, bathing, and washing dishes and clothes. Plan for your hygiene needs and possibly a place for latrines. In colder climates you may need wood or other fuels for heat and cooking. All of your major needs will be provided, but all the people in the community will have to make their own work contribution.”