Monday, September 25, 2023
Monday, September 25, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, the more visions I give you of your refuge buildings, the closer the time of tribulation will be. I showed you the digging of the basement of your high rise building, and now you are seeing the finished building. The angels will put a shield of invisibility around it so the evil people could not see it. The faithful will come slowly, and St. Joseph and the angels will direct them to their rooms. I will multiply the food and water, and beds will be provided. I will even take care of the latrines. This will be a large project, but have no worries for I will help you to organize all of these people. You saw in your talks how the people had chairs and tables for their living spaces. So trust in Me to provide for all of your needs. You will see this building and a large church come into reality because for Me, all things are possible.”
Jesus said: “My people, I died on the cross so that I could make reparation for the sins of all of mankind. I call all of My faithful to My forgiveness of your sins with the priest’s absolution in Confession. Try to come to Confession at least once a month. I love all of you so much, and I want to see clean souls before Me instead of black souls. In order to come to Me in heaven, you need to love Me and cleanse your souls of sin by seeking My forgiveness. I pour out My grace on all of My faithful.”