Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, when I came to the earth as a Redeemer, the people did not recognize Me as the Messiah because I did not come as a conquering hero. I came as an innocent baby of poor parents, and My words turned the world upside down because many did not want to hear My words of love. My words of love seek an unconditional love which means even a love for your enemies. For I desire mercy instead of sacrifice, and forgiveness instead of holding grudges. It is not easy for mankind to follow My ways because they are different from man’s ways of worldly desires. I call all of you to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Only very few saints have struggled to live this way, so I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation when you fall into sin. You can seek My forgiveness any time that you can find a priest, so you should be able to keep your soul pure for your judgment. Strive to follow My ways, and you will find your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, your flu season starts about now until March. The flu virus remains dormant in the cold weather until it comes alive in a warm host. During the summer, most flu viruses die off from the heat before they can infect people. This is why chemtrails laden with flu viruses can cause flu outbreaks to occur. I have warned My faithful to take Hawthorn, vitamins, and herbs in order to build up their immune systems to fight off the germs from the chemtrails. Many people have tried to push people into taking flu shots every year. I also have warned My faithful to avoid taking flu shots because of the side effects, and the long term destruction of their immune systems. Some of the preservatives and other components can cause an increased chance of Alzheimer’s disease. When the time comes to leave for My refuges, My faithful will be healed of all of their illnesses by looking on My luminous cross in the sky. My healing will be much better than any of your government Health Plans could ever achieve. Trust in Me to protect you from all the man-made diseases that are killing your people.”