Monday, March 11, 2024
Monday, March 11, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this empty chair of St. Peter because of what is coming out from the Vatican. I have told you that homosexual sins and fornication are both mortal sins. So just as you cannot bless fornicators, you also cannot bless homosexual sins as well. You cannot bless sinful behavior. These are sins against the Sixth Commandment. Sins against the Sixth Commandment are adultery, fornication, prostitution, homosexual acts, and birth control that includes condoms, vasectomies, and tubal ligation. These sins deal with the creation of life, and life is sacred. These mortal sins need to be confessed in Confession before you can receive Me in Holy Communion. So come to frequent Confession to keep your soul clean and ready for your judgment before Me.”