Monday, June 23, 2008: (celebrated St. Peter and St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter is the rock that I appointed as head of My Church when I gave him the Keys to the Kingdom. He was granted the grace by the Holy Spirit to know that I was the Son of the Living God in the Messiah, foretold in the Scriptures. It was difficult for him when he was tested with his life, and he denied Me three times. It was this vision at the Sea of Galilee where I forgave him, but I also tested him in asking him if he loved Me three times for the three times that he denied Me. My faithful also are tested in life and some harder than others. So even if you fall into sin by your weakness, be faithful to Me in saying that you love Me and are sorry for your sins. Once St. Peter received the Holy Spirit and St. Paul was converted, they became great missionaries and evangelists of My Word. So also with My faithful when you have received the sacraments, you should be on fire to share My love and My Word with everyone in seeking to save souls. Love Me and work on your mission every day and you too will receive your reward as St. Paul proclaimed in his epistle. He finished the race and kept the faith. Now he has received his crown of sainthood here in heaven with Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many miracles of healing both in the body and the soul. I have told people that only those who come to Me with a child-like faith are the ones who will enter into heaven. Many such faithful people come to this tree in search of healing. When you have faith that I will heal you and faith that I can heal you, these are the innocent souls who receive the healings. The people here have many testimonies and pictures of those who have been healed. Continue to share with others how My glory is served by My granting of these miracles. Such witnesses of healing enhance the faith of many who hear these stories. Give praise and glory to God for all of the healings that are happening at this olive tree and with the leaves in the oil.”