Monday, January 2, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist is the last of the Old Testament messengers or prophets before My mission. He was the voice crying out in the desert as quoted from Isaiah. These prophets foretold about Me as the coming Redeemer because by My suffering on the cross, all of mankind would be free of their sins if they seek My forgiveness. My apostles and missionaries, as St. Paul, spread My Word and converted many people into following Me as Christians. All throughout history I have blessed you with prophets to show the way to heaven. Even today, you have many people receiving messages and apparitions. Still I must warn My faithful to discern in the Spirit about the truthfulness of the words given because there will be false prophets as well. The greatest deceiver will be the Antichrist, and I have described how he will mislead people by his powers of suggestion. Do not look at his eyes or listen to his voice. Avoid even reading his words that could cause you to worship him. Keep focused on Me and My holy prophets, and you will be protected from the evil ones at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I asked you to save some heirloom seeds to grow vegetables at your refuge. With non-hybrid seeds you could let some of your crops go to seed for the next year. If you live in a more Northern climate, you could build some greenhouses, and heat them to keep them above freezing. You could paint some glass or heavy plastic so you do not have direct sunlight that could be too hot in the summer. Greenhouses will enable you to extend your growing season, and can be a nursery to start your crops from seed. All the food that you grow could be multiplied when you have a lot of people at your refuge. By providing for your vegetables, you can have a well-balanced diet between the bread, deer meat, and any other farm animals that you have. Trust in My help and My protection, and you will have all that you need to survive at My refuges.”