Friday, June 22, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012: (St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you could see how the king’s children were protected from the leaders who favored the worship of Baal. Once I allowed the rightful heir to the throne, then the prophets and supporters of Baal were killed and peace reigned again in Israel. There have been many evil rulers throughout history that finally were overturned. This vision of someone being backed into a corner could represent the martyrs of today in St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More. They refused to follow the orders of the tyrant King Henry the VIII, and they were beheaded for their faith. Even in these end days My faithful will also have to endure a worse evil in the Antichrist during the coming tribulation. If you are fortunate to come to My refuges of protection, My angels will shield you from these evil ones. You may see many martyred for their faith in these times, but never give up your faith, even if you are threatened with death. Those, who die for their faith, will become instant saints in heaven. My people need to remain strong in their faith, even during the reign of evil rulers. Those, who remain faithful, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and heaven. Trust in Me because I will soon bring My victory over all of these evil ones who will be cast into hell.”
(Eileen Wilkin’s Funeral Mass) Eileen said: “My people, I am crying because I did not want to leave my family, but God has other plans for Me. I am sorry that I could not communicate very well to my family and friends in my last days. I want to thank all of the doctors and nurses for my care, and my dear husband, Jack, for being with me all the days of my strokes. Thanks also go out to all of you who visited me and prayed for me. I love all of my family so much, and thank you for the kind words about me at the Mass. I will be with all of you in spirit, and I will be praying for my family and friends. I thank God for such a blessing to have a beautiful family, and you know how much I cared for all of you. I will be waiting to greet you in heaven. Keep praying your rosaries and come to Sunday Mass because I will be watching you.”