Friday, July 1, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016: (St. Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I called Levi, the tax collector, to follow Me. He immediately left his post, and I named him Matthew when he became one of My disciples. He invited Me to his house with all of his friends, and he pledged that he would no longer cheat people, and he would repay those people who felt cheated. I told him salvation came to his house for his conversion. The Pharisees were critical of My eating with tax collectors, so I told them: ‘It is the sick or sinners who need a physician, because those who are self-righteous, do not desire My help.’ I came to call sinners to repentance. All of you are sinners because you are weak to sin because of Adam’s sin. Even St. John the apostle said that those people, who do not claim to be sinners, are liars. (I John 1:10) So if all of you are sinners, then I came to die on the cross for all of you. Those people, who refuse to repent of their sins, and refuse to accept My saving grace, are the lukewarm who I spew from My mouth. I want all souls to follow Me, as I desire to save all souls. It is those souls who refuse to follow Me and refuse to accept Me as their Savior, who will be lost forever in hell of their own free will. I call all of My faithful to follow Me and repent of their sins, and I will bring all of them with Me into heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people of America, I am wishing you a happy birthday on the 240th Anniversary of your Declaration of Independence. You ask a difficult question because your nation started out in search of religious freedom, and you have My Name in your early documents. You have seen various organizations and individuals doing everything in their power to remove My Name and prayer from your schools and public buildings. You have also seen how the devil causes people to be so wrapped up in their events, parties, sports, and entertainment so they have no more room for Me in their lives. If you truly want to make Me more of a part of your lives, then try to think of Me in all that you do, and do things out of love for Me. It is your culture of death and your political correctness that has taken Me out of your schools and public places. If the Moslems can pray in public, then you can pray in public to Me as well. Do not feel that you are offending the atheists by praying to Me or speaking My Name in public. You have free speech and a freedom of religion right now. Do not let this separation of Church and State be allowed to run your lives, because this is not in your original laws. If your people praised and worshiped Me more, you would see less of My punishments coming upon you. Do not fear the evil people because I will be protecting you at My refuges. Give good example to others when you pray before meals in restaurants and wear My cross in public, even in the workplace. By showing your love for Me before people in public, I will witness your love to My heavenly Father. Why is it too hard for people to give Me only one hour a week in Sunday worship,when I give you so many hours in each week.”