Friday, December 27, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013: (St. John the Evangelist)
St. John said: “My son, you remember well the words that I gave you when you came to my burial place in Ephesus, Turkey. The Lord showed me many visions of the end times, and what it would be like during the tribulation of the Antichrist. He also showed me His victory over the evil ones, even as He showed me the empty tomb in His victory over sin and death. I loved Jesus so much, and I was blessed to take care of His Blessed Mother. When I gave you a message at Ephesus, I wanted you to continue on with my mission of preparing the people for the end times. The Lord has shared many details about how He will be protecting His people at His refuges. Even though refuges were not explicitly stated in the Gospels, there were accounts of Elijah hiding in the cave, and even the stable of Jesus’ birth looked like a cave of protection. I rejoiced to see Jesus appear to us after His Resurrection, and on Mt. Tabor in His Transfiguration. You have a deep faith and trust in My beloved Jesus. Keep Him at the center of your life, and He will be with you to complete your mission.”
Jesus said: “My people, the problem with your world is the rampant sexual sins, and the abortions that are killing My babies. I have told you before that not enough people are praying to atone for all of these sins. So pray to Me to double and multiply your prayers for the sin of the world. Many of your people also are worshiping money, possessions, and sports more than Me. Much of this sin will not change until I bring My Warning, when all sinners will have a chance to convert their lives. Until this happens, I want you to encourage the people to pray more, go to Confession more frequently, and make visits to My tabernacle in Adoration. By your example, you can help people to lead a good Christian life in following My Commandments. Once the Warning comes, the people will be so shaken by their sinful lives, that they will desire forgiveness of their sins in Confession. It will be at that time that those, who are away from Me, will be more open to your evangelization efforts. All the prayers that you have been praying for your family and friends will be most honored in their lifestyle conversions. More sinners will be saved, but still some will love their sins more than Me. In the end, it will be the people’s free will decision to accept Me, that will determine their soul’s destination either to heaven or hell.”