Friday, April 5, 2024:
Friday, April 5, 2024: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, this was My third appearance to My apostles and we were on the Sea of Tiberias. I appeared to them twice in the Upper Room before. St. Peter wanted to go fishing, but they caught nothing all night. Then I told them to cast their net on the right side and they will find something. This was like another time when they caught nothing and I told them to cast the net one more time, and they filled two boats with fish. Now, again they made a big catch of 153 large fish which they had to pull ashore and the net did not break. I told them before that now they would be fishers of men, and they needed to return to their mission of evangelizing people for My new Church. Once they had breakfast with Me, I later talked with St. Peter to remind him three times if he loved Me. This was to forgive him for denying Me three times. Now they were witnesses again of My glorified Body in supporting their faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in Exodus how I sent the plagues against the Egyptians and how I drowned Pharaoh’s army when I closed the Red Sea upon the soldiers. This is a preview how I will send plagues against the unbelievers in My Word. You will suffer the tribulation, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges. You will see the power of My Comet of Chastisement at the end of the tribulation. The evil ones will be consumed just as the Egyptians were killed. I will cleanse the earth of all evil and I will renew the earth. I will bring My people into My Era of Peace and you will live a long time. Rejoice and have faith that I will protect My faithful, and I will lead you into the glory of My Era of Peace.”