Saturday, July 15, 2023: (Mass of Dedication of 2nd Monastery)
Jesus said: “My people, your priest has blessed this beautiful monastery, and you also celebrated Mass on this day of dedication. I love all of your people who made this possible with their donations and work. This building and the work here is truly in preparation for the priests of the Era of Peace. You are blessed to see the final completion of this second monastery. Saturday is a day to celebrate My Blessed Mother’s Presence. The strong rain you received from heaven represents the tears of My Blessed Mother who is crying over the many souls who have turned away from Me. Keep praying your rosaries to help save the souls of your family, especially during the six weeks of Conversion after the Warning.”
Jesus said: “My son, I am warning you of a coming famine, that could be caused by the one world people as they are using GMO food to replace your organic food. Once you are eating GMO food, then your people will start getting sick with no cures for your sickness. They are already making artificial meat that will not provide enough protein for your muscles. The GMO crops are taking over your good organic crops because of the cross pollination. Try to eat more organic food so your body is not contaminated with so much artificial food. When you buy your three months of food, try to get organic dried food to help your body repair itself from the GMO food. The GMO food will weaken your body because it does not know how to process hybrid food. This GMO food will not give you the proper nutrition you need to have a healthy body. Pray for your people to see the errors of your GMO food that it is slowly poisoning your people.”
Friday, July 14, 2023: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, there was a great famine all over the land, so Jacob brought his whole family to Goshen in Egypt. Joseph was overseer and he gave grain to his family and the people of Egypt. Later, another Pharaoh took the throne and Joseph could no longer help his family. The Egyptians enslaved the Jews in building their cities. But I raised up Moses as the Deliverer, and by miracle plagues they broke the Pharaoh’s resolve, and the Jews were set free. To this day the Jews treasure the Passover that brought death to all of the first born of Egypt. The Jews were told to put lamb’s blood on their doorposts and lintels so the angel of death would pass over their people. I protected My people again at the Red Sea when the Pharaoh’s army was drowned. Just as Moses became the Deliverer to free his people from the bondage of slavery, so I also became a Deliverer of My people when I broke the bonds of sins and death. I gave My Blood sacrifice on the cross to heal the souls who accept Me into their lives. You have seen how I take evil things and I turn them into saving graces. See how I brought My plan of salvation history through the time I was on the earth.”
N.B. From a friend who had a message from Jesus on the accident with the many motorcycles that injured or may have killed some people. Jesus said: “I have blessed all the people who were in the motorcycle accident this day. Thank you My children John and Carol for praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for them. Many graces were poured out on these people with your prayers.”
Thursday, July 13, 2023: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, it was coincidental that last night you watched the Chosen movie that was exactly about this Gospel of when I sent My apostles out two by two to prepare the people for My talk. I gave them the power to heal the sick so they could witness healings in My Name. When they returned, they all had great healing accounts wherever they traveled. They were thankful to help bring the faith of My Word in converting people to have faith in Me. When you have deep faith, you can heal people as well.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie was made five years ago, and it is finally being seen. The subject of trafficking young children is appalling that these evil people are able to kidnap young children and force them into sex slaves for money. When the children were set free, they were singing with joy, which is the ‘Sound’ in the title. Give thanks to Me and the people who are trying to set the children free from their bondage.”
Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware of witch covens and various places where these evil ones meet. Many US Presidents and billionaires come to worship Satanic cults in California. Some of these people sell their souls for fame and fortune. These one world people worship Satan and they are behind running your country. These evil ones pay for their crimes with suicide in the end. Keep praying for My faithful people who have to do battle with these evil ones to help save souls from the demons.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the peak of the sunspot activity that is causing these lights to travel further south than normal. You are also seeing eclipses of the sun over various parts of your country. These celestial signs are emphasizing that you are in the end times as the tribulation time approaches. Pray for My protection from the Antichrist and the demons who are testing My people. Call on Me and I will have My angels protect you at My refuges. The evil time will pass, and I will reward My faithful in My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, you celebrate the 13th of these months when My Blessed Mother visited the three children at Fatima, Portugal. My Blessed Mother encourages you to pray her rosary and wear her brown scapular. These are your weapons to battle the evil in your day. I did not leave you orphans, but you must pray your daily rosaries to fight the evil in your world. You have statues of My Blessed Mother to remind you of how she brings Me to you every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, do not fear the evil ones because My angels and I are at your side to protect you. I give you Your guardian angels and My graces to overcome any fears of the demons. You know I can do the impossible and I can restrain the evil angels. So pray for the strength to overcome all of the attempts of the evil ones to steal souls. I give My people all of the weapons of the rosary to fight the demons. When you have Me with you, the demons will run away. Trust in My power that is greater than all of the demons.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I will win this Battle of Armageddon as I will have My angels join My faithful to battle the demons and the evil people. So have no fear of the evil ones because you are with Me on the winning side. The evil ones cannot stand My Light and My power, so when you join Me, you will see My victory. Lift up your eyes because your salvation and redemption is at hand. You will rejoice with Me in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are living in the pre-tribulation days and you are being called to go out and evangelize the people so you can make them believers in Me. You will see the Warning and the six weeks of the Conversion time. During these six weeks, you will have one last chance to help convert your family into believers. If they do not convert their earthly lives, they could be lost in hell. So pray and work at a fever pitch to save your family’s souls, so they will have a cross on their foreheads that will allow them into My refuges. I love all of you and I do not want to lose one soul to hell. Pray that your family will accept Me into their hearts and souls so they can be saved from hell. They must accept Me by their own free will if they want to be saved.”
Wednesday, July 12, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, this account of Joseph in Egypt showed the wisdom of My plan that he interpreted the dream of the Pharaoh. When he saw the coming seven years of famine, Joseph made plans to store extra amounts of grain during the seven years of plenty. Then when the famine came, Joseph dispensed the rations of grain to the people of Egypt, his family, and even other parts of the world. This is a lesson for your people today, because I have been warning you to have three months of food ready for each member of your household. You will again see empty shelves in your stores, or you will not have the mark of the beast to buy food. Your food will be more valuable than your gold or money. You also are preparing My refuges when you will need My angel protection, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for the coming three and one-half years of the tribulation of the Antichrist. You have been preparing for My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion before the brief reign of the Antichrist. My faithful will be protected from the evil ones, starvation, and My Comet of Chastisement. I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones into hell, and I will reward My faithful in My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, for now I am only allowing Satan and the demons to go so far. You are looking at a battle of My faithful with the demon inspired one world people. I told My apostles that if they had the faith the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains. It is one thing to believe in Me and obey My laws. It is another higher power to have faith that I can perform miracles to help convert souls to be believers. When you have a strong belief that I can do impossible things, then you will see how I allow miracles to happen. When you pray and fast for things that will save souls, you definitely have My attention. It is better to pray for conversions than to pray for constant miracles. I allow certain miracles when it is My Will to grant them. Some conversions require much fasting and prayer. The person also has to make a free will decision to follow Me because I do not force people to love Me. So pray for Me to increase your faith in Me so you can accomplish good works for Me in other souls. Trust in Me and the power of My angels because I will win all of the battles in the end against all of the demons and the evil people.”
Tuesday, July 11, 2023: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, this wrestling of Jacob with a man in the Scriptures, is hard to understand how Jacob could prevail. God was testing Jacob, but He did strike at his hip socket. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel which is still the name of the Jews’ country today. In the Gospel I cast out a demon from a possessed person, and the Pharisees thought I was a prince of demons. I explained to them that Satan’s kingdom could not stand if their was division among his demons. But I cast out demons by the Word of God, and this was a blessing and not a curse. I also told the people to have the harvest master send out more laborers to help convert the unbelievers. My faithful can also pray for more priestly vocations. You can also reach out with My grace and you could convert souls to believe in Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, when I asked My apostles who do you say that I am, St. Peter spoke out that I am the Christ the Son of the Living God. I told St. Peter he answered correctly by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 16:13-20) Then I told him: ‘Thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give thee the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’ This was a heavy responsibility to put on St. Peter, but the Holy Spirit gave him the grace to start My Church. All the succeeding Popes also have passed this Light of My Church down through the ages.”
Monday, July 10, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, your wife’s father saw the same Jacob’s ladder where he saw souls rising and descending. In the Gospel (Matt. 9:16-20) you are again seeing Me heal people. The woman with hemorrhages for twelve years had great faith that if she could just touch My tassel, she could be healed. She was healed by My mercy, but also because of her faith. I felt the healing go out to her, even though many people hemmed Me in close. The other healing was when I healed a daughter of a ruler. She had died and there was a great lamentation over her death. But with Me all things are possible. So I put out the mourners, and I raised the girl back to life. There was much celebration, even though I wanted this kept quiet.”
N.B. I also was healed from six months with a sciatica pain that I could not stand on my feet for more than ten minutes before I had to sit down. After praying for a healing, I too was grateful that Jesus healed Me overnight so I knew it was from the Lord.
Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people, who want to take over your country, know that you are almost helpless when your electricity stops. I have also told you when these evil ones want to take over, they will find a way to shut down your National Grid. They could shut you down by destroying your key substations, shutting off the main switches, or they could use nuclear bombs high in the sky to cause an EMP attack. Without much food, many people could die of starvation as in a famine. I will protect your refuge solar systems during the tribulation from any EMP attack. I will also multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges. Trust in Me because My angels will provide for your needs for your survival throughout the coming tribulation. This coming eclipse and the aurora borealis will be major signs that the end time events will be starting soon.”
Sunday, July 9, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel (Matt. 11:25-36) I told the people how My yoke is easy and My burden is light. I call you to Myself to give you rest from the trials of life. You may know that a yoke is used to join two oxen together for plowing a field. This yoke is a means also of joining your spirit with Mine. By allowing Me to be the center of your lives, I can lead you through life with less effort of what to do. When you come to Me, you need to humble yourself to let Me do the leading. I love all of you so much, and I do not want you to wander off with worldly distractions. So keep your focus on Me, and I will put you on the right path to heaven.”
Saturday, July 8, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to be close to Me so you can see Me and get to know Me. By following Me in My footsteps, you can fulfill the spiritual mission I have for each person. I need to recognize you as a Christian, so you need to live a good Christian life so I and others know you are with Me. Just as Isaac blessed Jacob, so I want to give My people a blessing so you can spread My Word of love to everyone. In the Gospel I wanted My apostles to fast after I left them on earth. Fasting is a necessary help for your faith to be tested. By fasting you are controlling your body’s wants and you are more open to follow Me. So make it a desire for you to fast at least one day a week, just as you do during Lent.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been preparing for years for the end times to come. I have called many of My faithful to set up refuges where My people can come, and I will have My angels finish up any last minute refuge needs. I will call you at the proper time to come to My refuges. For those people, who do not have a refuge, they will call on Me, when I notify them, and I will have My angels put an invisible shield over them on their way to My refuges. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You are already in the pre-tribulation, so be watchful for My Warning experience and the six weeks of Conversion time.”
Friday, July 7, 2023: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees questioned Me about why I ate with sinners and tax collectors. In reply I told them that the sick need a physician. Then I said how I have come to save sinners because the self-righteous do not need My help. For those people, who are listening for My call, like St. Matthew, I ask them to follow Me. St. Matthew immediately left his tax post to follow Me, and he held a dinner for Me and his friends. Those people, who follow the world or Satan, will not listen for My call, but those people, who are open to My Word, will listen and follow Me. These faithful listeners will heed My call and they will go forth to invite more people to be converted to the faith in Me. For many people are called to follow Me, but only a few listen for My call and act on it.”
Jesus said: “My son, when you compare the morals of today in the world with the morals of your youth, you can see how the devil has been able to change things because people have become spiritually lazy. In your grammar school you had to memorize parts of the Baltimore Catechism to help study your faith. You were taught by the nuns who always dressed in their habits. When you were taught morals, it had to come from My authority. This is when you learned that it is necessary to give your will and obedience over to Me, so you could follow My example. If you look at people today, many people do not see the necessity of coming to Mass every Sunday, even though this is My Third Commandment to give Me worship on Sunday. Many people remember the blue laws when it was expected not to work on Sunday. Your family life is now torn apart by divorce and gender talk. Even your Census shows less than 30% of your households have a wife and a husband. You also see couples living together without marriage, as they are living in the sin of fornication. You have seen prayer taken out of your schools and also the daily pledge of allegiance to your flag has been removed. Your schools are teaching a false history without God, and your students are being taught communist teachings. Your movies and television programs have become perverted with sex, bad language, and much violence. When you take Me out of your lives, you are seeing first hand how life in America has changed for the worse. Keep your lives focused on Me and imitate My life as you give your will over to Me, and let Me lead you on a holy life that will prepare you for heaven. Stay close to Me in your daily prayers and your daily Mass, no matter how people may criticize you for living a holy life.”
Thursday, July 6, 2023: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading from Genesis (22:1-19) Abraham was tested to see if he was willing to follow My command to offer up his son, Isaac. Abraham was obedient to My word, and I had him hold back the knife from killing Isaac. Abraham then offered a sheep instead of his son. For this obedience to My word, Abraham would be the father of many nations and descendants. This took place on Mount Moriah where the Dome of the Rock stands today in Israel. The lesson is for all of you to obey My Word, and you will have your reward. Be faithful to all of My requests, for I know what is best for your soul. I put you on the right path to heaven as I show you the way.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many kidnapings of little children, as they are trafficking these little ones for sex and even for body parts. This abuse in some ways is even worse than abortion, since these children could be abused for many years by their handlers. Pray that your people can protect your children from being kidnaped or being tricked into being taken. These evil ones will have to answer to Me at their judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many thieves on the internet who hack into schools and other vulnerable people with their ransomware and they steal money when people want their files back. Whenever people are on the internet often, it is important that you backup your valuable data on several hard drives or thumb drives. Then if you are attacked with ransomware, you can replace your files without paying money to the hackers.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some banks close because they were stuck with long time low interest Treasury bills or annuities with low interest rates that could not easily be sold. Some other people have been fortunate to get higher rate CDs that are at 5% or higher. The high rates of interest on loans is also causing problems for your government when they have to sell bonds at higher interest rates that causes more expense to finance your National Debt. There are even rumors that your Federal Reserve wants to still raise interest rates to try and stop inflation. Pray that your financial problems can be resolved.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are quite naive that China hires spies to steal your technical secrets so they can enhance their industries without having to spend money for research. They also are spying on your military installations as you saw with their spy balloons over your country. You are at war financially with China, as well as you are in danger from their military takeovers, and threats to Taiwan. This means you should have less trade with your major enemy. Pray that your people will wake up to the threat they are to all parts of your life. You are dependent on China who makes your medicines, your food, and many other necessities.”
Jesus said: “My people, your schools are a disgrace in how they are dumbing down your students. The teachers’ unions and the left have infiltrated their communist teachings into all of your schools. They have also put down many teachings about Me, and they replace My teaching with evil gender teachings and false history events. Many schools are breeding grounds for turning your children into communist thinkers. Pray and teach your children the true faith about Me and your true history of your country. You are in a battle for the minds and souls of your children.”
Jesus said: “My people, in many areas you are seeing fewer vocations to the priesthood. Your priests are much older and they are not being replaced when priests are dying. You need to have a better spiritual environment for young men to be drawn to the priesthood. The home schooled children have a better place to teach the faith. Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood and teach your children the true Catholic faith that many of you were taught in your youth.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My people about the coming digital dollar being proposed by Biden’s Executive Order 14067. The one world people want to bring it in during July of this year. This is against all of your Constitution’s laws and it could be a great threat to your financial freedom. These evil ones want to control how you spend your money. If you do not go along with their agenda, they could even zero your bank accounts. If you have difficulty buying what you need at your stores, you will eventually have to come to My refuges for your survival. This is another reason to have at least three months of food on hand so you will have food if you cannot buy it at your stores. Trust in Me to provide for your food, water, and fuels when I will multiply what you need at My refuges. Fear not the evil ones because My angels will protect you from them.”
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