Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Wednesday, April 5, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people,  at the Last Supper in the Upper Room, I told My apostles that it was Judas who would betray Me to the Jews.  He did this for thirty pieces of silver.  Judas led the band of people to take Me away at the Garden of Gethsemene.  I spoke of Judas as it would be better if he had not been born.  But I used him for My purpose of saving the souls of the people.  You are about to have the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  Remember to make your Good Friday oil on Good Friday at 3:00 a.m.  Try to be present for all of these services.  I love all of you, so now you can show Me your love by following Me in the most important week of the Church Year.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, there are many rich people in the world and they are behind the scenes, but they are using their money to control the world.  This is why you are seeing many gold coins hanging from top to bottom in a room, and there were ten men in black controlling countries.  You are aware of secret societies like the Masons who are behind many events going on in the world.  These men are controlling countries through the elections and their currencies.  You have such people controlling your own elections and the dollar.  When these evil ones threaten your lives, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the Apollo trips to the moon back in the 1960’s by American astronauts.  Now you are planning another series of manned trips to the moon, and eventually to Mars.  Man wants to explore space, and some countries even want to colonize the moon and Mars.  You are even seeing competition between China and America.  Many inventions resulted from your previous exploration of the moon.  Pray that you will learn more about My creations in the universe so you will be drawn to love Me and see My miracles.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have made the Good Friday oil before, and I asked you to anoint this oil especially on those workers who were forced to take multiple Covid shots, which have caused heart problems on them.  You make the Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on Good Friday.  Put virgin olive oil in a bowl with a wick of cotton through a plastic lid, and light a flame on the wick in the oil.  Pray 33 Apostles’ Creeds and 7 Hail Holy Queens in a holy hour.  You can let the flame burn through the night.  Put the flame out in the morning and place it back in a bottle with the name ‘Good Friday Oil’ with the date.”

Jesus said: “My son, you bought an Easter Candle for your chapel and you burned it during your prayer group meetings during the Easter Season last year.  You could change the year and burn it again at your meetings.  If it should burn too low, you could buy another one. This flame represents My Presence and that of the Holy Spirit.  This is a celebration of My Resurrection after I died on the cross to save all souls who accept Me.  All of heaven rejoices during this Easter Season, and you are blessed with the beautiful readings from the Acts of the Apostles.”

Jesus said: “My son, you had the opportunity to visit a communist country in China, and you saw a little of the restrictions  the people are suffering.  Open public Masses are not allowed.  You only had a private Mass for your pilgrims in your hotel.  The Chinese people could only have Mass in the underground church in secret.  Communists are atheists and they limit any worship of Me.  I am warning your people in America that you are losing your rights, and you will be seeing more persecution of Christians.  The refuges that are being prepared, will be your safe havens where you will have faithful priests offering the Mass with the proper words of Consecration.  Be prepared when I will call My people to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones want to change your money to a digital dollar that will be controlled by your government.  They will convert your dollars to a new digital currency, and then they will remove the paper dollars from circulation.  If you buy anything that is not according to a liberal agenda, you could have your bank accounts brought to zero and you could even face prison.  They will follow this with the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body that you should refuse to take.  Your faithful people will be threatened if you worship Me.  This will be when I will call you to My refuges because the men in black will try to force the chip in the body on everyone by going house to house.  You will be safe at My refuges by being invisible, so be prepared to come to My refuges when I call you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading in the Gospel how I suffered at My scourging, carrying My cross, and being crucified on My cross.  Take time to reflect on how I suffered in My death on the cross.  This is why I have you pray the Stations of the Cross on every Friday throughout the year.  I also ask you to refrain from eating meat on Friday in remembrance of My death on the cross on Good Friday.  I was in the tomb after My death for three days, and then I rose from the dead with My greatest miracle of My Resurrection.  This astounded My apostles, but they finally believed in Me when they saw My wounds and I ate some baked fish.  I sent My apostles out to preach My Good News of My Resurrection to all the people so they could be converted to be believers.  Rejoice, My people, because all worthy souls will be resurrected on the last day, as I will welcome you into the glory of My heavenly kingdom.  Alleluia, I have RISEN.”

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Tuesday, April 4, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Upper Room My apostles and I were celebrating the Passover Supper.  It was the first Mass when I gave them My Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine.  This is when Judas was exposed for betraying Me to the Jews.  St. Peter also said he would die for Me, but I told him that before the cock crows, he would deny Me three times.  Both Judas and St. Peter denied Me, but only St. Peter would repent and seek My forgiveness. After My Resurrection in Galilee on the beach, I asked St. Peter if he loved Me three times because he denied Me three times.  He said he loved Me, and I said feed My lambs.  During the Mass you recite the Agnus Dei three times just as St. Peter did.  I love all of you so much, and this is why I died for you to offer you salvation for your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how evil the Democrats can be when they are harassing your former President Trump with such a weak case in court.  All of these court cases are to make it hard for Trump to campaign for the upcoming election.  Your government is being taken over by communist leaning people, and they should be in court for treason.  You saw the Pharisees put Me to death in a controlled court.  They crucified Me for saying that I am the Son of God, which I AM.  They did not believe who I AM and they crucified Me for blasphemy according to their law.  I was betrayed by Judas, one of My own apostles.  Be ready to be at the Triduum services.”

Monday, April 3, 2023

Monday, April 3, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, Lazarus’ sister, Mary, placed expensive ointment on My feet.  Judas complained that the oil could have been sold and the money given to the poor.  I told Judas that the poor you have with you all of the time, but I am with you for a short time.  Let Mary use this ointment for My burial preparation.  The Pharisees wanted to kill Me and Lazarus, because this miracle of raising someone from the dead could bring a lot of believers to Me.  The Pharisees wanted to keep their power, which is why they wanted to kill Me.  You can see that the desire for power was driving the Pharisees against Me.  The Democrats also are desiring power over your people, so they are trying to remove their opposition by any means possible.”


Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how many people have strived to get rich so they could use their money to control people. You are seeing this happen with the billionaires today who use their money to steal elections and use corrupt judges and prosecutors to bring down their opposition.  It may appear that evil is winning over good people, but this is only temporary.  When I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, all of the evil people will be cleansed from the earth into the eternal flames of hell, and they will lose all of their power.  So have no fear of the evil ones, for My justice will fall on them in due time.  Be faithful to Me every day in your prayers and in your good deeds.”

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday, April 2, 2023: (Palm Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you just heard My Passion that was read from the Gospel of St. John, which took a long time to hear while you were standing.  My son, in the vision I took you through each Station of the Cross through My journey to Calvary.  You remember them well because you pray them on every Friday.  I love all of you so much that I suffered My scourging, My trip through the Stations of the Cross, and My death on the cross.  My sacrifice is to allow all worthy souls to have an opportunity to be saved from your sins, and one day to come to heaven.  Now, you need to show Me how much you love Me in your daily actions, prayers, and Masses.  Come to the Triduum services to share in the pain that I suffered.”

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Saturday, April 1, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are seeing Caiaphas as the High Priest telling the Sanhedrin how only one man has to die for the nation.  They saw how I was performing miracles and they were concerned that the people will follow only Me.  The Pharisees saw Me as a threat to their power over the people, so they decided to kill Me.  From then on I had to avoid being in public.  You are seeing Me in the vision how I suffered My agony in the Garden of Gethsemene.  I bled drops of blood anticipating how I was called by My Father in heaven that I would die for the salvation of all souls.  I only wanted to follow My Father’s Will and not My Will that I must take up My cup of sacrifice.  I love all of My people so much, and I desired to offer up My human life so all of you would have an opportunity to be saved from hell.  Just as I had to make the ultimate sacrifice, I call all of you to carry out your own missions of loving Me and following in My footsteps through life for love of Me.  You need to keep a clean soul with frequent Confession so you are always prepared to meet Me at your judgment.  Trust in Me and My angels to guide you on your path to heaven.”


Jesus said: “My people, you would much rather trust in Me to help you through life, than trust in your own devices.  If you think about how you got your jobs, I was helping you.  You had to work hard for your money and your pensions.  You also had to be careful with your investments.  It is one thing to provide for your family’s physical costs, but it is your spiritual help with My sacraments that your family should be most grateful.  When you call on Me in prayer, I answer your prayers in My time, and if the things you want are truly needed for your spiritual benefit.  Pray your four rosaries every day for your family that they will be converted to believers during the Conversion time after the Warning.  Helping to save souls should be your most important work,  especially your family’s souls.  You can also pray for the souls of your relatives in purgatory, and other souls as well.  It does not matter how much money you have, but making it to heaven with your family is much more valuable for your souls.”

Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday, March 31, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you saw how the people plotted to kill Jeremiah, but he was protected for his mission.  This is a parallel to Me when the Pharisees also plotted to kill Me, but I did not allow them to take Me until it was My time.  Even though I performed many miracles of healing, the Pharisees could not believe I was the Son of God.  Instead they wanted to kill Me for what they called blasphemy.  They did not know about My Incarnation as a God-man, which is a mystery for everyone.  As you prepare for Holy Week, give praise and thanks to Me for dying as a God-man, so I could redeem you from your sins.  I love all of you so much that I was willing to die to save your souls.  Believe  that I come to you in My Real Presence every time you receive Me in Holy Communion.”


Jesus said: “My people, you will start Holy Week this Sunday with Palm Sunday, and the reading of My Passion.  It is a long Gospel reading of how Judas betrayed Me into the hands of the Pharisees.  This began My trial when they accused Me of blasphemy, but I truly told them the truth that I AM the Son of God.  This is a mystery in itself about My Incarnation as a God-man.  They did not recognize that I am the true Messiah they were waiting for.  This led to My scourging and carrying My Cross to Calvary, where they crucified Me.  But I defied their plans by resurrecting from the dead after three days.  I conquered sin and death as the New Adam.  Rejoice in this Holy Week because this is how I brought salvation to all worthy souls.”

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday, March 30, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you read the first reading when Abram had his name changed to Abraham.  He would be called the father of a great nation.  In the Gospel reading I told the people before Abraham came to be, ‘I AM’.  This was blasphemy to them, so they picked up stones to stone Me, but I left the Temple unharmed.  The people of Israel were waiting many years for the Messiah, but once I came before them with miracles, they could not accept that I was God’s Son incarnated as a God-man.  Even more so, the Pharisees thought I was blaspheming also, and they could not accept Me that I was God’s Son.  The Pharisees did not want to lose their position over the people either.  This is another reason why they wanted to kill Me.  You will soon see this play out in Holy Week when I gave up My Life to save everyone’s soul who accepts Me.”


Jesus said: “My people, I want to explain to you why it is so important to have My Real Presence in My consecrated Host at the center of all of My refuges.  This is why you need a monstrance, preferably for a large Host.  It is also important to have people adoring My Blessed Sacrament at every hour around the clock.  This is called Perpetual Adoration and by having My Eucharist Present and your faith in My miracles, I can multiply your needs.  Then you will be able to survive the less than 3½ years of the coming tribulation.  As you empty one propane tank or a pile of wood, then I will refill your fuels.  Your soups will be multiplied and last the whole day for everyone.  You will always have water and your wells will not run dry.  I will preserve your canned goods and they will not spoil.  My angels will bring you fresh fruits and vegetables, even in winter.  So trust in Me, and My angels will multiply any of your needs.  A priest or My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion.  It is by your prayers and belief in My miracles that you will not be without food, water, fuels, and even toilet paper.”


Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you just heard that the Congress left town for two weeks, and the Democrats  then brought out their indictment on former President Trump.  This attempt to imprison Trump is a smokescreen or cover up of what the world bankers are planning to shut your banks down with a bank holiday.  When the banks reopen, they will attempt to put the digital dollar in place of your dollars.  When this happens, they will control all of your money, and if you go against their agenda, they will zero your bank accounts.  I will warn My faithful and My refuge builders so they can be ready to quickly accept My people into their refuges.  Be prepared because this could happen quickly, and this could be a communist takeover.”

Jesus said:  “My people, I have called My faithful in many messages to have three months of food ready for every member of your household.  Very few people have heeded My words.  But now I am warning you that time to get food is quickly closing, and those people who do not store food now, may go hungry when there is no money to buy your food, and the stores may be closed or empty.  The one world people are ready to shut your banks down, especially for My faithful.”


Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that your best investment is buying food when it may no longer be available.  You cannot eat your gold or silver, so trust in My Word.  When the banks close, you will see panic among the people when they cannot get their money.  The riots you will see, will make the French riots look peaceful.  I will call My faithful to My refuges before your lives are threatened.  I will make My faithful invisible as you come to My refuges.  Your refuges will also be invisible.  When I call you to come to My refuges, come quickly.”


Jesus said: “My refuge builders need to stay calm and use your prayer warriors to settle the people down, and tell them not to worry because My angels will protect them.  The refuge owners need to make lists of all of the people with their skills, so they can assign jobs.  Tell the people not to worry because I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival, even for up to 3 1/2  years.  You will assign jobs for cooking and preparing food for two meals a day.  Some will make soups, pasta dishes, and bread.  Others will prepare and wash the silverware and the dishes.  Some will provide water from a well.  Other jobs will be washing and sewing clothes, along with drying clothes.  Some will hand out or assign beds and where to sleep.  Most of all you will assign hours for Perpetual Adoration around the clock.  People will need to be patient while jobs are being assigned.”


Jesus said: “My son, I am happy that you already started to do more stocking of food because you may not be able to buy it much longer.  People were asking you what you bought.  You bought large bags of rice, bread flour, dry soups, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, nuts and grains for soups.  When you have time you could also buy some dried foods that come in #10 cans.  You also need dried fruits, vegetables, eggs, butter, and dried milk.  You also  could buy grain cereals for breakfast.  Those people, who heed My Words, will be thankful for something to eat at your refuges.”


Jesus said: “My people, I died for your souls to be saved and you will soon be reading My Passion on Palm Sunday.  That following week you need to be ready to participate at the Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  Pray that you will be able to attend your services without bank failures or bad weather.  When you have  Good Friday at 3:00 a.m., you can make more Good Friday oil for any future pandemic, and for people who may have been forced to take the mRNA vaccines.”


Jesus said: “My people, for all My faithful who will suffer through the coming tribulation, I will have a great reward for them in My Era of Peace.  I told you that at the end of the Antichrist’s  reign, I will bring destruction down on all of the evil ones, but  My faithful will be protected at My refuges, even from the Comet of Chastisement.  The evil ones will be cleansed from the earth into the eternal fires of hell.  Then I will lift My faithful up into the air so I can renew the earth and bring My people into a new Garden of Eden in My Era of Peace.  You will be young again and live a long life.  When you die, you will be taken up into heaven as saints.  You will eat from the trees of Life with light all of the time at good temperatures.  Trust in Me because I told My son and his wife  that they will live in this Era of Peace as I promised.”

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday, March 29, 2023:

Jesus said:  “My people, you just prayed the Stations of the Cross and you saw how I died to forgive your sins and bring you salvation.  You saw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who were willing to die in the fiery hot furnace rather than worship the king’s statue.  Are you also willing to die for Me than worship other earthly gods?  It takes courage to die for your faith in Me.  These three Jews were willing to die for Me whether I saved them or not.  The king was so touched by My saving the three men from the red hot furnace, that he believed I truly am the only God.  Daniel interpreted the king’s dreams to show how he would be humbled.  So give praise and glory to Me all of the time, for I am the ruler of the world, even over all of the evil ones.”


Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about the First Commandment about loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself.  The one world people are bringing your people into a communist state as you move further away from following your own Constitution.  Without Me leading your people, you are allowing the evil one to take over your country.  Just look how you are fortunate to have 20% of your people come to church on Sunday.  Your people are more concerned with pleasures and entertainment, than having a prayerful spiritual life.  You only should be worshiping Me and not spend most of your time on buying things and striving to be rich.  It is a punishment to allow your leaders to control your money by forcing the digital dollar on you.  You could see all of your money assets stolen when they cancel your accounts for not going along with the liberal agenda.  It will be necessary to come to My refuges when they take away your money and your free speech.  You will see how the evil atheists will persecute you more for believing in Me.  When they try to force the mark of the beast on you, refuse to take it, even if you cannot buy and sell things without it.  You will come to My refuges for angel protection, and for Me to provide for your needs.  Trust in Me always, especially with My miracles to have food and My Real Presence among you, so that will allow Me to multiply your needs.”