Friday, July 16, 2021: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Jesus said: “My people, the word ‘Passover’ originated when the Jewish people had to put the blood of the lamb on their door posts and lintel. This was so the angel of death would pass over their homes, but the first born of the Egyptians died. It was this last plague that freed the Israelites to go to the Promised Land. The Last Supper was the Jewish Passover when I set up the first Mass consecrating the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. I was the unblemished Lamb who shed My Blood on the cross that has freed you of your sins. It is your daily Mass that enables you to share in My Real Presence of the consecrated bread and wine. Be thankful for My gift of the Mass because you have a taste of heaven every time you receive Me in Holy Communion. The Mass is so much a part of your spiritual life that you are obeying My Third Commandment of coming to Sunday Mass. When you come to daily Mass, you are coming because you love Me, and it is not by obligation as on Sunday. My daily Mass people are special to Me because you love Me so much that you want to receive Me into your heart and soul every day. Your daily Mass is a good example for others to see how much you love Me.”
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel said: “My dear children, you are familiar with the Carmelites who wear the brown robes. I gave St. Simon Stock the brown scapular which I promised that whoever wears this scapular and believes in my Son, Jesus, will be blessed to come to heaven when they die, and they will not suffer eternal fire in hell. I want my children to also pray my daily rosary in addition to wearing my scapular. My son, you have visited Mt. Carmel where Elijah hid from those people who wanted to kill him for his prophecies. This hiding from the authorities is one of your missions to prepare a refuge. During the tribulation, my Son will send His faithful to His refuges for angel protection from the evil ones. It is my Son’s refuge builders who Jesus depends on for making His refuges. Have no fear because my Son, Jesus, will have His angels protect you and provide for your needs.”
Thursday, July 15, 2021: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, throughout history you have seen various peoples used as slaves. The Israelites were slaves for the Egyptians. The Africans have been slaves on the Southern US plantations. There is slave labor being used in China and Russia as well. Moses was appointed by God the Father to help free the Israelites from Pharaoh. The Pharaoh did not want to free his slaves until he was forced to by the ten plagues that were sent on the Egyptians. The loss of the first born males in their families is what finally broke his resolve. I was also the first born male who was led as a Lamb to be killed so mankind could be freed from the bondage of their sins. Some people are slaves to their habitual sins, so I have given everyone a chance to free themselves from their habits, if they could only turn to Me, and follow My laws out of love for Me.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see how Biden and the one world people are trying to make Covid vaccine shots mandatory for health workers and the Army. The Covid vaccine is poison and vaccinated people are dying more than those people who are dying from the Covid virus itself. These authorities are hiding the bad reactions and deaths from the vaccines. They also are adding other causes of death to the Covid virus deaths. I have mentioned before if the government makes it mandatory to have the Covid vaccine, and your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, these Covid vaccines manufacture the spike protein, and this causes the vaccinated people to be in constant inflammation. Over a few years these vaccinated people will be dying. Because the shots destroy your immune system, the next virus will kill many vaccinated people. You have heard other visionaries receive the same message about many dead bodies on the ground. You can use your Good Friday oil, the exorcism water, or a special healing from Me if the vaccinated people believe that I can heal them.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen various proofs of how your 2020 Presidential election was stolen by the Democrats from Trump. Your dictatorial government is now declaring any information on the election cannot be made public on Facebook or other sites because Biden has declared this ‘Disinformation.’ Biden is acting like a dictator and a socialist communist by controlling what you can say in public. The real reason for censoring election result information is because if the ballots were scrutinized, it would reveal all of the cheating that enabled Biden to steal the election. This discrimination of information is more control over your people and Biden is using communist tactics to take away your freedom of speaking your opinion. Your people need to rise up against such open control, or you will soon be a communist state. If your lives are in danger from such control or mandated vaccine shots, I will call My people to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My son, you went to Buffalo, NY to witness the 13th exorcism session on a possessed young man. There was loud howling from the demons when he drank some exorcism water. There was some improvement because the young man was able to use his free will along with the exorcist priest to try and drive out the demons. This session only lasted two hours instead of the three or four hours of previous sessions. Continue to support the family in this battle against the demons.”
Jesus said: “My son, you know how the one world people are listening to your facebook, your e-mails, and your phone calls to record people who are against their plans and agenda. As the control over your freedom of speech gets worse, these evil ones will single out conservatives and religious people for persecution when they will use your views to put you in jail, or they will try to kill you. You will soon be coming to My refuge before they try to kill you. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at that time.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been using your new EMF (electromagnetic field) reader to see what sources of EMF could be affecting you. Your wi-fi router and your solar inverters gave off the most radiation in your house. You used your meter outside in all directions and you did not see any strong signals from your cell towers. You can turn off your router at night. You purchased a Blushield Cube that covers 5G radiation. This device sends out a good wave of a signal that drowns out any bad EMF. I will protect your bodies from any 5G radiation.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have warned you that the one world people have plans to try and stop your electricity, and they are also planning another major shutdown when they will spread the next deadly virus. Have no fear because My refuges will be protected from anything that could harm you. My angels will put an invisible shield over you so the evil ones cannot see you. My angels will also put a shield over you to stop any bombs, viruses, or anything physical as a comet. Trust in My protection when I will call you to the protection of My angels at My refuges.”
Wednesday, July 14, 2021: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is the Name I gave to Moses so he could tell the Israelites My Name. Moses was allowed to speak to Me, and I told Moses how I heard his people’s cries from their Egyptian task masters. I told Moses that I was sending him to be the leader of his people, so he could deliver his people from the bondage of slavery to the Promised Land. Moses did not know how to have the Pharaoh let his people go, but I told him I would use his staff for miracles. In life you may not see great miracles, but I will be with the faithful people in their protection, and I will provide for their needs. I am still God of the universe that I created, and you can trust in Me to answer your prayers in My way and in My time.”
Jesus said: “My people, on this TV program you witnessed why the left authorities are not allowing people to investigate the actual ballots, or they would go to jail for fixing the election in 2020. What you saw was proof that ballots for Biden were duplicated when individual ballots were examined. The tally sheets showed mixed numbers for Biden and Trump initially, but later they were changed to 100% for Biden. These acts are against the election law and these people should go to jail for their illegal actions in changing an election. Every time ballots and tally sheets were examined, the same cheating went on, especially in Democrat run cities. This is why there is no doubt that this cheating made Biden an illegal President. This is why I do not address Biden as your legal President. If your country does not fix this cheating in the swing states, you will never have another Republican President. This is why Biden opened your Southern border to allow many illegal immigrants to enter and be flown or bussed all over your country. These illegal immigrants are allowed to vote for Democratic candidates, when they should not be allowed to vote without being a US citizen. Your country is being taken over right in front of your eyes, and your people are not resisting all of these illegal activities by the left. Your freedoms are being taken away, and you are not fighting for freedom as the Cubans are. When the lives of My faithful are threatened, I will call them to the safety of My refuges.”
Tuesday, July 13, 2021: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, there is a parallel with Moses and Myself. At the time of Moses the Egyptians were concerned how the Israelites were having more children than themselves. So the Pharaoh made an edict that all of the Israelite male babies should be thrown into the river. Moses’ mother put him in a basket on the river, and he was discovered by Pharaoh’s sister who brought Moses up as her own son. So Moses was saved from the order to kill the male babies. In My time when I was born in Bethlehem, King Herod did not want another king to threaten his reign. So he had his soldiers kill all of the male babies in Bethlehem up to two years old. An angel came to My step father, Joseph, in a dream, and he was warned to take our family to Egypt to avoid Herod’s attempt to have Me killed. So just like Moses, I too was spared from the sword of those who wanted to kill Me. This was the hand of God that both of us were protected to carry out our missions. Moses led his people to the Promised Land, and I led all of the people to be redeemed by My death on the cross. I was leading people to the true Promised Land in heaven. Rejoice that both of our survivals of evil, allowed us to bring forth the fruit of our missions. My people, I will also protect My faithful and My prophets so they can fulfill their missions as well.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know that I am more powerful than the demons. When a person is possessed by demons, the demons claim ownership over that soul, and they do not give up easily. When you invoke My Name over the demons, and bless the person with holy oils, this burns the demons, and they can shout out that they are in pain. When it takes many exorcism sessions, you are dealing with a strong demon or multiple demons. The exorcist priest must be firmly rooted in his faith with a strong link to his diocese for his authority over the demons. The demons try to hide and be quiet, but holy water and exorcism oils burn the demons. This is how you can tell they are still present. It can take many sessions to completely remove the demons. By your prayers and your persistence, the demons can be cast out with My help. Just as you need to believe I can heal someone, so in an exorcism, the priest or people also need to believe I can cast out the demons in My Name. When you direct the demons to the foot of My cross, tell them never to return as well.”
Monday, July 12, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading after another Pharaoh took over, the Egyptians wanted to reduce the numbers of the Israelites by throwing their male babies into the river. This reminds you how Herod had the male babies in Bethlehem killed as he tried to kill Me. Now you are seeing your women have abortions because they seek their selfish convenience and kill their children. All of those people, who have abortions and those who promote abortions, will be held accountable for their sins at their judgment. Killing My little ones, and stopping their missions in life, is a serious sin, and it needs forgiving in Confession. Do not follow this death culture that Satan is leading, because he hates man. I love all of My people, but the evil people will pay for their crimes against Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, all of the money in the world will not help you get into heaven. To come to heaven you need to be humble and repent of your sins by frequent Confession. If you inherit some money, you need to thank the survivors, and have Masses said for the deceased. You only need enough money to survive. After that you can even donate substantially to some worthy causes. You know this money system is going to crash, and your money could become worthless. At your judgment it will be your prayer life and good deeds, as well as how much you loved Me and your neighbors, that will count for where souls are placed in heaven. The souls, who loved Me the most, will gain the reward of a higher level in heaven. So do not be concerned about how much money you have in the world when you die, because you cannot take your money with you past the grave. I count your spiritual wealth in your amount of prayers and good deeds you performed on earth. I will store all of your graces and merits in your personal treasure box in heaven for the day of your judgment.”
Sunday, July 11, 2021: (Kathy Neilon Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you could see how My prophets had to endure much persecution because the people did not want to hear the prophets’ words of admonishment for the people’s evil deeds. In the Gospel I sent out My apostles two by two to teach the people about the Kingdom of God. They depended on the charity of the people because the missionaries were worth their keep. In the vision of the catacombs you are reminded of both of your missions of preaching My words from My messages, and preparing your own refuge for during your hiding through the tribulation of the Antichrist. You have prepared food and water for the coming famine, and I told you that you will be using all of your preparations. You will need My angel protection from the evil ones, and I will multiply your food, water, fuels, and even your dwelling places for all of the people who I will send to you. Just as you enjoy being with your friends, you will be working together for your survival with both physical things, and your spiritual preparations for Mass and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Trust in Me to provide for your needs in these end times.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can see some dramatic differences between Biden and Trump in how they rule your people. Biden is ruining your energy independence when he canceled the Keystone Pipeline, and he is cutting back on your oil output. The Green New Deal is a disaster, since you cannot provide the energy that you need without using fossil fuels. His opening of your Southern Border is another disaster to let in drugs and more criminals. Many of the police reforms are not working either, when you defund the police, and encourage no bail for criminals who commit crimes. Pushing people to take poison vaccine shots could be a coming problem for the unvaccinated people. This shut door in your vision represents how Biden is closing the door on your freedoms. Fear not because I will protect My faithful from your enemies at My refuges.”
Saturday, July 10, 2021: (Lillian Leone Funeral)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Resurrection and the Life, and all of the souls, who believe in Me and repent of their sins, will be welcomed into My Wedding Banquet on the last day. Your vision is a glorious sight when you saw all of the soul bodies being released from purgatory. They walked down the aisles of the church, and they rose into the air in heaven. The remaining souls on earth, who were My elect, also were welcomed to their appointed levels of heaven. All of My worthy souls will have their eternal reward with Me at My banquet in heaven. You will all be like angels and you will be worshiping Me constantly at your appointed level in heaven. You will all rejoice when you will be with Me forever with no evil, and no cares. Keep faithful to Me and you will see this glorious entrance of your soul into heaven with all of the saints and angels. I love all of you, and I long to save as many souls as they want to be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Friday, July 9, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned in a previous message how some of My faithful may be martyred for their faith during the tribulation. I also have given you messages of how I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace on earth, after I cleanse the evil ones and renew the earth. You have read in the Book of Revelation how all of those, who were beheaded, would be resurrected and live in My Era of Peace. So truly all of My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, whether they were martyred or not. So have no fear of the evil ones in this age, because all of the evil ones will be cast into hell. My faithful will be protected at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Later, you will be joined in My Era of Peace where you will live a long time.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful not to take the Covid vaccine shots because it would ruin their immune system. This problem has been confirmed by several noted doctors who are also warning your people not to take the vaccine shots. Now you are seeing stories that the unvaccinated people may be coerced into getting the shots by the military coming door to door. In Canada you are hearing stories about building detention centers to house those people who refuse to take the shots. If the military intends to threaten your lives, if you do not get the shots, then I will make your house invisible, or I will call you to My refuges of protection. Threatening your freedoms over these poison shots is against your Constitution to force this upon you when there are not many dying from the Covid virus. Pray for My angel protection if you feel threatened. The evil ones want to kill as many people as possible with these poison shots that could eventually kill you. Refuse these shots, even if they threaten to kill you.”
Thursday, July 8, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, every time you hear the word ‘famine’ in your readings, you are reminded of the famine that will come upon America. You will see a time when your electricity will be shutdown possibly from a hacker attack, or another source as an EMP attack. In any event you may see a long duration of no electricity. For a long time in My messages, I have warned you to even store up a year’s supply of food for each household member. This may not be possible for some people, who either cannot afford this much food, or they may not have enough room to store so much food. Because of these restraints, I have been asking people to at least store three months of food. You may be starving or looking for food desperately, if you do not heed My words. If you are found short of food and water before you come to My refuges, I will multiply what you have, if you have faith that I can do this for you. I am always watching out for My people, just as I fed the Israelites in the desert, and Joseph’s people in the famine. Trust in Me to provide for you because I love you so much.”
Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My people, I keep giving you signs of My coming Warning, because I told you I would bring My Warning before the next deadly virus or any other danger to your lives. When I bring My Warning, your soul will travel through a tunnel to My Light. There you will have your life review, your mini-judgment, and a taste of your destination. You need to come to frequent Confession, at least monthly, in preparation for My Warning.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have done your research on the 5G radiation from your cell phone towers. You are also seeing that your WiFi routers in your house are putting out some high EMF readings by your new EMF reader. You could go back to your hard wire internet connections to cut down on this EMF radiation, or at least turn the router off when you are not using it. Your new Blushield Cube device will help cut down the effects of EMF on your body, once you install it. Trust in Me to protect you from these harmful radiations.”
Jesus said: “My people, you remember how the one world people had an Event 201 meeting to plan how to deal with a pandemic virus. Then about three months later, you saw Covid-19 virus spread all over the world. So now these same evil people are planning to deal with an electric grid shutdown. This could mean you could soon see an actual electric grid shutdown some time after this meeting. I will call My people to My refuges before such an attack.”
Jesus said: “My people, when your electric grid is shut down by hackers, an EMP attack, or any natural destruction, you would see your economy shut down. Unless you have generators working, your water would stop, your gasoline pumps would not work, your banks and internet would stop, and your cell phones would not work. This is why your economy is vulnerable to losing your electricity. A shutdown of your electricity would cause a major chaos as food and water would be hard to find. Be prepared with at least three months or more of food and water. If necessary I will multiply what you have, and I will call My faithful to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, China and Russia want to obliterate America with an EMP attack using only a few well placed atomic bomb weapons. These countries do not want to start a nuclear war to cause a nuclear winter, but they are willing to risk an EMP attack on your main cities. Bombs exploded high in the air could stop your communications, your grid, and even your cars would not work. Only My refuges would be protected from such destruction. None of your internet devices will work at My refuges, so be prepared for a new way of living.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am not giving you the time of My Warning, but you could see some events as an electric shutdown, or a deadly virus released soon. Before any of these deadly threats come to My faithful, I will give My Warning so people will have a last chance to change their lives before they could see some events as an electric shutdown, or a deadly virus released soon. Before any of these deadly threats come to My faithful, I will give My Warning so people will have a last chance to change their lives before they could die. Trust in My protection because I will call you to My refuge before your lives are threatened.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will see some people die as martyrs for their faith, and some could die from the coming deadly virus and plagues. I will call most of My faithful to the safety of My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil people and demons. Then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Trust in Me that even My martyrs will be resurrected and brought into My Era of Peace as well. Keep your souls pure with frequent Confession, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”
Wednesday, July 7, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers, but good came out of this evil. Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream that there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Joseph was given authority to store up the wheat grain during the seven years of plenty. When the famine came, then people all over the world came to Egypt to get rations of grain for their people, including Joseph’s family. My son, you have been given My messages to set up a refuge with the inheritance money that was provided to you. I have given you instructions to store food also, and I asked you to have a water well installed for the people who will come to your refuge. You have purchased cots for sleeping, small ovens for baking bread, and solar panels for your electricity. You also have propane for your ovens, and wood and kerosene to heat your house. You have a chapel for prayer and Mass when you have a priest. I will provide daily Holy Communion from a priest or from My angels. You will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the Host with people praying around the clock. You have prepared for forty or more people during the coming tribulation. Today’s Mass intention for Marco will help take time off of his time in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have had signs of possible global warming with your record high temperatures, but the hearts of many of your people are frozen to Me as this vision of the frozen pond. I love all of you, but many people ignore My love or they even hate Me. Without Me you can do nothing good of any consequence. In order for people to accept their mission, they need to have warm hearts for Me and believe that I can lead them. In the Gospel I called My apostles, and they left their jobs and followed Me on My mission. Just as My apostles followed Me, I want My believers to be attentive to My Word so they can be open to Me and fulfill the mission I have given them. I have a spiritual mission for everyone, but unless you focus only on My agenda, it will be difficult to carry out your given mission. Many worldly distractions can lead you to follow a different path than heaven. This is why you need to detach yourself from worldly things so you can work on your spiritual mission. By coming to Mass, praying your rosaries, and coming to frequent Confession, then you will have My graces to carry out your mission. Be ready to step outside of your comfort zone to do My Will, and then you will be happy to follow My directions.”
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