Wednesday, July 10, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading the account of Joseph in the Book of Genesis. He had a dream interpreted for the Pharaoh of Egypt who saw seven fat cows and then seven thin cows. This meant that there would be seven years of plenty and then seven years of famine. Joseph was given control over the food in Egypt. So he had the people store extra grain during the years of plenty. Then he was able to ration the grain to the hungry people during the famine. Even his own family benefited from these rations of grain. My people have been warned also of a coming famine. So now is the time to save at least one year’s supply of food per family member. If you do not have the money or space for so much food, then in faith I will multiply your food when it is needed. My refuges need to stock up on your dried food, MREs (meals ready to eat), and canned food. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you can survive at your refuges. Just as I provided manna and quail for My people in the desert, so I will provide daily Holy Communion and deer at My refuges. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs at My refuges during the tribulation, along with your refuge angel shielding you from the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, in your news you heard of several Iranian boats that were trying to capture a British supertanker in another provocative incident. This was in response to British ships capturing an Iranian tanker that was trying to avoid the sanctions against Iran. A British warship close by warned off the attacking boats. You have seen at least four recent events of Iranian attacks on tankers, and shooting down your drone. If these incidents continue and get more serious, you could see some retaliation that could initiate a war between America and Iran. The vision of seeing a tank is an indication of a possible war. You need to add another intention to your daily prayers that you do not have a war with Iran.”
Tuesday, July 9, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the messages I gave you in Puerto Rico, I was showing you a missionary trip to evangelize people. Not only do I call you to baptize new converts, but I want you to reach out to the fallen away Catholics, who are no longer coming to Sunday Mass. You have heard of Me as the Good Shepherd of My people, and I am constantly searching for My lost sheep. I love all of My people, and I want My prayer warriors to help seek out the lost souls, so they can be saved. Saving souls is your most important work for Me. So do not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone to find these lost sheep. You can also pray for the lost souls to return to Me, and for the souls in purgatory. When you are generous with your prayers and your help, I will reward you in heaven.”
Monday, July 8, 2019:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you how you are constantly traveling to where I send you to help evangelize people to the faith. You are fortunate to have people paying for your plane ticket, serving you food, and providing housing. My servants are worthy of their needs which are provided by their friends. All of those people, who help you, will receive their reward in heaven. You can also thank them for their generosity. It is almost time to say good-bye to the Puerto Rican people. I am blessing them all for being faithful to Me and My Blessed Mother. Continue, My son, to go forward and share My messages with those people, who come to hear them, and they need to act on My messages of love by loving Me and one another in all that you do.”
Sunday, July 7, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, the harvest of souls is great, but the workers in the field to evangelize the people, are few. Pray and ask the Master of the Harvest to send more workers into the fields to reap the harvest of souls. My son, you and My special prophets need to share the faith with the people. You may be the only one to greet some people with My faith in My Kingdom that the people will ever meet. Bring as many souls to Me as you can. Pray for more vocations to the priesthood, but the time before My Warning grows short. It will be My gift of My Warning that will help convert some souls who would have been lost. My prayer warriors will need to reach out to all of their family members to convert their souls during the six weeks of conversion after the Warning. This will allow the new believers to have the angels put a cross on their foreheads so they can enter My refuges. You do not want to see any one of your relatives lost in hell. I am depending on My prayer warriors to help Me in the harvest of souls. The devil is trying to take souls away from Me, but I am more powerful. I am sending My Holy Spirit down to help My faithful in winning souls over to Me. He will give you the words to speak to the people so they could be saved. Give your free will over to My Will, and you will be with Me in heaven, just like the thief on the cross entered Paradise with Me.”
Saturday, July 6, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I would be with you always to the end of time. At the tribulation time My faithful souls will all be separated at My refuges. Some refuges will have a priest, and they will have Me in daily Holy Communion. Other refuges may not have a priest, so I will send My angels to give you daily Holy Communion, just as you see the angel in the vision bringing My Hosts to the people. Once you receive My Hosts, you can place one Host in a monstrance for Adoration in your chapel. Then My faithful need to assign Adoration hours to the people at all hours of the day and night. This is so someone is constantly present before My Real Presence. This will be a Perpetual Adoration so I will protect and feed all the people at your refuge. I love all of My people so much, and I desire to be with you at all times. Give Me your love, and repent of your sins, and you will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”
Friday, July 5, 2019: (St. Anthony Zaccaria)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading Abraham wanted to keep his race pure, so he had Isaac instructed to only marry someone of his own family’s descendants. Isaac was married to Rebecca, and he was the one to carry on the descendants of Abraham. This is also a sign to have a pure marriage with no sexual relations before the marriage. This is an example for all of My young people that you need to be properly married in My Church with only a man and a woman. Avoid living in fornication, adultery, or in homosexual marriages. If you commit any sexual mortal sin, you need to be confessed in Confession in order to receive Holy Communion worthily. Do not receive Holy Communion in mortal sin, or you commit another mortal sin of sacrilege. I am perfect and holy, and you should only receive Me with a pure and holy soul. Go forward and evangelize as many souls to the faith as you can.”
Thursday, July 4, 2019:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is calling all of you to come and honor My Beloved Son because He has brought salvation to all of your souls by His sacrifice on the cross. His sacrifice is making atonement for all of your sins, past, present, and to come. When you come to adore My Son in the consecrated Host, thank Him for dying for your sins, and opening the gates of heaven to all worthy souls. This plan of My Son as your Redeemer, was started after the original sin of Adam and Eve. I have restored man’s standing, despite your fallen state. I love all of My creations, and I will not abandon your souls to the evil ones. Instead, My Son’s death and Resurrection offers eternal life to all souls who will repent of their sins and love Me, as well as loving My Son as your Savior.”
Wednesday, July 3,2019:(St. Thomas, our 54th wedding anniversary)
Jesus said: “My son, I want to congratulate you and your wife for being faithful to each other for fifty-four years, as your marriage has produced great fruits of love for your family. With your society it is harder to find couples staying together this long. I instituted the marriage sacrament of Matrimony so couples of husband and wife could bring up their children in an environment of love. I even use marriage to show My relationship as Groom and My Church as My Bride. It is unfortunate that many of your people are not following My plan, but they are living in sinful lifestyles of adultery, fornication, and homosexual acts. Your people are also using abortions to cover up their sins. You need to pray for young couples to get married properly before having children. They would be best to get married in My Church with a commitment to keep their marriage together without divorce. Love in a family is needed more than ever in your world.”
Jesus said: “My son, when you come to the Puerto Rican people, you will be seeking out souls to be saved by My grace. Many people are seeking the love and hope in Me to bring them through their trials. Let the people know how much I love them, and I am bringing My servants to share My messages of love in the end times. My Warning is coming to give all souls a chance to repent and change the sinful lives of this world. The Warning may be your last chance to be saved, so choose to change your evil lives into good Christian lives. You will have a life review with a focus on your unforgiven sins. Then you will have My judgment of your souls. You will all have a taste of your present destination for your soul. Repent of your sins in frequent Confession so you are not faced with the flames of hell in your mini-judgment. I love all of My people, and I do not want to lose one soul. All the souls who choose hell, make that choice from their own free will. I will never violate your free will, but I encourage you to love Me and one another.”
Tuesday, July 2, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you saw how My apostles were fearful for their lives in the storm, even though they knew I was with them. When they called Me to help them, then I calmed the storm, and the apostles were amazed at My power over the seas and wind. This faith in My Presence by your side should be remembered when storms come up in your lives. At times you will have what appears as impossible problems to solve. This is when you can call on My help to get you through your trials. It is your faith in My help that I will hear in your request, and I will answer you. There are many trials that you will face which are beyond your control. So always remember to call on My help in prayer.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, Fr. Michel, yourself, and your wife will be leaving soon to give talks in the cities of Puerto Rico. Your friend, Nilda, will be translating for both of you as you bring My Word to the people of God in Puerto Rico. You will see some places that were damaged by Hurricane Maria, and it is hard to recover from such a disaster. Comfort and pray for these people who have suffered much destruction. Give them hope in My love so they can pick themselves up. Maybe you could see some places to help when you get back home. Take some video to show the people in America how they are living now.”
Jesus said: “My son, do what you can to help Nilda and thank her for all of her work. She is concerned for her people, and she wants them to hear about refuges and the trials that are coming. The people will be happy to hear Fr. Michel’s stories and his message for these times. Your time to prepare for the end times is growing short and the people need to be prepared for the coming Warning by coming to frequent Confession. Continue to pray for the people of Puerto Rico and the success of your trip.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have had a time of prosperity for some time with full employment all around you. There are signs on your farms that you could see less crops harvested that could test your food supplies. There are also signs that your businesses might start slowing down as some people are concerned about a recession due to your inverted yield curve on your government bonds. Pray that people will be prepared with some extra food that may be needed if your stores have less food than needed.”
Jesus said: “My people, in My days the people were asking Me for a sign, but the only sign I would give them is the sign of Jonah. You know how I asked him to go to a city of his enemies to tell them in forty days their city would be destroyed if they did not repent and change their lives. He was reluctant at first, but he was able to convert the people of Nineveh. So the sign for all of My faithful is to reach out to your neighbor and try to save and evangelize as many souls as you can. Do not have any fear, but call on My help and the Holy Spirit will give you the words you are to preach to them.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing possible threats from North Korea who has nuclear bombs and delivery missiles. Your President reached out to him at the border. You also have Iran stirring up trouble with the oil tankers and expanding and enriching more uranium to make potential bombs. Keep praying that you do not have a war in this area of the Middle East.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to have a beautiful wife and family over these many years. You have made Me the center of your life, and you have been rewarded for your efforts. You have answered My call for your mission to preach about the end times and a further mission to prepare a refuge. You should be thankful for your prayer group who have supported you in your missions. Continue to trust in Me, and I will lead you to help other people in their faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, America is a special nation that was founded on a Constitution of a belief in Me and Judeo-Christian principles. Many of your people have kept your freedoms to worship Me and earn your own living. You are now seeing a confrontation with socialist communists who are trying to change your Democratic republic into another atheistic communist country like China and Russia. This will be a moment of truth for your people to choose between your current freedom, or give in to oppressive communist leaders. You are also choosing between loving Me or not. Atheism is a lack of love for Me, so hold on to your original beliefs of your Baptism in the faith. You would much rather be with your loving God in heaven, than suffer the flames of hell where the devil hates you. Choose life with Me as your eternal reward.”
Monday, July 1, 2019: (St. Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people of America, how I love you so much for all you do to help people and other nations. But your behavior as a nation is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. I keep giving you warning messages to stop your abortions, fornications, and homosexual acts, but you are not listening to My pleas to change. As a punishment you will be seeing worse natural disasters, and eventually I will allow the one world people to take you over. My saving grace for My faithful believers is that I am having My people set up refuges of protection where I will separate My good people from the evil people. Only My believers will have an invisible cross on their foreheads, and this will allow them to enter My refuges. People without this cross, will not be allowed to enter because the refuge angel will prevent them from entering. This is why during the six weeks after My Warning, you will need to try and convert your family members so they can receive the cross on the forehead to enter my refuges. Lot and his family were removed from Sodom and then I destroyed that town because there were no more just people. Once My faithful are safely in My refuges, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all the evil people will be killed and cast into hell. My refuge angels will shield My faithful from the Comet, and then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. The Antichrist and the demons will be defeated in My victory, and they will burn in hell as well as the evil people. Rejoice in My love, but My justice will be carried out because of your sins.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are well aware of the value of the Mass where the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood in My Real Presence. The sacrifice of the Mass has more value than any other prayer because it involves My unbloody sacrifice. You had some messages about My justice punishments coming on your country. There are people who could lose their lives in storm, earthquakes, or accidents. Some of these people who die suddenly, may not have the grace of time to prepare their souls to meet Me at their judgment. It is for this reason that you have some priest offering up Masses of Reparation to help such souls faced with a sudden death. I want you to continue to support this effort for Masses of Reparation that will be needed more when more serious destruction falls on your land.”
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