Saturday, July 20, 2019: (celebrating Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to see all of you come to celebrate my feast of Mt. Carmel. I know you all are suffering from today’s heat, but I thank all of you for your rosaries and today’s Mass. I am blessing all of you and your families to keep faith with our two hearts of my Immaculate Heart and my Son’s Sacred Heart. Your world is being tempted by the devil with all manner of sin in your abortions and sexual sins. Pray for peace in your world which is heading toward a war in the Middle East with Iran. America needs to repent of its sins as the one world people are preparing for the coming Warning and the tribulation. Do not fear because my Son will protect you at His refuges. Trust in us for all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have had a few power outages when your batteries worked to put some lights on, but this time the inverter did not work. Your system provides power when you have sun, but you need to search why your alternative circuit box did not go on. This will be another project to check with your solar installer. You could also try to learn how to fix this problem in the future when your larger system will be off grid. You also had some problems with some of your battery powered lanterns not working. Now, you replaced all the bad batteries with rechargeable batteries, and you put paper stoppers on the contacts so they would not discharge. The lanterns with rechargeable batteries are renewable and safer than your oil lamps for light. This latest power outage is a wake up call for your solar system. Your second set of panels, which are off-grid, works fine, and during the day it powers your basement dehumidifier. Get this main system working now for when you will need it.”
Friday, July 19, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, this reading from the Book of Exodus about the Passover, is connected to your salvation in My Sacrifice on the cross. Moses received from Me that they were to kill a spotless male lamb, and put its blood on the lintel and door posts. Then when the destroying angel came, the angel would pass over that house. All the Egyptian houses had the first born killed. It was this last plague that Pharaoh allowed My people to leave Egypt for the Promised Land. In My death on the cross, I was the unblemished male that became the Lamb of God who was offered up in atonement for all of your sins. The Last Supper was the first Mass modeled after the Jewish Passover. During the Mass you receive My Body and Blood in the consecrated bread and wine. My Eucharist is your spiritual food to make you strong in your faith, and it helps heal any weakness to your sins. Give thanks and praise to Me for dying on the cross for your salvation.”
Jesus said:“My people, all over your country you are seeing hot temperatures, and I want you to pray for those people who may be susceptible to heat strokes. Some people may have air conditioning or fans, but others may not. You are also seeing power outages in various places, that could prevent people from being cooled off. Pray also for those people who have lost their power as you did last night. You could see more power outages throughout your summer, so have your solar backup checked out.”
Thursday, July 18, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people of America, in the vision I am showing you the Tower of Babel and how the pride of man blinded their eyes in not obeying Me. Because of their pride, I caused them to be confused with many languages. Today, you are seeing a similar pride in your technology, and in building your Freedom Tower. The devil has also blinded your people with greed, changing gender, and a lack of My Presence in your lives. You have been witnessing several power outages from unexplained sources. When your electricity goes out, many of you suffer in darkness without air conditioning in your current heat wave. Your people should get ready to endure more disasters from earthquakes, storms, and more power outages as a punishment for not repenting from your abortions and sexual sins. Pray that you do not have any wars, especially in the Middle East with Iran. Your people need to come to Me in church to repent of your sins. Those people, who make Me the center of their lives, will have My reward in heaven, and I will see to their protection during the coming tribulation at My refuges.”
(Funeral Mass Robert Brennan) Jesus said: “My people, you heard about Robert Brennan from his son’s words about his father. Robert was a gracious and generous man in helping his family and others. He was a model father for people to imitate. You knew his wife when she came to your prayer group in the beginning of your ministry. Robert is with Me now, for he is worthy of his heavenly reward. He will be praying for his family and watching over them. His family can call on him for prayers and help.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your weather forecasters are predicting 100 F days for the weekend. This could be a heat stroke threat for those people without any cooling. If many people use their air conditioners all at once, you could have brown outs or power outages. This is another test from your natural disasters. Be prepared for more of these heat waves, as you could see occasional record highs this summer. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Congress finally authorized $4.5 billion for humanitarian aid for your border facilities that are overwhelmed by too many illegal immigrants who are seeking asylum. Your Congress has failed to act to correct your asylum laws. This is why you are holding people until their trials. Some flee into your country in violation of their judgments. Those people in Congress, who are complaining about the overcrowding, should look at their neglect to have better immigration laws.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen Iran take control of an oil tanker with engine problems. You also saw your Navy shoot down an Iranian drone, similar to when Iran shot down your drone. As more incidents keep occurring, you could be getting close to some kind of conflict with Iran. Keep praying that there is no war in this area.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the last week three cities experienced unexplained partial power outages. They were New York City, Washington, D.C., and Fullerton, Orange County, California. These events were not connected to the coming heat wave, and they could possibly be related to cyber attacks from other countries. Your National electric grid, water, and communication lines are vulnerable to virus attacks by hackers. Pray that your people can protect you from such attacks. Now, tonight you had your own partial blackout at your house.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have the one world people and the Justice Democrats giving media time to your socialist communist activists that are proposing tactics opposed to your Constitution. It is a constant drumbeat of anti- democratic policies that you keep hearing on your media and in your colleges. There is a plan for the one world people to cause riots in the streets for these activists to get their way of a communist takeover. As your opposition party moves further left to adopt such communist goals, you could see a coming civil war. Pray that your voters see the errors in these atheistic plans and keep your current democratic republic. Pray for calm and not constant hate.”
Jesus said: “My people, with all of your summer heat, there is more of a need for fresh water. Some rivers and reservoirs could be drying up, and this could make your drinkable water in short supply. Keep some water on hand in case your wells or water sources have little water. This is why I am asking My refuge builders to have water wells on their land. You cannot live without sufficient amounts of drinkable water.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My people to stock up on some extra food throughout the year. If your farmers continue to predict some food shortages from your harvests, you could see stores with empty shelves. If food is in short supply, this could cause some panic among your people in a partial famine. It is better to have a full pantry than very little in a food shortage. In the future you also may need a chip in the body to buy any food. When your lives, or your food supply is threatened, I will lead you to My refuges where I will multiply your food.”
Wednesday, July 17, 2019:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is telling you how I saw the Hebrews suffering from the slavery of the Egyptians. This is why I appointed Moses as the ‘deliverer’ of My people. Another king took over after Joseph’s help with the food, and the Pharaoh put the Hebrews into slave labor to build his supply cities. Just as I appointed Moses, so now I am appointing many prophets to prepare the people for the coming Warning and tribulation. The people of this world are being led astray by the devil, and they are turning evil in their lifestyles. I am preparing My faithful to be separated into My refuges, so I can bring My punishment down upon the idolaters of sex and greed. Trust that I will protect My faithful.”
Jesus said: “My people, without Me, you are nothing. My Body and Blood feeds you your spiritual sustenance, and only those people who eat My Body and drink My Blood will have eternal life. This is why the devil is trying to get rid of My Eucharist in the Host because he is weak to My power. This is why the devil attacks the priests, the hierarchy, and My Church people. He wants to do away with the Mass because My consecrated Hosts are his number one target. This is why you need to pray for your priests, bishops, and cardinals to remain faithful to Me. Pray that the Mass is not changed, since it should not be a one world religion. When you see a division in My Church, you are to remain with My faithful remnant, and do not accept the coming schismatic church. At My refuges you will have My true Mass, and My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. Treasure My Adoration hours as your grace and strength that will help you to remain faithful to My love. I love all of you, and I will be with you to the end of time in My Eucharist.”
Tuesday, July 16, 2019: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I called out woes to the towns where I performed most of My miracles. Corosin, Bethsaida, and Capharnum were all rebuked for not repenting of their sins, when I preached My words of salvation. I told them that the Kingdom of God is at hand, but they still did not repent of their sins. That is when I told them that they would go down into the nether world for not believing in My words. I told them that their judgment would be worse than Sodom. Now I am calling, ‘Woe to America’, for you have heard My words of My Gospel and you have still not repented. You were struck a blow on 9-11-01 in your Twin Towers and you did not repent, but you built another Freedom Tower in defiance of My judgment in Isaiah 9:10. Your country will be brought to its knees by natural disasters, and you will be taken over as a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. Repent now for those people, who want to save their souls. I will protect My believers at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My son, earlier in the planting of crops, it appeared your farmers were not going to be able to plant their normal fields because of the muddy fields. The yield of your crops will be down, but it is not known how much of a shortage you could have. You could see some shortages in your stores as time goes on, and this will tell you about any shortages in your fields. Your friend is right that it may be a good idea to stock up on some food before you may not be able to order it. I asked you to get some more eggs and meat which you ordered, and you got some other foods. Now your friend is replacing some food that you donated to your priest friend. Be grateful for the people at My refuges who are storing food for the tribulation time. Do not worry about having enough food for those people who will come to your refuge, because I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival.”
Monday, July 15, 2019: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am calling people to let Me be the center of their lives. When you help people, you are helping Me in them. Be willing to reach out and help people in need both financially and spiritually encourage their faith. By your good example you may be able to lead people to Me and away from bad lifestyles. I mentioned how in one way I was dividing families, but only how each member believes in Me or not. My believers are on a road to heaven, but those people, who reject My love and refuse to repent of their sins, are on a path to My justice in hell. Pray for sinners and your family that they could be converted to the faith and be saved. It is everyone’s free will to choose their eternal destination.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know in the Bible how it speaks of a time of tribulation under the Antichrist. I will allow him partial control of the world for less than three and one-half years. When this is allowed, I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges of protection. This will mean at some point America will be taken over by the one world people as your punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. This takeover could come in many possible ways. The first is an EMP attack from several nuclear bombs that would take out your electricity, vehicles, and microchips. Another takeover could be from a communist takeover of your government. Still others would involve a crash of your money or your stock market. You could have mandatory chips in your body, or a combination of natural disasters that could cause a famine. Even a pandemic virus could kill a lot of people. Have no fear because My faithful will be protected at My refuges, although some could die as martyrs from the evil ones. Trust in Me that I will have My angels defend you from the demons and evil people. The reign of evil will be brief before I will bring My destruction upon all the evil ones. Be patient during this purgatory of the tribulation, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”
Sunday, July 14, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, when I formed My Church, I founded it upon the rock of St. Peter and the gates of hell will not prevail against My Church. The faith in Me that you have been given, is your foundation built on rock. In today’s Gospel of the Good Samaritan, it is important to act out your faith with good deeds. The man asked Me who is My neighbor, so I gave this parable where the Samaritan helped a man who was beaten by robbers. He bandaged up his wounds and paid the innkeeper to take care of the man. The Jews disliked the Samaritans, but he was the kind neighbor in this parable. This was the neighbor to help the man in distress, and I told the one who questioned Me, to go and do likewise. When you see people in need, you are to reach out in love when you can help them. Your church is asking for your people to increase their donations, so people should help keep My Church supported as much as you can. Remember how I love a cheerful giver.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your utilities of lights, water, and other phone lines are vulnerable to people hacking these systems. There are alleged stories from some intelligence sources that the blackout in New York City was caused by a malicious computer virus that someone entered into the electrical system. It was isolated and the lights were able to be returned to service. This story may not be released by your media, but it is very possible to confirm by your officials running your electric grid. Such viruses could be perpetrated by various rogue states like Iran. Your electric lines are vulnerable to more viruses or an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack by atomic bombs. Those people at My refuges, who have solar panels, will be protected by My refuge angels. If your country loses your electricity for a long time, there is a danger that many of your people could die of starvation. Many people do not have enough stored food to last a long time. My refuges have food and water that I will multiply for My believers. Trust in Me to warn you when it is time to come to My refuges.”
Saturday, July 13, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I see everything that happens around you, and I want to comfort all of My people so you do not fear the people around you. When you go out to speak, you meet some beautiful people, and you share My messages of love and warning with them. You have some criticism, but in general you are helping the people know and love Me. Be thankful that you have the opportunity to enrich the faith of the people you are speaking to. Continue to pray your St. Michael long form prayer for your protection coming and returning from your talks. You can also pray your St. Theresa Glory Bes for added protection as you approach the Warning and the tribulation. I love all of My people, and I thank those people who are making refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I just gave you a message that you would see one disaster after another. Your first hurricane to hit your country is flooding Louisiana, and the people could not go about their pleasures on this weekend. There is plenty of sin in this area which is why they have flooding and power outages. Another incident is a power outage on Manhattan, New York City that is causing a blackout on the anniversary of the 1977 blackout, and it is causing 60,000 customers to lose power. There is also plenty of sin in New York City as well to receive this punishment. Your people only take notice of things that affect their wallet of money. If this is the only way to get your attention about your sins, then expect more of these incidents. My people need to stop your abortions and sexual sins, and change your lives, or I will change them for you.”
Friday, July 12, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of flooding with heavy rains this year. It is so bad that farmers could only plant a portion of their usual crops because of the muddy fields. Now, you are seeing tropical storm Barry coming into Louisiana, where it is forecasted to flood this area with heavy rains. There is concern that the water could come over the levees. The vision of money under water is a sign that your people are losing billions of dollars due to the flooding of your rivers and farmlands. This money under water can also be a long term sign of doing away with cash money for transactions, or a crash of the dollar. The one world people manipulate the stock prices and the interest rates so they can buy stocks on margin with cheap money. It is your savers in cash who are getting less money on their savings with lower interest rates. Pray for the people and farmers who are suffering losses on their crops and buildings.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing many earthquakes all around the Rim of Fire in the Pacific Ocean. When you have a 7 or 8 earthquake, you could see a tsunami occur that can travel very fast in the water. I will give you more details as this time approaches. Be prepared for one event after another as the time of the Warning and tribulation are near in your time. The people all over the world are concerned more about their daily activities, possessions, and fame, when they should be more concerned about their soul’s destination. For those people, who desire to be with Me in heaven, you need to make Me the center of your lives. By your prayers, Masses, good deeds, and monthly Confession, I can see that your love for Me is sincere. I am always at your side so you can ask Me to help you through the trials in your life. Trust in Me at all times in My love, and you will have your reward in heaven.”
Thursday, July 11, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you see Me instructing My apostles in how to go out to all the nations to preach ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand.’ I told them to take no money in their belt, no sack, no extra tunic, and no sandals. I also said how they are to heal the sick, raise the dead, and forgive their sins through My commission of Holy Orders at the Last Supper. Even today, I am calling My priests, missionaries, and My prophets to go out and heal people, and the priests can hear confessions. It is a special mission to go out to spread My Good News of salvation through My death and Resurrection. In the vision I am the Vine and you are the branches. I give you life in My Eucharistic graces and the Holy Spirit to speak the words to convert souls. It is the rainwater of converts that you bring to Me. Reach out to save converts, and all of the fallen away Catholics. I offer salvation, but the people need to repent and accept Me as their Savior.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a second tropical storm, Barry, that could turn into a hurricane. Several low lying areas are being evacuated, and there is a possibility that enough rain or storm surge could break some levees. Pray for the safety of the people of Louisiana, and that the levees hold. Many people may not be fully prepared. You could pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for anyone that may die from this storm.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning you that you could be tested by some serious natural disasters because of your sins of abortion in killing My babies. You have already seen a 6.6 and a 7.1 earthquake in Southern California. You could see more after shocks and possibly more large earthquakes. You are also seeing some heavy activity with geysers going off 23 times. All of this activity has not occurred in two decades. Be prepared for disasters as the Barry storm. Pray for the people who may experience losses or even some deaths.”
Jesus said: “My people, Iran has been harassing the oil tankers going through the straits of Hormuz. Some have been mined or set on fire, but there has been no loss of life so far. The sanctions on Iran has caused them a bad economy. It will be hard to restrain from retaliation if more ships are set on fire. Pray that a war does not break out in this area.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of your socialist Democrats are proposing unreasonable plans as the ‘Green’ plan to stop burning fossil fuels. This would be difficult since your alternative sources of electricity could not generate enough electricity for your needs. Other proposals were to do away with ICE, Homeland Security, the Secret Service, and even the Coast Guard. Some of these plans are to form an atheistic communist country. This is why your President is against socialism and taking away your right to worship Me. Pray that the socialists do not take over, but eventually I will allow your takeover as a punishment for your abortion laws.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several movies come out that exposed the dreadful killing of babies in late term abortions. Some have shown doctors killing live babies, and others showed an abortion clinic director who quit her job, and now fights abortion. Many are bringing cases to your Supreme Court. Pray to stop abortion, and if possible, repeal your Roe vs. Wade decision that allows abortion. If your laws or decisions are not changed, you will see worse disasters.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated Independence Day when your people fought for your freedoms from England. You have a democratic republic with your Bill of Rights in your Constitution. Your liberal activists are trying to change your Electoral College vote to a Popular Vote that would only favor populous states. Preserve your freedoms and fight against socialism which is a Godless or atheist form of government.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President has been trying to have fair trade without cheating and hidden fees. Tariffs on China have had some hard consequences on your farmers. Your President is also encouraging more plants to make things in your own country, but this has only increased slightly. The uncertainty over your trade issues could affect your economy. So pray that a reasonable trade agreement can be worked out with China and other countries.”
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