Saturday, April 20, 2019: (7:30 Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, the moment of My Resurrection was actually captured in the Shroud of Turin. There was such a radiant flash of light, that it partially singed the cloth with a negative image. As the Shroud was examined, the image was not painted, but partially burned into the cloth. No other person raised himself from the grave because death had no hold on Me. I went to sheol or the place of the dead to release those souls worthy of heaven. These souls are eternally grateful for My death on the cross that paid the price for their sins. I also have given salvation to all souls who love Me and repent of their sins. It is not easy to believe in My Resurrection because it takes faith and belief in the eyewitness testimonies of My apostles who saw My resurrected Body. St. Thomas could feel My wounds, and I ate the baked fish to show them I had true flesh and bones. I love all of My people so much that I sacrificed My life, so all of you could be saved if you so desired. Come to Me out of love, and you can be assured of a place in one of My many mansions in heaven.”
Friday, April 19, 2019: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read another Gospel of My Passion, and you see the difference between Judas and St. Peter. Judas betrayed Me and he was sorry for his betrayal, but because Satan entered his heart, Satan urged him to commit suicide, which he did. St. Peter denied Me three times, but after he was sorry for his denials. After My Resurrection, I asked St. Peter if he loved Me three times, and I told him to feed My sheep. Today, you read the account of how I was scourged, and I had to carry My cross to Calvary. This is a sign for all of My faithful, that you all are called to pick up your cross and carry it to your own Calvary. Even as you are struggling through life, you can join your suffering with Me on My cross. You all have to endure your own Good Friday, before you can enjoy your Easter reward. Just as Simon helped Me to carry My cross, so you can call on Me to help you carry your cross also. Your life on this earth is short, so make the most of your time to follow Me, and help others to believe in My Good News. Every soul you can bring to Me, will be one less soul lost to hell. Give thanks and praise to Me for saving your soul from hell.”
Thursday, April 18, 2019: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, your group shared the Seder Supper of the Passover meal with the wine, the matza, the bitter herbs, and the lamb. This is why you celebrate My Eucharist with unleavened bread as the Jews did at the Passover. I said the prayers over the bread and wine, as you hear the words of the Consecration of the Mass. The difference from the Passover is that the priest is able to consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This is called the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. Even though you do not see a physical change in appearance of the bread and wine, you still believe this is My Real Presence with you that you receive in Holy Communion. This is My greatest gift of My very Self to you in My Eucharist. You cannot have the Mass without Holy Thursday, and without My death on the cross. The gift of My life for your sins is the very essence of the Sacrifice of the Mass. The Mass brings My faithful together every Sunday to show your love for Me, and your belief in My Eucharistic Presence.”
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