Wednesday, May 1, 2019: (St. Joseph the Worker)
Jesus said: “My people, when I was brought up by St. Joseph, he taught Me the carpenter’s trade. It is good that different people have various skills because you need various trades to build and fix things. It is good to have a good work ethic so people are on time to work, and they do an honest day’s work. In your working days you saw some people who were lazy, and some who were over achievers. You also saw some injustice in favoritism and even dishonest treatment of workers in firings, or not paying a just wage. It is not easy when some people have to take less paying jobs when better paying jobs are not available. It even means working two jobs, or both parents need to work to pay the bills and support their children. Work is needed to finance your homes and vehicles for transportation, and to pay your taxes. Be patient in this world because there are many unjust situations in the workplace. Be thankful if you have a job, or a good retirement income. Some people even need to pray for a job when they are unemployed.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before that when the Warning comes, it will be in a time of chaos. You are seeing signs of violent weather, an uprising in Venezuela, and a constant hate for your President. The opposition party is trying to harass your President with all kinds of unnecessary investigations. When there is a mention of investigating the FBI and the source of the Mueller Report, then there is fear in the opposition party. You will be seeing more confrontations that could even lead to a civil war. You are hearing of more church fires in various places. It may be hard to prove, but a good share of these fires are arson acts of hate crimes. Keep praying for the safety of your churches, but the persecution of Christians is going to get worse.”
Tuesday, April 30, 2019: (St. Pius V)
Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday and you prayed the Novena prayers of St. Faustina. You also need to come to Confession within a week of this feast. By following these requirements, you can have the reparation for your sins taken away for less time in purgatory. Just like your yard needs to get cleansed from the leaves in your flower beds, so you need to cleanse your souls of your sins in Confession. If you did not go to Confession last Saturday, this weekend is still not too late for your gift of your plenary indulgence. Give praise and thanks to Me for My Divine Mercy on your souls.”
Monday, April 29, 2019: (St. Catherine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke to Nicodemus about being born again from above. This does not mean physical rebirth, but it means being baptized in the Holy Spirit. When you received Confirmation, you were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and you received all of His gifts. Call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and He will give you the words to proclaim My Good News. You, My son, are feeling the power of the Holy Spirit, as you write down these words. Give praise and thanks to the Holy Spirit in all He does to help your mission. At the end of your fifty days after Easter, you will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday when the apostles had the tongues of fire over them, and they could speak other languages. The Holy Spirit plays a big part in your spiritual life, so call on His help in your mission out speaking, and your mission to have a refuge.”
Jesus said: “My people, this scene of a church tabernacle being flooded is a sign of how some churches will be destroyed by terrorists and natural disasters. Many people do not appreciate the treasures they have in My churches and synagogues, because there are a lot of people who do not attend every weekend. Some people do not come because they do not believe in Me, or they are too lazy to wake up on Sunday to come. You have some attacks coming from atheists, anti-Semites, and Islamic terrorists. Still some churches are closing from a lack of people and priests. Other churches will be destroyed by natural disasters. When there are few or no churches to attend, you will be meeting at prayer groups or My refuges. Save your Bibles, rosaries, statues, and Mass books for when it will be hard to find a Mass. The Christian persecution will get worse leading up to the tribulation. I will warn My people to come to My refuges when their lives are being threatened. Pray for My protection and My angels to defend you.”
Sunday, April 28, 2019: (Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of St. Thomas being called a doubter because he did not believe in My Resurrection at first. But the other apostles did not believe either, even when Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus gave witness to seeing My resurrected body. The apostles believed when they saw Me, but blessed are those people who believe in My Resurrection, and they did not see Me. Once St. Thomas put his hand into My wounds in My hands and in My side, then he believed and said: ‘My Lord and My God.’ My apostles were then given the Holy Spirit as I breathed on them. This gave them the strength to go out and preach the Good News of My Resurrection. In the Acts of the Apostles you read how many sick people were healed, and demons were cast out of people. Rejoice as My Easter people, and go out to all the nations to evangelize the people.”
Saturday, April 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are always celebrating My Resurrection when you are in My Presence, either in Holy Communion or at Adoration. I want you to be quiet and reverent in My Presence. Do not be concerned about racing around to your next event, but lead your life at a moderate pace, so you can take in My Presence and appreciate My gifts of life. I love all of you so much, but you need to be calm to fully appreciate all that I do for you in your life. Just as when you write My messages in quiet, so you also need quiet time to capture the moment of My visitation in My Presence. I made sure My apostles appreciated this mystery of My Resurrection, because they now had to preach it to all the nations.”
(Memorial Mass for Laura Rimore)Laura said: “I want to thank everyone for coming to share my memorial Mass. I am happy to see my family and some old friends. I am watching over Tony and I thank him for all he did for me in life. My son, John, gave me a nice tribute in how I supported my family members. I thank Carol, John, and Judy for remembering me in this service. God bless all of you, and the best request I could ask of you, is to keep your faith in my Lord, Jesus. I love all of you and keep my picture with you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the second attack on a Jewish synagogue in six months. Not only are Christian churches being attacked, but Jewish synagogues are being attacked as well. This appears to be a hate crime with one dead and three others wounded. These attacks on the places of worship will be increasing. This was another shooting with an assault rifle, but the man was apprehended. People need to take care in places of worship where violence is possible, because the churches are vulnerable. It is difficult to anticipate such people who are the shooters, but people are becoming more aware of such hate on your social media. Pray for the victims and families, and pray that your security people can stop these crimes.”
Friday, April 26, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you have two great moments in both readings. In the first reading (Acts 4:8-12) St. Peter and St. John were explaining to the elders how it was in My name that the crippled beggar was healed. Then St. Peter said: ‘For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.’ You can only be saved by believing in Me. The Gospel reading was My third appearance to My apostles. They had not caught any fish during the night, so I told them to cast their net, and they caught 153 large fish. They were astounded by such a catch of fish, but this was a sign how they will go out to all the nations to evangelize souls for Me. They were happy to see Me again in their midst. This is also a sign for all of My faithful, that you are also called to go out to all the nations and preach My Good News of My Resurrection from the dead.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how fasting and not eating sweets during Lent has helped you to lose weight, and you feel better as well. It is good to read about the right kind of foods that are good for your body. If you eat the right kind of diet for life, you could cut down your weight, and have less chances of having diabetes or kidney problems. By learning how your body functions, you can see which foods to avoid, and which foods are better for you. Continue looking into nutrition of the better foods to help yourself to good health. Taking care of your body will help you to avoid over eating, or gluttony. Do not let your food cravings control your life, since excesses could cause you health problems. Blending your eating habits with daily exercise can also take good care of your body. A daily prayer life can help keep your spiritual life close to Me as well. You need to feed your body well, and your soul needs proper feeding with My sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession. It is your soul that will live on forever, so taking care of your soul should be your most important concern in this life.”
Thursday, April 25, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I came into the midst of My apostles, and I said: ‘Peace be with you.’ My apostles had heard of My appearance to Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, but they still did not believe in My Resurrection. My apostles were overjoyed to see Me in the flesh, but I had to prove to them that I was not a ghost. I showed them My wounds and I ate some baked fish before them. Then I related the Scriptures to them about how I had to fulfill the promise of a Messiah, who would suffer to bring salvation to all sinners. It is not easy to preach the Good News of My Resurrection, because people have a hard time explaining how I rose from the dead. When even the apostles doubted My Resurrection, it is not easy to understand My rising from the dead as My victory over sin and death. It is My witness of My live body that helped My apostles believe in My Resurrection, but they would now have to proclaim My Resurrection to all the nations, and seek to help save souls.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuing persecution of Christians, when Moslems are killing My people and destroying the churches. These Islamic terrorists are evil, and they are carrying out Satan’s plan to eliminate My faithful people. Churches are being burned in France, and suicide bombers are killing Christians in the churches of Sri Lanka. Take heed, My people, because you will be seeing the same persecution here in America. The evil ones will have their hour, but in the end, I will cast all the evil ones into hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I allowed your President to win so you could have a reprieve from the death culture of abortion and euthanasia. Now, you are seeing the socialist communists taking over your opposition party. Now that this party has taken over the House of Representatives, you are seeing a continuing harassment of your President by constant investigations. Your previous President used Executive Privilege to protect his Attorney General’s misdeeds. Your current President will now use his Executive Privilege to protect his own people. Pray for peace in your government, instead of constant criticism.”
Jesus said: “My people, you all have important missions to prepare for the coming tribulation. My refuge builders are getting their places ready so My faithful will have safe havens for their protection. Fr. Michel Rodrigue is preparing his monasteries for the priests who will be needed in the Era of Peace. Some of your trips will help him to secure some needed finances to complete his second monastery. Pray for safe travel in your trips, and continue to reach out to save souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated Easter in your churches, and you are seeing signs of new life in our beautiful spring flowers. As you celebrate My Resurrection and My new life, you are seeing new life come forth in your flowering trees and flowers coming up through the ground. This is a joyous time to take your pictures of all the many colored flowers. You could see your Easter Vigil candidates receive Baptism and Confirmation, as they were welcomed into your faith community. Rejoice in bringing new members into My Church.”
Jesus said: “My people, because of your many sins, you are continuing to see damaging weather as your punishment. You already are seeing more tornadoes this year than normal. Rain and floods are still making it difficult for your farmers to plant their crops. Even now, you are seeing some late snow storms in your Northern states. Pray for the victims who are suffering from the loss of their homes, or flooding problems.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can see the coming takeover of your country once your current President is removed. After this short reprieve, I will allow the one world people to use the socialist communists to take over your country. This is part of your punishment for your abortions and killing of the elderly. Be patient when you will come to My refuges for your safety. The Antichrist will control things for a short time, but I will bring My victory over him, and you will be brought into My Era of Peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Easter Season now, but I do not want you to forget all of your prayer devotions that you practiced during Lent. You can use these same devotions throughout the year to help strengthen your spiritual lives. Your old Adoration place at St. Theodore’s had to close the dedicated hours, but you can still come there to adore Me on your usual Wednesday night. It is getting difficult to keep Adoration sites operating because there are fewer people coming to adore Me at dedicated hours. Pray to keep your Adoration places open. I thank your prayer group for adoring Me each week of your prayer meetings. Keep supporting My Adoration sites so people can have a place to come and adore Me.”
Tuesday, April 23, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, before I died on the cross, I told My apostles several times that I would rise from the dead after three days. You have been celebrating My Resurrection from the grave with My empty tomb. St. Peter and St. John saw the empty tomb, and they believed in My Resurrection. (St. John 20:14-18) Mary Magdalene was at the empty tomb, and she was the first one to see Me in My glorified Body. I told her to tell My apostles that I have ascended to My Father in heaven. She told the apostles of My appearance to her, but they did not want to believe her. The apostles did not yet understand what rising from the dead meant, because no one had ever done such a thing. Just as you see new life in nature as the spring flowers come forth, so you can imagine My new life rising from the tomb by the power of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Give praise and glory to Me because My Resurrection is cause for great rejoicing both among the living and the dead.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can see how it will be when the people will be coming to your refuge. At first it will seem to be overwhelming to handle so many people all at once in a confined space. Do not worry about how many people will come, because My angels will expand your buildings and multiply the food, water, and fuels. You have prepared well, and you will use all of your preparations to feed everyone. You will be calming down the people from their life threatening experiences. It will be your faith and constant prayers that will get you through the challenges of being able to multiply your food, water, and fuels. Even during the winter you will be cutting down trees for the wood needed to heat your house. You will be good examples to others in how to distribute food, and the people will marvel at the multiplication of food, as it will be your faith that will allow Me to provide what you need. Just as I performed miracles to help My apostles have faith, so the miracles at My refuges will help the faith of the people, who I will send to you. Be happy that I will shorten the time of this tribulation of the Antichrist, because I will not test you beyond your endurance. You will be suffering your purgatory on earth during the tribulation. Once this trial passes, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to bring My victory over the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Then I will recreate the earth into a new garden of Eden, and I will bring My people into their reward in My Era of Peace. Once there is no evil, you will be prepared to be saints, so when you die, you can come directly into heaven. Rejoice when you will share in My love and happiness forever in heaven.”
Monday, April 22, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many Christians dying in Sri Lanka at the hands of the Muslims on Easter morning. This is another sign along with the burning of Notre Dame that Satan is striking out at My churches to destroy them. Satan has only a short time left, and he is inspiring all of those people who hate Me, to strike out at the destruction of anything faithful to Me. I showed you in a previous message (4-1-19) how the Antichrist will hypnotize all of those people who take the mark of the beast to go out and kill all of those people who believe in Me. You will soon see the destruction of the churches also in America. Your lives will be threatened, and I will call My faithful to come to the safety of My refuges that have been prepared for this evil time. Thank Me for preparing My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you burning churches from Islamic terrorists in America. Only the churches that have persistent Adoration will be protected from fires, because they will be refuges for My people to come. Some places that were designated refuges, may lose their calling if it is sold, or people are no longer praying there. Every refuge needs faithful people praying. It is just like your gifts. If people stop praying at a refuge, that place will lose its calling and its protection. Call on My angels to protect your refuge, and it is important to pray your daily rosaries in your house to be faithful to your calling. I am calling on My refuge builders to honor Me in their chapel or prayer room every day. This is also confirmed that during the tribulation, you need someone praying before My Blessed Sacrament every hour of the day as a perpetual Adoration. It is your constant prayer and devotion to Me that My angels are calling on for your protection. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I am doing to protect My faithful, even during the tribulation.”
Sunday, April 21, 2019: (Easter Sunday)
At St. Charles Borromeo after Holy Communion I could feel a strong Presence of the Lord as He left His tomb. Jesus said: “My son, you receive a taste of heaven when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Today, you felt My Presence stronger than other times, to let you know what you will be experiencing all of the time in heaven. Right now you cannot handle My very Presence fully because it would overwhelm your mortal body. After you receive your glorified body on the day of judgment, then you will be able to experience Me in My beatific vision. (You will receive the beatific vision when you first come to heaven. This was referring to a particular time in heaven when you will receive your resurrected body.) Rejoice on this feast day of My Resurrection from the dead. This is a sign to you that all of My faithful will be resurrected on the last day. All of your struggles and troubles you suffer now, will be rewarded in heaven. Be patient and humble in your faith, and you will see My day in Paradise.”
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