Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wednesday, January 30, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about the Parable of the Sower. The seed represents My Word that lasts forever. Some seed fell on the path, on stone, and among briars where the grain never grew. Other seed fell on fertile ground where it gave thirty, sixty, and a hundred fold. You need open hearts to hear My Word and act on it. Those people, who believe, are called to go out to all the nations and spread My Good News of salvation. My faithful need to reach out to people to convert them to the faith. Each person has been given certain gifts, and the more gifts you are given, more will be expected of you. So as you hear My Word, take it to heart, and act on it in your good works.”

Jesus said: “My people, every day you are learning how evil the deep state is, and how desperate they are to get rid of your President and Vice President. You have heard of various coup attempts to put your Speaker of the House in power as President by killing your top two leaders. Some have mentioned as many as eleven attempts have been made to assassinate your President. He has many guards to protect him, besides the Secret Service. Your prayers and his plans have kept him alive. If he dies, the deep state will take over your country, and you will have a dictatorship that will support the Antichrist. It is important to pray for the safety of your President. You may still see a civil war between the socialist anarchists and the patriots who believe in your country’s Constitution. You have had freedom so long, and many will fight the deep state forces from taking over. Your President may have to use your military troops to put down this communist rebellion.”

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday, January 29, 2019: (Mass for Richard Nevinskas)
Jesus said: “My people, the souls in purgatory need your prayers and Masses when you know their name. Richard is definitely benefitting from this Mass, as you saw in the vision of how he is moved up in purgatory. The souls in purgatory suffer from not seeing Me or My love. It is only when people pray for them, or have Masses offered for them, that they are relieved of some of their suffering. It is lonely and grey in the upper parts of purgatory, but they are promised one day to be with Me in heaven, once they have been purified. Continue to remember Richard in your prayers and Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a conflict between the deep state and your President over funding more of a wall on your Southern border. There is a deadline on February 15th when the Congress will try and make a compromise to fund the wall or not. Your President is threatening another shutdown, or declaring a national emergency to build the wall. This could trigger a court battle, or even a possible internal struggle to try and stop the wall from being built. I told you before how the opposition party does not want a wall, because they use the illegal immigrants to vote for the Democrats. This is just the first of many conflicts with your President. When you do not have compromises, you could see a possible civil war break out over government policies. Pray for peace in your country, but your divisions are getting worse every day.”

Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday, January 28, 2019: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, those faithful, who come to My tabernacle or exposition to visit Me, are My special adorers who are close to My Heart. You know at the Consecration of the Mass how you see a miracle of My changing the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This may be hard to comprehend because the appearances of bread and wine do not change. It is only by faith that you believe you are receiving My Body and Blood. There have been many Eucharistic miracles where blood appears on the consecrated Host. You were amazed when you went to Lanciano, Italy where the heart tissue and blood crystals were tested. The heart tissue had no rigor mortis, and the blood was type AB. These miracles are to witness that the bread and wine are truly changed into My Body and Blood. These miracles are to help the non-believers of My Real Presence in the consecrated bread and wine. Rejoice in My gift of Myself that I give to you at every Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, tsunamis are usually caused by underwater earthquakes, and they travel quite fast. The waves at sea are not very high, but when they come ashore, they can get very high, depending on the depth of the water. Earthquakes at sea are happening frequently. It takes a 7.0 or 8.0 earthquake to cause a substantial tsunami. This vision shows the people in their boats and ships who were trying to get out to sea before a tsunami hit the coast. I have warned you in the past that you could see a tsunami hit either the East or the West coast. If you get such a warning, you need to get up high from sea level, or quickly escape out to sea. Tsunamis can cause a great deal of damage, and it could kill a lot of people as in Indonesia. Pray that you are not near the shore when such a wave will strike.”

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sunday, January 27, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, your people in general are having fewer children than is needed to replace those people who are dying. Your large number of abortions is part of the reason for your decreasing population. It is sad that so many people support abortion, because you are killing your children who would support you later. I have told you many times to pray to stop abortion, and encourage your mothers to have their children. When a nation has laws against My laws, there will be a price to pay for your killing of My little ones. You are seeing a division in your politics between those people who support your death culture vs the pro-life people. You need to pray for your country, and the reparation for your sins.”

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019: (St. Titus and St. Timothy)
Jesus said: “My son, you have two missions to carry out; one to spread My Word in My messages to evangelize souls, and the other is to prepare a safe haven for My faithful to come. You have been traveling to give your talks on the end times for over twenty years. You can identify with today’s Gospel when you stay at people’s houses, and they provide your food and travel expenses. You also put My messages out on your website every two weeks. You sell your books and give away rosaries and scapulars. Your second mission is to set up a refuge at your home, as you prepared beds for forty people, food to be multiplied, a well for water, heaters and fuels for heating and cooking, as well as solar panels for electricity. You are preparing for your third practice run to use your stored food and well water. Everyone at My refuges will have a job, and you all will do one hour of Adoration through the night. I asked for this practice run because events are getting close to the tribulation time. Having a safe place to stay during the tribulation, is the whole reason for setting up My refuges. Trust in Me to multiply your food and water, as well as directing My angels to protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I went to My hometown of Nazareth, I read the quotation from Isaiah. Then I told the people that today this Scripture is fulfilled in their hearing. The people were proud to see Me, because they heard of My healing of people in other towns. But when they asked Me to heal them, I told them they did not have faith in My healing power, so I did not heal any of them there. For this the people wanted to throw Me off a cliff to kill Me, but I walked through their midst. It is difficult for a prophet to be accepted in his hometown, because of the lack of faith. Pray for conversions to the faith, so all the people could believe in My Good News.”

Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul’s conversion was a miracle to literally open his eyes to how he was persecuting Me by killing My followers. He was blinded by My Light, as he fell off of his horse. He had to be helped until I had My disciple heal his eyes, so he could see. Once he was baptized and learned the faith, St. Paul was one of My greatest missionaries for the Church. He helped the Gentiles join the Church without demanding they be circumcised. He suffered much to spread the faith, and he wrote many Epistles or letters, even while he was in prison. Imitate St. Paul’s vigor to spread the Good News to as many converts as you can. Those people, who follow My laws of love of God and love of neighbor, will have their reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it appears your President is going to open the government for three weeks so the government workers can get their back pay. There is hope that Congress can work out some compromise to run the government for the rest of the year. If they do not add funding for the wall, then your President is planning to declare an emergency or shut down the government again. He could fund the wall from other sources with an emergency. It is to be seen if any court or Congress will challenge any action by your President. With such a division in Congress, it will be difficult just to pass their normal budget, and debt ceiling actions necessary for your government to operate. Pray for peace in your country before this hate could cause some riots.”

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thursday, January 24, 2019: (Mass for Camille & Lydia Remacle)
Camille said: “Hello everyone, we are watching all of the political battles, and all of the problems with Vic’s house and the damage in the garage. You have some problems paying for all the damage that needs fixing. Do not give up on Vic, but help him physically, and pray for his soul as we are doing. The events are getting more serious with Trump, and you will be seeing more signs of problems for your country. Be prepared for the Warning when it comes. Tell Sharon and Carol I love them, and I thank them for taking care of Vic.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen all the ways that the opposition party has tried to stop your President, and even have intentions to impeach him. He has had several attempts on his life, as the left and the one world people will go to any means to eliminate your President. You will be seeing more serious attempts on his life, because the left despise him, and all he is doing to fight the one world people. Pray for your President’s safety, because he will be fortunate to finish his first term.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just had a huge protest march against abortion in your country right in front of your Supreme Court. In the vision you are seeing many white crosses that represent the death of so many unborn babies. If you were in heaven, you could see all the guardian angels of these souls that have come before Me to witness to these abortions. My justice is going to fall on your country and other countries for legalizing these murders. All of those people who advocate or perform abortions will pay a heavy price for their crimes at My judgment of their souls. If they do not repent, they could be suffering the flames of hell for all eternity. Pray to stop abortions. Your country will suffer much for your many abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, it was bad enough that your Governor and the New York Legislature passed an abortion law to insure abortions will not be stopped. Now to glorify this legislation’s passing, your Governor has put a pink light on top of your Freedom Tower. I have told you before how this Tower will come tumbling down because you are defying Me in rebuilding the previous towers. Now with this latest act of glorifying abortion with this pink light, your whole state will suffer from My justice. I will spare My faithful, but those people who support abortion will pay dearly for their actions that mock Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, socialism and communism promote atheism, and it defies My order of Creation. It is those people, who promote socialism, who want to take over your government. The atheists who defy any belief in Me, will be your persecutors of Christians, as in communist countries. My faithful need to stand up for their faith, but you will have to come to My refuges to avoid being killed. You are seeing signs of the coming tribulation when you see activists who defy My existence, and follow the orders of Satan who controls their souls. Pray for all souls to be converted to the faith, but avoid their attempts to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, hell and the devil exist, and the evil demons are trying to bring souls into hell. I have given you My weapons to fight these evil ones with My sacraments, your deliverance prayers, and your guardian angels. If you are attacked by evil demons, you can call on Me and I will send you a legion of My good angels to defend you. When you pray using My Name, the evil ones will leave you because they fear Me. Trust that My power is greater than all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am having you prepare for another refuge practice run, because events are leading quickly to a time when you will be seeking My protection from the evil ones. At My refuges you will be protected by My angels from the evil ones. You will not be able to leave the grounds of your refuge. My builders will provide for your needs, and I will multiply what you need. You will be healed by looking on My luminous cross. You will be praying in front of My Eucharist around the clock. Trust in Me to protect you and feed you just like I did for Moses and his people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you not to take any chip in the body which will be used to control your minds and souls like hypnotism. Do not worship the Antichrist and avoid looking at his eyes. This is why after the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, you are to remove all cell phones, computers, and TVs out of your homes so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. His time is coming, and this is why I am having people set up refuges so you will have a safe haven of protection. Keep the faith so angels can put My crosses on your foreheads, so you can enter My refuges.”

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019: (St. Marianne Cope)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a lot of divisions in your country over many issues, but when one party rules all the seats of power, it becomes a dictatorship. You are seeing this in New York State as the Democrats are going to push through all of their liberal agenda over your people. In your Federal government you are seeing an impasse over funding for a security fence on your Southern border. You are seeing no compromise, as neither side wants to compromise. There are some attempts, but the opposition party wants illegal immigrants to keep coming into your country for their votes. You have the media so against your President, that you find it difficult to even hear the media’s ranting. When people and your President take more assertive actions, you could see more possible violence from the left radicals. The next few years could see more violence over your current gridlock. Pray for peace, and to stop the devil’s stirring up trouble.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are times when you see people in need, and you can share your money and your talents to help them. Doing good works for people will store up more valuable treasure in heaven. When you can help someone, it warms your heart to provide your services and donations. There are some selfish and mean people in this world, but when you show love and kindness for people, it counters a lot of the hate going on. Even praying for people, especially deliverance prayers to help people in their addictions, is a needed help that some are thankful for. You can visit the sick in hospitals, take care of your relatives’ kids, or help sick people to get better. When you do things out of love for Me and love for others, you are following Me in My footsteps. I desire that all people love one another, instead of all the divisions and hate you see all around you. You have heard Me say that you should love one another, as I love you. If there was more love in this world, your lives would be much better off.”

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tuesday, January 22, 2019: (Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade)
Jesus said: “My people, the decision by your Supreme Court to allow abortions to be legal, is the worst precedent that your people have ever made. This is a case where man’s law is evil, and My Fifth Commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill’, is true justice. This sin is the worst because you kill a million of My babies every year. The death culture has been set up by Satan, and all of your evil one world people who worship him. Have no fear because My justice will reign after the tribulation, and all the evil ones who do not repent, will be thrown into hell for their crimes. Your persecution will get worse, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges. I will shorten this evil time for the sake of My elect. Pray to stop abortions, or you will continue to have more severe natural disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these major natural disasters because this damage is a punishment for all of your abortions. Your New York State Legislature and Governor purposely chose this anniversary of Roe vs. Wade to pass a bill called the Reproductive Health Act, and your governor signed it into law. This was done to try and prevent any future decision in the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe vs. Wade. Whenever the Democrats gain a majority, they will vote to take away your rights for their new world order. Expect more such votes to take away more rights with guns and marijuana in the future. Your government will get so evil because the one world people are manipulating the voting machines, along with illegal votes. Once they gain power in the U.S. government, they will force mandatory chips in the body on you, just as they are forcing new meters on you for gas, water, and electricity readings. Pray for your people to get ready to leave for your refuges, because the evil ones of the tribulation are about to take over. I will warn you when to come to My refuges, as your guardian angel will lead you to the nearest refuge.”

Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019: (St. Agnes, Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Jesus said: “My people, I told the people that My disciples would fast after the Bridegroom is taken away from them. If My people are faithful to My Will and My Commandments, then you will truly be judged worthy of heaven. For one day you will have your reward with Me at My Great Banquet table in heaven. Follow the humble life of St. Agnes as a model for your life. You are also celebrating freedom for all races as you honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Trust in Me every day as I am leading you all to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My faithful are already being persecuted in communist and Muslim countries. This vision of a prison is to emphasize that Christians all over the world will be subject to persecution during the coming tribulation. This vision is also telling you that this persecution will be coming soon, and you need to be ready to flee to My refuges to avoid being martyred. Do not expect justice in this world now, but later everyone will have to answer to Me for all of their evil actions. Then you will see My mercy and My judgment. Tomorrow is the anniversary of your Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in America. Again you have injustice of allowing abortions of your unborn babies. But the mothers and doctors will pay a heavy price for their misdeeds at the judgment. I will forgive your sins, but you need to come to Me with contrite hearts to seek My forgiveness. Confession is the best way to have your sins absolved.”