Saturday, February 9, 2019

Saturday, February 9, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, you remember in the Scriptures how I went off into the mountains to pray and rest from the crowds. It is good to take time to pray and think about Me, and how you could improve your life. You also remember the times at the Notre Dame Retreat House, how you spend three days listening to talks, having Mass, and going to Confession. Coming to Me with a contrite heart to repent of your sins, is something everyone should do at least once a month. Once you have your spiritual batteries recharged, then you can do more good works for your neighbor. I saw the crowd looking weary, so I multiplied their food so they had energy to get home from the deserted place. Look to help your neighbor when you see them in need. You can take time out of every day to thank Me in your prayers, and worship Me at daily Mass. Keep close to Me, and I will lead you on the right path to heaven. I love all of you, and I thank those people who love Me also.”

(4:30 p.m.) Jesus said: “My people, I performed many miracles that enhanced the faith of My apostles. St. Peter was astounded at the catch of fish, since he had caught nothing all night. He doubted they would catch anything, but he followed My Word. Throughout your lives I am helping everyone to survive, and there are times when miracles will happen to encourage your faith. When you let Me lead your lives, you will see many great things happen. You will learn to trust Me in My Word, and things will work out for you. There will be times when you are tested, but when you pray for My help, I will come to your aid. I am always at your side, so you can call on Me at any time, and I will hear your prayer.”

Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday, February 8, 2019: (St. Josephine Bakhta)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many tornadoes come across the middle of your country, and they are a sign of great damage where they travel. You are having a windy day which is a sign of chaos and damage in your society. The devil is moving more states to have stronger abortion laws because these people fear that Roe vs Wade may get overturned in the Supreme Court. You are also seeing new voices promoting socialism, and impossible ways of stopping the use of coal, oil, and natural gas in a new ‘Green’ plan. You are now seeing the atheism that comes along with socialism, that is trying to take My Name out of your lives. Removing Me from your society’s thinking, is the worst evil with socialism. So continue to pray for your country to reject socialism, and keep Me at the center of your lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing the aftermath of an EMP attack on America. Many people have been warned to have one year’s supply of food for everyone in their households. But how many people have acted on this message to go out and buy the food? You, My son, have been stocking up on food for quite a few years, so your refuge is ready, and I will multiply it when it is needed. When your electricity, water, and natural gas are shut down, many people will be in a panic, and all the shelves in the stores will be emptied. You will see My faithful come to your refuge, and they will be desperate for food and water. If too many come, I will expand your buildings and multiply your food, water, and fuels. Those people, who do not have crosses on their foreheads, will not be able to enter a refuge. My refuge angels will put an invisible shield over you so no one will be able to harm you. There will be chaos in the streets when people will be killing each other for food. The military will declare martial law, and only those people who take a chip in the body, will have access to food. My faithful should refuse any chip in the body, and trust that I will feed you at My refuges. This EMP attack is the big disaster that I am showing you after the Warning. Be thankful that My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My angels. Think about how desperate people will be to get any food. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the preparations I have had you prepare for this coming tribulation. Many people will die of starvation because they are not believers, and they are not prepared.”

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday, February 7, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, I ask My faithful to follow Me in My footsteps, and give your will over to Me. You are experiencing an ice storm, and you need to be careful, or you could slip and fall on the ice. You are fortunate that you will have a warmer day above freezing to melt the ice. Again you have the symbol of icy cold hearts which is why you have so many problems, because you have taken Me out of your lives. Not only do you need to put ‘Christ’ back into Christmas, but you need to put Me back into your whole life, all year long. If you ignore Me and do not pray, and do not worship Me on Sunday, then you will have constant problems with your health, your jobs, and your relationships. You need to love Me and love your neighbor to take away your ice cold hearts to gain freedom of the devil’s hold on you. Trust in Me for all of your needs, and your life will be much happier.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, China, Russia, and North Korea are all communist countries that have nuclear weapons. They are threats to your country, but your President is still reaching out to have talks with them to keep the peace. He is brave to stop making missile treaties, but he does not want to be limited by treaties that are not kept by Russia. Your world is an armed camp of weapons that could kill a lot of people. Keep praying for peace to stop any use of nuclear weapons.”

Jesus said: “My people, your trade with China has been one sided, as you have a large deficit of payments with China. Your President is trying to even the playing field of trade that other countries have been taking advantage of you in trade and currency manipulation. This tariff with China has caused your stock market to dip on any news of uncertainty. Pray that you can make acceptable talks with your trading partners.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the hazards of socialism which is similar to communism that is destroying Venezuela. This use of socialism also is atheistic which tries to take Me out of your lives. Your Constitutional republic was started with Me as your Creator, and your traditions were started based on freedom of religion. Socialism would take away your freedoms, and the state would control everything without Me in your midst. Pray to stop any promotion of socialism which would be the downfall of your country. Your President made a point that America would never go socialist when he said so in his State of the Union message.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had a brief ice storm that covered your bushes and trees. You prayed your storm prayer to lessen any damage from the ice. Your prayer was answered as your warmer weather is melting the ice. These severe storms are a punishment for your sins, especially your abortions. I have given you time to change your evil ways, but you insist on defying My Commandments, especially in killing My babies by abortion and even infanticide. Because your laws are mocking Me, you will see even more serious natural disasters. Pray to stop your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful that you were able to get together for another practice refuge drill. Every time you have these drills, you learn something for when your refuge time will come. I was especially thankful for all of your round the clock prayers in the chapel. You will need a plan to heat your basement when your gas heater is not working. You also bought more lanterns and rechargeable batteries to run them for light at night. You took some video clips of your practice run so you could use them in your new DVD.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have made DVDs of your talks about every two years. So you need to prepare another one for these times. Remember to pray your 24 Glory Be Novena to St. Therese for the success of this new DVD (#6). You could use your practice refuge video and a chart pad for people to follow your talk. You have a limited time to complete this work, so get this together as quickly as possible so you do not waste your time. I will bless your work, so have confidence in My help.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you daily messages on many subjects, but the main goal is to convert as many souls to the faith as you can. Saving souls from hell is your most important task for all of My faithful. Use My messages to share the faith with those people who come to your talks. Remember to pray the long form of your St. Michael prayer when you leave and return from your talks. The Holy Spirit will guide you in what to preach to the people. You can also pray your 24 Glory Be novena to St. Therese for the success of your talks as well. I will send My angels to protect you on your travels.”

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday, February 6, 2019: (St. Paul Miki & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you your current President to help your country to maintain your freedom a little longer. He has some faults, as all of you do, but he is helping you in many ways. He has the interests of your people at heart, and he is standing up against atheistic socialism, to thwart some new voices in the opposition party. Some of his initiatives are to help against child cancer and AIDS. He continues to want to build a wall at your Southern border to keep out the drugs and criminals. He is appalled by recent legislation in New York state and Virginia that is even killing live babies, called infanticide. When your President is no longer leading you, you will see the beginning of the end of your freedoms. Pray for your country to keep its morals, and stop passing evil legislation against My laws.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember how destructive your ice storm was in 1991, when many branches broke off of your trees. Now, tonight you have a lot of ice already on your bushes and trees. You will be having more rain and possible freezing temperatures which could add to the ice you already have. You were praying your storm prayer before the ice came. You could pray another storm prayer for tonight, so the ice does not get thicker on your trees. Tomorrow will get warmer to melt the ice. Pray that you do not get any wind that could knock branches off of your trees. You have had more damage from ice storms than you have with snow storms. Trust in My protection from any natural disasters. You are being tested with all of these winter storms because of your abortions, and your new abortion laws.”

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I am asking everyone to pick up your own cross, and follow Me on the road to Calvary. Life in this world is not easy, when you are working for a living, and helping to support your family. You can follow your own will to failure, or you can give your will over to Me, and let Me lead you through life. I will lead you down the right path to heaven, where you will find your reward with Me for being faithful to My Commandments. It is not easy to give control of your life over to Me, because you have so many cravings for the body to be satisfied in this world. It takes a strong spirit in prayer to follow Me with your cross. When you do everything out of love for Me to help your neighbor, then you have the right motivation. Listen to My ways and the prompting of your guardian angel, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your latest abortion laws, I am going to bring My justice upon you. Before any event that will kill many people, I will bring My Warning to allow people to change their ways. I will also give a warning to My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges for their protection. My justice will come upon the evil ones who want to kill My babies, especially when the babies are born alive. In other words, I will protect My faithful from all major disasters, especially those people at My refuges. Be ready when I will take away all of these evil ones, and cast them into hell, so they can no longer perform abortions. I told you if you did not stop the abortions your way, then I would stop it My way that will include bringing a major disaster to do away with the evil ones.”

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday, February 4, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, in the early years of My Church, many faithful Christians had to hide from the Romans in the catacombs. As My faithful get closer to the tribulation, they will be persecuted more by your authorities. You will also be seeking My refuges to hide from those people who want to kill you. My angels will place an invisible shield over My refuges to hide you. You had a successful practice drill with water, food, fuels, and bedding provided for you. You also had lights at night, warmth from your heaters, and you were praying in the chapel. Hopefully, you could have a priest for Mass, but if not, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. You could have used more lanterns at night, along with some more rechargeable batteries. You have hosts, wine, priest vestments, candles, and chalices for Mass in your chapel. I thank all of My refuge builders for all of their preparations. Now, that your drill is over, you can work on your sixth DVD.”

Jesus said: “My people, remember that everything in this world is passing away. So do not get comfortable with all of your expensive cars and homes, because they will all be taken away from you, including your money. When you use your money just to please yourself, this will not go well with you at your judgment. It is better to share what you have with others in donations, your talents, and sharing your faith. Your goal is to help save as many souls from hell as you can. Some people sell their souls to the devil for fame and fortune, but they will suffer in hell for all eternity. It is better to store up heavenly riches, than to accumulate worthless wealth that can rot or be stolen. Trust in Me for all of your needs, and I will take care of you both here and in heaven.”

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sunday, February 3, 2019: (St. Blaise for throats)
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading St. Paul talked about the virtues of faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love. This is why My Commandments are focused on the love of God, and the love of neighbor. In the Gospel the people of Nazareth wanted Me to heal them, as I did in other towns. But I could see how they did not have faith in My healing power, so I did not heal them. Because I defied them, they tried to kill Me, but I left them. My son, your prayer group people were educated in how they could live a refuge life. You were praying in your chapel, preparing food with your butane burner, and making bread in your propane oven. You had water from your water well for your sinks and toilets. You had lantern lights at night, and the cots for your sleeping. All of you were helping, and you had heat from your kerosene burner, and a wood fire in your fireplace. This third practice run is a sign that your refuge time is near. So be ready to come to My refuges when I give you the Word. Trust in Me to protect you and multiply what you need.”

Jesus said: “My son, what you experienced during your practice drill, should be shared with other people who have refuges. I thank all of My refuge builders for all of their efforts and sacrifices to provide safe places for My faithful to come. I keep warning My people that the time to come to My refuges is coming close. You are seeing more divisions in your country that could lead to a time of conflict. I will call My people to My refuges, when I give you an interior locution. In the reading you read how loving your neighbor is so important. Even though certain people or politicians have evil plans or legislation, you still need to love them, and pray for their souls. You do not want to see anyone lost in hell, so pray for your family and all the poor sinners who have not been judged.”

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Saturday, February 2, 2019: (Presentation of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are blessing candles on the feast of My Presentation. You had your practice drill last night, and now you have a real appreciation for having a light in the darkness. You also have My Light of faith that puts fire in your hearts for loving Me. You were able to heat your house to 70 F all night and all day with your kerosene burner and your wood burning fireplace. Outside it was 15 F. During the day you will be preparing your meals, and baking bread in your propane oven. You can use your butane burner to boil water. You continue to pray in your chapel all day long. Your people will now understand how I will provide for them, with multiplying your well water, your dried food, and the fuels you are using. Give thanks to Me for inspiring My refuge builders to prepare safe havens for My faithful. I will shorten your tribulation time, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Be patient, and soon you will have your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the opposition party that has gone over the edge to support killing babies who are born alive. Several left leaning states are pushing the worst form of killing that goes beyond abortion. It is bad enough for that party to support abortion, but to support infanticide, is really calling down My justice. The evil coming out of this party is like Satan himself is leading them. You are going to see My justice carried out against these baby killers. Your whole nation is responsible for your evil abortion laws and decisions. My justice will fall on you so severely, that My faithful will need to come to My refuges to save their lives and their souls. Be ready to leave for My refuges when the next big disaster strikes your people.”

Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday, February 1, 2019: (First Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, I keep telling you that My Warning is near, and coming to Confession could help you endure it. The tribulation that you have been preparing for, will follow closely behind the Warning and the six weeks for conversion. My faithful will need both physical and spiritual endurance to get through the persecution of the tribulation of the Antichrist and his followers. It is My refuges that have been prepared to receive My faithful during this hour of evil that will last less than 3½ years. Only My believers with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed by My angels to enter My refuges. The time of the tribulation will be your purgatory on earth to make up for your sins. Your practice run tonight is needed to get you used to refuge living, which will be quite different from your present comfortable living. Heating your dwelling, getting water and food, will all be major chores when you are living independently from today’s services. Learn from your experiences so you can adjust to a new lifestyle of depending on My protection all of the time in prayer. Trust in My angel protection, and how I will provide for your food, water, and fuels that I will multiply.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for coming to this refuge practice drill. You are truly being blessed for your efforts at this refuge. You had another dancing light on your wall underneath the eighth Station. You will see more signs here as one lady told you. You are having this third practice run because the time of the Warning and the tribulation is growing close. You are seeing how you will be living during the tribulation under My angel protection. Because you have practiced, you are familiar with how you will be eating, drinking, and sleeping. Rejoice that you are seeing how I will protect you, and provide for what you need to survive. Have patience because the final events are about to unfold. All of your preparations will be used and needed during the tribulation.”

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, the guardian angel of each of these aborted babies has witnessed these crimes before Me, and My justice will be falling down upon your country. You all know that killing these babies is a mortal sin against My Fifth Commandment of thou shalt not kill. But your laws and decisions are legalizing the slaughter of My babies. Your pro-death people are so appalling to Me, and they will face their judgment of these crimes of killing My babies. This is the worst sin to not allow these souls a chance for life. Some people have asked why I have not brought My justice down upon these murderers. You must be patient, because I will soon bring My Warning which will offer everyone a chance to repent and change their ways. Those people, who refuse to repent, and keep killing My babies, will be cast into the flames of hell after the tribulation. I will separate My faithful from the evil ones at My refuges. Then I will bring destruction down upon these evil ones. Once the evil ones are cast into hell, they will burn in the flames of hell forever. So do not be critical that My justice has not come, because when it does, it will be final. No evil people will enter heaven, or My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are planning to have your third practice run at your refuge on Friday. You are setting up your kerosene burner that requires two gallons of kerosene every eight hours. You have some cold weather, so you are planning to have some wood to burn in your fireplace as a backup if needed. The most important plan is to have someone praying in your chapel around the clock. With fewer people, you may have to take two hours each. Heating your house will need constant attention, but you also will be planning meals and baking bread. Each person should be assigned a job to spread the work around. Use your lantern lights at night along with your windup flashlights. You could use your well water also.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have some dried eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. You will make some soup with whatever beef and vegetables you have. You will have chicken and rice for supper. You also will have bread loaves to bake. By planning your meals and using your stored food, you can see what refuge living will be like. You will have well water to your sinks and toilets for your washing and bathroom needs. Thank Me for helping you to plan how to use a refuge for survival.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have a second solar set up on the first floor roof that could power your water pump. You could also use this to run at least one light. You will have your rechargeable batteries to power your lanterns on all three levels of your house for light. People will also have windup flashlights for moving around in the dark at night. Try to understand how you will be using your preparations to survive the tribulation time.”

Jesus said: “My son, every refuge will have a refuge angel to protect you from the evil ones with an invisible shield. Your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge with a flame. The refuge angel will only allow people with a cross on their forehead to enter your refuge. My angels will place such a cross on all the faithful people who believe in Me. You will also see a luminous cross in the sky, and when you look upon it, you will be healed of your ailments. Give thanks to Me for protecting you at My refuges, and for multiplying your food to survive.”

Jesus said: “My son, I will provide meat for you with the deer, and I will provide My consecrated Bread every day by My angels or a priest. You will need someone knowledgeable in how to prepare the meat from the deer. My Eucharist could enable you to survive, even if you did not have food. I will be with you at all times, as you will use one Host for perpetual Adoration when you will have someone present at all times.”

Jesus said: “My son, refuge living is not easy. You will have beds, pillows, and blankets for your sleeping needs. You will also have to practice how you would wash your clothes and wring them out. You will need sponge baths and other hygiene needs for brushing your teeth for example. You all will have assigned jobs, and you will be praying more, and getting along with each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, be thankful that I have directed some refuge builders to prepare a safe haven for My faithful to live during the tribulation of the Antichrist. This will be a means to separate My faithful from the evil people. The evil ones will be removed after My Comet of Chastisement will kill them when it strikes the earth. Their souls will be cast into hell. After the tribulation, I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace for your reward. Have patience and trust that I will see to all of your needs at My refuges.”