Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday, February 28, 2018:
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing how much the souls in hell suffer for their sins, and they will be suffering forever. Some people think My ways and judgments are not fair, but it is truly your ways and judgments that are not fair. I have given every soul a free will to choose to love Me or not. I do not force My Will and My love on anyone, but I allow you to choose Me or not by your own free will. My burden is light, but if you desire to come to heaven, you must obey My Commandments, and show your love for Me and your love for your neighbor. I desire every soul to come to heaven out of love for Me, and not just out of the fear of hell. Hell does exist for the evil angels and the evil people, and it is everlasting, contrary to what some people teach. Souls in hell do suffer the burning flames of pain without relief, and without being consumed by the flames. You do not want to see any of your family, friends, or anyone be lost in the flames of hell, where there is only hate and persecution by the demons. This is why it is important to pray for all of your family and friends so they will have an opportunity to be saved from being in hell. If souls ignore Me or hate Me, and they do not have anyone praying for them, then they will fall into hell. Those souls, who love Me and are prayed for, can be saved in heaven. Choose life with Me in heaven, and not death in the flames of hell.”
For Irvin: Jesus said: “My son, I told you when Irvin would be released from purgatory, and today is that day with My ‘yes’ with the grace of today’s Mass for him. Give thanks to God that he is now in heaven. He thanks all the people who were praying for his soul, and were offering Masses for him. He will be praying for all of his family.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a danger in letting your children play with addicting games on a cell phone, a computer, or a tablet. You should limit any usage to less than an hour a day. Some of these games have evil things built into the games. Because the children crave such electronic things, they can cause tantrums or unusual behavior when they cannot have them. Do not let these games become a babysitter for your children, because the children need people interaction without facebook. By limiting the time on these devices, you need to have them interact with the parents, so there is a loving relationship. The children also need to come to church so they can learn to love Me as well. Even adults can become addicted to the internet and social media. Adults also should limit their TV time and internet time so they can do what is needed in their lives, as their prayer time. You need to pray for your children and grandchildren so they do not become addicts to these electronic devices. Pray also for their souls, so they can be taught to have faith in Me with a good prayer life.”

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday, February 27, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing smaller numbers of people coming to church, because your people are becoming complacent about their faith. Some people are so taken up with working and things of the world, that they have forgotten Me as part of their lives. You remember what I said about the lukewarm souls, that I would spew them from My mouth. You also are seeing a parallel to your current weather. You have hot and cold days that reflect the hot and cold souls. These people also have hot and cold hearts when it comes to loving Me. The cold hearts need prayers and conversion, and the hot hearts are fewer, but they truly love Me every day. Pray for all of your family members, especially those members who are lukewarm, or who do not come to Sunday Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you someone’s ear, because when you hear the Word of God, you also take My Word into your heart. You are reading from Isaiah (1:18) ‘Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool. If you are willing, and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land; but if you refuse and resist, the sword shall consume you: For the mouth of the Lord has spoken!’ During Lent I am encouraging My faithful to listen closely to My words and take them into your heart. It is not enough to hear My Word, and call Lord, Lord. You must show your faith in Me and your love for Me, by your every day actions. It is by obeying My Commandments, and living your faith, that will set you free of your sins. When you do this for love of Me, I will see that you are sincere by your deeds, and I will welcome you into heaven. Trust in My protection, and you will be safe in My refuges.”
Mass intention was for Sister Eddie Francione: Jesus said: “My son, it was unfortunate that you could not make Sister Eddie’s funeral Mass, because you were traveling out of town. There were many clergy at the Mass. She is with Me now in heaven for all of her earthly struggles. She will be praying for her family and friends, and she thanks you for the Mass intention.”

Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday, February 26, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, the theme of today’s readings is to be merciful. I have been merciful to all sinners by forgiving your sins, and dying on the cross to help save all souls who accept Me. I want all of My faithful to be merciful to all of those people who you know and meet in life. There is a lot of fighting in wars and arguing over politics and religion. It is time to have a time of peace without judging others. Now is an acceptable time to love Me and love your neighbor. Life is too short to be killing people, or spend time arguing with each other. By helping your neighbor out of love, you would have a much more joyful world to live in. Do what you can to bring peace and joy into the world, instead of the devil’s hate.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given My priests the gift of Holy Orders, so they could consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. They also are able to hear confessions and absolve sinners from their sins. During Lent and all during the year, I have been calling your people to repent of their sins, and change their evil ways. I am waiting for sinners to come to Me in Confession with the priest, because very few people are coming to Confession. The first step is getting people to come back to Mass on Sunday. The second step is to come closer to Me in Confession so you can cleanse your sins, and stop your bad habits. If you do not have contrite and sorrowful hearts, then it is difficult to forgive your sins. Make a good preparation for Confession, so you are sincere in seeking My forgiveness. I will always forgive any repentant sinner, but you must make the first step by coming to the confessional. Do not fear My justice, but I am always consoling sinners in their problem sins. I love all of you, and I died on the cross to save souls from hell. Accept Me into your heart and your life, and let Me lead you on the right path to heaven.”

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sunday, February 25, 2018: (Second Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, this was a glorious moment when I appeared to My apostles in My Glorified Body along with Moses and Elijah. Abraham was having his faith tested in the first reading, when God the Father called Abraham to offer up his son, Isaac. My angel stayed his hand, because I know Abraham’s faith was sincere in doing anything for his God. Abraham then offered up a lamb that was nearby. This is the parallel to the Gospel because I became an unblemished first-born male Lamb that was offered on the cross for all of humanity. I am God the Father’s only Begotten Son, and I was offered up as reparation for all the sins of mankind. I told My apostles that I would rise from the dead after three days, but they did not understand what rising from the dead meant. This was a preview of My Resurrection, and a message of hope for what My apostles would endure. This is also a message of hope for all of My faithful, that one day you could be resurrected to heaven to be with Me for all eternity.”

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Saturday, February 24, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard a constant theme of following My Commandments and doing your Lenten practices. You may be struggling with your penances, but they are meant for you to change any sinful habits. It is not easy to root out your earthly desires, and it seems almost impossible to reach perfection in this life. All I ask is that you keep striving to improve each year. Think about which sins you commit when you come to Confession, and try to root out even some occasions of sin that lead you into that sin. You need to work harder on the sins you commit most often. It is this life change that Lent is meant to heal. Keeping a daily prayer life, is so important, because this is how you communicate your love for Me. Continue to make Me the center of your life, and let Me lead you to make the right decisions for your mission. By being open to following My lead, I will give you the graces to accomplish what you think is impossible.”

(4:00 p.m. Second Sunday of Lent) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM, is coming to celebrate the Transfiguration of My Beloved Son. Just as Abraham was asked to offer up his only son, Isaac, so I offered up My only Beloved Son, Jesus, on the cross for the salvation of all of mankind. As the apostles saw Elijah and Moses, My voice came down from heaven: ‘This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.’ This picture in your Eternal Father Chapel shows this scene of My Son’s Transfiguration. This is the picture for My namesake for the Eternal Father prayer group. It would be nice to bring My picture back to the altar, so you can see My Presence. I know it is harder to carry them, but you did it for many years. For Lent you can bring My Son’s picture as well. God bless all of you for keeping your prayer group going in My Name.”

Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday, February 23, 2018: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, all of Lent is focused on turning away from sin, and repenting for your past sins. This is why coming to Confession gives you a chance to wash away your old sins, and start with a fresh look on life. Do not let your old sins influence your future life, because this is part of changing your life. Every soul has to chose to love Me or not. You have times of sin, but you can come to Me as a repentant sinner, and I will forgive you. The main thought is to be able to pick yourself up, and restore your life in My graces of Confession. You are human and you may be weak at times, but use this Lent to make some good spiritual habits, so you can move away from your sinful habits. Keep focused on Me, and doing good deeds for your neighbor out of love, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your police and military people have the capability of destroying the chips that run your car and the electricity in your homes. These one world people will be testing their equipment on small towns. Stopping your vehicles, and turning off your electricity will be the beginning of the evil one’s takeover, in conjunction with the Antichrist’s takeover. You will see persecutions of Christians grow more deadly, as the evil ones will try to kill all of My followers. I will warn My faithful when your lives are in danger. At My refuges all of your vehicles, generators, and solar panels will be working despite any EMP attacks or bad weather. Trust in My protection from any devices that the evil ones will try to use on you. My power is greater than all of the evil one’s technology.”

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Thursday, February 22, 2018:
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, for many years companies were polluting your skies with black smoke and a strong sulfur smell from burning coal. Today, most of your smokestacks have a precipitator on them, and this sends out white smoke. It is much like your catalytic converters for cutting pollution on your car. In another comparison, this is like a spiritual cleansing of your souls from the blackness of your sins in Confession. You can come to Confession to cleanse your black souls into white souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have cold and warm days during this winter, which is causing sickness and some flooding. This is about the people who are cold and warm in their faith. It is also a sign of how your society is claiming good things as bad, and bad things that are called good. Satan is confusing your people so you have morals that are being corrupted, and fewer people are coming to church. You need to pray for your families so they do not fall away from the faith. Do not let the glitter of the world, and your addictions take over your souls.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have just recovered from your bronchitis, and you suffered many nights with only a few hours of sleep. Pray for all of your sick people to get better, so they can live normal lives with good sleep. Pray also for those people who have chronic aches and pains, who cannot be cured of their illnesses. Pray for the healing of such people.”

Jesus said: “My people, much of your pollution comes from inefficient jet engines and car engines. You have seen some improvements over the years so your planes and cars can better use the fuels with more complete combustion. You have the technology to have more efficient cars, but you are needing incentives to improve them. Your home heaters are also burning more efficiently. By improving these burners, you will see less pollution in the air. You could also use your solar panels more to cut down on the natural gas and coal that is needed to generate your electricity. Keep working on reducing your air and water pollution so you can have cleaner air to breathe and cleaner water to drink.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have enough food to cook and eat for all of your meals. There are some people who cannot afford food, or find it to eat. Please remember the hungry people by praying for them, and donating to your local food shelves and soup suppers. You can also send food to poor countries who are starving because of repressive communist governments. Giving alms to the poor is one of your Lenten duties to help your neighbor get fed.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of Lent you chose certain penances along with your prayers and fasting between meals. It is good to keep faithful to what you are giving up, or what you are doing to improve your prayer life. You are seeing how you have more time to pray and read when you stopped watching TV. Many people waste a lot of time watching TV and on other addictions. When you change your life habits to a better use of your time, you are strengthening your will power over temptations to sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, the best way to repent of your sins, is to come to the priest to confess them in the confessional. When you come to Confession, you do not see long lines, as you see in the lines for Holy Communion at Mass. Take time to prepare yourself for Confession, and make a point to come at least once a month. If you have mortal sin, you need to cleanse your soul in Confession as soon as possible, before receiving Holy Communion. Even if you have only venial sins, you still should confess them at least once a month. You gain many graces from Confession so take advantage of this sacrament to keep your soul clean.”

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wednesday, February 21, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, the only sign that I will give this generation, is the sign of Jonah. The Queen of the South came to see the wisdom of King Solomon, but you have One in Me, who is greater than Solomon here. You have read of Jonah’s preaching to Nineveh, but you have One in Me, who is greater than Jonah here. Jonah was reluctant at first, but he was returned to his mission. Then he went through Nineveh telling the people that in forty days, Nineveh would be destroyed. But the King of Nineveh declared a fast, and all the people changed from their evil ways, and they fasted. Seeing how the people repented, I spared that city the punishment I intended, and I did not carry it out. This is the sign and My desire for all of America to repent and change your evil ways, like the people of Nineveh. If America repents, I will spare your punishment. But if America refuses to repent, and refuses to change your evil ways, then you will be punished. Now is an acceptable time to repent and come to Confession, or America will suffer the consequences of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am comparing how a worm turns into a butterfly with a person who can be converted from a pagan into a new life as a believer in Me. You know the metamorphosis of one form of a worm into a cocoon, and then into a beautiful butterfly. It takes grace, a miracle, or training in an RCIA program to help convert a pagan into a practicing Roman Catholic. Faith in Me is a gift that starts with your Baptism to cleanse your original sin from your soul. It takes grace to help form a right conscience that knows true right from wrong. You can also consult with the Catechism of the Catholic Church for the truth of any doctrine of the faith. By following My Ten Commandments of love of God, and love of neighbor, you can be on the right path to heaven. Trust in Me to give you the graces to believe in Me, and to share your faith with others.”