Saturday, July 22, 2017

Saturday, July 22, 2017: (St. Mary Magdalene)
Jesus said: “My people, this reading of the Gospel is read on Easter Sunday. You remember how Carol’s Father told you in a message that all of heaven is rejoicing even more than normal on Easter Sunday to celebrate My Resurrection. At that moment I conquered sin and death, because death had no hold on Me. St. Mary Magdalene was gifted to be the first person in the Scriptures to see Me in My glorified Body. This is the same vision that I gave to My apostles on Mt. Tabor in My Transfiguration. Mary instantly believed in My Resurrection, but My disciples did not want to believe her. Later, when I appeared to all of My disciples, they believed also. It was hard for My disciples to understand the Mystery of My Resurrection, but later the Holy Spirit inspired them to preach My Good News. My conquering sin and opening the gates of heaven are truly Good News for every soul to desire to be with Me for all eternity in heaven. This is My mission to die for all of your sins, and to bring salvation to all sinners who believe in Me and accept Me into their lives. I want all of My faithful to be willing to go out to all the nations to share My Good News, and convert souls to believe in Me.”

Kateri said: “My son, I remember years ago when you bought a statue of me, and you gave it to your daughter. I remember your intention also to help pray for your daughter’s soul. I have been watching out for her, and I am praying to Jesus for her soul to be saved. Thank you again for visiting my shrine and tomb here in Canada. You have been coming now for several years, and I thank you for honoring me with your presence, and that of your group of pilgrims. Today, you were able to get here without as much traffic as last year. It takes some time and planning for this trip, and thank you for remembering me in your trips. I will pray for all of your members, and for all of your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.”

Friday, July 21, 2017

Friday, July 21, 2017: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision I am showing you what you call the ‘Last Supper’, but I was celebrating a Passover Meal according to the Jewish custom established by Moses. There were some changes because instead of using an unblemished lamb for the sacrifice, I was sacrificing Myself the next day as the Lamb of God. At the first Mass I used bread and wine, but when the priest consecrates the bread and wine, it is transubstantiated into My Body and My Blood. This Eucharistic Service is also a perpetual Sacrifice that is performed at every daily Mass. It is by My power that you have My Real Presence in every consecrated Host. As in the Gospel, I want all of you to worship Me on Sunday, and give respect to that day by avoiding any unnecessary work. Give praise and thanks to Me because I am with you always in My Eucharistic Hosts in My tabernacle.”

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Thursday, July 20, 2017:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to tell you how I appreciate the honor you give Me in your chapel and your prayer group. I am coming today because in your first reading from the Book of Exodus (3:15) I spoke to Moses about who I am. ‘God replied: ‘I AM WHO AM.’ Then He added: ‘This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you.” This is the same name that you have on your chapel door. Later on, Moses brought his people out of Egypt to Mt. Sinai where I gave him My Ten Commandments. This is why I asked you through My Son, Jesus to have the Ten Commandments displayed in your chapel. Of all the signs of Me that you have, your new tablets of the Ten Commandments on the wall, best display My covenant of love for all the people. I want you to keep your focus on My Name and My Commandments when you think of Me. This is why these readings are very powerful for how to live your lives.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the children today have to run several gauntlets in order to survive. The first test is to avoid being an aborted baby. The next test is in the school system that teaches Godless socialism which is taught by most teachers. A third test is to avoid any addictions to drugs or alcohol. It is the parents who are most responsible for teaching the faith to their children. As parents become weak in their faith, they give bad example when they do not come to Sunday Mass. This is why fewer children are taught the faith, and many do not come to Sunday Mass. Pray your St. Michael long form prayer for the salvation of your family’s souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, My crucifix with a corpus on it, is so important to be kept on the altar, and in your homes so you can remember how much I suffered to save your souls. I love all of you enough to die for each soul. By having a large crucifix on your altars, My love is always displayed in your eyes. In the same way you need a crucifix in your homes to remember My gift of My life every day. This is why crosses without My corpus and the resurrected crosses, do not show how much I suffered, and they should be replaced. My cross is powerful in healing, especially relics of My True Cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you see a few people brought to the faith in your RCIA groups at Easter. There are more people leaving the faith than are being converted. This is why I am calling on all Christians to reach out and strive to make conversions or re-conversions, even in your own families and friends. Call on the Holy Spirit to spread the faith to as many people as you can. You may be the only opportunity to invite people to know and love Me. Those converts, who become strong in their faith, will thank you so much to opening their hearts to My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Confession, you see very few people coming, and you usually see the same few people coming often. Your priests should be encouraging their parishioners to come to frequent Confession at least once a month. Some priests make themselves more available for Confession before or after morning Mass. By telling about all the graces and help that comes from Confession, more people would take the trouble to have a pure soul. By keeping your souls pure, you can come to daily Mass and Holy Communion, and you can be ready to meet Me at your judgment whenever you die.”

Jesus said: “My people, every person has a soul created in the likeness of My Image with a free will to choose to love Me or not. You are all important in My eyes, and I am constantly battling the devil to win as many souls as I can for heaven. You also should see how precious each soul is to be loved and not forgotten when someone dies. See to it that you pray for each deceased soul with prayers, Masses, and especially a Divine Mercy Chaplet. You have seen many souls saved with My Divine Mercy Chaplet. It is important for every family to give all of your deceased family members a proper burial service with a Mass and the sacrament of the sick.”

Jesus said: “My people, these Senators need to change or improve your present Health Plan before it fails. If they cannot come up with the right bill to pass, they are risking losing their seats in the Senate for a lack of action. The first hurtle is to bring it up for debate and amendments. People should not be forced to buy a bad Health Plan, and have to pay penalties for not signing up. It may take a failure of Obamacare to get these Senators to take any action. Pray for a quick resolution to have a plan that is fair to the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned several times that when people come to My refuges during the tribulation, you should bring the tools of your trade so you could share your skills with your refuge people. You will not be able to go out to the store to buy what you need. But if you bring your tools and supplies, I could multiply them to last for awhile, and you could share them with others. You all have certain skills that you could use at a refuge, so do not forget to put your trade tools and supplies in your backpacks so you will have them at your refuge. I love all of you, and I will even provide any tools that you need, if you should forget them.”

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Wednesday, July 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, today, in the Book of Exodus, you are reading how Moses met God the Father in the burning bush. God the Father told Moses to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground on Mt. Sinai. He also asked Moses to lead the Hebrew people out of the oppression from the Egyptian Pharaoh. The Hebrews were enslaved with hard labor for many years to build the Egyptian cities. God the Father would go with Moses to help him. In today’s world I have given you My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts of the Eucharist. At every Mass the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and My Blood. When you come to receive Me in Holy Communion, I want you to respect My Real Presence by bowing or genuflecting. It is permissible to receive Me in the hand, but it is more reverent to receive Me on the tongue. Whenever you enter a Catholic Church, or when you come by My tabernacle, you should genuflect to give praise and honor to My Hosts in the tabernacle. Those of you, who love Me so much, can even visit Me in My tabernacle, or when I am exposed in the monstrance. My daily Adorers often come to daily Mass so they can receive their daily spiritual Bread to have My graces for the day. My daily Mass people and daily Adorers have a special place in My heart. Remember to respect My Blessed Sacrament by always receiving Me in Holy Communion without any mortal sin on your souls. Those people, who receive Me unworthily, are committing a sin of sacrilege. You can cleanse your soul in Confession, and then you can receive Me with a pure soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been telling you for years that there would be a split in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age beliefs, and that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. This schismatic church will be teaching many heresies that you do not have to follow. If a cleric tells you a heresy, you do not have to believe such a falsehood, and you can disobey any heretical order. Pray for discernment to the Holy Spirit so you can determine the validity of all teachings that you hear. If what you hear does not sound right, then look for this subject in your Catechism of the Catholic Church to confirm any heresy. You eventually will be coming to your prayer groups, or a place of refuge to find the truth.”

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Tuesday, July 18, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have watched the movie industry’s presentation of the ‘Ten Commandments’. You can see how the producers exaggerated the Biblical story to make their own view of the real events. Moses did lead the people out of Egypt with the power of My plagues on the Egyptians. The Passover is the biggest commemoration of these miracles, and it is carried over into the sacrifice of the Mass. The Ten Commandments are My covenant with all of mankind, and not just for the Jews. The laws are My directives on how I want you to live your lives. None of My laws will ever be changed for a better hearing, because My words are forever. I have given you My First Commandment of not putting false gods or idols before Me, as riches, fame, or sports. I have given you My Third Commandment of worshiping Me on Sunday. Your abortions and euthanasia are violations of My Fifth Commandment of ‘Thou shall not kill anyone.’ My Sixth Commandment includes all sins of the flesh such as adultery, fornication, homosexual acts, and birth control. Because you are weak to sin, I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation so you can have your sins forgiven. You can see how evil your society is, by how you are violating My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading (Matt.11:21-24) I am listing the woes to the cities of Corozain, Tyre, Sidon, and Capharnaum. Their people committed worse sins than the city of Sodom, and they did not repent of their sins. In Genesis (18:23-33) I talked with Abraham and after starting with fifty just men, I relented to accepting if ten just men were in Sodom, I would not destroy it. My angels led Lot and his family out of Sodom, and then I brought fire and brimstone down upon Sodom to destroy it. You have seen My justice also on the world of sinners, when I saved Noah and his family, and I drowned the others with a great flood. There is a parallel with the sinful world of today. Because there are just people among the sinners, I have not brought My justice on the earth. When I call My people to My refuges during the tribulation, then I will bring plagues of justice against the evil ones. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement upon the earth, after I raise up all of My faithful off the earth. The comet will kill the evil ones, and their souls will be cast into hell. Then I will recreate the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday, July 17, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, on this theme of killing newborn children, you have seen history repeating itself, even until today. Egypt’s Pharaoh was fearful that the Hebrews’ population was dangerous because it was increasing more than their own. He sent out an edict to kill all the Hebrew male children at the time of the Book of Exodus. At another time Herod wanted to kill Me because I was a newborn king, and a threat to his Kingdom. So Herod ordered all the newborn boys of Bethlehem to be killed. In more modern times you saw Hitler trying to kill the Jews and others in the ‘Holocaust’. Today, you are seeing boys and girls being killed by the millions in abortion. Even for a while in China they killed the girl babies because parents could only have one child in the cities, and they preferred boys. Life is too precious to be killing children, the unborn, or the elderly. Pray to stop abortion and euthanasia that are being legalized in your court decisions.”

Jesus said: “My people, this triangle in the vision represents the Blessed Trinity. You are seeing the earth through the Blessed Trinity’s eyes, and there are black souls in mortal sin all over the earth. There are white spots thinly spaced all over the earth which represent My places of refuge. The white light comes from the angels who are shedding their light, which is protecting each refuge even now from any natural disasters. When I call My people to the safety of My refuges, your guardian angels will lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge. Once they arrive, some counselors will calm the people so they can each be assigned their work for the day. Some people will be preparing the fuels needed to keep the refuge warm in the winter and heat for cooking the meals. Some people will be assigned to preparing food for the rest. Some people will be washing clothes and setting the tables. Others will help with the bedding and hygiene needs. You saw how some will help dig holes and move your outhouse over them. You may have some electricity from your solar panels, but be ready to use your lamp oil for lighting the lamps at night. You will need water for drinking and bathing. My angels will multiply what you need, so trust in Me to help you to survive this trial. The angels or a priest will provide daily Holy Communion which you could even survive on if necessary.”

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of all of the immigrants who have come into Europe, and especially into France. You also have seen how fewer people in Europe are coming to church on Sunday. There have been several terrorist incidents in Paris, France where people have been killed. This is why I am showing you another incident that will be happening more frequently in Europe, as terrorists are infiltrating with all of the immigrants. The Muslims are having more children than the people in the European countries, and these countries are becoming ripe for a takeover. The one world people are even using Satanic rituals, as you saw with the new train tunnels. This evil will be spreading throughout Europe, as the forces of the Antichrist are preparing for a world takeover. You will be seeing more signs of the Antichrist’s power, as more continental unions will be forced on the people, modeled after the European Union. Pray for your people in America to hold onto your religious roots with Me. Do not let the worldly distractions take you away from your daily prayers and Sunday worship.”

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Saturday, July 15, 2017: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading the account of Joseph, and how he forgave his brothers for trying to kill him. It was My plan for Joseph to prepare the grain to save the Jews from the famine. Once Joseph died, the Pharaohs enslaved the Jews in the brick pits of Goshen to build the Egyptian cities. After some years of captivity, Moses was raised up as the ‘Deliverer’ to free the Jews from the bondage of the Egyptians. There is also a parallel of My Incarnation as a God-man when I became the Savior of all of mankind from their sins. Even the Passover of the Jews when they were freed, was the first Mass at the ‘Last Supper’. Then My crucifixion and Resurrection freed souls to enter heaven, and My sacrifice has made reparation for all of your sins. Rejoice that I am your Savior to lead you all on a path to heaven.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is the parable I gave about the Sower sowing seeds. Some seed fell on rocky ground, but it withered and died because of a lack of roots. Other seed fell among thorns, but when it grew up, it was choked by the thorns. The remaining seed fell on good soil, and it yielded thirty, sixty, and one hundredfold. You realized that the Seed was My Word, but it is important to notice how My Word was received. I plant My Word in your hearts, and as in the vision, I water My Word with My graces to help you grow in faith. I explained this parable’s meaning to My disciples. The seed is the Word of God. The seed that fell on rocks and the hard path, are people who hear My Word, but the devil takes it away. They do not have strong faith, so temptation causes them not to bear fruit. The seed, that fell among the thorns, are people who first rejoice in My Word, but their faith is choked by the cares, riches, and pleasures of life. They also do not bear any fruit. The seed that fell on good soil, are the true faithful who accept My Word, and they bear many spiritual fruits according to their talents. I spoke many parables to the people, and I used figures of speech and nature so they could understand My examples. My disciples had the parables explained to them so they could write down the meaning in the Gospels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in great need of more priests, which is why I want you to pray for more vocations to the priesthood. I am showing you a priest’s black shirt without the Roman collar in the vision. Pray also for all the seminarians so they can complete their intention of becoming a priest. Be thankful for these vocations, because these men are remaining celibate for My sake. Pray also for all of your active priests, so they can remain in their priestly vocation. You need to help support your parish priest with your donations, your prayers, and any physical help with your church. The best places to have fertile ground for vocations to the priesthood, is where you have constant Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You should be grateful for all the priests who give you daily Mass, and Sunday Mass. Thank the priests also who give you Confession, baptize your children, and marry your adult children. You also need to thank your bishop for confirming your children with Confirmation. Even at the funeral Masses, your priests are there to console your grieving families. Your priests are your best friends because they act in My place at Mass and for your sacraments. My gift of My Eucharistic Presence is made possible by your priests. Pray for the spiritual protection of your priests to have pure souls, despite any attacks of the devil.”

Friday, July 14, 2017

Friday, July 14, 2017: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you could see how Joseph was helping his people to survive with the grain during the famine. Jacob and his family migrated to Egypt, and they settled in Goshen where they had food to eat. Joseph helped his people until a new Pharaoh began to enslave the Jewish people. In the Gospel you read how I encouraged My disciples to go out and preach My words about the Kingdom of God. I told them that they would be persecuted for speaking in My Name, but the Holy Spirit would give them the words to speak to the people. Through the years I have preserved My Church, and I have provided leaders and prophets to carry on the faith in My Word. Today’s St. Kateri also helped the Mohawk people, as they suffered through a smallpox epidemic. She died young from the same disease. Many of your people remember how your own Anne Scheuerman was instrumental in working for St. Kateri’s sainthood by the Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your water line stops working because you do not have a chip in your body, then you will no longer be able to use your flush toilets. This is why I have advised many of My refuges to buy an outhouse for your latrine service. My son, you have had a nice outhouse made, but it is quite heavy and you will need a means to move it to a place over a hole that you will dig when needed. You have heard of several ideas such as skis, several hard plastic pipes, or some wheels. They all involve wheels or something supporting the weight of the outhouse. You saw different kinds of wheels used to move your shed that could also be applied. Spend some time to research various ways to roll your house. It is too difficult to lift, so using braces may not be workable. You will be needing this help to move your house to various holes. So learn the best way now. When it is needed and you cannot move it physically, My angels would help lift it into place so you can use the outhouse for its purpose.”

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Thursday, July 13, 2017: (Aline Samson)
Jesus said: “My people, continue to pray and have Masses said for Aline, for she still needs your help to get out of purgatory. In today’s first reading about Joseph and his brothers, you could see how Joseph took pity on his brothers in their need for food during the famine. Joseph forgave his brothers for selling him as a slave to the Egyptians, and he even sobbed over seeing them. This is a good lesson for all of you that you are to forgive one another, even if someone has harmed you or insulted you. It is not easy to forgive, but I want you to love everyone, even your enemies. In all families, I want you to make peace with each other, and do not hold grudges or hard feelings toward your family members. Pray for all the members of your family because you do not want any of them to be lost in hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, at some time many of you have had a leg or knee injury. It is hard to heal from a leg injury because you need to get around with crutches or in a wheelchair. These injuries can take a long time to heal, and they make it difficult to have patience with your poor mobility. You, My son, have been healing from a leg injury, so you know how painful this can be. Pray for a speedy recovery, and pray for all the people who are suffering from leg injuries.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Midwest, the L South, and the Northeast you have been seeing a steady number of rainstorms with some occasional tornadoes. You have even seen flooding where heavy rainfalls have occurred. In the West you are seeing near record amounts of burned acres with many fires. You have seen firefighters battling the fires with air drops of flame retardants. This occurs every year, but there have been larger fires. Pray for all the people who have suffered injuries, or have lost their homes to these natural disasters. Help donate to any funds that are helping these people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Iraqi troops and your forces who have fought a long time in battling ISIS forces to win Mosul, Iraq from their hands. This has been one of the few battles where ISIS has been beaten back from one of their strongholds. It took constant street fighting to takeover this city from ISIS. There has been much fighting in Iraq over the years, and ISIS is losing its influence. Pray for a cease fire in Iraq and Syria.”

Jesus said: “My people, you always have sick people in the hospital, and some are requiring surgery. It is kind to comfort people with health problems. Those people, who visit the sick and the care givers with food, will have treasure in heaven. Visiting the sick and the elderly are corporal works of mercy, and I encourage people to continue helping others with your good works.”

Jesus said: “My people, your home is your place of rest, and you share meetings with your family and friends. To lose your home means a loss of your physical things as furniture, cars, and electronic things. It is difficult to rebuild, especially if that area is prone to further disasters. In some cases as with tornadoes, you are fortunate to survive any damage. It would help if friends and relatives could reach out to help such victims resettle in a new home. Pray for these victims so they can get back to a normal life.”

Jesus said: “My people, your garage sales are one inspiration to try and clean out houses, and share your belongings with those people who could use them. It is not always a profitable enterprise, but it gives cheap prices for people who may not have much money. This is another means to help the poor when you make donations to your good will stores, or other charities. You can also share donations of money and food with your local food shelves who help feed the poor. By praying and caring for the poor, you are doing more corporal works of mercy.”

Jesus said: “My people, once school is out, your people look forward to relaxing with summer vacations. When you can travel together with your family for entertainment, it gives you a break from your stressful lives. Pray for safe travel and enjoy the company of your friends and relatives. Even while you are on vacation, do not forget your daily prayers, and coming to Sunday Mass. I am always at the center of your lives, and I want you to keep loving Me in all of your activities. I watch out for you all of the time because I love you so much.”