Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thursday, April 20, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you have such beautiful readings after Easter that is a witness of My Resurrection and My healing power. St. Peter spoke out to the people that it was by the power of My Name that the lame man was healed. St. Peter also gave witness that I am the Messiah, the Son of God, who died for their sins. He told the people how I rose from the dead with the greatest miracle of all. In the Gospel I appeared to My apostles in the Upper Room, and I showed them My wounds and ate some fish to prove that I rose from the dead. I appeared in the flesh, so they could go forth and tell the people that I am alive. I conquered sin and death, and My apostles were called to convert people to this new way of Christianity. Being a Christian is not easy, because you need to deny yourself and follow My ways. You need to detach yourself from worldly possessions, and seek the forgiveness of your sins from Me. You need to repent of your sins and carry your cross of life for My sake. Obey My Commandments and encourage others to do the same. Those people, who are faithful to Me, will also be resurrected in body and soul as your everlasting reward. Give glory and praise to your risen Lord, even as you are also joyful to be numbered among My Easter people.”

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, it is good to look at yourself in a mirror and meditate on whether you are following your ways or My ways. If you want to be a good Christian, you need to give your will over to My Will, so I can use you for My purposes. Looking into the mirror is also a good way to see where you are in your life if you were to die today. Do you keep a pure soul with frequent Confession so you are ready to face Me at your judgment? Do you make sufficient prayer time every day, so you can be united with Me in love, and share your troubles and your prayer intentions? Do you see the big picture of your life as to whether you are headed to heaven, hell, or purgatory? By answering these questions honestly, you can see what you need to work on in order to please Me in your life’s actions. When you see the images in the mirror upside down, you are seeing how difficult it is to live in your world today, because people may see you as not being politically correct in your actions. Your laws are upside down when they are compared to My Commandments. Your courts allow abortion which is killing unborn babies, and this is against My Fifth Commandment of not killing anyone. Your courts allow homosexual marriages, and many live in fornication, which are sins against My Sixth Commandment. You should be living in a proper marriage in My Church where children should be born out of love, rather than out of lust. Some states allow euthanasia and recreational marijuana, which are killing old people and ruining the young people’s lives with drug addictions. Pray for sinners with your St. Michael prayer of deliverance for all people with addictions, so they can be returned to My love.”