Saturday, August 6, 2016

Saturday, August 6, 2016: (Transfiguration of Jesus on Mt. Tabor)
Jesus said: “My people, you are marveling at the beautiful vision of My glory, and the words are precious to hear them and treasure them in your hearts. St. Peter said: ‘Lord, it is good for us to be here. If Thou wilt, let us set up three tents here, one for Thee, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.’ (Matt.17:4) Then God the Father spoke from a cloud so all of the apostles could hear. ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.’ (Matt.17:5) The apostles witnessed Me in bright white garments as I was radiant in My Glorified Body. They were seeing a preview of how I would appear after My Resurrection. My son, I gave you just a small taste of the feeling of joy that I gave My apostles. When you witness My glory, you need to announce it from the rooftops for all to hear that I am truly Lord over all creation. All the things on earth pale in front of My power and glory. When you see My glory, you see why Satan and the demons are but a grain of sand before My power. This is why they scatter when you announce My Name, Jesus. No matter how Satan tempts you, or how evil appears to be winning, you will see how I will overpower all of these creatures, when I will bring about My victory. I will only allow Satan and the demons to test you only so far, and then My angels will protect you. So do not fear the evil ones, because you can call on Me, and I will send you My angels to defeat them and protect your souls. I will even protect your body as well at My angel guarded refuges. Give glory and praise to Me because I am always at your side, just as St. Peter said: ‘It is good for you to be here with us.’”

Friday, August 5, 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016:(Dedication of the Basilica to Mary Major)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of various demons in hell who are tempting people with sloth, greed, and jealousy. Sometimes when you are working hard, you desire a rest to gather your strength again. There are demons who tempt you with sloth or laziness. You are created to know, love, and serve Me on earth. For all the time that you are given each day, you are accountable for using your time to help yourself and others. The temptation is to sit around watching TV or wasting your time on frivolous pleasures. You have your own needs to work for a living, get your food at the store, and pay your bills. You also need to educate yourself and provide for a place to live. You have relatives and neighbors who you may be called on to help with their needs by work or donations. When you are doing things, they should be done out of love for Me. When people are lazy, your duties are not being accomplished, and even spiritually your prayers are needed to help people. Other people are tempted by the demons to be greedy for more than they need by stealing or manipulating people to gain money from them. Some people desire wealth so they do not have to work for it. Others are using your welfare system to live off of the taxpayers’ money. Some people are disabled and they cannot work, but other healthy young people could be earning their living by working as most people do. It is difficult in your economy to find good paying jobs, but even working at low paying jobs, gives you more sense of worth than relying on handouts. Some people may be tempted by demons to be jealous of others who have more money and more possessions. People need to be satisfied with their lot of enough to survive, rather than be jealous of other people’s success by their labor. By living in love of Me and your neighbor, you will be free, and do not let the demons tempt you with sloth, greed, or jealousy.”

Jesus said: “My son, obedience to Me and your spiritual director is the best way to carry out your mission, so you are under supervision and you keep humble. Until people accept Me as the Master of their lives, it is hard to carry out the mission I have for them. I have given all of you a mission to accomplish, but you can only carry it out according to My plan for your life. When people want to be in control of their own lives, they do not leave room for Me to work with them. Many times the demons will try to mislead you into the pride of running your own life. The best success that you can accomplish on this earth, is to be united with Me in strict obedience, so you can carry out My mission for you. I do not force people to do anything, because I want people to follow Me by their own free will. Trust in Me to give you the grace to accomplish your own personal mission.”

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My son, you remember this vision of a glass chandelier in an Adoration room, and it was in reality without you seeing it beforehand. This vision impressed the priest where you visited in Trinidad. (1-8-2003 message) This bright Light was also a sense of My Real Presence when My Blessed Sacrament is in the monstrance for viewing. You also have a chandelier in your Eternal Father Chapel that you moved from your kitchen. You have spent many hours of Adoration in peace and love before My Blessed Sacrament. It is before My Eucharistic Host or receiving Me in Holy Communion that has given you many opportunities to receive My inner locution messages. It is the Holy Spirit who helps you to write down My messages, so give praise and thanks to Me and the Holy Spirit for your gifts. I have asked you to distribute your Adoration DVD so people can hear about My messages on My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, and about the miracles of My Eucharist. At the end of this DVD, you have some views for ten minutes of My Host in the monstrance so people can have a small Adoration visit. You have used this Adoration DVD when it is not easy to travel to My Adoration churches. I bless all of My faithful with My graces, when you make a special visit before My Blessed Sacrament. Thank you also for having Adoration at your prayer group.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your President is going to have some tall explaining to do about $400 million in various currencies that was secretly delivered to Iran. The four captives could not be released until the plane with the money arrived. This was not part of any nuclear agreement with Iran, and Congress was not given any news of this exchange. It is in all appearance a ransom for the captives. Further explanations may be coming, but it is questionable to be giving any money to Iran for spreading terrorism all over.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing who controls the media when you see how biased they are on the candidates for your Presidential election. I have mentioned in My parables that by their fruits you will know the people who support life and those who do not. You are also seeing an election between support for socialism vs. support for your Constitutional government. Pray that you will be able to have a lawful election without manipulation of the voting machines, nor any martial law.”

Jesus said: “My people, the party controlling your Congress has yet to seriously challenge your President on stopping deficit budgets, or reducing your National Debt. Under your current President, you are approaching a $20 trillion National Debt, and it was $8 trillion when your President took office. The one world people are using your leaders as puppets to destroy your economy by bankrupting your country. If you do not take back your country from the evil ones, your country will cease to exist.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing damaging floods and tornadoes affecting West Virginia and other states. In California and in parts of the Northeast, you are seeing droughts with little rain in these areas. Even in your own area you are six inches below your normal rainfall. Floods are destroying property and taking some lives. Your droughts are affecting your food supplies in some areas. Many of these natural disasters are a part of the punishments being directed on America because of your sins of abortion and your sexual sins. Pray for your country to change its moral direction, or your country will be taken over.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw how Israel was taken over because they worshiped idols and foreign gods as Baal. Now, America is on a similar path to destruction without much repenting of sin, nor any changing of evil ways. No matter how much I send you messages of wake up and repent, your people are still continuing to love their sins more than obeying My Commandments. Your country is on a path to a martial law takeover, if you do not change dramatically.”

Jesus said: “My son, I confirm your inner feelings of your teaching mission coming to a close, while your refuge mission will be needed more. You can see the many signs for a coming martial law. Such a state would stop your traveling, and it would force My faithful to come to My refuges. You just acquired your extra barrels for water and your extra kerosene heaters. You just ordered your outhouse kit that will take a few weeks to arrive. You may have to fill your barrels with water in preparation for the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know all the plans of the evil one world people, but I will not let them have any control until I bring My Warning and the six weeks of conversion after it. The Warning will be one last opportunity for all sinners to be reconciled with their Lord. Those people, who choose to repent and purify their souls, will be saved. But those people, who refuse to repent and refuse to change their sinful habits, are on a path to My judgment to hell. I offer My forgiveness to all repentant sinners, but those people, who refuse to accept Me, are choosing a punishment in the eternal flames of hell.”

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, your time is running out when soon your money will also be running out to pay for your welfare and your Social Security checks. Because you are paying out so much money to people who did not work for it, your deficits are going to bring down your whole government and your economy. You cannot just keep printing more money indefinitely, because your dollars are not being accepted as payment in some countries. You import more goods than you export, and it is this transferal of money overseas that is another debt to pay. As you see your National Debt reaching almost $20 trillion, you can see why people overseas do not trust the value of your dollar. When your money collapses, you will see riots and looting to get food and water. This will be another reason to store food, and be ready to leave for My refuges when martial law is declared. Many of My refuge builders are making their last preparations for the chaos of the coming tribulation and the takeover of your country. Trust in Me to protect you from harm, and to provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your news media on your televisions are doing everything to brainwash your people with meaningless comments, so you can be led however they want. There is more focus on creating dissension and conflicts, than on educating your people on the real problems with your government, and making life better for your people. When people outside the Washington, D.C. establishment threaten the control of your puppets who are running your government, you will see a firestorm to tear down such a candidate. Your leaders do not want to discuss the issues, but they want to discredit the credibility of anyone who opposes them. Your leaders cannot deal with the truth, because their power is built on lies. In the end, your people in this election are voting for socialism or a Constitutional government. The merry-go-round is also a sign of the coming Warning, when all the people will have a life review outside of time and outside of their body all at once. The events of your lives will pass in front of you, and you will be focused on your unforgiven sins. Your best preparation for My Warning is to come to frequent Confession, so you do not see any judgment to hell. Be prepared to come to My refuges after your Warning, so you can be protected by My angels.”

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tuesday, August 2, 2016: (St. Peter Julian Eymard)
Jesus said: “My people, at times you store things away in a closet so people do not see them. You also hide or keep secret any embarrassing things in your past. You may be able to hide your bad actions or sinful habits that you perform in secret away from people, but I see everything, and you cannot hide things from Me. Many people do not want to admit the bad things they have done, but you need to be able to reveal them to My priest sons in Confession. I know all that you do, so do not be afraid to tell all of your deep dark secret sins to the priest. It is hard for Me to forgive the sins you have not knowingly told your priest. Do not be afraid of the priest who may give you a strong penance for any sins. Admit all of the sins you can remember, and I will forgive the most serious sins you tell the priest. You are all sinners, so you should try to confess your sins at least once a month. By keeping a pure soul, you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment in the Warning and when you die. I know your faults, so open your souls and hearts to My forgiving love, and I will restore grace to your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, this last weekend you traveled five to six hours one way by car to the Detroit, Michigan area, and you gave four talks in four days, and then drove home. It is no wonder that you feel weak and exhausted at night. I have asked you to call on Me to send My angels to support you when you are being attacked by demons. When you are tired and weak, you are more vulnerable to the devil’s attacks. So when you are tired and exhausted from your teaching mission, call on Me also to have Me send My angels to strengthen you in your work. You receive messages each day, and it takes you time to write them down, and later to type several days of messages. I appreciate all that you are doing for Me, and the help you are doing for souls who you are reaching out to share My Word. Some people do not realize how much work you do on each trip, so you need to ask people to pray for your health and safety in your travels. You have accepted My missions with your ‘yes’, and I will have My angels guard you and strengthen you at each talk.”

Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016: (St. Alphonsus Liguori)
Jesus said: “My people, some of My apostles were fisherman, and as I was sending them out into the world, I told them that now they would be catching souls instead of fish. I told them that they needed to be good examples in how to be models for others to live. You heard in the Gospel that My faithful need to be the ‘salt’ of the earth in teaching others how to be converted and repent of their sins. Be good disciples of My Word in your actions so you are not hypocrites. Most of all you need to remember your daily prayers, because I depend on My prayer warriors to help bring souls to Me. You need to be able to help your neighbor in sharing your time, your faith, and your charitable donations. When you love Me, you also need to show your love for your neighbor in your good works. You need to see Me present in every person, so you are doing things for your neighbor out of love for Me. So I am telling all of My faithful to go out to all the nations and share My Good News of salvation for the souls you meet.”

Blessed Solanus Casey said: “My dear little ones, you are living in a very difficult time as many evil ones are controlling your society. You also have many distractions and some addictions. Few Christians are praying and practicing their faith. Your people should spend a little time each day in the silence of contemplative prayer, so you can turn off the noise of worldly things, and have time to listen for the voice of Jesus. By following the directions of Jesus, you can direct your lives to His service, and He will guide you to your goal of heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read the Gospel where My apostles were frightened for their lives when they were in fear of drowning from a storm while they were in a boat with Me. They awakened Me, and I calmed the storm. My people, many of you have had serious problems in life, and you can call on Me to help you through your trials. I will calm your fears, but you must have faith and I will answer your requests. When you need healing in body or soul, you can call on the Holy Spirit to heal you. Call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit to reach out and convert souls from their depression and trials of this life.”

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday, July 31, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul? (Matt. 16:26) I give all of you many gifts, both physical and spiritual. You should be thankful to Me for all that you have been given. You are totally dependent on Me for everything, so do not think you have gained anything for yourself only. I have given you your intelligence to train for your work. I call all of you to know, love, and serve Me. I call you to share what you have with others, so you are not doing everything only for yourself. In the Bible I have recommended that you tithe or give ten per cent of your income to the charitable needs of your neighbor. Whatever you give away to people, will store up spiritual treasure in heaven to balance your sins at your judgment. Do not just give token donations, but give what you can afford. Remember the woman who put all she had to live on in the Temple treasury. This widow’s mite was worth more than the rich people who only shared a small portion of their excess wealth. You need to plan your finances prudently for your needs and the needs of others. You need to share your time and your faith, as well as your money. It is more of a commitment to share your time and work with someone. You all have special skills, so you need to share your skills to help someone in need without expecting payment. Do things in secret without boasting, and My heavenly Father will reward you. Those people, who brag about their generosity, are already paid on earth. Your treasure in heaven is worth far more than any wealth you have on earth.”

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Saturday, July 30, 2016: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been given many messages recently concerning the coming punishment upon America for your abortions and your sexual sins. I am a merciful God, but I am also just. Your sins are deserving of My just punishment, but My mercy will be My angel protection for My faithful at My refuges. In the vision you are seeing several arks as Noah built for his family and the animals. These arks symbolize My refuges that people are also building. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to My nearest refuge when your lives are in danger. During the tribulation, you will be limited to live within the border of each refuge. My angels will put a shield of invisibility over you to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill My people. This limited space of your refuge is like the ark of Noah, only My angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels. If necessary, the angels will build more dwellings for everyone to have a place to sleep, eat, and live. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing for your needs. America will suffer much from natural disasters and a coming martial law that will threaten the lives of My people. You can choose martyrdom by remaining in your homes, or you can choose to come to the safety of My refuge arks. Either way, My faithful will eventually be brought to your prepared places in heaven.”

(Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary) Jesus said: “My people, I came to the earth to offer Myself as a sacrifice to My heavenly Father. I offered up My Body and Blood to wash away the sins of all the people who accept Me as their Savior. In the vision you saw the Three Kings who brought Me gold, frankincense, and myrrh as royal gifts for My mission. I brought you the sacrament of Baptism as I am giving you the grace to forgive the original sin from Adam and Eve. Once you are baptized, you are priest, prophet, and king. This is why all of My baptized faithful are called to go out and evangelize souls to be saved. I bless all of the people here today and your families.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been showing you many signs that martial law is coming. You have heard of people seeing martial law signs. You also have seen military vehicles on your highways. Some people have even seen tanks being moved on railroad flat cars. Some reports have shown large cargo planes that were bringing in foreign tanks. I have also shown you UN vehicles that were like armored vehicles. The one world people have been planning a martial law takeover for some time, and your President will be using his powers to prevent a Republican Presidency. Do not be afraid of these foreign troops because I will protect My faithful at My refuges. I am showing you these signs because a martial law government could soon lead you into the North American Union. I will bring My Warning before martial law is declared, so be prepared to leave for My refuges at any time.”

Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday, July 29, 2016: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, I was coming to Martha and Mary to share in their mourning of their brother, Lazarus, who had died. Martha was telling Me that I could have healed Lazarus if I had come sooner. Little did she know that I was about to raise Lazarus from the dead. I told Martha that her brother will rise, and she acknowledged his resurrection on the last day. I also told her that I am the Resurrection and the Life, and I asked her if she believed Me. Then like St. Peter, Martha said that I was the Christ, the Son of God, and the coming Messiah. Even today, I repeat this to all of My faithful. Whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live, and anyone who lives and believes in Me, will never die. I am referring to your spiritual life with Me, because all of you will die one day in your body. Later, I raised Lazarus from the dead, and many came to believe in Me. It was because of My miracles that the Jewish leaders wanted to kill Me and Lazarus. So have no worries or anxieties of this life, because I will bring My faithful into heaven.”

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I likened the Kingdom of heaven to a catch of fish where the good fish have to be separated from the trash fish. So it is when people come to their judgment. My angels will separate the good people from the evil people, and the evil ones will be cast into the ever burning flames of hell. If you could see the peace, love, and beauty of heaven, those people in sin would feel unworthy to come into My holy Presence. This is why when you are judged, you see how you need to be purified, and you will desire cleansing in purgatory. When you are called to a wedding feast, you do not want to come in without a proper wedding garment. There are even some souls who are so evil and full of hate, that they will never be fit for heaven. You can see why My angels are casting such evil souls into hell. Those people, who desire to come into heaven, need to repent of their sins, and have a strong longing to love Me in My peace. People, who cannot repent of sin and cannot love Me, are condemning themselves to hell. My faithful long to be with Me in My loving Presence, and I am preparing a place in heaven for all of them. Seek to come to the higher levels of heaven by your good works, and a holy life of prayer on earth. I have given you My sacraments, especially Confession, so you can keep your souls pure for your judgment. I desire that all souls could come to heaven, but they need to have pure souls and a strong love for Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you recently saw a crane fall and break over a new bridge being built in New York City. This is a sign of the punishments that will befall New York City for all of its sins of the flesh, and killings associated with drugs. The big cities have more people and more killings. You have not seen too many incidents at either Convention, which is a blessing that there was little violence. Continue to pray for your elections so you do not see any more violence.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some strong feelings about some of the National issues, and this could result in a further division among your people. Not very many people realize that there is a battle going on between the socialists and those people standing up for your Constitution. If the socialists win, you will lose more of your rights, and it could lead to martial law where your Congress is not included in the governing process. Pray for your country to keep its way of governing as your country was founded.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Social Security system was meant to only support the retired workers who were taxed to provide the money for this system. It is a pay as you go system with enough revenue to pay for itself. Your greedy Congress people have used this system to extend payments to even young people, which is why it is bankrupt and requires deficits to pay people. You can see that your deficits are caused by few paying in, and many drawing free income who were not intended at the beginning. You have corrupt politicians promising more benefits than can be funded by your taxes. It is this welfare state that is bankrupting your country. Pray that your welfare could be turned into a work for pay system before your economy collapses.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your election is allowed to continue, your people have a choice to choose a new direction back to a Constitutional government with Me in your legislation. When you choose Godless socialism, you are following the one world people who are led by Satan. Do not believe the lies and false promises of the socialists because they are leading you to a dictatorial communist state that will take away all that you own. If your people do not repent of their sins, and take back control of their country, you will have no country, and you will be a part of the North American Union.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is printing far too much money that has no backing and no real value. When gold and silver backed your money, it had value. Now your dollars are only promises to pay your Federal Reserve, which is the big bankers, and not part of your Treasury. This debt money is a scheme by the one world bankers to bankrupt your country, and take it over. When the dollar crashes, you will lose all dollar denominated assets, and all of your welfare and Social Security checks will stop. This will lead to chaos and martial law. My faithful will need to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how people without money will become desperate for something to eat and drink. There will be killings over food, and the UN troops will take over your country. When your lives are in danger from famine and martial law, My angels will lead you to My refuges of protection. Trust in My angel power for protection, and for all of your earthly needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that My Warning is coming that will wake up many sinners to change their evil ways, or they will suffer the consequences. After My Warning experience, you will have six weeks of time to convert your lives from sin. This will also be a time for families to come to the same refuge, if they so desire. Each refuge will have protection, but you will only be able to travel for a short time. Once the Antichrist declares himself, you will have to stay at the refuge you are in. Call on Me for your discernment for what refuge you would want to stay. Trust in My protection throughout the tribulation, as I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace on My victory.”