Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sunday, June 19, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel from St. Luke you see a sharp contrast with St. Matthew’s version of when St. Peter told Me that I am the Christ of the Lord. In St. Luke’s Gospel I rebuked St. Peter for telling the truth about My identity, because I did not want My mission exposed openly. This again is My Messianic secret until I declared My identity as the Son of God before the High Priest. In St. Matthew’s Gospel I applauded St. Peter telling him that he knew this from the power of the Holy Spirit. Then I told My apostles how I would have to suffer My crucifixion because of the Jewish leaders, but I would rise from the dead on the third day. The vision of someone falling down relates to the several times that I fell carrying My cross on the road to Calvary. I want My people to carry their daily cross in their suffering in this life, but I will be like Simon helping you to carry your cross. I will forgive your sins so you can pick yourself up from falling into sin. If you are My true followers, you will also suffer persecution from the worldly people who love the world instead of Me. Be not afraid because I will lead My people on a path to heaven.”

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Saturday, June 18, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you had two powerful readings today. The first reading was a punishment of Israel for worshiping pagan gods. This was similar to the Breach in Jonathan Cahn’s ‘Harbingers’ where he likened it to America’s attack on 9-11-01. In Israel the Armenians destroyed many things, and killed many soldiers with a small force. The second reading of the Gospel is where I told the people not to worry about what they are to eat, or what they are to wear, or where they are to live. I also said not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough troubles of its own. I told them one of your favorite Scripture passages: ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you.’ When you love Me and trust in My help, I will see to all of your needs, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another experience of what will happen when I will bring My Warning upon everyone. This flash of light will occur when your soul will leave your body, and you will be outside of time. You will see your soul body passing quickly through this tunnel to My Light at the end of the tunnel. You will have a life review of all of your life’s actions with an emphasis on remembering your unforgiven sins. You will then have a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. When you see Me, you will know that I am the Christ, and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. I will also tell you that you will only be able to come to heaven through Me. Those people, who do not choose to love Me, do not repent, and do not allow Me to be their Master, are on a path to hell. You will be placed back into your body in time, and you will have a second chance to change your life, so you could be on a path to heaven. I will bring this Warning experience to everyone at the same time so all sinners will have one last chance to be saved. You will have six weeks after the Warning to convert your life, and you can help convert your family members who will then be more open to your evangelization efforts. Trust in My protection, and I will bring you to heaven.”

Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen throughout history how people have struggled to get to be leaders of their country. Some have even killed or assassinated their opposition to gain control. You also have the one world people controlling who gets to be President of America. If you see your President using martial law to stay in power, this will violate your Constitution where such powers are not recognized. Then you will see how power corrupts completely. Do not strive for power, fame, and wealth in this life because these things will be passing away. It is better to store up treasure in heaven for your judgment. For where your treasure lies, there lies your heart. Any earthly treasure will be taken away, but your heavenly treasure will last forever. Focus your life on doing My Will, and you will gain heaven. Those people, who worship idols of power, fame, and wealth, are on the road to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I was praying in the Garden of Gethsemene, the soldiers came to arrest Me. St. Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of one of the guards. I told St. Peter to put away his sword, and I told him ‘Those who live by the sword, will die by the sword.’ Those, who live by the gun, may also die by the gun. I prefer My faithful to trust in My protection because I do not want you killing people, unless it is for immediate self-defense. When you come to My refuges, My angels will put a shield of invisibility around you so you do not need guns for your defense. My angels will also protect you from bullets, bombs, or any other threats to your life at My refuges. You need to trust Me to protect you, but come to My refuges quickly, when I tell you.”

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, I gave My apostles and My faithful the best prayer possible in the ‘Our Father’ prayer. This prayer directs you to My Father in heaven. At the end it focuses on seeking My forgiveness, and being able to forgive those people who have offended you. You remember the four kinds of forgiveness that I have given you. First, seek My forgiveness for your sins, especially in Confession. Second, be able to seek the forgiveness of those people who you have offended. Third, be able to forgive those people who have offended you. Fourth, be able to forgive yourself and let go of all of your sins and bad habits. In order to be able to seek forgiveness, you need to love Me and love your neighbor as yourself. By being able to reconcile your differences, then you can live a joyful life without holding any grudges, and being free of any bad feeling toward others. Life is too short to be fighting over many little offenses or misunderstandings. You need to live a loving life, without looking for faults in each other.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you first want to console the families for their lost loves ones in Orlando, Fla. Pray for the souls of the deceased, and for those who are mourning their loss. All the gun laws in the world will not prevent any criminal or terrorist from finding guns and ammunition. You have even seen other people buy weapons for the terrorists. Some gun laws want to restrict sales from people on no fly lists, or those who have mental conditions. These laws will only affect law abiding citizens. Many people do not want to see these killings repeated, but your FBI lists of possible terrorists are better to seek these terrorists out.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a double standard for your President when he is forcing states to take on young Muslim immigrants from Syria. Christians are not at the camps in Syria for fear of their lives, so only Muslims are being brought in. These people are not vetted, and they are being forced on your people. It is known that ISIS terrorists are coming in among the immigrants. Your President does not want Muslim profiling, but most terrorists are from Muslim heritage. Pray that your military and FBI are able to screen out the Muslim jihadists.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know it is difficult to love those people who are killing your citizens. You need to love them, but their bad actions need to be punished. Even those people, who helped this killer in Orlando, Fla., need to be tried in court for their misdeeds. Many people want to have weapons of protection, but you are becoming an armed camp against a few evil people. Pray for your police and military to restrain the jihadist suspects.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of rain and even floods in your country during your spring season. As summer is starting, you are seeing little rain and high temperatures in the middle of your country. In your own home area you are a few inches short of your normal rainfall. Pray that your farmers can get enough water for their crops, so you can have enough food without any droughts from hot, dry weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you start seeing droughts, it would be good to stock up on water and some extra food. I have asked My faithful to have a year’s supply of food stocked up for every person in your home. This is not about hoarding, but you may have to share your food with others, if your shelves in the store are empty, or your government forces people to have chips in the hand in order to buy food. I will multiply your food when it is needed, but you need to have food and water so I can multiply it.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people who ran the restaurant in Orlando, Fla. may be liable for having the rear exits chained and locked. Just as in theaters, you need to have open exits in case of fire or terrorist acts. Some places may have to have armed security agents if such a terrorist would start shooting. Some are concerned about being sued, but it is better to have armed people among crowds who are targets for these shooters. Having background data on suspected terrorists should also be given to your authorities. When this killing gets worse, I will have My faithful come to the protection of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of your President’s latest Executive Order that allows him to declare martial law for any action he deems it necessary. It is known that he would like to seek a third term as President, and martial law for terrorism would be a good excuse. During martial law your President would control everything as a dictator, and your freedoms will be stripped from you. You could then be led into the North American Union which would open your borders to Canada and Mexico. When martial law is established, have your backpacks ready to leave for My refuges because Christians will be targeted for persecution. Trust in My protection during this coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, on your national holidays you usually celebrate with parades, bands, and fireworks. Memorial Day and Independence Day are really applauding your brave soldiers who helped gain and keep your freedom from tyrants who want to control you. Today, you have new threats to your freedoms, and they are the jihadist terrorists and the one world people who want to take you over. I have been warning you of the various elements in your government, and the foreign troops that are already in your country. They are ready to implement a martial law and mandatory chips in the body. My refuge builders have been alerted to have all of their preparations ready to receive My faithful, when I give the word to leave their homes for the safety of My refuges. I have given these messages quite often over the years, but soon these events will come into reality, and you will be fortunate to be warned and prepared. Since America has turned its back on Me with your abortions, the killing of the elderly, and your gay marriages, you will be punished with severe natural disasters, and a loss of your freedoms in a takeover. Events will be moving quickly until you will soon be coming to My refuges. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, martial law, and mandatory chips in the body, then you will see the Antichrist’s takeover, and a need to come to My refuges. Do not delay in coming to My refuges, or you could be captured and martyred. Trust in My angel protection as you leave your home to follow your guardian angel to the nearest refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is traumatic to keep having visions of this terrorist shooting people until he was killed. This incident in Orlando, Fla. will encourage more people who have pistol permits to carry them on their person. People in crowded areas are targets for these jihadist terrorists, especially in Ramadan. Just as you are tested for weapons at the airports, you could see more metal detectors at stadiums and arenas. If more attacks become frequent, you may even see raids on mosques all over America. In France you saw the police striking back to thwart further attacks. I do not approve of killing, except in self-defense, but you can see more selling of guns and ammunition for protection. You can see if a series of ISIS attacks occur, how it would be easy to declare martial law. This would allow a takeover of your country with your President as a dictator. Pray that your police and your military can protect you from these terrorist attacks. I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges of protection where My angels will not allow any killing.”