Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Gamaliel was wise in telling the Jewish leaders to not harm My apostles in case their preaching could even be from God. In fact My Church under St. Peter had Me as the cornerstone. You are witnesses of how My Church has survived through all kinds of persecution and martyrdom over the years. All other religions were not started by Me, and they do not have My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. In the Gospel you have the miracle of My multiplication of the five barley loaves and the two fish that fed five thousand men. My miracle was so generous that there were twelve baskets of fragments left over. This miracle is linked with the multiplication of My Eucharist, as I share My Body and Blood with you in Holy Communion. I am multiplied all over the world in every tabernacle of all the Catholic Churches. Give thanks and praise to Me for sharing My very Self with you every time you receive Me in Holy Communion, and every time that you visit Me in My tabernacle or in the monstrance for Adoration.”

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016: (St. John the Baptist de la Salle)
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to remember that I am the Teacher and you are the students, as you have seen the student desks in the room in the vision. The fire burning in the fireplace represents the fire of the Holy Spirit that is enkindled in your hearts. It is the knowledge of My Word and your faith in Me that drives you to obey My laws, and helps you to consecrate all that you do over to Me every day. As you read of the fervor of the faith in My apostles, they were led to convert souls to the faith. Hopefully, you are brought up in the faith in the home by your parents. It is the parents who are responsible to bring up their children in the faith, and to help the children believe even after they leave the house. The parents also are responsible for the souls of their children. You can also imitate My apostles in reaching out to share your faith and love of Me with others to save their souls. You may have to suffer persecution from worldly people, but remember the words of the apostles. It is better for us to obey God first, rather than men. You all were created to know, love, and serve Me. This is why I should be your main focus in life. I love all of you so much, and I want you to love Me as well in all of your evangelization efforts.”

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016:
Jesus said: “My son, this door opening to you represents the many opportunities that I place before you for sharing My messages. I want you to take advantage of these places, even if you feel that you are going outside of your comfort zone. You have been invited to come to Mexico and some people may be fearful of some of the criminal elements there. You have listened to a story of how a young boy was attacked by demons, but I had My angels protect him. So it is with some of the dangerous places you have gone, where I had My angels to protect you. So do not be fearful of your trip to Mexico because I will have My angels defend you from any attacks of the evil ones. I love you, and you have an important mission for these end days. Your trials will become more trying as you approach the days of tribulation. This is why I have been preparing you with your refuge to help people. Have trust in Me and keep faithful to your prayers and Adoration, and your reward in heaven will be great.”

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to go through your Good Friday as I suffered, when you will face the evil and destruction of the coming tribulation. Some of My faithful may suffer martyrdom, but the rest of you will be protected at My refuges. Just as the cross seemed a sign of defeat in My death, yet in reality it was My means of bringing salvation to all of mankind. It was also My way of bringing victory over sin, death, and the evil ones. You too, will suffer your purgatory on earth, but I will bring My victory over the Antichrist and the evil ones, when they are all cast into hell. Then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. This is the beautiful glory of My victory that you are seeing in the vision. Later, you will be prepared as saints, ready to come to heaven. Stay faithful to your belief in Me, and you will share in My victorious celebration.”

Jesus said: “My people, men of science are proud of themselves in how much they have invented in the digital world over the last fifty years. Even though man’s science has come a long way in a short time, your people have not even scratched the body of knowledge that is known to Me. Do not take pride in these accomplishments because your soul is most important in this life in time. Your accomplishments come and go, but they will all pass away. Your soul lives on forever after you die, and your lifetime is not even a hundred years for most people. It is more important then for you to keep a pure soul with frequent Confession, than to gain the whole world. You want a pure soul when you meet Me at your judgment, because you would much rather be with Me in heaven for eternity, than to be with the devil in the flames of hell forever without Me.”

Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016: (Annunciation)
Jesus said: “My people, when the Archangel Gabriel came to My Blessed Mother, she was offered a choice to carry Me for nine months in her womb. Her ‘fiat’ acceptance of the angel’s request was the beginning step for man’s salvation. My Blessed Mother was prepared for this moment out of all women, because she was immaculately conceived, and she was without sin. Wherever I am, it needs to be a holy and spotless place. She was the Ark of the Covenant of My promise to man of sending a Redeemer. She conceived Me by the power of the Holy Spirit, and not by a man. St. Joseph was guided by a dream to take his betrothed wife into his home, even though she was already pregnant. Thus My Blessed Mother was protected from any punishment. The people did not know I was conceived by the Holy Spirit, but St. Joseph knew this in the dream. My Incarnation into a God-man is even a mystery for anyone to understand. Rejoice that My Blessed Mother said ‘yes’ to being My mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some comparisons between GMO and organic foods, but it is hard to find data to prove that eating organic foods are better and could cause less cancer. Even if farmers wanted to grow more organic foods, it is hard to get seeds at a reasonable price. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables may also be better than canned foods. It is better to eat more natural foods that are less processed, but it is getting more difficult to pay for more expensive healthy foods when you can find them. It would be good to know some good nutritious food to eat that would be better for your health. You need to do some research to see what are the more nutritious foods to eat.”

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday, April 3, 2016: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, in the readings today you are witnessing My mercy on the sick, and My great love for My apostles and My believers. I bestowed My miraculous healing powers on My apostles, and even on My special people among you. Those, who have such gifts, should share them with others. In the Upper Room I appeared to My apostles to encourage them, and I breathed the Holy Spirit on them, so they could forgive sins in Confession. This sacrament of Holy Orders is conferred on all of My priest sons, so they can forgive sins in the sacrament of Reconciliation. I also showed them My Body and My wounds. I even ate food with them to show them that I was not a ghost. St. Thomas is criticized for being a doubter, but many of My apostles did not believe the account of My resurrected Body when I appeared to Mary Magdalene, and the disciples on the road to Emmaus. I wanted My apostles and My people to be not unbelieving, but believers in My Resurrection. I sent all of them out to evangelize souls to believe in Me, even as I call on My believers of today to go out and convert souls to the faith.”

(11:00a.m. Bishop’s Mass) Jesus said: “My people, at times you take My gift of your priests for granted, but it was in today’s Gospel that I gave My apostles the power to forgive sins in the sacrament of Reconciliation. I told them: (Jn 20:22) ‘Receive the Holy Spirit; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained. You need to pray for your priests and bishops so they will not leave their vocation. By your prayers and support, you can help protect your priests from the devil’s attacks. You need to pray for vocations to the priesthood as well. You can also pray that you will have a priest at your refuge, so you can have Mass and Confession. If you do not have a priest at your refuge, I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion, so you will always have My Presence with you. Rejoice to have a priest because I am acting through them in Confession and at the Mass.”

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Saturday, April 2, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I appeared to My disciples, and I scolded them for their unbelief in My Resurrection, even when Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, witnessed to them. They believed because they saw My resurrected Body, but blessed are they who have not seen Me, and still they believe. I related to My apostles all the Scriptures about Me that had to be fulfilled. By this miracle of My rising from the dead, they started to understand that I am truly the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. I came into this world to offer up My life for My sheep, and My death has brought salvation to all sinners who believe in Me. By repenting of your sins, and accepting Me as your Savior and Master, you are on the right road to heaven. Enjoy reading all the accounts of My appearances to My disciples, after I rose from the tomb.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some instances you may see a certain goal blocked, but you need to be resourceful in thinking of ways around your blocked path. This happens in life’s trials, but it can also happen in your spiritual life as well. You cannot overcome someone’s free will when you want them to come to Sunday Mass. You can pray to various intercessors, or you can pray persistently for someone to be open to My grace to change their lives. Even if someone in your family is far away from Me, your persistent prayers can save that soul from going to hell. It is not enough to have a successful life with a good job, but you must allow Me to lead your life to heaven. You may wish to evangelize souls to come to Me, but you need to show people by your actions that you truly practice what you preach. When they see the joy in your life because you love Me, they will want to have your joy and peace for themselves by converting to the faith. There are many ways to come to believe in Me, but the most direct is to repent of your sins, and imitate My love for everyone. When you love your friends and relatives, this does not take too much effort. It is when you love your enemies and your persecutors, that your love expands to everyone. This is how you can move closer to perfection when you love everyone as I do.”

Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016:

Jesus said: “My people, in this Easter Season you see signs of new life in nature among the flowers and trees. Your daylight is getting longer, and temperatures are generally warmer. Your spiritual life also is feeling joyful as you celebrate the glory of My Resurrection. When nature is bursting with new life, it gives your souls new life as well. You will soon be celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday, so continue your Novena prayers, and try to get to Confession this Saturday as part of your plenary indulgence preparations. In today’s Gospel I showed the apostles My resurrected body, and another miraculous catch of fish. I gave them more inspiration to go out and evangelize people to faith in Me. I empowered My apostles with healing gifts as they healed the lame beggar. These miracles were instrumental in making many conversions. Remember when you have healing gifts to use them whenever you can, or you could lose your gift.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you raise your expectations about certain events, you are greatly disappointed when events are not as special as you thought they would be. To avoid being disappointed, do not think great things will happen at your events. Think of things as all being equal, and you can be thankful if something is better than normal. At times you may desire something that is hard to get, and you have to wait a long time to receive it. It is your anticipation of receiving something new that drives you to desire things. Once you obtain it, you realize that it was not as great as it was advertised, and you soon grow tired of it as it becomes obsolete, and you want a new device again. This is the problem with things of the world because they are cold, and they do not satisfy your soul as I do. So do not make earthly things or people idols in your eyes because you will be disappointed with them over time. I am the most desired Person that your soul will be satisfied to be in My Presence, because I will not disappoint you. Love the One who will always love you, because even earthly people can reject you, but I will never reject you. You are My creation out of love, and I will love you even when you sin against Me. I desire that you return to My love by repenting of your sins in Confession. Then you can be reunited with My love.”

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday, March 31, 2016:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the spring how the rain comes down on the earth to soften the soil, and bring forth the grass and new flowers. As you prepare for Divine Mercy Sunday, you are also seeing My rays of mercy and grace come down upon your souls to enrich them. Then My faithful can bloom with the joy of My Resurrection, as they go forth and proclaim themselves as witnesses of My Word, and My Resurrection from the dead. I love all of you, and I want all of you to love Me in return. I died for your sins out of love for you, so people need to wake up out of their spiritual sleep, and see that they can only come to heaven through Me. Your soul can only find peace in Me. So repent of your sins, and let Me be the Master of your life. Spring brings forth new life in My creation, and so the celebration of My Resurrection should bring new life into your soul as well.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you read the first passages from the Acts of the Apostles, you feel like you were right there with My apostles. For those people, who have traveled to Israel, you can remember the empty tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. You may also remember the upper room where I appeared to My apostles after My Resurrection. This Easter Season shows you how My Church got started with St. Peter as the first Pope. There were a lot of early martyrs for the faith, and you honor some of them as saints. You even have their first class relics on your altar tonight. Rejoice in My Resurrection as you continue celebrating this Easter Season.”

Jesus said: “My people, Easter lilies are trumpeting a beautiful scent that awakens your sense of smell. They also look like trumpets, and they give My disciples an example to shout My Easter message to all peoples. My message is that I have risen from the dead, just as I promise all of My faithful will rise from the dead at the last judgment. The flowers on the altar remind you of the new life in the Spirit, that is calling all of My faithful to go out and evangelize souls.”

Jesus said: “My people of your prayer group, you are fortunate to have My Real Presence in the monstrance to offer up your prayers and intentions. I hear all of your prayers, and I thank you for coming here every week to give Me praise and thanks. I treasure all souls who love Me so much, and they take the time to show Me their love of My Blessed Sacrament. This gift of My Eucharist is the greatest gift of Myself that I could leave you when My Body ascended into heaven. I did not leave you, but I am always with you in My tabernacles all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I criticized the Pharisees for all of their rules for washing pots and kettles as well as the body. They focused more on their outward appearances, but inside their souls, they were far from Me. So it is with the people of today. You do everything to put on a good appearance with your showers, and your hair and facial appearance. Your clothes need to be clean and neat looking. I pray that all people should be as conscious of keeping their souls clean by coming to frequent Confession. I wish you could see all the dirty souls that are covered with mortal and venial sins as I see them. I sometimes have to turn away from this evil sight. You can make Me happy if you cleanse your soul as much as you cleanse your body.”

Jesus said: “My people, at your Easter Vigil you saw the Baptism and initiation of your RCIA candidates into the faith. They had water placed on their heads, and you all repeated your Baptismal vows with ‘I do’ after each article of faith. I died for all sinners so they could be freed of original sin, and their actual sins in Confession. You have a clean soul after your Baptism, and after you leave the confessional with the absolution of your sins. Seek My forgiveness as you repent of your sinful actions. I love all of you, but you must have clean souls to receive Me in Holy Communion. You experience a little taste of heaven, every time that you receive My consecrated Host. Stay close to Me with clean souls, and you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are three times when you see the Easter Candle displayed in prominence. You see this candle displayed on the altar during the entire Easter Season. Those, who come to funerals, are well acquainted with this candle that is placed before the casket of the person who died. You also see this candle as part of the Baptismal rite. The Easter Candle represents the spiritual life of the Holy Spirit that is present in all of you who are temples of the Holy Spirit. You can see how you come into life at your Baptism, and your life is celebrated in death at your funeral. This candle of life and My Presence in your life, should be burning constantly.”

St. Michael said: “I am Michael, and I stand before God ready to do His Will in all that He wants of me. I am your intercessor and protector from the evil spirits. I assist the priest who does exorcisms, and I am with you when you pray my prayers of deliverance. I have asked you to pray the long form of my prayer to help in breaking any generational sins in your families. When you finish praying, you could make crosses over the pictures of your family with holy water. You can pray this prayer to help cleanse addictions and fight evil spirits. You may also pray this prayer for your protection when you travel to your talks, and when you return home. Call on my help whenever you feel that you are being attacked by demons.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016:(Jesus on road to Emmaus Luke 2:13-35)
Jesus said: “My people, you are My Easter people, and your joy and love for Me knows no bounds. This Gospel of My meeting the two disciples on the road to Emmaus is so touching, that it brings tears to your eyes. My two disciples were sad about My death, but they were encouraged to hear of My Resurrection from the tomb. I was happy to explain all of the Scriptures that foretold of My coming, and why I had to die on the cross to bring salvation to all sinners. The disciples did not recognize Me because I was in My glorified Body. They also were still unclear of what My rising from the dead meant. Once we were at supper, their eyes were opened to see it was Me in the ‘breaking of the bread’. Then I vanished from their sight, and they said how their hearts were burning within them as I explained the Scriptures to them. This was My second appearance when I appeared to Cleopas and Simon after My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, before the chip in the body is made mandatory, some people will be encouraged voluntarily to take a chip in the body. Once people take the chip, they could be drawn by voices to come to certain football stadiums, where the Antichrist could broadcast TV pictures to control the people in worshiping him. Eventually, it would be mandatory to have a chip in the body to receive money, and to buy and sell in the market place. You will have a new electronic money that will require a chip in the body to buy and sell things. Do not take any chip in the body so you are not controlled by them. You will see Christians come under persecution for following My ways. You will be confronted by the new world order people both in the schismatic church and in the government. Trust in My angel protection, as I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges.”