Tuesday, October 27, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading St. Paul speaks of hope in when you will be brought to heaven. You hope for what you cannot see now, and not for what you see of this life. You have a small taste of heaven when you experience My love and My Real Presence, when you receive Me in Holy Communion. In the Gospel I likened the Kingdom of heaven to the growth of the mustard seed into a large bush. I also likened it to how yeast leavens the whole dough of bread. You have experienced heaven a few times in your visions, and you felt like being One with Me in complete peace and love. It is My love and My Presence that permeates all of My creation both in the universe and in heaven with all of My saints and angels. Once you have a glimpse of what heaven is, you will want to desire to be with Me for all eternity. This is the hope that each soul craves to be with Me in heaven, after this life.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you read My Word in the Bible, you also need some Bible study helps to understand the deeper meaning of the words, in the context of when it was written. When you examine cross references, you see how various parts of the Bible explain other parts as a whole. Many Roman Catholics do not take the time to read more of the Bible, than just the daily readings. If you want to know and appreciate My Word more, then you need to make time for a Bible study, either a self-help means or a regular planned meeting. The Bible is an excellent way to enhance your faith, but very few take the time to read it and study it. Make a point to at least seek out some good self-help study guides as books, CDs, or videos. Going to the Holy Lands, if possible, is another way to make My Bible accounts come alive. Do not just stagnate in your faith, but you can grow in your faith with good Bible study.”
Solar decision: Jesus said: “My son, you have sought out a few prices, and your decision with the cheaper price looks reasonable in acquiring as many panels as you can fit on your roof. You have discerned your solar installer as being a faithful person, so you have chosen well.”
Sleeping problems: Jesus said: “My daughter, there are some physical things you could do to improve your ability to sleep nights. Try to remove as much stress as possible. Try not to go to bed too late so you are not overtired. Try to avoid much eating or stimulants before bed. For spiritual help: Try to pray your rosaries in bed. Some people get sleepy when they pray. Try reading the Bible or the lives of the saints. Most of all, in your night prayers, pray to Me to help you get to sleep every night. If this is not successful, then you may need some medical help.”
Monday, October 26, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, as you see Me suffering from My wounds in the vision, I want you all to be more sympathetic for all the people around you who are suffering in pain. These people are My suffering servants, and I desire that all of those people in pain could offer up their suffering for other souls. Pain that is not offered up, is wasted opportunities of grace for that person or others. When you see people suffering or sick, you could visit and help them, or at least include them in your prayer intentions. If a person should get healed, or get over the sickness, then that person should give thanks to Me for being free and well again. It is easy to pray to Me to remove your pain, but not all people give Me thanks for making them well. Remember when only one of the ten healed lepers came back to thank Me for their healing. So continue to pray for the sick and visit them, so they are not forgotten. Show your love for your neighbors by doing corporal works of mercy for them.”
(Genevieve P. Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is always sad to lose a mother and a grandmother. Genevieve was a kind and generous person who helped her family and others at the church. You are all thankful for her gift of life in how she affected so many lives. Love of family and friends was always on her mind. She will be watching over and praying for her family and friends.”
Sunday, October 25, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you see day and night, but this can also represent a battle of good and evil. I have conquered the darkness of evil and death when I resurrected on Easter morning. It was My death on the cross that has enabled My faithful to come to heaven through the open gates. You can see the battle of good and evil going on today, as it really is a battle to save souls from hell. All of My faithful need to think of themselves as prayer warriors, and you are called to evangelize souls for Me. With My help you can bring converts or reconverts into My Church. Even by your prayers and good example, you could help save souls in your own family. Gently encourage them to come to Mass and even Confession. You are all in this battle together, and each of you can make a contribution of time and prayers. You pray daily, so remember your family and friends in your intentions. By helping to save souls, you will store up treasure in heaven.”
Saturday, October 24, 2015: (St. Anthony Mary Claret)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of God, and you are hearing about how St. Paul talks about the spirit of man, and being united with the Spirit of Christ. Many believers do not understand about how man is made up of spirit, soul, and body. The spirit refers to being conscious of God, and it contains your intuition, conscience, and a communion with God. The soul refers to being conscious of self, and it contains the mind, emotions, and your free will. The body refers to being conscious of the world through your senses. I am coming to share your link to God through Me, as you are Temples of the Holy Spirit. I keep you focused on your desire to be with God’s Presence, and especially to desire being in heaven for all eternity. In the spirit of man you find your higher longing for God, especially at Mass, receiving Holy Communion, and in front of the Blessed Sacrament at Adoration. Your heart is overwhelmed with the love of God when you pray, as this is your communication with God. Trust in the Three Persons of God as We lift you to a higher level of loving Us in your spirit.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing in the reading how I was able to heal the blind man because he had faith that I could heal him. This was different from the people of Nazareth who did not have faith in My healing, so I could not heal any of the people from that town. Even as you think of My healing of the blindness in his physical eyes, there is also healing of spiritual sight which comes when someone is converted to a believer. In order to have a gift of faith, you need My grace to have the eyes of faith that understand My love for you. Once you accept Me in faith, you have the responsibility to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. You need to also reach out and share your money, and your faith with others. In this way you can help others to take away their spiritual blindness, so you can help grow My Church. When you have the light of faith, you can see life from the big picture as I see life. Give praise and thanks to Me for opening both your physical and spiritual eyes.”
Friday, October 23, 2015: (James Alan Palmer Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the life of one of My faithful servants in Alan. He was a loving husband, father, and grandfather. He had a very vibrant spirit, so that people were happy to work with him. You heard a testimony of his many jobs and activities in giving loving service to people by his son’s statements. With this Mass, he is with Me in heaven as his reward. He suffered much in his later days. He is watching over his family, and he loves them very much. He also will be praying for his family and friends.”
(Shannon and Sean Finucane Wedding)
Jesus said: “My people, it is a blessing to see a couple getting married in the Church, when there are so many others who are living together, or getting married by a justice of the peace. Marriage is a true gift of love for each spouse, but it is also a commitment for life that I will help them in grace to continue. There are also many divorces, so it takes a dedicated love to make a marriage work the way it should. The couple is not alone. They can depend on their parents and friends to support them with money, love, and prayers. I have encouraged all married couples to work on keeping their love consecrated to Me as the third partner. There are some couples who have been married over fifty years, so a life long commitment is possible. Each couple needs to pray every day with each other to truly keep the flame of love alive. The more spouses pray together, the more they will stay together.”
Thursday, October 22, 2015: (St. John Paul II)
Jesus said: “My people, when you truly believe in Me, and follow My Commandments, your lifestyle will be different from those who do not believe. At times people with sinful addictions, may cause divisions in families with drinking, drugs, or gambling. You pray for all of your family members, who are away from Me, and do not come to Sunday Mass. You do not want to see any members lost to the evil one, as I do not want to lose any soul either. You will also see a coming division in My Church between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. My laws do not change, and those who follow heretical teachings, are also in danger of being lost. Pray for all sinners, and especially for those people who need deliverance prayers.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, since I told you to prepare supplies for forty people, you have prepared beds, pillows, sheets, and warm blankets for them. You also are stocking up on more MRE meals, and some extra canned goods. You have some water and food that I will multiply for all of your daily needs. You also have wood, kerosene, and a new full propane tank for your fuels. You also are planning for some solar cells to supply some electricity. A shed also will be needed in the backyard. All of these projects are underway, even as I told you to get them done as soon as possible.”
Jesus said: “My people, every time that your U.S. budget ceiling for your expenditures comes up for a vote, there have been some threats of a government shutdown, if it is not raised. There are some Congress people who do not want to raise the budget ceiling, which is why it is difficult to pass legislation for this need for more money. Part of the problem is the huge National Debt that is getting harder to finance without people buying enough Treasury Notes. Pray that your leaders will control your spending.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some outcries by your workers for a living wage. As a result of these complaints, the minimum wage will be rising dramatically. When wages rise three to five per cent, this could bring on an increase in inflation, layoffs, and possible interest rate hikes. Pray for your workers so they can feed their families and afford adequate housing.”
Jesus said: “My people, you just had a little cold weather to get you thinking about winter preparations. I told you to check your heaters that they are in working condition. You put your scrappers in your vehicles, when you had to scrape some ice off of your windshield. You bought some extra fuels that could be needed for heating, cooking, and running your car. Having some warm blankets may be needed if your gas heater stops working. Keeping warm in the winter is a big concern when the cold and snow get severe. You also need gloves, hats, heavy coats, and boots. Being prepared is better to face winter’s cold.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have not heard much news about the latest Synod meetings. This was about the family, and there are concerns of any changes in reference to gay marriage and any restrictions on receiving Holy Communion. Beware of any changes that could be considered against Church laws, or any heresies. Pray for My guidance of your Church leaders that they do not violate My laws.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have just bought a supply of apples and squash at your local farms. Canning fruits as peaches and apples is a great way to keep them from spoiling. Your new root cellar will help keep your crops from freezing, as you have seen in your cold garage. Storing fruits and vegetables will help get you through the winter months when you have no growing season. Give thanks to Me and your farmers for supplying your food throughout the year.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are coming to the end of the Church year as the readings will be focused on the end times that will lead up to the coming tribulation. There are also readings that speak of keeping your soul pure as you approach the end of your life, and your judgment before Me. You see people dying all the time, but as your friends die, you start thinking of your own preparation at the funeral parlor. By frequent Confession, you can keep your soul pure and always ready for your own death.”
Wednesday, October 21, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the vision how the bar gets raised higher for those who can jump higher. In the Gospel I told you that those, who have received more grace and talent, more will be expected from them. My faithful are at different levels of progress in their faith, depending on the gifts that they were given. Those people, who have progressed more in faith, are expected to have more fruits in their works, than others who are just starting out. The more you have been given, the more responsibility you will have to help people. My people with more gifts should not be fearful, because I will be helping you, and you will be better able to endure your added mission responsibility. Be thankful for all that you have been given, and keep focused on your prayers and My sacraments to support your work.”
Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in the Middle East, is Moslems massacring Christians with swords in many beheading acts. Even if people are killing others, I do not want My people to kill people, except in cases of immediate self-defense. It is the devil and his workers who are killing people in your death culture. You are even seeing euthanasia spreading in the health field where doctors are slowly killing patients with morphine. Some states are performing assisted suicide, and even involuntary killing of older patients is occurring, especially without advocates present. Killing in abortion should be stopped, and at least protested. Many of your wars are caused by the one world people which cause many killings. There are even some viruses being man-made for the purpose of reducing the population. It is all of these killings that I detest, and those, who are behind these killings, will face My punishment at their judgment. Pray to stop all of these killings where man is acting in My place, by taking lives.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have suggested getting a solar system with batteries, so you could have an independent source of power, away from your electric grid. You are learning all the new advances in solar cells, and how much power you would need to run your appliances, except your oven and your air conditioner. Once you get all of your estimates and timing of installation, then you can discern with Me before My Blessed Sacrament, what would be the best decision. Having some electricity would provide lights, a sump pump, and a refrigerator. You will still need your wood burner and your kerosene burner to heat your home without a source of natural gas. You may also need your grill and your small Coleman stove for cooking things. Keep working to install your solar panels and your shed as soon as possible. By following My directions, you will have your preparations ready for all the people that I will send to you.”
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