Tuesday, May 26, 2015: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, when I make a person’s body and soul, I throw away the mold because each of you are made different with your own set of talents that are unique from anyone else. You need to acknowledge that I created you with the use of your parents in the creation process. Even when you have your own children, you are united with Me in bringing another soul and body into the world. You are all a part of My human family, and I give a call to you to ‘follow Me’ in whatever vocation you choose. I do not force My love on anyone, but you all hear My call to your mission in life. There is always a cost to follow Me, and it means you are giving up your own free will and earthly desires to follow My Will. Choosing a spiritual life of working with Me in all that you do, can be difficult when I take you out of your comfort zone to help people. Yet, you will have your reward both here and in heaven. My apostles left their livelihoods, and followed Me immediately without looking back. You are answering My call when you accept Me as Lord and Savior over your life. When you follow Me in My requests, you are in harmony with My Will, as all of nature is in harmony with Me. You are called to love Me and your neighbor, and your reward will be great in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, water was freely flowing in the Garden of Eden, but now your weather is more erratic with floods in Texas and droughts in California. Your water is becoming more of a concern, as many of your lakes are drying up or going down. Those of you who live near the Great Lakes, or on large rivers, are fortunate to have enough water to drink and bathe. Other places are limited in water, and are on water restrictions. You are seeing a need to store some food and water for the time of famine that is coming. The distribution of food will be limited when you will need a chip in the hand to buy it, but do not take any chip in the body. Your refuges will need to stock up on food and water, so it can be multiplied for those who come to My refuges. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, even during the time of tribulation.”
Mass intention for Joan Sadie Allen (Kathy’s mother): Jesus said: “My people, even though Joan may have had some different ways about her, she still was the mother of her children. You need to respect her for bringing up her kids. Deep down she had love for her children, despite her actions. I know there was some concern for her soul, but the family’s prayers have saved her. She will be in purgatory for awhile, so she could use your Masses and prayers. Many souls have been saved from hell because of the prayers from the prayer warriors in the family.”
Monday, May 25, 2015: (Memorial Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are remembering all the soldiers who died in fighting for your freedoms. It is sad when you know that the one world people have encouraged wars for their own financial gain. You actually are losing many of your freedoms because of your poor leaders. When your people of America turn your backs on Me, and you continue your abortions, euthanasia, and same sex marriages, then you will reap the consequences of your sins. It is your divorce and living together in fornication without proper marriage, that is destroying your families. It is living in your sinful lifestyles that is offending Me in your sin. Where is your love for Me and your neighbor? Without having Me as the center of your lives as a nation, America will surely fall from within. Keep praying for your family members to turn from their evil ways, and repent of their sins. Without the forgiveness of sin, these souls are on the road to hell in My justice. America needs to wake up spiritually to see My Light, or your country is lost.”
Jesus said: “My people, your soul is your most valuable possession that you have, and I am your most valuable friend that you could have. Your goal in this life is to seek heaven by coming to Me for the forgiveness of your sins in Confession. Your next goal is to share My love with others, so you could convert their souls, and save them from hell. The kingdom of heaven is like a precious diamond that you would sell all that you have to buy it. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to offer salvation to everyone. I want you to love Me also, and you can show it in your prayers and in your good deeds for your neighbor. If you do everything out of love for Me, then I will see your good intentions in your heart. Keep focused on Me and never forget Me.”
Sunday, May 24, 2015: (Feast of Pentecost)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the God of love, and I am One with God the Father and God the Son. When you receive Holy Communion worthily, you receive all of Us in the Blessed Trinity. You have honored God the Father and Jesus in your chapel, but it would be fitting to also honor Me as well. I would like one framed picture of the Baptism of Jesus in the portrayal of the Blessed Trinity, a picture of a Dove, and a picture of My flames that appeared over the apostles and the disciples. It would please Me if you placed this combined picture in your chapel, and take it to your prayer group meetings. You know how I inspire you in writing your messages, and in helping you to evangelize souls in your speaking engagements. I reach out to touch all souls to know Jesus, even those souls who have fallen away, or those souls who have never known Jesus. Remember Me in the Sign of the Cross, and your Glory Be prayers to the Blessed Trinity. Some people may forget about Me, but I bring you My gifts every day as My blessing. When you pray to any Person of the Blessed Trinity, you are praying to all of Us, because We are One in a mystery that is difficult for you to understand. Call on all of Us every day to help you to bring souls to the faith, so they can be saved from hell.”
Saturday, May 23, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, remember that you are in the world, but you are not of the world. It is I who have chosen you, and not you who chose Me. I have a mission for each soul, but only when you give your will over to Me, can you carry out My mission. I give each person specific talents that are unique to you, and these talents are given to carry out your mission. You are the only one that is equipped to carry out that mission. I love all souls in the world, even those souls who reject Me. I know in your human weakness that you are liable to sin, so I am willing to forgive all repentant sinners. I call you to be like little children in your hearts, so you can have true humility and be given the grace to seek My forgiveness of your sins. You need to accept that you are sinners, and you are in need of coming to Me in My sacrament of Reconciliation at least once monthly. By keeping your soul pure, you can be worthy of receiving Me in Holy Communion. Your whole world is in need of repentance, but the people first need to be converted by My evangelists and My prayer warriors. My faithful need to continuously reach out to convert souls and invite them to come and believe in Me with their whole mind, their whole heart, and their whole soul. Once a soul is laid bare to its sins in My eyes, only then will the soul desire My forgiveness of his or her sins. This grace of faith is a gift that I offer to everyone who wants to be saved with Me forever. Give up your worldly desires, and only desire to love Me, and your neighbor as yourself. Call on Me to protect you from the devil’s temptations, and do everything out of love for Me. Then you will be fulfilling the mission I gave you because you gave Me your ‘yes’ to follow My Will.”
Jesus said: “My people, every time that you see a tomb, you should think of how one day, you will be passing through this shroud into your own death. Do not be afraid to die, because all of you will be joined with Me in judgment. Be prepared with prayers and a pure soul in frequent Confession. I love all of you, and I do not want to lose even one soul to the evil one. This is why it is so important to evangelize souls, and pray that all the souls in your family will not see hell. Keep close to Me at all times so I can guard you from any occasions of sin.”
Jesus said: “My people, your fresh water that is delivered to your house, will soon run dry in many Western states. You are seeing a time when your rainfall has been falling gradually below normal levels. The farmers and the people in their homes have been draining your lakes, rivers, and well water for many years, but it is not being replenished enough by your rainfall or snow. This will become a severe problem in the West where there are fewer sources of water. You have the possibility of having a need for large scale desalinization plants along the ocean that could use membranes to make potable fresh water. This could provide drinking water and smaller amounts of expensive fresh water. Your water bills will get more expensive, and your fresh fruits and vegetables will also increase in price. The food and water which you have taken for granted for many years, will becoming harder to find at a higher price. You are going to realize how these basic commodities are so valuable now, and at your future refuges. I know your physical needs for your survival, and I will multiply these things when they are needed at your refuges. Give thanks to Me for all that I do to provide for your every day needs.”
Friday, May 22, 2015: (St. Rita of Cascia)
Jesus said: “My son, you know that during the tribulation, you will not have your normal services to your house, like electricity, water, and natural gas. This time when you have not had a stove or appliances, represents a little of the rustic life that you will be living in the tribulation of the Antichrist. Be prepared to have your water, food, and your fuels multiplied for those people who will be living at your place. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, but you will need to wash dishes and clothes without electricity. All of your needs will be provided, along with your bedding, but everyone will have to help each other for your physical survival. You will have your altar and perpetual Adoration in your chapel. You will be praying more without your electrical devices, and no communications from your cell phones. Your tribulation time will be shortened so you will have less to suffer. Trust in My power and My protection, and I will help you through any difficulties.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want My refuge builders to be prepared to have Mass, if you have a priest. This means you will need to stock some small and large hosts along with some cases of altar wine. My faithful need to be centered around My Eucharist, which is your spiritual nourishment, and it is much more important than physical food. If need be, you could survive entirely on My Host alone. At My refuges I want you to set up a chapel where you can have perpetual Adoration, with at least two faithful people taking turns every hour to adore and worship Me, as My saints and angels do. My Eucharist is the center of your lives at Mass and when you adore Me at My tabernacles or in front of My monstrance. My Real Presence is with you at all times, until the end of this age. You are having a reunion of My faithful, so you will all be strong in carrying out your own individual missions for the end times. I am showing you now how to prepare your refuges to provide food, water, and bedding for your people. Trust in My power and My leadership to have the Holy Spirit enlighten you to evangelize souls so they can be saved from hell. After you endure this coming trial, you will all be rewarded in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”
Thursday, May 21, 2015: (St. Christopher Magallanes)
Jesus said: “My people, you have St. Paul in the readings who was willing to proclaim My Gospel and My Resurrection from the dead. He is one of My most courageous missionaries who was responsible for converting many Gentiles to the faith. He was a Pharisee, until he had a miraculous conversion, when I asked him to stop persecuting Me. He is a good model for you to speak out about My Gospel, so you can convert souls to the faith, and they may be saved from hell. My son, you also are being called to speak out on My behalf to convert souls to the faith, and to prepare the people for My coming Warning, and the time of tribulation. You have been given several messages that this time is growing short before these events will take place. So you need to take courage as well, and continue to speak out in My Name that the people need to repent and be saved, before it is too late when the evil ones will be allowed to take power.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your government has printed Federal Notes for circulation for many years, and it prints these notes with no gold backing. What is not seen, is the printing of a lot higher denomination bonds or Treasury Bills. You have almost $18 trillion dollars as a national debt, and over $56 trillion in liabilities for Social Security and other obligations. It is the quadrillion dollars of derivatives that are gambles by your bankers that will be backed by the depositors of the banks and the taxpayers. Your financial system is about to crash when interest rates are raised. When the dollar and your markets crash, there will be chaos and killing in your streets, when people are looking for food and water. This will be when My people will need to come to My refuges for food, water, and protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, I will bring about My Warning experience before any events that will endanger your lives. I have given you messages before that martial law will be precipitated by a money crash, a pandemic virus, and terrorist activities in multiple cities. This financial crisis will come as interests rates rise, and the derivatives fail. You will also see a pandemic virus that will kill many people. You will also see continuing terrorist activities from the drug dealers, and jihadist Moslems. This martial law will be the end of any normal government, and you will be in a police state with no rights. This will also be a time to come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about the coming mark of the beast, that will bring a mandatory chip in the body which will control you like a robot, if you take it. Refuse to take any chip in your body, even if the authorities threaten to kill you. In your Warning experience, I will warn people not take any chip in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. This again will also be the time to come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a persistent drought in California, and there are some scientists predicting a major water shortage in a good portion of the West. This could cause a strain on your food supplies with higher prices. In addition, you will see people forced to use chips in the hand to buy any food. Again, avoid taking any chip in the body, and you will need to come to My refuges for My multiplication of your food. Such a famine and food shortage will be a big need for My refuges. People need to store some food as this famine will spread.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing a schismatic church take over most of the churches, as My faithful remnant will have to come to their homes for prayers and services. The schismatic church will teach New Age and that sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. The faithful remnant will teach My true Gospel of My apostles. You will need to leave these heretical churches for your safe havens of My true teachings. Eventually, again you will need to come to My refuges to avoid being influenced by Godless churches.”
Jesus said: “My people, because of all of the evils of the previous messages, My faithful will be directed to My refuges to save their souls from any influence from the Antichrist and the False Prophet. My angels will protect you at My refuges from any evil plans of the one world people. You will have My luminous cross heal people when they look upon My cross at My final refuges. At interim refuges you will be healed by drinking spring water or holy water. You will be praying more and adoring My Blessed Sacrament. You all will be working together to provide for your survival. I will provide for all of your needs, and My angel protection at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have promised you that I would bring My victory over the Antichrist and the demons. All the evil people and the demons will be cast into hell. Before the comet strikes the earth, I will raise up My faithful into the air so they are not killed by the comet. I will recreate the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. Rejoice, My faithful, and be patient for you will soon have your reward for being faithful to My Word.”
Wednesday, May 20, 2015: (St. Bernardine of Siena)
Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for all of your preparations that you have been patiently enduring while the workers fix up your new chapel and kitchen. You have been asked to provide an interim refuge, and I have provided you the funds and the people to help carry out your mission. Today, people are comfortable in coming to their churches. Little do they realize that your churches could be closed very quickly, once the evil ones are given their hour. Then My faithful will need to come to My refuges where My angels will protect My people. Only My faithful, who have crosses on their foreheads, will be allowed into My refuges. The evil ones will not be able to enter. At My refuges you will have altars for Mass, and you will also have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Not only will water, food, and bedding be provided, but you will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. The evil ones want to kill all Christians. Some will be martyred, but the rest will be protected by My large angels at each refuge. My angels will not allow any harm to come to My people. I will multiply all of your food, and even more dwellings, if necessary. Have trust in My protection because the evil ones have no power over Me or My angels. If you are attacked by evil, call on Me and My angels, and we will come to your rescue. I will not leave you orphans, but have faith in all of My words of prophecy.”
(Funeral Mass for Gerald ‘Jed’ Hanna, Sr.) Jesus said: “My people, Jed has left his loving family, but he is now part of another family in heaven. He loves his dear wife and all the children, and grandchildren. He will be watching out for them, and praying for them. It was difficult to suffer through the years after his stroke, but it allowed him to do his purgatory on earth. It is always sad to say good-bye to a loved one, but passing on is a part of everyone’s life. It is a tribute to him in how many came to the funeral Mass, and the words spoken about him were very touching about his life.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a grandfather clock with the hour and minute hands moving fast around the clock. This is another sign for you that time is getting short before some major events will start happening. It is another indication that I am speeding up the time so the tribulation will be shortened for the sake of My elect. You have had many years of messages to prepare for the end times, and now you are seeing many signs that it is approaching quickly. Many souls are not spiritually ready to face the evil of the Antichrist. This is why I will bring My Warning to all souls to give everyone one last opportunity to repent and be saved. Even now, My faithful can come to frequent Confession so their souls will be pure, and they will have less to suffer at the Warning. When you come to Me, face to face, you will have to account for all of your unforgiven sins, and you will have to make reparation for your sins. By keeping a pure soul and receiving your plenary indulgence for Mercy Sunday, you will have less to suffer when you see the state of your soul in My eyes. You also need to be prepared to leave for My refuges of protection. If you are a refuge builder, you need to make your last preparations to receive the people who will be coming to your place of safe haven. Trust in My love, My forgiveness, and My protection.”
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