December 1, 2014

Diciembre 1, 2014 (La Advertencia antes de la ley marcial, causas)
En el tabernáculo de San Teodoro, yo puedo ver los bancarios planificando una conspiración sobre la caída de America y le dieron el completo control en un cuarto secreto. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, los del un solo gobierno y Satanás saben que su tiempo es limitado, pero no pueden proceder con sus planes de la toma completa hasta que Yo no traiga Mi Advertencia que le dará a los pecadores una segunda oportunidad. Después de la Advertencia y el tiempo de conversiones, entonces estos malvados están planificando la toma completa de America por medio de una ley marcial que nos llevara a una Unión Norte Americana. Yo he mencionado anteriormente como la ley marcial podría ser causada por tres eventos, podría ser una a la vez o todo al mismo tiempo. La Reserva Federal podría devaluar el dólar si pide todos los bonos sabiendo que no hay suficiente dinero para pagar la deuda Nacional. Aun con una nueva moneda, la perdida de los valores en dólares seria tan catastrófico que la economía completa fracasaría. Otra táctica que podrían usar es un virus epidémico que mataría a muchas personas. La tercera táctica seria crear una serie de ataques terroristas falsos donde la gente podría ser asesinadas por medios de las armas de fuego, y esto podría causar unos motines. Este tipo de ley marcial esta siendo planificada, y será implementada después de la Advertencia. Cuando este tipo de ley marcial sea declarada o antes, Mis fieles tendrán que salir de sus casas hacia el refugio mas cercano. Tú estarás seguro en Mis refugios donde Mis ángeles te protegerán para que no te maten. Confía en Mi protección en Mis refugios.”

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015: (The Seven Holy Founders of Servites)
Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed My mercy with My death on the cross to allow all of mankind the opportunity to be saved from their sins and avoid going to hell. Even as I am merciful, I am also just in My punishments as well. In many accounts in the Scriptures, you have seen or read of My justice in how sinful people have been punished. You have read today how I spared Noah and his family by warning him to build and enter the ark of safety. I then brought the flood to kill all of the evil people who did not follow My ways and lived sinful lives. You have seen other times as in Sodom and Gomorrah how sinful people were destroyed by fire, but Lot and his family were also spared. The Israelites were also punished with the Babylonian Exile. Even today, America is killing a million of My unborn babies every year. There are also great numbers of adulteries, fornications, and homosexual acts being committed. For all of these sins, America will be punished as well, when you will lose your freedoms by the one world people. My mercy will be granted to all of My faithful who will be protected at My refuges. There will come a great tribulation of evil by the Antichrist and his minions. I will punish all of these evil ones by casting them into hell, when I will bring My victory over them. Rejoice in My victory when I will bring all of My faithful into My Era of Peace and into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people find it difficult to accept two men or two women being married. I find it sinful and appalling that your society accepts such an abomination. But now, your courts are forcing you to accept this lifestyle as their right to live in sin. Another extension of these rights is when they are allowed to adopt children. The poor children will not know what a normal family is, and they may be encouraged to imitate this same sex lifestyle. Your hate crime laws are even punishing anyone who is critical of their lifestyle. It is sad when your normal households of husband and wife are now in the minority. When you encourage living together or same sex marriage, you are destroying the family image, and advocating sinful lifestyles. It is your court system and parts of your society that are defending gay marriage along with their adoption of children. There were many Sodomites that were killed by the fire that I sent on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. You will see more punishment for these lifestyles and your abortions.”

Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday, February 16, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Cain killed his brother, Abel. You have seen such killings going on throughout man’s history. The worst of these killings is all of your abortions, where you are killing My precious little ones. Their blood cries out to Me, just as the blood of Abel cried out to Me. Their guardian angels come back to Me to give witness of the aborted children. Just as Cain was punished for killing Abel, so America will be punished with the loss of your freedoms. You heard of more Christians being killed by Muslims, and now the Muslims are even threatening the same for Rome. I have warned My faithful of the coming Christian persecution. You are seeing this especially in Arab countries, but soon it will be happening in America. This is why I am having some faithful prepare refuges of safety for My people. As you saw a waterfalls flowing, this represents My constant flow of graces, and I am always ready to grant My mercy on repentant sinners.”

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when all of My churches will be closed because of the Christian persecution, as it will be unlawful by your government to hold a public Mass. This will be when My priests will have to hold private Masses in the homes. Satan will have his evil servants close the churches, so My sacraments will be hard to find. He knows the power of Confession and My Eucharist, so he wants to keep My faithful away from church. Already, he has made some people so lazy that they are not coming to Sunday Mass. The next step will be to close My churches. My faithful need to open their homes to hide My priest sons. These people need to have vestments, books, bread and wine for Mass. Some of these homes for Mass will become refuges that will be protected by My angels. Give thanks and praise to Me for allowing My faithful to have Mass available. Have more appreciation for the opportunity to have Mass and receive Me in Holy Communion every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, this cross that you are seeing over everyone, represents the cross that I give you to carry throughout your life. This is appropriate for the upcoming Season of Lent that starts on this Ash Wednesday. During Lent you need to focus on your prayers, fasting, and almsgiving. In the Gospel you read of My healing of the man who had leprosy. There is a parallel of how you are also ‘unclean’ when you commit sins against Me. There are many souls who are unclean with mortal sin on their souls, who should be coming to Confession. When you come to Me in the priest, I can heal your sins of a spiritual leprosy, as you confess your sins and you are healed by the priest’s absolution. During Lent you need to make some sacrifices that could help you in healing some of your sinful habits. You could give up some things that you like, in order to help control the worldly desires of the flesh. Make a commitment that you could achieve and offer up throughout the whole Lenten Season.”

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday, February 13, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the account of how the devil in the serpent, enticed Adam and Eve to commit a sin of eating from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was because of this sin, that you have pain, sickness, death, and a weakness to sin. It is because of this sin in the world, that I was promised as a Redeemer to save My people from hell, where the demons were sent. This vision of a black pyramid represents the one world people who actually worship Satan, and carry out his orders to spew evil all over the world. These evil ones control the finances, and they are behind the running of the governments in all of your countries. These are the ones who will form unions on every continent, and this power will be given over to the Antichrist when he declares himself. I have helped My faithful prepare refuges to protect themselves during the tribulation.”

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, when I made man and woman in Adam and Eve, they were made to complement each other. Man and woman have been given different skills, so they could work together. Some of your people want equality with men and women, but they are not made the same. The men can do heavier jobs, while the women can do lighter things. Each of them should have equal freedoms, but their jobs fit their skills. It is better for a man to be married, so the two can help each other in bringing up the children. Single parent families are causing the children to miss a motherly or fatherly figure to imitate. This is why your society should be built around a family of husband and wife, and not the distorted lifestyles in your present society. Once the family life is broken, your nation will fall apart from within. Pray that your society will learn from its mistakes, but Satan wants to divide and conquer you. Call on My help, and trust in Me, and not just in yourselves.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these trumpet sounds represent the seven trumpets that were announcing the coming events of the tribulation from the Book of Revelation. Each of My angels that blew the trumpets, had control over the four corners of the earth. This time of trial will test all souls, but My angels will begin My victory over the evil ones, who will be tested by several plagues. Rejoice in My coming victory, as I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace after your stay at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, My life is an example to you of how I risked speaking out against some hostile people. My faithful are also called to speak out against the evil ways of your society. It is not easy to witness to your faith in Me because there are some evil people who want to persecute you, and even kill Christians in some places. Do not be fearful of what to say, because the Holy Spirit will give you the words to speak. I will protect My faithful at My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are brave and dedicated to working for Me, even amidst some severe cold and snow. Pray your St. Michael prayer for My protection from any trials that you may face both going and coming. Travel in the winter time presents many driving hazards, but I will be at your side to protect you from harm. Continue to trust in Me as you share My words among the people who you will be seeing. Your mission is a good example for others to follow.”

St. Therese said: “My son, you and your wife have been faithful to praying my twenty-four Glory Be prayers. Even if you have missed some days, I know you have a good heart to follow the Will of My Jesus. I truly have sent you some signs that your prayers are being answered, especially with the stories from the contractor who visited you today. Have faith in Jesus, and My intercession for your mission to be completed.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is facing My punishment for your evil decisions and laws that are allowing abortion and same sex marriage. Your Supreme Court refused to make such a ruling when 30 states had allowed such marriages. Now 37 states have passed laws allowing same sex marriage. Such a ruling in favor of this same sex marriage by your Supreme Court would force such an abomination on all of your states who have not passed such laws. You know that I consider same sex marriage as an abomination, even as you are reading about Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis. Pray that your court does not allow this to be the law of the land, or you will be putting another nail in your coffin.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you would see waves of cold and snow come upon you this winter. Many of your Northeastern cities are struggling with heavy snowfalls, and now with some below zero temperatures. Pray that your people can keep warm without any power outages. You are tired of all of your snow removal, but trust in My help to get you through this winter. Such weather is hurting your businesses, and keeping some shoppers from coming to the stores. You may have to have more patience for the rest of your winter. Call on My help when you are being tested.”

Jesus said: “My people, your coming Lenten Season starts on Ash Wednesday, and it is an appropriate time to work on healing your sinful habits. It is not easy to improve your spiritual life on your own, but you can call on Me, My angels, and My saints to intercede for you in improving your faith. Leading holy lives, takes a great effort because you are fighting the devil and your earthly desires. My ways are not mankind’s ways, so it is difficult to curb your earthly ways and follow My Will. Those, who do make an extra effort this Lent, will receive My graces and treasure in heaven.”

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015: (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Jesus said: “My son, you know immediately that this wood bin in the vision is a sign to have plenty of wood for both heating your house, and it can be used for cooking as well. You have seen again how snowy and cold your winters are getting, so you need plenty of fuel to heat your house when you could lose your electricity. Those people, who are being asked to build refuges, also need to stock up on their fuels, as wood, so they can live independently from any utility services. I will multiply your fuels, water, and food, but you need to have some stored things to be multiplied. Some people will be frightened for their lives during the coming Christian persecution. Fear not, because I will be defending you by My angels, and I will provide for all of your needs, both physical and spiritual.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your scientists do not believe in My account of creation in the Book of Genesis. They have no understanding about creation out of nothing, so they provided a ‘big bang theory’ that does not have any explanation of where the elements of hydrogen came from to form the stars. Most of these same scientists are atheists, and they do not believe in a Supreme Being, as I am. With Me, all things are possible, just as you see the order of My creation that man is destroying. These people also believe in ‘Darwin’s theory of evolution’ which again does not explain all the different chromosomes of the animals and how they came to be. These man-made theories are without proof, even though these scientists teach them as facts. I am the One, who controls all life, and that is why you should not kill anyone, because I have a plan for everyone’s life. I keep reminding you that you are put on this earth to know, love, and serve Me. When you serve anyone else, it is not according to My plan for your life. So when you read My Word in the Scriptures, you need to defend My creation account as the real means by which you are all living. I positioned your planet at the right distance from the sun, so it is not too cold and not too hot. You have liquid water, sunlight, and oxygen in the air so you can survive. Belief in Me takes faith that the atheists are not willing to accept. Try to evangelize as many souls to the faith as you can, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My people, when you are thinking of living independently at My refuges, your ordinary comforts today will be taken away. You need to think of how you could cook food on a wood burning oven or heat your house with wood, kerosene, or possibly propane. I will provide your meat with the deer, and I will multiply your water and your fuels. You may have to grow some vegetables with your non-hybrid seeds. This too, I will multiply for all to have some variety in your food. In the Northern States you will need warm clothes, boots, hats, gloves, and shovels. You will be fortunate at My refuges to have a priest for daily Mass. This will require vestments, books for Mass, a cup, hosts, altar wine, candles, bottles for the wine and water, a cross, and possibly bells. You will have Perpetual Adoration, so you do not have to go out. If you do not have a priest, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. You will also need rosaries, scapulars, Pieta prayer books, Bibles, and the Liturgy of the Hours. You need your earthly needs, as well as your spiritual needs. Be thankful that My angels will defend all of My refuges with a shield of invisibility. My angels will not allow anyone into My refuges, unless they have a cross on the forehead, imprinted by My angels. When you prepare your refuges, think of all of these things that you will need, along with providing bedding, wash places, and outdoor lavatories.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have a monthly healing Mass at your old closed church of Holy Name. When you come to such a Mass, you can pray for yourself, or you can receive a blessing for someone who is sick or terminally ill. Even when you receive Me in My Eucharist, you have My healing for your body and soul. When I was on the earth, I would heal the person’s sins first, and then any physical problem. I have blessed some souls with healing gifts, and they can pray over people and heal them. Even when I prayed over people, they had to have faith that I could heal them. In My hometown of Nazareth, I could only heal a few foreigners because of their lack of faith. So it is with healing today, people have to have faith that I can heal them.”

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015: (Ida DiMarsico funeral, Rocco’s mother)
Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to lose your mother, even if she lived a long life. Mothers are always looking out for their children both in their physical and spiritual needs. Ida has suffered for some years, and now she is with Me in heaven. Even despite the snowy weather, your prayer group members were here to support Rocco and his family. You come to many funerals to pay respects to the families that you touch in various ways. Comforting the mourning of your friends and relatives is one of your neighborly duties. Keep praying for this family to endure this loss of their mother.”

Jesus said: “My people, your life on earth is very delicate as indicated in the vision of a red cord. Your earthly life is very fragile, and once this string is cut, your physical life is over because of your mortal nature. Your soul lives on forever, which is why directing your spiritual life toward heaven with Me, is more important than your earthly needs. There is another interpretation of this red cord, which someone gave you in a message. This same red cord means how you will be linking refuge people together in a network, so you know who is on your side. Even as you go out to give talks, many of the people at your talks can meet each other, and keep in touch for their refuge preparations. You also can have links between people on each trip when you go to several cities. I am using My messengers to share My messages, and give My faithful confidence in My help and My protection. Give praise and thanks to Me for how I lead My people through these hard times.”

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015:
Jesus said: “My son, you have read in the second reading about how St. Paul had a mission to go out and preach My Word as a missionary. He had a choice, but he was compelled to share My love with the people. It was not easy for him to travel around and to encourage people to stop their sinful lifestyles. So you also have been given an opportunity to share My messages with the people. You have accepted My mission, and you also need to travel to your talks by car or airplane. Your travel is much easier than St. Paul had to endure. Not only have I asked you to save souls by love of Me and your neighbor, but I have asked you to prepare the people for the end times and the coming tribulation. This also is about encouraging people to set up places of refuge where angels will protect My faithful. Be willing to share your faith, when priests ask you to talk in general for a short time. You may find yourself in places out of your comfort zone, but do not be afraid to go forward because the Holy Spirit will give you the words that you need to speak.”