October 6, 2014

Octubre 6, 2014: (Necesidad de Sacerdotes y orar por ellos)

En San Juan el Evangelista después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver a los sacerdotes dando la homilía en las iglesias.  Jesús dice: “Mi gente, no saquen provecho de los sacerdotes, porque ellos son atacados por los demonios aso como cualquier persona.  No solamente ellos les traen Mis sacramentos, también son sus lideres espirituales.  Ellos necesitan la ayuda financiera y espiritual de sus feligreses.  Así como la gente tiene los gastos de la casa, los sacerdotes de las parroquias están lidiando con en pago de sus empleados y el mantenimiento de los edificios.  Los sacerdotes también necesitan el apoyo de sus homilías y  todas las cosas buenas que ellos hacen para su familia.  Mas que todo, los padres necesitan sus oraciones para que le ayuden en su ministerio y le de fuerzas en sus vidas espirituales.  Necesitamos amar a los sacerdotes y demostrarle nuestro aprecio por todo lo que ellos hacen por nosotros.  Tú también necesitas orar por vocaciones para el sacerdocio y por todos los hombres en el seminario que se están preparando para ser sacerdotes.  Por medio de la oración para los sacerdotes, tu estas construyendo la fe en Mi Iglesia.”

Octubre 6, 2014: (Epidemia Viral)

En San José después de la Santa Comunión, yo puedo ver millones de saltamontes y langostas como una de las plagas bíblicas que atacaba nuestra comida en las fincas.  Jesús dice: “Mi gente, en la biblia habla de terremotos, hambruna y pestilencia durante la tribulación. (Mateo 24:7) ‘Porque se levantara nación contra nación y reino contra reino y habrá pestilencia y hambre, terremotos por varios lugares.’  La visión te demuestra una multitud de salta montes que destruyen todo a su paso como una de las plagas bíblicas.  Esta es una de las pestilencias que amenaza la comida en las fincas y esto conducirá a una hambruna que destruirá la comida.  Otra forma de pestilencia va a ser por medio de enfermedades transmitidos  por virus como el Ébola.  Ahora mismo el Ébola es trasmitido por medio de líquidos del cuerpo, pero una mutación u otra creación en el laboratorio podría hacer que este virus de Ébola sea transmitido por el aire y seria mucho más contagioso y fatal.  Cuando este tipo de virus sea regado por medio de residuos químicos o personas que estén infectadas cruzando la frontera, tu veras millones de muerte.  Yo he mencionado antes, cuando veas una cantidad de muertes por medio de un virus, este será el signo para venir a Mis refugios.  En Mis refugios tu puedes ver Mi cruz luminosa o beber las aguas que sanaran el virus.  Tu tienes tus mascaras disponible y cojan espino blanco, hierbas, y vitaminas que te fortalecerá el sistema inmune.  Rehúsen coger las vacunas del la influenza esto baja las defensas y tu sistema inmunológico y tendrás menos resistencia para pelear estos virus mortales.”

October 5, 2014

Octubre 5, 2014 (necesidad de los refugios)
En el lugar de San José durante el rosario, yo primeramente puedo ver unos diseños de la Nueva Era en el piso del aeropuerto de Denver. Después puedo ver una puerta abierta para los refugios. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, tu has viajado al aeropuerto de Denver, Colorado, y tu has visto todos los símbolos de la Nueva Era en el piso y las paredes. Este lugar también tiene túneles y ciudades subterráneas. Así como el tiempo de la tribulación se acerca, muchos eventos empezaran a poner sus vidas en peligro. Estos eventos incluyen la hambruna mundial, ley marcial y las microfichas en el cuerpo. La experiencia de Mi Advertencia será primera antes de los eventos que los llevara a la venida del Anticristo. Es por eso que tu estas viendo una puerta abierta en la visión porque es un signo cuando Yo te indicare para salir de los hogares para Mis refugios. Llámenme a Mí y Yo mandare a tu ángel de la guardia que los dirija al refugio más cercano. Esta es otra razón por lo que tienen que prestarle atención a Mis mensajes de preparar sus mochilas, para que estén listos para irse a Mis refugios lo antes posible. Si te tardas en salir, tu estas corriendo el riesgo de ser capturado por los hombres vestidos de negro, quienes te pueden matar en los campos de detención. Tengan confianza en Mi porque Yo tendré a Mis ángeles protegiéndolos y proveeré sus necesidades en Mis refugios.”

October 3, 2014

Octubre 3, 2014 (Ragos químicos y maquina HAARP para controlar el tiempo)
En el tabernáculo de San Teodoro, yo puedo ver la gente usando sacos de arena en una escena de una inundación y un área desierta donde hay sequía. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, ustedes tienen que admitir que los patrones del tiempo son mucho mas diferentes a las pasadas experiencia. Parte de la razón de los caminos es la combinación del uso de la maquina HAARP en conjunto con los rasgos químicos. Ambas cosas son parte de la operación negra, u operaciones en secreto del gobierno y es por eso que tú no escuchas sobre estas cosas en las noticias. La maquina HAARP es una maquina de rayos microondas que calienta la ionosfera para cambiar las corrientes del aire que crean inundaciones con las bajas presiones o sequía con presiones altas. Con estas manipulaciones del los hombres así como Nikola Tesla y Bernard Eastlaund han usado tu puedes ver porque los patrones del tiempo son diferentes u mas violentos que lo usual. Muchas de las tormentas de nieve y los tornados violentos son aumentados por la maquina HAARP. Oren para que los planes del los malvados del un solo gobierno sean expuestos para que el control del clima no sea un secreto, tu podrás ver como el poder puede ser abusado por razones políticas.”

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tuesday, December 30, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, at the time of My birth, the people of Israel had been waiting thousands of years for the Messiah to come and save them from their sins. That is why some of the Jews could not believe that I was the Christ, because I did not fit their expectation of who the Messiah would look like. I came as a poor son of a carpenter, and I was born in a stable in a manger. Even so, I am the Son of God who came to save all of mankind from their sins. Simeon was promised to see his Savior before he died. Anna also was praying and fasting in the Temple for many years, waiting to see Me. They both gave their testimony that I was the expected Savior, but not everyone believed them. Even today, you have been waiting a long time for My return, and I have told you that you will live to see My coming. I will come on the clouds in glory and splendor to bring everyone to their judgment. Rejoice that you will see My day, just a Simeon saw Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing My miraculous Star of Bethlehem in the heavens in the vision, as it directed the Magi to find Me. I am the Light of the world, and I disperse the darkness of evil on the earth. My star pointed the way to Me, even as you see stars on the top of Christmas trees. There is another Light that will be in the sky over My refuges, and that is My luminous cross that people will look upon and be healed. Give praise and thanks to Me because I will be directing My faithful to My refuges with My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, Simeon and Anna were patiently praying and fasting in the Temple, as they awaited My coming. They gave personal testimonies to their faith that I would answer their prayers to see Me as the Messiah. They gave glory to their God, and they are witnesses of My mission on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as an infant, I was having an effect on the earth, because you record your history of events as before and after My birth. I came into the earth as a God-man by My Incarnation. I am the Savior of all of mankind throughout the ages. Rejoice that I took all of your sins upon Me so I could be the sacrificial Lamb to save all of you by My Blood. This grace is bestowed on all of those people who are baptized into the faith when their original sin is forgiven.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother played a huge role in salvation history, even as she and St. Joseph were the descendants of King David at Bethlehem. As you look back on My life, you can see how it has all been planned by My heavenly Father in every detail. As you commemorate My birth at Christmas, you can come to My crib like the Magi who brought Me their gifts. I am a part of all of your lives, as I invite everyone to follow Me to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were unable to celebrate the feast of the Holy Innocents because it fell on a Sunday. Do not forget this sad story of how Herod had all of the infant boys in Bethlehem killed in his attempt to kill Me. My angels directed St. Joseph and our family into Egypt to avoid Herod’s soldiers. Even today, you have another Holy Innocents in all the abortions of the unborn babies. Pray for the stoppage of abortion which is defying My plans for these little lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as people did not receive My family into the inn, do not refuse people to be sheltered in their time of need. Reach out to the poor so you can help them with food and a place to stay. You need to have compassion on your neighbors in need. When you all come to your judgment, I will ask you, if you helped your neighbor out of love. If you fed them, gave them water, clothes, and shelter, then you will find your reward with Me. But those, who were selfish and did not help their neighbors, will suffer greatly for their inaction, when they did not help Me in their neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you this example of the Good Samaritan as one to imitate in your own good deeds. I give all of you many opportunities in life to help those in need, and even to help the souls in purgatory with your prayers and Masses. Even when you make an extra effort to help people, you feel good that you could help them, and you will receive treasure in heaven for your good deeds. When you come to your judgment, you will only have your good deeds to balance off your sins and any reparation due for your sins.”

Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday, December 29, 2014: (St. Thomas Becket)
Jesus said: “My people, you had the same readings today in the Gospel as on Sunday, only you were able to hear the whole story without the short form. Simeon was blessed to finally meet Me, because he had been promised that he would see Me before he died. He gave a beautiful testimony of how I would save Israel, but he also foretold how I would suffer and die. He also said that a sword would pierce the heart of My Blessed Mother. Many important events in My life occurred in Jerusalem, where many of the prophets were killed. Even in your events of today, I send My prophets to warn everyone of what is to come in these end days. You will be facing the Antichrist and the evil people during his brief reign during the tribulation. Have no fear because I will have My angels defend you at My refuges. I will send My Warning to prepare all the sinners for the coming tribulation. This reign of evil will be brief before I will bring My victory over it with My Comet of Chastisement. The evil ones will be cast into hell, but My faithful will be protected at My refuges, and later they will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to take a lesson from nature in how the seasons of a tree are a little like the events of a person’s life. The beginning life of a tree starts as a small sapling, much like a human that starts as a small baby. In the spring you see the buds on a tree as a sign of new life. Even as a child grows up, he or she changes from a child’s ways to adult ways. In the summer, a tree brings forth green leaves and seeds that fall to the ground. An adult comes into his or her prime, and children come forth as a fruit of a marriage in the younger years. In the fall season, you see the green leaves turn color, and they fall to the ground. As a person grows old, you see that person’s hair turn white or grey from black or brown. In some cases you see hair falling out as well. Once the leaves are gone and the snow arrives, the trees look barren and almost like a symbol of death. As a person gets late in life, it is just a matter of time until one dies and is buried. It is this latter part of life that should wake people up to see that life is short, and all of you are going to die. This life is passing away, but your soul and spirit live on forever. You all should be concerned about your eternal destination. By following My laws and loving Me and your neighbor, you can be favored to come to Me in heaven. By being sorry for your sins and seeking My forgiveness, I will welcome you into heaven. Live your lives with a goal of being with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, today celebrates My Holy Family, and we are a model for all families to imitate. You are not all perfect, but you are called to seek perfection as My heavenly Father is perfect. The family should be the core, basic unit of your society with a married father and mother for the children. You are seeing many attacks on the family by the devil and the evils of your society. Your country still allows the killing of babies in the womb in your million abortions each year. You also see couples living in fornication without marriage, and same sex marriage which I see as an abomination. The children should be brought up in a loving environment of mother and father to teach them the faith, and a proper education for their life’s work. Without the proper order in your families, your society will sink into an abyss of sin, as you are seeing today in America. Those nations who disobey My laws, will pay the price when I bring My justice against them. Pray for all the members of your family, and do the best that you can to help save their souls from hell. Remember to keep praying the long form of your St. Michael prayer for their protection both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you will be forced into hiding, it will be the best to hide people in a basement or underground caves. When I have My angels put invisible shields around your dwellings, then the evil ones could not see you. This invisible protection will come after the Warning, and when your lives are threatened. Many of My faithful have saved food, fuel, and bedding supplies. These things may have to be multiplied for your independent survival. Have trust in Me when you have to leave your homes to find a refuge. My faithful will be threatened by a Christian persecution. Prepare yourselves physically and spiritually for how you will have to live in secret. Continue your daily prayers so your mission can continue into the tribulation.”

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Saturday, December 27, 2014: (St. John the Evangelist)
Jesus said: “My people, all during this Christmas Season you have been celebrating My coming as a Savior. Now with St. John the Evangelist’s feast, you are seeing the reason for My coming. I died on the cross on Mt. Calvary for the salvation of all sinners. St. John saw the empty tomb and the burial cloths, and he believed in My Resurrection, as promised. As you go through all the feasts of the Church Year, there is a focus on My being the Savior with My Resurrection from the dead. This was the whole purpose of My coming to the earth. It was to save all sinners from their sins. Rejoice at My coming at Christmas, but also rejoice at My offering you an opportunity to be saved from your sins. Give praise and thanks to your Savior.”

Friday, December 26, 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated My birth, and now you are seeing the suffering that people are going through to defend their faith in Me. I have created a division in people between those who believe in Me, and those who do not believe. St. Stephen is one of My early martyrs, and he even forgave his persecutors, who were stoning him to death. Many of My followers had to hide in the early years to keep from being killed. Many of My prophets and evangelists risked their lives to spread My Word. In some places of the world today, Christians are still being martyred for their faith. You are living in the end days before I will come again, and My evangelists are needed to prepare the people to repent of their sins. I will soon bring My Warning to wake up sinners from their evil ways, so they can understand how their sins are offending Me. I call on My messengers to bring My Word of salvation to all the nations, so everyone can receive My peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are being slowly poisoned by the chemicals and viruses from the chemtrails, and the pollution in your fresh water. You are seeing a lot of fracking being done to harvest oil and natural gas, but the poisons used in the water for fracking, could affect your well drinking water. The chemtrails are loaded with aluminum oxide, barium ions, polymeric fibers, and viruses. When these agents fall into your fresh water sources, they could be contaminating your water. You also are seeing a constant flow of radiation that is being poured into the Pacific Ocean from Fukishima, Japan. This radiation is being carried by water currents to your Western shores. Your fresh water in your lakes, rivers, and wells is a precious source of water that you should be protecting from any pollution. You are having to trust your health testing to check if your water is fit to drink. Pray and work to protect your water from any poisonous pollutants.”

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Thursday, December 25, 2014: (Christmas)
Jesus said: “My people, you all are celebrating Christmas as you exchange your gifts with each other. This is a joyful moment, but it is brief when this evil King Herod tried to kill Me. He thought that My kingship was a threat to his position as king. He was so intent on killing Me, that he had all the baby boys up to two years old slaughtered in Bethlehem. This killing of the Holy Innocents is a sign of your brutal killing of the unborn babies today in your million abortions every year. This is your death culture that is promoted by Satan, and it is carried out by the Satan worshipers of the evil one world people. Even as you are joyful over the commemoration of My birth, keep in mind that there are still evil people in this world who have little regard for the preciousness of every life. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion.”

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014: (Christmas Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, I am happy to see this Holy Name reunion Mass to celebrate My birthday. Many of you are happy to see your old friends and be reunited. This is a joyful time of year when all of your families have a chance to share your love and your gifts together. Take a few quiet moments to listen to My words of love and peace. All the angels are rejoicing and singing My praises at this time of commemorating My birth. If you could hear the angelic voices, you would be overwhelmed with the harmony of their voices. Even Carol’s father admitted how the angels sang much better than any earthly voices. Enjoy these earthly moments of joy because they are very few in between the difficult times. Keep praying for the salvation of the souls of your family.”