November 3, 2013

Noviembre 3, 2013 (Los niños necesitan una vida de oración)

En San José durante el rezo del Rosario yo pude ver un rosario con los colores del arco iris que significaba un rosario de niños. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, es importante que le enseñen a sus niños el valor de una vida de oración. Durante su vida por la Tierra, ustedes tienen que enfrentarse a situaciones difíciles. Es en esos momentos cuando necesitan llamarme a mí en la oración para que los ayude a pasar ese problema. Sin la oración, sus cruces pesarán el doble y será más difícil cargarla. También ustedes podrían rezar el rosario en familia para que le den un buen ejemplo a sus hijos. Acuérdense, “Que la familia que reza unida permanece unida.” En estos tiempos estamos viendo muchos mas divorcios y hogares donde solo hay un padre de familia, para que las familias se mantengan unidas, es necesario ahora más que nunca sus oraciones. Ustedes, también podrían aconsejar a sus hijos a que no convivan juntos sin casarse, en pecado de fornicación. Tú le puedes dar a cada uno de tus hijos un rosario y un escapulario marrón para que los proteja de las tentaciones del demonio.
Los pequeños son tan preciosos para Mi, y necesitan ser protegidos previniéndolos del aborto. Sigan orando por los niños y sus almas, para que sean protegidos de todo tipo de abuso. Los padres tienen una gran responsabilidad por las almas de sus hijos y el conocimiento de la fe. Los niños tienen libre albedrío, pero ustedes tienen que seguir orando por sus almas aunque ya se hayan ido de sus hogares.”

November 2, 2013

Noviembre 2, 2013 (Purgatorio)

En la iglesia Nuestra Madre de los Dolores después de la comunión yo puedo ver a las almas en el purgatorio sufriendo en las llamas donde una puerta de una prisión los mantiene detenidos. Luego, yo pude ver el juicio de un alma que iba bajando al abismo del purgatorio. Jesús dice: “Mi gente, Yo soy misericordioso, pero también soy justo. Muchas almas que no son condenadas al infierno necesitan ser temporalmente castigadas por sus pecados. La reparación es necesaria para la purificación del alma y entrar al cielo. Este castigo aparenta ser severo, pero solo almas perfectas entran al cielo en Mi gloria. Las almas en el infierno sufren las llamas del fuego y la ausencia de Mi amor eternamente sin la esperanza de un escape. Las almas en el purgatorio por lo menos tienen la esperanza que un día serán elevadas al cielo. Las almas, que necesitan más purificación están sufriendo el fuego de las llamas en sus cuerpos espirituales y no experimentan Mi amorosa presencia. Las almas que necesitan menos purificación están en un nivel más alto del purgatorio en un área gris, pero esas almas también anhelan estar conmigo. Todas las almas en el purgatorio son salvadas pero requieren de tus oraciones y las Misas para ser liberadas de sus castigos. Ellos no pueden liberarse por sí solos u orar por sí mismos. En esta visión tu viste como esta alma caía hacia el abismo de uno de los varios niveles del purgatorio después de recibir su justa sentencia. Recuerden de tomar el beneficio de Mi Divina Misericordia el día Domingo después de La Pascua de Resurrección, así puedes recibir las indulgencias plenarias, que significa remover todas las deudas por tus pecados. Esto puede acortar tu tiempo en el purgatorio. Después de ver el sufrimiento de estas almas en el purgatorio, ahora puedes ver la desesperación de las mismas por sus oraciones y las Misas que desean ser ofrecidas para poder entrar en el cielo. Cuando estas almas sean liberadas al cielo, ellas oraran por ti mientras estés en la tierra o si sufrieras tu sentencia en el purgatorio.”

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, you already know that China is supplying a lot of the world’s goods because of its cheap labor. Now, its technical competence is revealing its expansion in space exploration and a growing influence in its military capability on land and sea. You have already seen how it is challenging Japan and America for various islands in the China Sea. America’s economic influence is waning in the face of China’s economy that is growing at a faster rate than your country. China is already challenging the dollar as the international currency by trading without using the dollar. With America’s growing debt, you can no longer rely on China and other countries to buy your Treasury Notes. You also cannot rely on your Federal Reserve to keep printing more bonds to pay for your deficits. This means that America needs to limit its deficits with no one to finance it. This is why you are seeing a battle over raising your debt limit. America will need to live within its means, even if your welfare state has to be curtailed, or you will go bankrupt. It is not about transferring more wealth to the poor, but it is time that your people started helping themselves, instead of expecting handouts from your taxpayers. You could help your country’s jobs by restricting your corporations from exporting your jobs to China.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President and your Congress are leading your country into self-destruction. Your sins of abortion and homosexual marriages are enough to condemn you, as I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for less. You have been given a grace to change your life and repent, but instead your people are getting worse. Your punishment will be a takeover by the one world people. I will give all sinners one last chance to change their sinful lives when all of the people in the world will experience My Warning at the same time. After your life review and your mini-judgment, you will see where you are headed. Some will experience what hell is like, and they could be evangelized. Others will see purgatory or heaven and be saved. Still others will refuse to change their lives because they worship their pleasures and possessions instead of Me. This means the majority of souls will be lost by their own choosing. For many are called, but few are chosen. Keep praying and evangelizing your own family members, or it may be too late, and they will be lost. All souls have to come through Me to gain heaven. All those people, who love Me and accept Me, will be saved, but the rest will be lost in hell. Choose life in heaven now, because hell will be your only other option.”

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014: (St. Angela Merici)
Jesus said: “My people, in the days of King David, you saw how he came to power, and in forty years his kingdom ended. This coming and going of civilizations has been seen throughout history. America has lasted over 235 years and there are signs of its collapse with greed, power, and corruption attacking your roots. It is your sins of abortion and your sexual sins that are bringing down your country. The one world people have so controlled your government and its debts, that it is just a matter of time before they will have a takeover. This takeover will be a punishment for America in disobeying My Commandments, and for electing poor leaders who are taking away your freedoms with a dictatorial power. It takes too much money to try to win the Presidency or any other Congressional office. This is why the rich one world people can control your leaders because these leaders obey their sponsors more than the people. Just as Israel went into exile for its sins, so America is following the same path. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your authorities threaten your lives in a martial law takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, these people in the vision were building an underground home for hiding. In the early days of Christianity, the faithful had to hide in the catacombs as an underground church. The persecution of Christians is getting worse, but in America you still have freedom of religion. A time is coming when My faithful will need to form an underground church. You will see a persecution from within My Church and from your government. There will be a division in My Church between My faithful remnant and a schismatic church. This schismatic church will teach New Age and heretical doctrines which will be obvious to the people. You will need to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment so you are not misled. Be prepared to either build a refuge of safety, or go to a refuge where My angels will protect you from the demons. You will need to leave your homes for an underground church where you will have daily Holy Communion and a safe place to stay. Give thanks and praise to Me for calling people to set up refuges to protect your souls and bodies during the tribulation.”

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014: (Camille Remacle’s birthday)
Camille said: “Hello, John, I am happy to see you again, and I want to thank you, Carol, and Sharon for taking good care of Lydia at your home. I am still praying for Vic and his problems. I mentioned before that I want our family to get back to church in preparation for the coming Warning. I did see hell when I was dead for two minutes, before the doctors revived me. I do not want any family members to experience what I saw, because I did not show the Lord enough love and attention. The Lord does not want people to ignore Him. Those, who do, are the lukewarm who are risking hell. Some people, like Vic, are going to need the Warning to wake them up. I pray that your prayers and evangelization efforts can save his soul. Your prayers saved me, and they can save the other family members who are not coming to Sunday Mass and Confession. I am watching out for all of you, and I love you all very much, especially Lydia.”

Jesus said: “My son, today is a true homecoming day when I gave you an opportunity to greet your parents and many of your deceased relatives. I have told you before that all of us in heaven are watching all of you, and you need to be on your good behavior. Your deceased family is encouraging you in your mission, especially in praying the long St. Michael prayer as a deliverance of your family members who are away from Me. Continue these prayers for their souls as often as you can. These exorcism prayers are powerful, and it can release your family members from their demons. Other families can do likewise in breaking any generational sin or demon control for their members. All people need to make a choice to love Me, or not. If you do not love Me, nor your neighbor, then you could be headed to hell. Hell is a real place of punishment for those souls who reject Me or ignore Me. Keep up your prayer barrage for all of your family members. If they are converted, like your wife’s father, Camille, they will be most thankful for all of your efforts to save their souls.”

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014: (The Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, the conversion of Saul to St. Paul was very dramatic in how My Light blinded Saul, and his sight had to be restored later. I spoke to him personally, and he agreed to be My disciple. He became one of My most ambitious missionaries, especially for the Gentiles. Not everyone is converted with such a display of My love and power. But the Warning is coming when there will be more conversions, and they will see My Light, their life review, and their mini-judgment. This will be a spiritual wake-up call for many sinners. They will see where their lives are headed, if they do not change their lives. The Warning will give people a second chance to change their lifestyle. I will show people their unforgiven sins, and how much their sins are offending Me. You will see a review of your life from the perspective of others and from My viewpoint. After the Warning many souls will desire Confession, and they will be more open to conversion of their lives. The Warning will be a blessing, and an answer to your prayers for those members of your family who have fallen away from their original faith. I will not force people to love and accept Me, but some will change their lives for the better. Not all of the people will change, since some will love their pleasures and possessions more than Me. Every soul who converts from his or her way of sin to My way of faith and love, will be a cause for joy and celebration in heaven.”

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014: (St. Francis de Sales)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you people being baptized because Baptism is necessary to join My Church, and have original sin cleansed from their souls. Even those people, who have been baptized, can fall away from their faith. It is these lukewarm souls who also need to be awakened from their spiritual laziness, and come to be with Me in love. Those, who refuse to accept Me into their lives, are risking the loss of their soul to the world and Satan. Prayer warriors in the family need to encourage your family members to come to Mass on Sunday so they can receive My spiritual food and strength to endure the devil’s temptations. There is a cost to being one of My disciples, and it will mean giving up sinful pleasures so you can abide by My Commandments. Those, who are faithful to Me in this life, will receive their reward in heaven. Come to Me with all of your burdens, and I will give you the peace that your soul has been searching for.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to take some time to walk about nature in the woods so you could get close to the peace of the animals. When you go for a quiet walk, it gives you a chance to withdraw from the noise of the world, so you could admire My creation and dwell on where you are in your spiritual life. When you visit a monastery, you can also have a small taste of the life of the monks, and how they live in their spiritual discipline. When you are immersed in the daily noise of your music and work time, it is hard to concentrate on your prayers and how much you love Me. It is when you take a few quiet moments with Me in prayer, that you can put your life into perspective of why you are here on earth, and what your mission is for Me. Without a good prayer life in some quiet time, it is hard to detach yourself from worldly concerns, and focus more on heavenly thoughts about Me. I should be your eternal destination in heaven, and your hours of Adoration are preparing you to worship and adore Me in heaven. Remember to make time for Me every day so you can keep close to the God who made you and loves you. Show Me your love in your prayers and good deeds, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014: (St. Vincent)
Jesus said: “My people, this darkness is how the devil tries to discourage you with despair and depression over the things in your life. But you have My grace and joy in My Light to overcome this darkness of evil. My faithful need to be beacons of Light and hope to inspire the rest of your people. Even if you see disasters and harsh weather, you need to work together with your neighbors for your mutual survival. When you work together with love to help each other, this is how I want you to live, without selfishness, greed, stealing, or laziness in carrying your own weight. Just like in the first reading of Saul’s anger toward David’s success, do not be full of anger, pride, or jealousy over people who are doing better than you are. Love everyone for who they are, without regard for their status level. You all are at different levels financially and spiritually, but do not let the evil ones divide you with their push for class warfare. Work with each other in love, whether you are rich or poor. By encouraging My love and cooperation, your society would be focused on a much better outlook, instead of trying to compete with each other. I am love, and I bring you My Light of love to disperse the darkness of evil and hate.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, beware of those people who want to hypnotize you for any reason. This is just another portal that demons can come through into your body. This will be the same effect that chips in the body will control you by voices, and the evil ones will control your free will. Refuse to take any chips in the body for any reason. Even after the Warning, you should remove all TVs and computers from your homes, as well as any electronic devices connected to the internet. The Antichrist will have his face on the TV, and he could hypnotize people to worship him through his eyes. Do not let anything control you as addictions, which have demons attached to them.”

Jesus said: “My people, your transportation by truck, car, railroad, planes, and ships are how you receive your food and your fuels. In this time of frigid cold, it is taking more fuel to heat your homes and businesses. If your fuels cannot be found, or your electricity stops, you could be in great duress if you do not have alternative heating means as wood, kerosene, natural gas, or propane. Even if you are struck by a local EMP attack, it would take years to build new transformers to power your grid. At My refuges I will multiply the fuels for My faithful, so they could survive independently.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is ironic how you are seeing record cold temperatures, while your leaders are accepting global warming plans that may not be needed. Many of your President’s plans to eliminate coal plants may come back to ruin him, when 40% of your electricity comes from coal. If you stop coal, its makes no sense, since all the other countries are using it. Stopping coal will reduce your jobs, and cause a disastrous shortage of electricity, because there are not enough energy sources to replace coal. Before making drastic choices, your President should look at the consequences of his edicts.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of light shining underneath a door, represents the coming Warning which is at the door. The Warning will be a blessing to sinners, so they can wake up to seeing the consequences of their actions. All of those sinners, who do not believe in hell’s existence, will have a reality check if they are judged to hell in their mini-judgment. After your judgment, souls will have a taste of their destination. Your souls are immortal, meaning they will not die as your body will. If you do not change your evil lifestyle, your souls could suffer in the flames of hell for all eternity. Choose life and keep close to Me, so you can have eternal joy with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the angels had to choose between serving Me or serving Satan. Satan and I will claim souls for ourselves at the final judgment. You would much rather be with My love in heaven, than be with the hate of Satan in the eternal flames of hell. I do not force people to love Me, but those people, who reject Me, will suffer the consequences forever in the flames of hell. Wake up to the reality of your final destination and choose life with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have some new leadership in your diocese, when your newly installed bishop was leading your protest of abortion in Washington, D.C. This Right to Life protest of abortions is how My faithful should stand up against the evil court decision that has allowed the killing of My babies in America. Your country will suffer much for all these crimes of killing your children. How depraved can a country get, when it kills its own babies in the womb. You should be ashamed to live under your rulers who are dictating this death culture of abortion, euthanasia, and wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that if you do not stop your abortions, that I will find a way to stop it in a way that you do not want to know. The coming tribulation will be a punishment for all your abortions and sinful lifestyles. My faithful will be protected at My refuges, but the rest will suffer martyrdom or enslavement to the evil ones. Evil may be appearing to win for a brief time, but in the end, My victory will send all of the evil people and demons to hell. See the writing on the wall for all of those people who are rejecting Me, because there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth when they will suffer eternal hellfire. Remember Stanley’s comment to those who do not believe in hell. You will know when you go there.”

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014: (Roe vs. Wade abortion decision ann)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision how the souls of the dead babies and their angels are going up to heaven. These abortions are a major crime, that you are refusing My gifts of life to you in these aborted babies, just for your pleasures and convenience. The marriage act was meant to produce children, but you are aborting My gifts of life, and denying these babies of their intended missions to contribute to your society. Instead, you have less children, and less workers to pay your benefits in taxes. It is the evil in your court decision that has made it legal to murder your children, which is the worst abuse that you could do. This irresponsible society of yours is killing its children, and this blood on your hands will not be washed away. These crimes of abortion are against My Fifth Commandment of Thou shalt not kill. It is not a right to kill the unborn, but it is an abomination that your country will pay for dearly. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion, and protest this grisly decision that allows the killing of My babies.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you give witness to Catholics or other denominations, you need to focus on Me as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. You believe in faith about the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as three Persons in one God. This is a mystery to man, but I am emphasizing Our oneness in three Persons, because every time you receive Me in Holy Communion, you receive the Blessed Trinity as well. We cannot be separated. Where I am, the Father and the Holy Spirit are there also. This miracle of the Eucharist and the physical blood, is to remind everyone that I am truly Present in My Body and Blood in every consecrated Host. You also need to receive Me with a pure soul without mortal sin. My Real Presence occurs when the priest consecrates the Host, and the bread is transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. This change is also accepted in faith, and the miracles of My Eucharist are a proof to non-believers. Give praise and glory to Me at Adoration, and give Me thanks for My gift of Myself to you in every Holy Communion.”

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014: (St. Agnes)
Jesus said: “My people, from the first reading you have seen how I had My prophet Samuel anoint Saul and then David. There were seven sons of Jesse, but I looked into the heart of David for the one that I wanted to lead Israel. Even when I call people to do certain missions, I also look into the hearts of those that I choose to lead My people by My Word. In the Gospel reading I told the people, who criticized My apostles, that I was even Lord of the Sabbath. (Mark 3:27,28) ‘The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.’ My people should be following the spirit of the Law because they love Me and their neighbors. If you have love for Me in your heart, then you will follow My Commandments because you do not want to offend Me. If you had perfect love, you would not even need My Commandments. As it is though, you are weak to sin by nature of Adam’s sin. Until you are perfected, you need to follow My Commandments as guidelines in how to live your lives. It is the spirit of the Law in love that is more important than the Law itself. Follow Me in love, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

(John Foley funeral Mass)Jesus said: “My dear Barbara, I want to console you for the loss of your husband, as I know how much you loved him. He was suffering in the nursing home for some years, and you were dedicated to stand by him. Your family will help you get through this loss as they loved him as well. His life was a gift to support his family and the many churches and needed buildings that helped people and provided a place for worshiping Me. God bless him for all his care for the people. He will be purified for a short time in purgatory because his illness atoned for some of his sins. A few Masses could bring him to heaven. John loves you Barbara, and all the family. He will be praying and watching out for all of you.”