Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday, April 30, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you hear in your news of various hardships on people when they may have lost their homes in a tornado. Everyone has to endure some hardships in life of sickness, lost jobs, lost homes, financial bankruptcy, or deaths in the family. Life is a testing ground, so do not get too comfortable with this life’s things because they can be taken away at any time. Think first of depending on Me for everything so you are not so attached to your money, and your possessions. When I give you messages that you will have to leave your homes in order to come to My refuges of protection, many people have difficulty in leaving everything behind. This detachment of things in your life is not easy, but you need to be ready to give this all up so you can focus on where I want to lead you. At one point you may even be asked to give up your very life as a possible martyr for believing in Me. Keep your souls pure every day, because you do not know the day nor the hour when I will call you home, or when I will call you to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the beauty of My creation in the trees and in the flowers. You are happy to see, smell, and take pictures of My creation. You also see the beauty of sunrises, sunsets, and the many beautiful landscapes as at the Grand Canyon. You also see the beauty of the animals, and especially the men and women that I have created. This beauty is even magnified when you look deeper into the actual makeup of the various parts of the body. It is a miracle to see how each body is alive and functioning, as well as the creation of your soul. It is the soul that has free will, and the soul will live forever, even after the body dies. Give worship and thanks to Me for all that I have created. Those, who appreciate these miracles of My creation, are fully living the joy of their human life experience on earth.”

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013: (Edward Wegman Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Ed was a faithful family man for his many years of marriage. He leaves a legacy of a large family with many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. His strong faith was a good example to his children. He stood by his family in supporting them in their needs. He was grateful for all the family members and friends who came to his funeral. He also wanted to thank Ed, his son, and Father for their kind words about him. He is in purgatory for a short time, and he is in need of a few Masses. He will be praying for his family and watching over his wife, Estelle, whom he loves.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this historic and beautiful Notre Dame Church in Paris, France that represents the traditions of the past. You are seeing a beautiful altar and beautiful stained glass windows. In your traditions you have a great reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. Many of you still kneel or bow to receive Holy Communion on the tongue. When you come into church, you genuflect in honor of My Real Presence in My tabernacle. When you pass in front of My tabernacle, or when you leave the church, you also genuflect to Me. When you have Me adored in My monstrance, you genuflect on both knees. You give honor to Me also by following My Commandments and living a chaste life in marriage without living together in sin. Your morals in America may change, but My Commandments are always the same. Hold on to your traditions of faith, and do not let modernism or New Age teachings corrupt your faith.”

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have the richness of the Word of God that was prompted by the Holy Spirit in all the pages of the Bible. You have the prophetic word of My coming in the Old Testament. You also have the fulfillment of My sacrifice in the New Testament, as well as a promise of My return. My focus today is upon Me as the Word of God, especially in the quote from the beginning of St. John’s Gospel. (St. John 1:1-3) ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God; and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was made nothing that has been made.’ I am the Word of God that has fulfilled the promise of a Redeemer. Now you are reading of how I will return with a new heavens and a new earth, which will be shared in the coming Era of Peace. All of My faithful will be rewarded in this new earth of the New Jerusalem. Rejoice in My Easter message of My Resurrection, and in My promise to return in this new Era of Peace.”

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul was led to Antioch and many other cities to proclaim the Good News of My Resurrection. But the Jews did not like their preaching about Me, so the Jews had St. Paul and Barnabus put out of their city. It was then, as in the vision, that St. Paul shook the dust from his feet in protest against those non-believers. My disciples therefore, brought My Word to the Gentiles, and they were delighted to receive Me, as many were converted to the faith. So all peoples now have the Gospel given to them because I died for all of mankind, and not just for the Jews. In the Gospel I had to explain to St. Philip that those, who see Me, also see God the Father in Me because the two of Us are One in the same God, along with the Holy Spirit in the Blessed Trinity. I am the Gatekeeper to heaven, so that everyone must come to God the Father through Me. I am the cornerstone on which My Church was built, and St. Peter was the rock who would lead it through all the popes in succession. I have protected My Church through all these years, and the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. At the end of the Gospel, I told My apostles whatever they asked of Me in My Name, that I would grant it according to My Will.”

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles when I called them to My ministry, that they would now be fishers of men and women, instead of the fish in their old profession. The large nets in the vision are a sign of how this work needs to be spread among all the nations. There was even a sign of this when the apostles caught 153 large fish. In St. John’s Gospel there are some beautiful words to give My people comfort in following Me to heaven. ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled,’ is how I am always assuring My people to trust in Me that I will take care of your needs. I was explaining to My apostles how I was going to My Father to prepare a place for all of My faithful in heaven. Then St. Thomas asked Me how he would know the way that I am going. This is when I gave the words: ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ You can only come to heaven through Me because I have brought salvation to everyone through My sacrifice and death on the cross. I am the Only Begotten Son of God, and I was sent as a man to die for all of your sins. Be grateful that you have a loving God that loves you enough to die for you. This is why I need My faithful to be missionaries, so you can spread My ‘Good News’ in evangelizing converts to the faith in all the nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this unity candle as a symbol for what happens when you are united with Me when you receive Holy Communion. You have some intimate moments with Me in Communion, and you share My sacramental grace to strengthen you against the devil’s temptations. You have a beautiful personal relationship with Me that gives your soul a spiritual high every time you come to Me. Some people are seeking earthly highs with drugs and alcohol, but they can never find My peace from earthly things. You can only have true peace in your soul from Me. Rejoice in My joy, and work to share this joy with others. When people see how much joy and love that you have in your eyes, they will desire this same experience for themselves. So be a good Christian example, so others will be attracted to living a good Christian life.”

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013: (St. Mark)
Jesus said: “My people, many Christians are too comfortable in their seats at church, and there are a good number who do not even come to Sunday Mass. If you are to have a true loving relationship with Me, you need to obey My Commandments. The Third Commandment requires that you worship Me on Sunday, and honor My day of rest with less work than on other weekdays. Coming to Mass on Sunday is the first step. If you love Me, you will tell Me so in your daily prayers. People in love do not just tell their spouses ‘I love you’ only once on Sunday. Your love for Me and your neighbor should be shared every day in helping people in need. It is when you go out of your comfort zone to help someone or evangelize souls that you are truly showing Me your love. Loving Me means that you are concerned to do whatever you can to save as many souls from hell as possible. Preaching My Word to your neighbors may take courage, but it is the right way to share your faith with others.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, last year you used this faucet a lot in order to water your parched lawn. I am showing you this faucet again because you will be using it again this summer. It will not be as severe as last year, but there will be some dry spots. It has been cool in the spring, but it will be another hot summer. Farmers will continue to find it difficult to obtain enough water for their crops. Pray that their harvest will be better than last year because your reserve food supplies are quite low.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you can see floods on flood plains, but it is always a problem when you have substantial rain in addition to snow melt. At this time you are also seeing tornadoes, but they are not as severe this year compared to last year. Your jet streams have caused a lot of swings between cold and warm weather. You even saw some ice storms when you traveled through Canada. Be thankful that you did not have any ice storms as they did in parts of Canada.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing reports of over 200 people who were injured with all the ball bearings and metal pieces from the two bombs that went off in Boston. The three deaths received the
most coverage, but there was not much focus on all the people who were injured. These bombs were designed to cause maximum harm from flying pieces of metal in a crowd. The deaths and injured people are crying out for justice in these cases. In the future such backpacks may need to be examined in crowded sports events. It is hard to prevent terrorism, but your authorities need to be more vigilant.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing people killed by bombs and knife attacks in addition to some shootings. These different means of killing people are just showing up that it is the evil intent of killers, and not just the weapons that matter. It is hard to outlaw all possible weapons that could be used to kill people. This is why many of the proposed gun restrictions have not deterred crime for the criminals and terrorists. The one world people are still pushing to remove your guns for their takeover of America. Keep guarding your rights, or they will be taken away.”

Jesus said: “My people, your winter has been long and cold, but a cold spring has people waiting for warm weather to return. Many of your flowers were already out by this time last year. Be patient for your flowers to blossom, and be thankful for all the beautiful trees and flowers that bring new life to your spring.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as the adults are happy to see warm weather, your children are even more so to play their games. Those, who live in the North, have to bear a longer time of cold. This is why some even go South for the winter. Rejoice as your signs of spring are raising your spirits, even as I am sharing My Easter joy of My Resurrection. Keep encouraging your children to do things outside instead of spending too much time on their electronic things.”

Jesus said: “My people, in a few weeks you will be celebrating Ascension Thursday, and the fortieth anniversary of your prayer group. My Blessed Mother and I are grateful for all of your rosaries and Adoration hours that have been offered up for your many intentions. You know that you can come to us with all of your requests. I help all of you in carrying your everyday burdens. Have hope and trust in Me that I will be looking out for your needs. Keep praying also for the conversion of sinners, and for the poor souls in purgatory.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul and Barnabus were sent out by the apostles to Cyprus and other lands as missionaries of the faith in Me. Even as I sent My apostles out two by two to evangelize all nations, so I send My faithful out to evangelize souls as well. It is not easy to lead a life of a missionary because you are always in a foreign land with people that may or not accept My teachings. You, My son, have also been traveling to share My messages that prepare people for the end times. This message of coming to refuges during the tribulation, is a difficult message to share and to accept. I am thankful that you have accepted this mission because in the end times, the faith will not be strong among the people. You will also be facing a persecution of Christians that will endanger your lives. My refuges will be a safe haven for My faithful when the evil ones will want to kill you. Trust in My protection as My angels will make you invisible to your persecutors.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing on the news how the bombers’ family was receiving welfare assistance, yet there were expensive cars and money needed for their weapons. There is suspicions that they were trained in bomb making, and questions where they obtained explosives and the guns. There are also questions of those who taught radical Islam to the brothers. It is becoming more apparent that they received help from somewhere for all that they did. Many of your investigators are learning the flaws in checking foreigners with possible terrorist connections. Buying of large amounts of fireworks and foreign travel should have been some red flags. It was also interesting how martial law was established briefly in Boston to catch the last bomber. Any number of incidents could be used to set up martial law whenever your authorities want to use their authority over your population. It will be such a martial law that could be used to takeover America. If you see enough terrorist activity to cause martial law, then My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection.”

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in Antioch My faithful were called Christians for the first time. Once they were identified, the Romans sought them out for persecution. Even today, Christians are mocked and put down because the evil ones of your society have no love for Me or for God the Father. When you fight against abortion and gay marriage, these evil ones will single you out for persecution in your own land. Those, who follow earthly desires and avoid My Commandments, want to have their earthly pleasures without being criticized for being sinners. You all are sinners, and you all are in need of My forgiveness. This is why you need to evangelize sinners to follow Me, but they will resist your pleas, and you may face prison and persecution because of My Name. Christians are the targets of the evil one world people, so they will eventually have to come to My refuges to protect their souls and their lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the early spring it takes time to clean out all the dead branches and debris from the winter. Then you may have to fertilize your lawn so it can green up without so many weeds. Cleaning out the weeds comes later, as well as trimming any bushes. Maintaining a neat yard requires work. Maintaining a pure soul free from sin, also requires work. In the natural world you find defects that require pruning. In the spiritual world you also deal with the consequences of Adam’s sin in trying to prune the body’s desire for pleasures and comforts. The soul has to keep the body in check from its sinful desires. This is why daily prayer and occasional fasting are needed to restrict the body’s wants. Keep striving to keep a pure soul to please Me in how I want you to live. You may need at least monthly Confession to keep your soul pure in My grace. By holding on to peace in your soul, you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you can have arid land next to a waterfalls, but if the water is not brought to the land, it is hard for anything to grow. Even in your own yards, until the rains come, it is hard for things to green up for spring. Bringing water to the ground, is similar to bringing My grace into a soul. If a soul is living in mortal sin, that soul is dead spiritually. But if that soul comes to Me in Confession, then I can forgive that person, and bring life back to the soul with My grace. Grace for the soul is like rain is for the soil. Grace gives life to the soul, and rain gives life to the vegetation. I am the Resurrection and the life, and I bring life to My faithful, and I restore life in the ground for nature. I bring abundant life to this world, as I offer salvation to everyone, including the Gentiles.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time you take My Eucharist at the Mass, you are sharing My ‘Living water’ that will bring you eternal life. Man cannot live on bread alone from the earth, but you can live forever if you eat the Manna of My consecrated Host. You could even survive on only Holy Communion because some of the saints have done this. You are still celebrating My Resurrection when I conquered sin and death. Death could not contain the Son of Man, and all of My faithful are promised to be resurrected at the last judgment. This hope of eternal life with Me in heaven is what drives every Christian to be faithful to My Commandments, and love Me and his or her neighbor. You are rejoicing in My gift of Myself, and the promise of eternal life to those who eat My Body and drink My Blood.”

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all familiar with reading your newspaper in the morning, for those who have a subscription. News of your daily events on earth quickly grow old. Very few people want to read yesterday’s newspaper. I am showing you these printing presses because your daily news is always concerned with breaking news. Once the details of a story is known, it quickly gets old. This is why you are at times annoyed when some channels keep playing the same court trial day after day. This daily news on earth can be contrasted with My ‘Good News’ of salvation, and My words in the Bible that live on forever without change. Earthly news is over in a day, but My words have a lasting character because you are faced with the truth of My words. Earthly stories can be misinterpreted, propaganda, or censored, so it is skeptical at best. But there is no doubt in My words, unless somebody is an atheist, and they do not believe in Me. You can put your faith and trust in My words that are true, and I can save souls from going to hell, if they follow Me. All that I teach is about love of God and neighbor, because I am love. It is the devil who causes hate, evil, and confusion. This is why you will know people by the fruits that they bear. A good tree can only bear good fruit, while a bad tree can only bear bad fruit. A good person will bear good deeds, while a bad person will bear bad deeds. I still call on My faithful to evangelize souls, so they can be converted to the faith and be saved.”