Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I talked about how St. John the Baptist led the way to follow Me. He called for repentance, and he baptized people who wanted to change their lives. This is why in the vision you see a path of water in a rut that is directed to Me. I also mentioned how the spirit of Elijah was with St. John in leading him. Many prophets in the Old Testament pointed to Me as the coming Redeemer. Now in this Advent Season leading up to My celebration of Christmas, you can rejoice that I came as a man to save everyone from each person’s sins. This is a joyful time before the feast of My birth so you can share your love with Me and your neighbor. Families come together to share a meal and gifts as well. For family members who live far away from each other, it is a welcome home coming to see everyone again. Just as St. John the Baptist kept his focus on Me, remember to keep your focus on My birth as the true reason to celebrate Christmas.”

Jesus said: “My people, gambling can turn into an expensive addiction that could drain a family’s means for survival. I have told you how demons are attached to these addictions, and that is why they are difficult to break. Because gambling addictions can be so harmful, it is an atrocity that your governments promote gambling at off track betting parlors and casinos. This is so they can get income from the taxes. These people in government do not realize the harm gambling can do to people because they are only interested in the income. The desire of greed for what appears to be easy money hides the fact that the odds for winning are always designed for the house to win. It is the excesses of bad habits that can lead to addictions as gambling or drinking. I have warned you in past messages not to allow anything to control you so you can have Me to lead you. If you keep holy in prayer, then these demons of addiction cannot get a hold on you.”

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, there are times when people are not happy with the environment that they are living in. Some people may not have a financial condition that would allow them to move some place else. In many cases you are forced to accept your situation and make the best of what you have. Even though you complain of your surroundings, maybe you could do some little things to improve the appearance of your own dwelling. Accepting your place in life may take some humility when your options are limited. In the Gospel I was pointing out to the people how they made judgments about people when they did not know the whole story. This is why My people should leave judgments up to Me only, and pray for people who may be troubled from outward appearances. You all are sinners and you know your own shortcomings. So do not be critical of others, but do what you can to help them where possible. Focus more on the good of people rather than thinking about their imperfections. You should strive to love everyone, even those people who may be hard to live with.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read how the obesity levels are getting higher among people, as well as a higher number of people with diabetes. Even the children are seeing higher levels of obesity. Part of the reason is because of your Western diet of fast foods and many high carbohydrate foods. Add to this the lack of a proper diet and little exercise, and you can see why people are having weight problems. Those, who are overweight, could help their health by eating a better diet and avoiding so many sweets and junk food. Work on a sound, balanced, nutritional diet, and you could lose some of your excess weight. This same training should be given to your children as well. Eating the wrong foods can harm your body, and you should not abuse your body by overeating and putting on too much weight. I am not criticizing your appearance, but you should pay attention to taking proper care of your body for good health. Keeping a healthy, pure soul by frequent Confession could help purify the whole person, both body and soul.”

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011:(Memorial Mass for Jack Shea)
Jesus said: “My people, Jack told you at the wake that he only needed a few Masses to get into heaven. You all know how joyful and faithful Jack was in his prayer life, and in inviting people to pray the rosary in his backyard. You were there many years, as were many of your spiritual friends. Jack was happy and thankful for all the people that came to the funeral and this memorial Mass. Many people will miss his joyful smile and warm words. He will be praying for all of you and especially his family.”

(Immaculate Conception) Jesus said: “My people, you know that I prepared My Blessed Mother for many years before she was born. It was fitting that she should be born without original sin, and by her acceptance of My Will, she did not sin during her life as well. Only a sinless virgin would be the proper place for Me to be housed for nine months. In heaven everything is pure and sinless. So everything in My Presence should be sinless as well. This is why you need to have frequent Confession so you can have pure souls to receive Me in Holy Communion. When My Blessed Mother gave her fiat ‘yes’ to the angel Gabriel, history was changed as your Savior came into this world by the power of the Holy Spirit. This was the beginning of My walk to Calvary where I died for all the sins of mankind. Salvation has come to everyone with My victory over sin and death. Be grateful for this ultimate sacrifice of My life so you can be saved and allowed into heaven. Be grateful also to My Blessed Mother for accepting My invitation to be My mother out of love for Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in years gone by My prophets had more difficulty in writing down what they were given through the Holy Spirit. Even though there are no more additions to the Bible, I send prophets to prepare for My coming again, even as prophets foretold My being born in Bethlehem. Your writing implements have changed and the typed word has been made much easier. Be grateful for all the messages of My prophets both in older years, and even now.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you pass through Advent, you will see one of the readings of St. Joseph’s genealogy from the house of David. This was emphasized when St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother had to travel to Bethlehem for the census. You can see accounts in Matthew and Luke that go back to Abraham and even to Adam. You have a new Adam in Me, but without any sin. This is My plan of salvation, and you can see in the Bible how it was carried out through the years.”

Jesus said: “My people, thanks to your recent trip to Bethlehem, you have a better grasp of where I was born, and you are blessed for this coming Christmas celebration. It is a testimony to My protection of My Church that the Catholic Church is still viable after over 2,000 years. This again shows the plan that I have had for My faithful remnant. I have asked if there will be any faithful when I return, but I know My faithful remnant will remain true to My Word. Trust in My protection even during the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been fortunate even today, to still have My sacraments available to you through My priests. This is why it is so important to encourage priestly vocations so My people can keep receiving the graces of My sacraments. The demons are doing everything to attack My priests, so pray for them and encourage them in their ministry. The priests and My sacraments are the life blood of your spiritual lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you focus on My Heart, you see how My love burns for all of you, since I desire to bring as many souls as possible to heaven with Me. When you work to do everything out of love for Me, you are happy to carry out the mission that I have given you. I am all loving, and the more you can show your love for Me and your neighbor, the more prepared you will be to come to heaven. This is how you will be judged, by the extent of your love that you carried out through your whole life. You are not judged on one event, but on your life’s goals and how well you obeyed My laws.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you parables in explaining how your faith should be built on rock to withstand life’s trials. Those, who build their faith on sand, will not last against the storms of life. This is why it is so important to provide yourselves and your children with a solid foundation in your faith by having daily prayer and good teaching. If you do not focus on such a need, then you will see why the lukewarm and your children will fall away from their faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, this image of the potter is how I mold My people and fashion them out of the dust of clay. I form you in the womb of your mother as I give each of you a unique set of talents that is different from any other person. This is why abortion is so evil because it denies My plan for humanity. Your bodies are mortal, and because of Adam’s sin, you all must die one day. This dust that you were made from, will return to dust when you die. So while you still have time in this life, make a point to strive to save as many souls as you can. Once your body is separated from your soul, your mission on earth is over. Think of doing everything for Me, and you will be storing up treasure in heaven for your day of judgment.”

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you see demons attacking My Church in large numbers. There is going to be an increasing power of demonic forces working inside My Church to cause a division. I will always protect My faithful remnant from the gates of hell, but you will see the New Age movement come into the schismatic church. This schismatic church will split off from My faithful remnant, and the demons will control this church. It will teach New Age philosophies and theology of worshiping things and not God. It will teach that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. Avoid any churches that teach New Age, or have any idols or statues of New Age gods. This division in My Church will grow more apparent with time. This is why you want to have blessed sacramentals as rosaries, scapulars, and Benedictine crosses on your body to protect yourself from these demons at all times. When you give talks or you are on missions, carry blessed salt or holy water with you to fight these demons who want to stop your work. I am with you always so call on Me and My angels to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many ads for selling gold or buying gold jewelry. As your National Debt keeps rising at a rapid rate, many people are concerned that the dollar will crash with any default or bankruptcy. This is why people are trying to protect the value of their assets by buying precious metals as gold and silver. For many years gold and silver have been the medium of exchange because of their inherent value. As more dollars are printed and more credit in bonds is created out of thin air, the value of the dollar has dropped dramatically. I have asked people to put some money into a year’s supply of food which will be more valuable than gold during the coming famine. Putting your trust in My help at My refuges is a lot more dependable than putting your trust in gold. Giving donations to the poor will store up more valuable treasure in heaven. By focusing more on My plan for your life, you will have a great reward in heaven which is more valuable than accumulating piles of gold on earth.”

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard many stories about St. Nicholas in helping people. Your modern day Santa Claus is a version of this original story. The thought of sharing gifts with the young children has come down through many generations. Even though the children later learn of Santa’s helpers, they welcome any gifts at any age. Gift giving at Christmas is always a nice celebration for My birthday, but some people focus too much on the shopping. It should all be done in a generous spirit in moderation without excesses. You should remember to focus on My coming at Bethlehem as the main event, and not just the gift giving. Even sharing gifts with the poor would please Me more. As you come to My crib at Christmas, bring Me your prayers, works, and worship as well. Rejoice in this celebration of My infancy with your novena prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times I come knocking on the door to your soul and your heart. You are the only ones who can unlock this door from the inside. By letting Me in the door, you can invite Me to be the Master of your lives. It is hard for man to give up complete control of your life over to Me. You want to control a part of your life that seeks the material things in your life. You want to control your personal budget with some gifting of charity, but you do not want to give everything away. A vow of poverty is very difficult, and I do not ask this of everyone. If you want Me to be your Master, then you should consult with Me in every major decision that you make. When I question the motive for your actions, then you can think more if your decisions conform with My ways. At times you desire more things than you really need, and you could live a more simpler life if you chose to do so. Instead of trying to satisfy your every earthly desire, try to restrain yourself to only those things that are really needed. By restraining your desires, you will be in more control of your life with Me leading you, and confirming your right decisions.”

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, the Scribes and Pharisees were more concerned about My forgiving sins than they were about My miracles of physical healing. I even questioned them if it was easier to say ‘Thy sins are forgiven.’ or ‘Arise and walk.’ But so that they knew the Son of Man could forgive sins, I ordered the man to pick up his pallet and go home. In many accounts of My healing of people, I healed their souls of sin as well as their bodies. In this way I healed the whole person, body and soul. So in this case I forgave the man’s sins, and I healed his inability to get up and walk. The people were all astounded, and they gave glory to God. Even today, those, who pray for healings, can be healed by faith in My healing ability. Some gifted souls among you also have been given the gift of healing people. Rejoice and give thanks to God for all those who are healed before you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked the people at My refuges to store some food for the people that would be coming. My refuges will not have electricity unless some have solar power. This means you will need to be able to store food without a refrigerator. In the vision you are seeing My people digging out a root cellar in the ground which needs support to keep the ground from falling in. Storing food in caves or in the ground can keep it at 50 degrees F or lower. When you are storing your crops or cut up deer meat, you will need to store what you are not eating for later. Everyone will have a job to do in cutting up meat, growing and canning crops, and mending clothes. All the people will use their skills and trades for the survival of their community. My angels will protect My refuges from any evil people. Rejoice that you will be protected throughout the tribulation, but your living conditions will be much more rustic than what you are used to now.”

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, when you are putting up your Christmas decorations, some people put up the Nativity scene, but they leave the creche empty until Christmas. This is part of your preparation for My coming. Even today in the Gospel reading you are seeing St. John the Baptist preparing the way for Me when he asked the people to repent of their sins and be baptized. Another one of your own preparations could be to come to Me in Confession so you can repent of your sins and have a pure soul for Me at Christmas. Every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion, you can prepare for My coming with Confession and a good Act of Contrition. You should only receive Me in Holy Communion with a pure soul and not in mortal sin to avoid committing a sin of sacrilege. Rejoice in My coming always.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the preparation for My coming ministry from St. John the Baptist in today’s Gospel. My Blessed Mother is also central to My coming at Christmas as her Immaculate Conception is celebrated later this week. Her Annunciation was celebrated on March 25th which is the most significant because her pregnancy ends on the celebration of My birth on December 25th. My Blessed Mother gave her fiat acceptance to the Angel Gabriel in being My mother. Give thanks to her for accepting this honor even though she had to suffer this pregnancy by the Holy Spirit before she was married. My Blessed Mother is everyone’s mother as I gave her to you at the foot of My cross. Rejoice in having her as a major part of your Christmas celebration. This is why your Nativity scene is a tribute to Me and My Blessed Mother.”

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011: (St. Francis Xavier)
Jesus said: “My people, many of you in your country feel unclean unless you have a shower or bath each day. You are even washing your hands many times a day to keep from getting colds or the flu. You are so concerned about washing the outside of your body every day, but how often do you think about cleansing the inside soul. There are many clean people walking around with mortal sins on their souls. I even criticized the Pharisees for all of their scrupulous washing of pots and kettles as well as the purifying of hands. I told them that My Father who made the outside of their bodies, also made the inside soul as well. So focus more on keeping your souls clean on the inside than just cleaning the outside of your body. By going to frequent Confession, then you can be clean both inside and outside of your bodies.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Advent there is a need for the Christmas spirit in sharing with the needs of others by giving what you have of money, time, and talent. You just had Thanksgiving week awhile ago, and sharing what you have is the best way to give Me thanks. You can show this by giving donations of money or food to the poor. You can do a good deed for someone in the Christmas spirit. You share gifts with your friends and relatives, but you may receive something back from them in return. When you share with the poor, it is coming from your heart because you are not expecting anything in return but a thank you. Every time you pray for someone or help them freely, you are storing up spiritual treasure in heaven. Even when you give donations, you should do so lovingly, and not just for a tax deduction. By showing love in giving to the poor, you are showing your love to Me.”

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked the blind men if they had faith that I could heal them. When they acknowledged their true belief, then I was able to heal them. I do not force My gifts of healing on people. In their hearts people truly need to believe that I can heal them, and they can be healed. You believe that I was incarnated as a God-man when I was born into this world. So you should also believe in My Real Presence when you receive Me in Holy Communion. When you have faith in My healing abilities, you will receive both physical and spiritual healing.”

Jesus said: “My people, this idea of seeing a glass window in the vision is referring to how spiritually your eyes are the window to your soul. You can tell a lot about a person by looking into their eyes. If someone’s eyes are always moving, that person may be agitated in some way. Some people do not want to look at you eye to eye because they are shy or uncomfortable looking into other people’s eyes. Others have a joyful appearance and give a radiant look of full faith in Me. You have a sense sometimes if you are looking into evil eyes or the eyes of a faithful person. You can pray for evil looking people, but it will be easier for a faithful person to be in the company of another faithful person. I look into the souls of many people, and unfortunately there are more people in deep sin than there are people with pure souls. A soul who prays and is close to Me every day, is much easier to look at than a soul with mortal sin. Keep a pleasing soul to look at by striving to keep a pure soul with frequent Confession.”

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, one of the requirements for My refuges is that they have an independent source of water on the land. Some refuges have ponds or rivers, but those, who do not, will need to drill a hole for a water well. This well will need to have a mechanical means of pumping water since you may not have access to electricity. All of My refuge sources of water will be miraculously pure, and will not run dry because I know how much you need pure water to survive. Even if My refuges do not have a well, I will supply miraculous springs as in Lourdes, France. I told you that I would provide water, food, and shelter at My protected refuges. Give praise and thanks to Me because My angels will provide a shield of invisibility so the evil ones will not be able to detect your presence. You will need to get used to not having any chipped devices for communication at My refuges. Avoid taking any chips in your body that could control your free will.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message that the people behind your government are planning another war for America to enter. You also have seen some reports of carrier groups moving close to Syria. Many of your attacks have come by surprise at night, and they have been focused on regime changes of various long time dictators. The Moslem Brotherhood has been used to take over various countries. Syria, Iran, and even Saudi Arabia have been difficult to get uprisings going in these nations. The one world people want to use these uprisings to cause a rise in the oil prices. Pray for peace that America is not dragged into more wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing dangerous legislation in the Senate that will give the Executive Branch the power to use your military to gather up people who are opposed to government policies. I have warned you about how the one world people want to exterminate 25 million Christians and patriots in order to implement the North American Union. By forcing people to take mandatory chips in the body and mandatory flu shots, they will have a reason to capture your own citizens and kill them in their death camps. This law will allow this capture under any pretense. Be ready to leave for My refuges when these events occur.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your government’s Health Bill there was a mandate of chips in the body to have your insurance and a health card. This was covered over by the media, but it will soon be implemented. Once chips are made mandatory in the body for any reason, it will be time to come to My refuges. Do not take any chips in the body because voices could control your free will and your soul. The one world people want total control over you as robots, and this trumped up Health Plan is their means to force these chips on you. Be watchful of this Health Plan so you are ready to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, many European countries are teetering on collapse because of their failing social welfare societies. These countries are going to fail no matter how much money America is forced to back them up through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which is supported 70% by America. This weakening of the dollar by placing more dollars into circulation is the same disaster as your ‘quantitative easing’ which just added more money to your National Debt. Be prepared to go to My refuges when Europe falls and America right after Europe. This is all part of a plan to set a new world order in power with the Antichrist leading the world for a brief time. Trust in My help during this coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are setting up My refuges, need to be prepared to have fuel and burners ready to keep warm, especially in the Northern states. I will multiply your fuel when it is needed, but you should have some initial fuels to multiply. Wood, kerosene, oil, and gas may be sources to keep you warm. My faithful need such fuel prepared because you could see power outages from snow and ice storms. By having extra water, food, and fuel on hand, you can be ready when these things will be in short supply.”

Jesus said: “My people, the words of the new Mass translation give a deeper meaning and reverence to the Mass. It is not easy to remember the new words at first, but it will not take long to remember them since there are only a few changes. It is good to have a little change back to the old words so people are more conscious of what they are saying. Those, who come to daily Mass, will pick up these new changes much quicker because it is being reinforced every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, part of the reason, that you have become involved in so many wars, is because you are so dependent on other countries for oil. By providing more fuels from your own country, you can reduce this dependence on outside fuels. The big factor is how to safely go about drilling without creating bad environments for your people. There are definite concerns with your new gas drilling that need laws to protect your civilians from poisons. By working and praying for a good outcome, you can have more jobs and more American fuel.”