Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011: (Memorial Day, George Green’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, George was one of My dedicated pro-lifers who worked many years in fighting abortion. For this he is in My spiritual hall of fame for fighting for the souls of the unborn. You are celebrating a Memorial for all of your soldiers who died to defend America. You should also pray for your mothers not to have any more abortions. George was a soldier for life as he tried to defend the lives of the unborn. All of My faithful, who fight to preserve life, need to be remembered as well. George loves his wife, Mary Lou, and the family very much, and he is sorry that he had to leave them. He is in the upper part of purgatory and he needs a few more Masses and prayers to come to heaven. Masses are very important to help the souls in purgatory to be purified for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the latest attacks of the devil on My Church is to find reasons to close My churches. These flames in the vision represent the persistence of My faithful to keep their churches open. It is true that you have seen problems with a decreasing number of priests, and fewer people are coming to Sunday Mass. Without the people supporting their pastor both physically in finances, and spiritually in prayers for their priest, you will continue to see more churches closed. My people need to fight and convince your bishops to keep your churches open. By prayer and public witness against the devil’s plans to close churches, you can be instrumental in keeping your church open with a priest. Pray every day for your priests, and pray that those who have fallen away from Me, will be reconverted.”

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011:
Mary said: “My dear children, I came to the three children at Fatima, Portugal and there were promises given to them. I encouraged the children to pray the fifteen decade rosary and to wear the brown scapular. You remember vividly the picture of St. Michael placing the Host on the tongues of the children. This will be performed again for all of my children at my Son’s refuges. I am the refuge of sinners as I bring your petitions to my Son. I gave you the four intentions to pray for on your rosaries: pray for the poor souls in purgatory, for peace in your world from wars, for the stoppage of abortion, and pray for poor sinners. If my children do not pray enough, you could see nations annihilated. Even Russia has spread her errors of atheism and the persecution of My Church. You are truly living in an evil age, but my Son’s power is greater, and we will protect you at His refuges during the coming tribulation. Have no fear because after my Son’s victory, you will witness the Era of Peace that was promised.”

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I call everyone to come into My Church, no matter how you are. In some Scriptures there is a need to be properly dressed to give respect to My Presence. In the vision you are seeing even a crippled person in a wheelchair coming into My Church. In some instances by My grace these crippled people have been healed to walk again. In the spiritual world there are people who are crippled in their sins and the desires of the world. In today’s Gospel I am calling My faithful out of this world so you can be with Me by following My Commandments. If you believe in Me and follow My laws, the world will hate you as it hates Me. Yes, you will be persecuted for living a holy life, because the worldly people hold on to their sinful pleasures. Those, who are against abortion, pornography, adultery, and homosexual behavior, will be persecuted by the worldly people. Be thankful that you are close to Me because My faithful will receive their reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that a few complaints from some atheists and the ACLU has allowed them to strip all of your public buildings from any display of My Ten Commandments. These Commandments were given to Moses and the Israelites, but even some of these people rejected them. These laws are a guide to live a holy life, but the people do not want to obey them since they would have to change their lives of sin. When people disobey My Commandments of love, they are committing sins against Me. This is why I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation, where you can ask for My forgiveness and My priests will absolve you of your sins. Once you are forgiven, I restore sanctifying grace to your souls, and you are now worthy to receive Me in Holy Communion. Many preparations for Confession use the Ten Commandments as a basis for making a good Confession. It is important to have a properly formed conscience so you know what is right from wrong without rationalizing your actions. It is also important to obey My Commandments out of love, so you can lead a life worthy of coming to heaven at your judgment.”

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011: (Mary’s funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, everyone has his or her own personal cross to bear in life. I ask everyone to pick up his or her cross and follow Me. Those, who follow and believe in Me, will have a lighter cross to bear because I will be helping you to bear it. Some people are tested more with illnesses or terminal diseases. These are heavier crosses than the rest of the people. I only test you with what you can handle, because I never test you beyond your endurance. Living through life’s trials and difficulties is part of everyone’s human existence. There are joys and sorrows in life, so be gracious when you do not have to suffer problems. While you have good health, you could make the most of your time by helping others along with your own needs. Life is a blessing to share with each other, and I have asked you to love Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the 37th chapter of the Book of Ezekiel there is a vision of dry bones from which I raised up a whole army. I breathed the life of the Spirit into these bodies. This is a story of the restoration of Israel to its former kingdom. This reading of how the Jews would be brought back into one nation, was fulfilled in 1948 when Israel was declared a Jewish state. This is a fulfillment of one of the end time signs. It is also significant that the Battle of Armageddon will be one of the last signs before I return to the earth in victory over evil. Be patient and be ready to leave for My refuges of protection when the evil ones are about to declare martial law. I will protect My faithful as I will shield them with being invisible by My angels.”

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, in your earthly world you need lights at night on your car to see the road, and lights to read by in your homes. This need becomes even more apparent when you lose electricity at night. This is why you have lamp oil for your lamps, and even flashlights for a short time. This same concept of seeing in the dark can also be seen in your spiritual life, as I am the Light of the world that disperses the darkness of evil. I have allowed the demons to roam the earth, but I have also given each of you a guardian angel to protect you. You are protected from harm, but you still have to endure the devil’s temptations every day. I shine My Light on the narrow road to heaven so you can see the way to travel throughout your life. When you are tested, you are being purified as silver is refined by fire. Look to Me for direction in your life as I help you to fulfill your life’s mission.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones are planning some major events to precipitate martial law in America. There are many signs that the one world people are in position to cause the collapse of your money system as one more means to cause martial law. Before these events are brought about, I will bring My Warning experience to every soul as a preparation for the coming tribulation. The Warning will be an out of body experience that will review your life of any unforgiven sins. You will see My mini-judgment and some will be converted from their life of sin. This event will occur before the Antichrist comes into power when he declares himself.”

Jesus said: “My people, you were hearing on the news how some scientists want to be able to manipulate the weather for their own uses. They even mentioned the possible use of microwaves in bringing this about. Some experiments have used silver iodide particles to seed the clouds. They did not mention the HAARP machine, but it is known to enhance weather, and it could easily cause these violent tornadoes that you are seeing. Some people are associating cloud formations and colors when the HAARP machine is running.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may have bought backpacks and the materials to take with you to the refuge. Now is the time to pack your needs into your backpacks and have all of your needs ready in one place, so you can grab them and leave as soon as possible for My refuges. You have practiced living in tents and living without electricity, so you know what is needed. Have your preparations ready because the time to leave is not far off.”

Jesus said: “My people, Japan has finally admitted that three of their nuclear reactors went through a meltdown where the fuel fell out of the rods to the bottom of the containment buildings. A minimum amount of radiation is still present when the radioactive water is poured into the ocean. This has been a lesson for all countries who are using nuclear power for energy needs. Pray that there are no more such incidents.”

Jesus said: “My people, peace is nearly impossible in Israel because the Arabs do not want to recognize this Jewish state. This promised land of Israel has been the long standing heritage for the Jewish people. Outside countries, even as the United States, cannot tell Israel what land that they can occupy. This fight over land will eventually lead up to the Battle of Armageddon between the good and evil of the world. When this battle comes, it will be close to My time of return.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your ‘Patriot’ laws are expiring and they are being renewed by your Congress. Many are taking issue with the invasion of personal privacy with this general listening to all communications for watching terrorists. Normal use of such surveillance should be granted by a judge for probable cause. This open listening is a violation of your Fourth Amendment rights. Many are giving up their rights for the possible help in finding terrorists. This is one more control over everyone that the one world people are forcing on you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Me taking many souls home to Me that were great prayer warriors on earth. Many saints and holy people have revealed to you that they can do more from heaven than when they were on earth. These people are praying for both the souls on earth and for the souls in purgatory. Even your wife’s father is still working on members of your family to get them back to Sunday Mass. Heaven is using every available means to save souls because the saints and angels all realize how little time is left for these souls to be saved. Continue, yourselves, to pray for sinners and the souls in purgatory with your rosaries and good example.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you truly are seeing a lot more vegetation from your excess rainfall. It is very difficult for your people in the Midwest where there has been a lot of damage and loss of life from the recent tornadoes. This tornado season has been very deadly and unusual with the violence of your weather. This should be a spiritual sign to improve your spiritual lives without so much anger and violence in killings from drugs, abortions, and wars. Without conforming to My laws, how can you have calm and joy in your lives? Live your faith with humility and slower paced living. By a simpler way of life, you will have more time for Me in your prayer life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing just the beginning in the number of people killed in your tornadoes. These tornadoes, hailstorms, high winds, hurricanes, and earthquakes are going to take their toll in an unusual amount of violent weather. Even to date you have not seen so many deaths from tornadoes since many years ago. There are many unsuspecting souls who are coming to Me in judgment, and many of them were unprepared to die. This means that there are many souls in the deep parts of purgatory that are in great need of prayers. These souls and the souls of many more, who are about to lose their bodily lives, are calling out for prayers. Make an effort to include their intentions in your rosaries every day.”

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, when I talk of peace, I am speaking of the grace of My sacraments that I place in your souls. There is also a peace of My love that I place in your hearts. In the Gospel of St. John (14:27-31) I spoke: ‘Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you.’ This peace of faith in Me can be seen in a little child as in the vision. This peace should be guarded from all temptations and trials of the world. This peace can only be found in Me. You cannot find this peace in the world. Many people wander through this life with their soul thirsting for Me. Many try to find peace in possessions, human love, and things of the world, but they are restless and never really are satisfied. You can only find real peace and rest with Me, so trust in Me to lead you and satisfy you in My love relationship with you.”

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you sail in a boat across the sea, I guide you through life and its trials. In a boat you suffer through calm without wind for sailing, and at times you suffer through storms of large waves. In life you may also suffer calms of depression or troubles of unemployment or damage to your homes. Call on My help in all of your needs, whether they are serious or minor. Trust in Me to lead you through life until you can reach My harbor of grace in heaven. This port of desire is to be with the One who loves you forever in heaven. Keep seeking Me by following My Commandments and praying your daily prayers. My daily Mass and Communion feeds you spiritually, and My Presence in your soul is your greatest joy of the day.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you heard of how St. Paul healed the crippled man, but the people wanted to give sacrifice to him as a god. Many of the people of St. Paul’s time believed in Greek and Roman gods. Once they understood St. Paul’s testimony, they were converted to believe in the one True God of Three Persons in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Many of My disciples and the apostles were enabled by the Holy Spirit to heal people from their ailments. When I performed miracles of healing, many people came to believe in Me. Healing gifts are still available and are given to My faithful. Not all people have this gift, but only those to who the Holy Spirit wishes to grant it. As with all holy gifts, you need to nourish your soul with My sacraments and daily prayer to maintain these gifts. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the graces and gifts that I have bestowed upon you.”

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I taught My apostles many things, but they still had trouble understanding who I was. They needed the power of the Holy Spirit’s inspiration to help them focus on the mission of My life. After St. Philip asked Me about where I was going, I told the apostles: (John 14:6) ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ When I mentioned the Way, I want everyone to follow the narrow road to heaven. When I mentioned the Life, I want everyone to live a Christ-like life that imitates My Way of love of God and neighbor. When I mentioned the Truth, I want everyone to give their will over to My Divine Will. When you accept Me as Master of your life, then you need to live a life led by My Spirit and not by your body. The body desires to lead itself in pride, but the soul desires to follow Me according to My Commandments. It is not easy to give your will over to Me, but by following Me, I have the words of eternal life in heaven. Your goal should be to live with Me forever in heaven. To get to heaven that is why you need to follow Me, because you can only come to heaven through Me.”

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, I had St. Paul and My disciples preach My Word to the Jews first. In Antioch St. Paul and Barnabas tried to teach the Jews about Me, but they refused My Word about eternal life in heaven. St. Paul then started to preach My Word to the Gentiles, and they were delighted to be converted. The Jews then persecuted St. Paul and Barnabas, and forced them to leave their town. This is why they shook the dust from their feet in testimony to the rejection of My Word in that town. There is a lesson here in spiritual pride, that everyone is welcome to come into My Church. In the Gospel reading I emphasized My Divine nature to My apostles. I had just told them that they could only come to the Father through Me. When Philip asked Me to show him the Father, I told him: ‘I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.’ I have a human nature and a Divine nature as well. I am still the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. This is a reminder even to My faithful of today. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you also see the Father and the Holy Spirit. You receive all of Us at once because We are inseparable as Three Persons in one God.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that the one world people are planning to bankrupt your money system and bring down the dollar. Many of their plans for martial law are very close to being implemented. You know this is close because even the one world people are planning their own places of protection in their underground cities. They have been stocking these places with food and water for many months. They know that there will be rioting and pillaging for food. So they will be seeking protection in their well stocked underground cities. As you see these preparations being made, you know that it is also time to come to My refuges where My faithful will seek My protection. I have told you to store one year’s supply of food and water until you need to leave for My refuges. Even the one world people are warning you to have six months of food and water stored. The dollar will become worthless soon, so having gold, silver and food may be your source of barter until I come. Trust in Me to protect you, and have no fear of the evil ones because they will not harm your soul.”