Saturday, November 6, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people in your society where their greed for money, power, and possessions have turned them into money worshipers instead of worshiping Me. It is bad enough to be addicted to wealth and power, but it is even worse when the rich steal money from the people in planned stock crashes, and from the taxpayers who have bailed out their losses. Your financial crisis has been purposely manufactured by the financiers of Wall Street in order to steal money from innocent investors. Now the central bankers of your Federal Reserve want to lower the value of your currency until it is worthless, so they can replace the dollar with the amero of the North American Union. I have warned My people of the rich elites that are planning a bankruptcy of America for the takeover of your country through martial law. Once they strip you of your dollar’s value, then they will try to force mandatory chips in the body. When you see this collapse of America and the riots that will follow, refuse to take any chips in the body, and call on Me to lead you to the safety of My refuges.”
Friday, November 5, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, your current military weapons have some serious consequences if they are fully deployed. Some weapons can melt metal tanks, some lasers can inactivate incoming missiles, while some EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) weapons could paralyze whole cities or armies that use microchips in their equipment. EMP weapons can simulate the effects of neutron bombs. Their powerful rays can destroy microchips that would stop vehicles, computers, and any appliances that use microchips. Modern armies rely on microchips to run vehicles, target the enemy tanks, and many guidance systems for missiles. If EMP weapons were used, aircraft carriers and whole armies could be neutralized. If these weapons fell into the wrong hands, America’s existence could be changed back to old technology. None of these weapons could harm My faithful at My refuges, so My protection is far superior to any of man’s weapons. Be aware of your military’s capabilities, but remember that I have a greater power than all of these evil ones. In the end My power will triumph over the Antichrist and Satan, as My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace and then into heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a priest standing before the Ten Commandments, means the priest in his homilies needs to emphasize the need for frequent Confession. You are all sinners and are in need of My forgiveness. Some rationalize their mortal sins into venial sins, and think they do not have to go to Confession. Even if you only have venial sins, you should make a practice of going to at least monthly Confession. There are many preparations for Confession to examine your conscience for your past sins. Unless you come to Confession, you do not have My absolution that forgives your sins and restores grace to your souls. My priests also need to warn the people that if they have mortal sin on their souls, they should not receive Me in Holy Communion because they would be committing another mortal sin of sacrilege. My priests should also emphasize that I am truly Present in My Body and Blood in every consecrated Host, and the people need to genuflect to My tabernacle on entering and leaving My church. By confessing your sins and giving honor to My Blessed Sacrament, you will have sufficient graces to protect yourself from the devil’s daily temptations.”
Thursday, November 4, 2010: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I gave two parables about finding a lost sheep and a lost coin to emphasize how heaven rejoices over every repentant sinner. In order to repent, souls have to make an act of their free will to be sorry for their sins and seek My forgiveness. I want everyone to love Me, but I do not force Myself on you. It is your free will to love Me or not, but when love is shown freely, this is cause for celebration. The rainbow in the Old Testament was My covenant with man that I would never destroy life on earth with a flood ever again. It is this covenant that I am emphasizing in the vision when I died for your sins on the cross. For those, who repent of their sins and follow My Commandments, I will offer them eternal life in heaven. There may be some purification needed on earth or in purgatory, but I will keep My promise of My reward in heaven for My faithful. When souls enter heaven, there is even more rejoicing when they receive their crowns of glory in My eternal presence.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your elections have sent a strong message to the Democrats that the people are against them for taking their freedoms away, and for their socialist policies that have enabled government to grow more into everyone’s lives. The largest requests were for less spending, reduced deficits, and help with getting jobs for people. Some parts of your society were against the Health Law that will raise costs more than lower them. Some want various health insurance coverages, but no one wants to pay for them. Now that the elections are over, it will be a challenge for all those who were elected to make some hard choices.”
Jesus said: “My people, you saw in the original Health Bill a place indicating that chips in the body would be required for insurance benefits. This is the ultimate plan of the one world people to force mandatory chips in the body on everyone. These officials will mandate a National ID with a smart chip in it. This will be the first stage, and then chips in the body will be demanded so you do not lose your chip identification. Remember to place aluminum foil over all chipped documents to protect against identity theft and prevent tracking. Refuse to take any chips in your body because they will control your mind. When this comes, leave for My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, this ‘Quantitative Easing’ of your Federal Reserve to buy $900 billion worth of Treasury Notes is a disguise to purposely lower the value of the dollar in the name of boosting the economy. They already have bought $1.8 trillion worth of Treasury Notes the first time, and this did not help that much. This is purposely increasing the National Debt with no promise that it will stimulate the economy. This action places America one step closer to bankruptcy which is the real plan for a martial law takeover. Many of these massive spending plans were never voted by the people, but they were forced on you by the one world people. Stimulus spending and bank bailouts have helped only the rich, but they are mortgaging your children’s future. Pray that the deficit spending, stimulus spending, and other useless spending could be brought under control before America becomes bankrupt.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is considerable Masonic influence behind the scenes that is controlling your government, even from the roots of the Masonic symbols in Washington, D.C.’s design. It is not by accident that most all the Cabinet posts are given to one world controlled people who belong to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergs, and the Trilateral Commission. This is why neither party will change the one world people’s plans because their people are always in control with puppets leading your country. Pray for true freedom through your representatives, and not just the following of orders from the one world people and Satan.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people brought about the European Union with no votes from the people. Now, your recent Presidents have supported and expanded your North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This is the path to forming the North American Union that combines America, Mexico, and Canada. This plan will take away your sovereignty rights and let these one world people make you into their slaves. Fight against this union that will put you closer into the Antichrist’s power. Once this union is formed, you will need to leave for My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware that your government’s largest budget item is for your Defense Department which pays for your military people and their weapons and bases. Here again the one world people cause constant wars so your military people are never home to defend their own people, and your deficits are increased. This is one more means of worthless spending to bankrupt your country. Wars never have winners, but the rich prosper on the weapons’ sales. Pray for peace and more control by the people over any choices for war.”
Jesus said: “My people, on the surface it appears that the Republicans have taken back many seats that were lost because the people were tired of your previous President’s wars and deficits. Now the new ‘Tea Party’ faction wants Republicans to turn back to their principles against deficits and a return of their lost freedoms. Without a serious change in their policies, there may even be another formation of a third party. Pray for more reasonable spending, and policies that are for the people and not for the ruling one world people.”
Wednesday, November 3, 2010: (St. Martin de Porres)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you at My refuges how I will provide the food for you by allowing deer to drop dead in your camps, as in the Exodus when the quail dropped dead in their camps. It will be the responsibility of your community to bleed and hang the deer, as well as using your deer knives to cut them up. Once prepared, then you are seeing deer parts roasted on a fire with a turning spit in the vision. You will have shelters and food provided, but you will need to clean, make beds, wash clothes, and prepare food as in past days without your modern appliances. This rustic living will keep you more focused on Me in prayer while you are protected from the evil ones. Give Me thanks and praise for how I take care of your needs even now.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you that the one world people have been secretly producing one virus scare after another. The most recent H1N1 virus of Swine Flu was designed to be highly contagious, but it was not very deadly. The interesting part is that the one world people wanted everyone to take their Swine Flu shot and the seasonal flu shot together. I have encouraged My faithful to avoid taking any flu shots because this will be the method to make everyone susceptible to the deadly pandemic virus that they plan to release by the chemtrails. You have seen on TV programs and on the internet how there are hundreds of secret germ labs all over your country. It is a fact that AIDS and other viruses were made and released for the purpose of reducing the population. This is part of the death culture led by Satan. I will warn My faithful to go to My refuges before this pandemic virus will be released. By looking on the luminous cross and drinking the healing spring water, My people will be healed of any viruses that the evil ones are working on. Have no fear of these deadly viruses because I will shield you from them, but the evil people will reduce the population to some extent according to their evil plan. Trust in Me that I will cast all of these evil ones into hell, while I will prepare My Era of Peace for My followers.”
Tuesday, November 2, 2010: (All Souls’ Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you know of My mercy in saving souls from hell, but you also know of My justice where only pure souls can enter into heaven. As your priests mentioned, there is My forgiveness of repentant sinners, but there also is reparation for those sins that needs to be satisfied in some way as well. Some do their reparation or suffering on earth to save them time in purgatory. Others need to be purified in purgatory. Even in purgatory there are two general sufferings. The lower parts of purgatory suffer from the burning flames as in hell, and they cannot be in My presence, but they are promised one day to enter heaven. These souls are spirits only, and they can sometimes communicate with the people on earth. The upper parts of purgatory are not suffering the flames, but they are in a grey, dingy area, and they also cannot be in My presence. These souls see each other, but they cannot comfort each other. Time in purgatory is no longer relevant because these souls are outside of time, and their suffering seems longer. Once you have a sense of how much these souls suffer, then you want to help alleviate their time there. My faithful can pray for these souls to lessen their time, and Masses said for them are an even greater help. Some souls have to suffer a minimum time in purgatory before your prayers can benefit them. So in your daily prayers, do not forget to pray for the release of souls in purgatory, especially those in your own family who may still be suffering there.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard and have been given messages about many underground cities that were built to protect the one world people. One message, that has been given a lot of press, is about a massive corona discharge that could kill a lot of people with particles from the sun. While this is possible, your research has shown it to be improbable. Protection underground could more likely be needed if there were riots over food shortages, massive EMP attacks that would set off a martial law, or a very deadly virus attack that would reduce the population. Just as the one world people will seek these underground cities, so My faithful will need My protection at My refuges. There, I will shield you from the one world armies, bombs, EMP attacks, virus attacks, or attacks from the sun. Whatever means that the evil ones will use for a takeover, My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges. So have no fear of the evil ones as I will be guarding your bodies and your souls.”
Monday, November 1, 2010: (All Saints’ Day)
St. Therese said: “My son, I am happy to guide you in your work for My Jesus. Do not be upset at any of your unintended mistakes in judgment. Make amends with anyone that you may have indirectly harmed and move on with your work and prayer. Do not let the devil use these impediments to discourage you from your work in any way. In considering doing another DVD, you know the attacks that you received in your previous DVD. You know my Novena for help, so call on my prayer as an intercessor to protect you from any spiritual harassment in this effort. The more you pray at the beginning of your work, the easier it will go for you. Keep me in mind in your prayers and I will be watching out for you and protecting you.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are two ways that the one world people could pull off a takeover without using viruses to kill a lot of people. One way would be to turn off the electric grid which would stop gasoline pumps, some factories, many communications, water pumps, refrigerators, banks, computers, televisions, and regular lighting. No electricity would cause people to live a much simpler life with little travel. Another means that could send your technology back to the 1920s is an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack either from bombs or EMP weapons. This attack would stop your vehicles from moving and it would destroy all of your microchips that run computers and many of your appliances. If the electricity was turned off, it could be restored at any time by the one world people who want to take over. If an EMP attack was used, computers and chips would have to be stored deep underground so they could restart a society later under the one world control. In either case, My faithful could seek My refuges for food and shelter without any need of electricity or chips in order to survive. You have become dependent on many electrical comforts that you will have taken away from you when it is time to go to My refuges. Be prepared to live a much more rustic life with a lot less comforts that you have today.”
Sunday, October 31, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, when people speak of the end times, they think of it as long off beyond their lifetime without any concern. It is true that I have told you to carry on with your mission and not just to stop and wait for the end to come. I have also told you not to have fear of the end times, and to trust in My protection. On the other hand, I have reminded you several times that these events will happen in your lifetime, so you need to be prepared for what to do. You need to be like the five wise virgins who had extra oil for their lamps, and they were prepared for the Wedding Banquet. Since you do not know if I will come tomorrow, you need to have your soul ready to meet Me at the judgment on any day by frequent Confession, at least monthly. Your mission is also to warn people to have their backpacks, blankets, and tents ready now for when you will need to leave for My refuges. It will be at My refuges that you will be protected by My angels from the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. These refuges will be at My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, places of holy ground, monasteries, and caves. When I warn you that it is time to go, call on Me and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge with a physical flame. You will have to leave quickly, preferably at night. Be thankful that I will be protecting you, and that you have been given information on what to take, and how you will be living away from your homes in safety. So do not take the end times lightly because with your eyes of faith, you are seeing all the signs now that are leading up to the Antichrist’s takeover.”
Saturday, October 30, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this crown of thorns over My cross represents how My Blessed Mother shared all of My sufferings as I died on the cross. It is very difficult to see your son so brutally crucified, even when I committed no crime. But My Blessed Mother knew that I had to suffer as a price for the salvation of all of mankind’s sins. This is why My Blessed Mother can console anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. Pray to My Blessed Mother as an intercessor for your petitions because I listen closely to her requests. Wherever you see Me, My Blessed Mother is with Me because our two hearts are always united. My Blessed Mother watches over her children as she loves Me, so let her mantle of protection be always at your side. When you pray your rosaries for her intentions, she will always have My ear to hear them.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are various orders of priests and brothers who are called to be missionaries and help convert souls to the faith. Some Franciscans pray and work in monasteries. Some Redemptorists give missions or retreats for the people. Some Jesuits go to other foreign countries to win souls to the faith. I even send various messengers out to share My Gospel of love, but also some to prepare refuges for the coming tribulation. I told you before as the time of tribulation grows close, that many messengers will be receiving more messages about refuge preparation. As the persecution of Christians will grow worse, My faithful will need My refuges for physical and spiritual protection. I call all of My faithful in addition to those mentioned to go out and evangelize souls to the faith. Some will be converted for the first time, while the lukewarm need to be re-converted.”
Friday, October 29, 2010: (Bishop Clark’s Mass for 43rd Holy Name Anniversary) Jesus said: “My people, the people of this church have been blessed by My Presence for forty-three years as you are seeing My Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar in the vision. All of My churches have been under attack to be closed. The churches that are still surviving, are a tribute to the parishioners and the pastors of those churches. You have been blessed by a strong pastor who is working hard to keep your church open. Give thanks and praise to Me because My sacramental Presence is what makes your churches holy. It is difficult to suffer the closing of many churches, but it is a sign of how lukewarm many Catholics have become in their faith. Once people stop coming to Sunday Mass, then your faith community is weakened by that loss. Pray for your church members to be strong in their faith, and that they will work to support your church and your pastor in all that is needed to keep your church open. This is one more battle that you face in the temptations of spiritual laziness. Pray that your people will keep strong in their prayer life, and receive My sacraments often.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are predators looking to make money on people in all walks of life. You have seen many scams on Wall Street that have stolen people’s life savings. These evil people have greed and a desire for power in their hearts and souls. Many kinds of fraud are usually found out and captured, but some get away with their theft. I see all of their evil deeds and they will have to stand before Me in judgment. The difficulty is how do My people deal with such evil minded people. There are various ways to steal people’s identity, and everyone is vulnerable to such attacks. The best that you can do is to make it harder for evil ones to access your information. In the end you have to deal with any losses, but losing money is not the end of your life. Money and possessions can be replaced to some extent, but it is your soul that is more important to guard. This is why you still have to love everyone despite their imperfections. Do not let such losses affect your love relationships, but try to reconcile any problems and move on with the rest of your life.”
Thursday, October 28, 2010: (St. Simon & St. Jude)
Jesus said: “My people, this hole in the vision that grew deeper and deeper, refers to America’s problems both physically and spiritually. You are digging a deeper hole in financial debts with your rapidly expanding deficits which are also challenging the value of your dollar currency. A deeper hole in debt threatens not only your current standard of living, but it even threatens the future of your children who will be paying the interest on the higher National Debt. If these debts get much worse, there is a chance of bankruptcy of America, and a disruption of your whole money system. Spiritually, you are also digging a deeper hole where your sins are outweighing the prayers and good works being done by your people. Corruption in your government and business world has been driven by greed and the desire for power by the one world people to take over your country and turn you into their slaves. My justice will be bringing My punishment upon your nation, just as Israel was exiled for worshiping other gods. Unless your people repent and change their lives for the better, America will bring its own ruin upon itself.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your flowers and vegetables have had an even longer growing season without having a frost. The changing leaves and mums are still adding color to your landscape before winter descends on you. When you have the bright sunshine on your changing leaves, the colors are bright and vivid as well. You have captured some fall beauty in your pictures. Thank you for those who dress the altar to give Me glory from the beauty of My creation.”
Jesus said: “My people, some will be happy when all the signs and ads stop after your coming election is over. Some have been encouraging the voters to change the current socialist government that is being forced on you from the current administration. Some politicians predict a change in the seats of your Congress, but the vote still has to be counted. Every election year is an opportunity to change your country’s direction to a better position on the moral laws of your government. Your abortion laws need to stop abortions, and your death culture needs to be changed. Pray for the candidates who are morally right to lead your country. Your people need to do their civil responsibility to get out and vote for the right candidates.”
Jesus said: “My people, if your voters do not stand up to the current left leaning Congress, then socialism will take away your remaining rights. Fight for your Constitutional rights, or you could even see your sovereignty rights taken away when you could be forced to accept the North American Union. Vote for those candidates who will rein in your deficit spending so your budget could become balanced.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Congress people in office are afraid to run on their voting record when it is exposed, which is why they do not want to debate the true issues. Instead, they have focused on negative ads in great quantity hoping to put the ‘Tea Party’ opposition in any bad light they can. They even produce false stories in their favor because the media is very liberal in its portrayal of news events. See through these made up stories and the censored news that you have to tolerate every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, because of your media blackout on the important issues of your government, you are not finding out how corrupt and even ruthless your Congress is in forcing legislation on you that is not even read or examined. These bills being pushed through are against your freedoms, and that is why these corrupt politicians do not want you to know what is said in the hidden lines of their bills. Pray again for your voters to root out this leftist corruption that is stealing away your Constitutional rights.”
Jesus said: “My people, All Souls’ Day should be a day of obligation for all Catholics to come to Mass. The less you abide by My Church laws on days of obligation, the harder it will be to have My faithful follow other Church laws. There are only a handful of such Holy days celebrated for the whole year. It is also fitting that you honor all the saints who have struggled through trials and sufferings to gain their crowns in heaven. Pray for the souls in purgatory and pray to My saints as intercessors for your petitions.”
Jesus said: “My people, as the leaves fall from your trees, they are littered all over your lawn which makes it look untidy. When you rake up the leaves, your lawn looks cleansed just as when you come to Confession and your sins are cleansed from your souls. Even at times you may feel like you are evangelizing souls as you rake your leaves and bag them. Reach out to all souls so you can help them to avoid going to hell. You would much rather see souls being taken up to heaven than burning in the flames of hell.”
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