Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, My angels and saints are always singing My praises, but now that you are in My Easter celebration, the angels are blowing their trumpets with extra vigor. Today’s first reading shows St. Peter witnessing the power of My Name in healing the lame beggar. (Acts 3:1-11) He also witnessed how My crucifixion and death were followed by My Resurrection from the dead on the third day. Some, who doubted at first, were now becoming believers with the apparent miracles. In the Gospel also I appeared to the apostles to show them My real Body that I was not a ghost. They could see My wounds and that I ate the baked fish in front of them. They were astounded that I could appear through the walls without entering through the door. Yet I manifested Myself to them in My glorified Body. I did not stay with them long, but I made several appearances to encourage My apostles that I truly had risen from the dead. I also wanted to inspire them to preach about My Resurrection, and that I would bestow the Holy Spirit’s power among them in the days to come. My apostles were hoping that I would come back to stay with them, but they soon realized that I was preparing them for My final departure. Rejoice in this Easter Season because you are My Easter people who also need to share your faith with everyone.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, My disciples feared for their lives and only St. John was at the foot of the cross comforting My Blessed Mother. The other women were there and they were the first to come to My tomb. They were surprised to see My Body gone and Mary Magdalene was rewarded with being the first to see My resurrected Body. I want My faithful to have courage also in not being afraid to witness your faith in Me to others.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter at first denied Me three times, but later he and St. John were not afraid to witness that it was through My Name that the lame beggar was healed. In a later incident they were brought to trial and reprimanded with a beating

for speaking out about Me in My healing power. They were rejoicing that they were worthy to suffer for My Name’s sake. Many people have died for their faith, and they were courageous to be martyred as witnesses to My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that there is no greater love for another that you could show, than to die for that friend. This is what I have done in dying to pay the ransom for everyone’s sins, so you can see My deep love for all of you. St. Maximillian Kolbe was a German prisoner and a priest, but he gave up his life so another prisoner with a family could live. This is not an easy sacrifice for anyone to make, but this saint demonstrated a similar love for his fellow man. Love one another as I love you.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the first few hundred years after My death, many of My followers who were ‘Christians’ suffered persecution and even were martyred for My Name’s sake. All of My apostles, but St. John, were executed for not giving up their belief in Me. The Romans were ruthless in killing the Early Christians in many cruel killings. Even today in communist countries, some Christians risk their lives in secret in order to keep their faith. You are not as threatened in America right now, so take the opportunity to evangelize souls while you can. Soon you will see increasing persecution of My faithful when your lives will be in danger to speak out about Me in public. Trust in My protection and do not be afraid to try and save souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know of this local story when a priest and nun made an attempt to rescue My Blessed Hosts from a burning church. They gave up their lives also as martyrs in a way to try to keep the flames from consuming My Eucharist. You see these heroic acts that people have made throughout history on My behalf because of their great love for Me. Please honor all of the saints who were martyred for their faith. They would rather give up their lives than deny their faith in Me.”

Note. On Feb 20, 1967, the Rev. George Weinmann and Sister Lilian McLaughlin gave their very lives attempting to remove the Blessed Sacrament from a fire at St. Philip Neri Church in Rochester, N.Y. The late Archbishop Fulton Sheen, then stationed at Sacred Heart, referred to them as martyrs for their heroic effort.

Jesus said: “My people, nearly half of the babies, that are conceived, are killed in the womb and were never allowed to fulfill their mission in life. Abortions are the worst abuses of your children that you could perform. Why are you killing your own flesh and blood just out of convenience or embarrassment? These lives deserve a chance to survive and you are denying My plans for these lives by murdering them before they can be born. These souls are My little innocent martyrs, killed by their own mothers. There is a price to pay for taking these little lives. I can forgive sins in Confession, but woe to those who commit such crimes and do not seek repentance for their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people in non-Christian countries that were imprisoned and tortured for their faith, but they were not martyred. These faithful suffered a long enduring ‘dry’ martyrdom for not giving up their faith. Many who lived behind the Iron Curtain had to suffer this persecution. Even your deceased friend Josyp Terelya suffered imprisonment as an example of a ‘dry’ martyr for the faith. Pray that all of My faithful will be strong in the coming tribulation so you would rather die than give up your faith.”

Wednesday, April 7, 2010: (Camille’s Mass intention,Carol’s father)

Camille said: “Happy Easter, I missed you all at your Sunday dinner. I must say that all of heaven is in celebration mode more than normal, as you celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. This life after death is more than I ever expected, and there truly is a promise that one day we will see each other with our bodies. I want to thank you all for picking up the yard and taking care of your mother. I miss you all at our family gatherings, but I am praying for all of you in heaven. I can’t stop thanking you for all of these Masses for me. You don’t know how much I am grateful to God and to all of you that enabled me to be here. This is why I have a lot of payback for my blessings. I will not forget all of your kindnesses to me. I love you all and tell Babe how much I still love her.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some major earthquakes in Haiti, Chili, and now in the Bahaj of Mexico in a relatively short space of time. It appears that there is a trend of earthquakes going up the West coast from the south going north along the Pacific Rim. I have shown you earthquakes in San Francisco changing the geography of that area. You can see when an earthquake occurs in a populated area that the death toll can go quiet high. Construction of the buildings can have an effect on the outcome, but if the earthquake is severe enough, it can knock over buildings in large cities. Pray for the people who are still suffering from the latest earthquakes, and also for any people in future quakes. Avoid living in earthquake prone fault areas in order to avoid being involved in such disasters. Volcanoes in this area along the coast is another area to avoid living where people could die of fire, ash, and explosions. These kinds of disasters are occurring more frequently, even as I warned you of such happenings.”

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, after My Resurrection some of My disciples did not recognize Me at first because they knew that I had died, and they did not expect to see Me again. As yet they still did not understand what rising from the dead meant. They knew My Body was not in the tomb, but they did not know that I was going to appear to them in the flesh, even with My five wounds. It was not until I called Mary’s name that she recognized Me. Even My disciples did not believe the women when they gave My disciples My words at the tomb. Instead they had to see for themselves that My Body was gone, and My wrappings were still in the tomb. Once they realized that I truly rose from the dead, they were incredulous with joy. They also were reminded that My words of rising again on the third day had been fulfilled. Not only was this a joy for My disciples, but it is still a joy for My faithful of today. My Easter Gospels are filled with joy and expectation of My return one day. Later, My disciples had to return to their evangelization work and not just dwell on waiting for My return. Even today you are still awaiting My return, but you must continue your individual missions until it is time to go to My refuges. You also are rejoicing in My Resurrection because you all are promised to be resurrected after death on the last day.”

Jesus said: “My people, for years I have warned you about not taking any chips in the body, even before smart cards and Verichips in the body were proposed. I have also given many messages that when your authorities make it mandatory to have chips placed in your body, then it will be an indicator of time to leave for your refuges. You have chips being placed in your passports and now in your new driver’s licenses. I have also said that if these authorities can mandate chips in your documents, then they can mandate chips in your body. DO NOT TAKE ANY CHIPS IN YOUR BODIES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVEN IF THESE EVIL ONES THREATEN TO KILL YOU. Chips implanted into the body can control your mind and your free will with voices of suggestion that will make you like a robot. The reason that I am emphasizing not to take chips in the body is because people have quoted sections from your new Health Law that will demand implanted chips in your body to obtain any medical services. This action is very serious and it is why the one world people have done everything possible to pass this evil law. This is not about giving insurance to the poor, but it is about total control over your bodies, which the one world people have desired for many years. Once this law is implemented and these chips are mandatory in the body, it will be time for you to go to My refuges. You are seeing a takeover implemented by your President which is what I told you he would do when he was elected. Seeing how close your refuge time is, also shows you how close My Warning is and the coming tribulation. Get your things prepared to leave your homes, and My refuge owners need to get their places ready to receive you. Pray to Me for guidance and help when I will tell you that it is time to leave.”

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jesus said: “My people, this Easter experience in the vision is showing you that this is a transition from the sadness of My passion and death into the joy and happiness of My victory over sin and death with My Resurrection. As you see the beautiful spring flowers and people dressed for Easter, there is an expression of new life both in nature and in your souls. You have made your self-denial devotions in fasting during Lent, and now you are freed from these obligations as I freed everyone from their sins. Come to Me and I will forgive you of your sins because I have already paid the ransom for your souls. Once you accept My invitation to Confession, then you will be freed of the bonds of your sins. I love all of you so very much, and I desire that all of you could come to heaven. This Easter spirit should lift up your souls in My graces so you can shout from the rooftops in celebration of your salvation and your belief in your future resurrection. This is a hope in faith that all of My believers should revel in all of your life, and not just on Easter. Rejoice in this celebration of life both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see someone working at a good job later in life, it is hard to imagine how that person had to get just the right breaks to succeed. Those, who have rich parents, have it a lot easier to afford a good college education. Those, who come from an average family, have it a little harder to save and take out loans to get through school. Those, who come from a family at a poverty level, require much more will power, or certain breaks like grants or scholarships to make it through. Money is not everything, but some is needed for survival of the family with a good wage earner. With love, courage, and faith in Me, all things are possible, and you need to rely on Me for everything in life. I also should be the one that you come to for discernment in every big decision in your life. Every child should be able to dream what they want, and have someone help them to achieve that dream. This is why parents are responsible for the physical and spiritual well being of their children. When you make Me the center of your life, then I can use you to help others and fulfill the mission that I have for your life. Give your will over to Me so I can have you accomplish this mission. You may not grow up to be rich in this world’s goods, but if you allow Me to lead you, you will definitely be rich in your spiritual treasure that I store up for you in heaven. I see the intentions in your heart to do good, so let Me into your life, and you will always be successful in My eyes, especially in your evangelical attempts to save souls. Love Me and your neighbor as you serve Me, and your reward will be great in heaven.”

Sunday, April 4, 2010: (Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you know about the Shroud of Turin, but no one can explain the image that is miraculously imprinted on the shroud. Once I resurrected there was a burst of energy that slightly singed the cloth as I left you with the details of My suffering on the cross. This is a glorious moment when I defeated sin and even death itself. I took a seeming defeat in My death and turned it into a victory in the salvation of everyone, as you are all redeemed by My Blood sacrifice. This Resurrection and Life are celebrated at every sacrifice of the Mass. Even though My disciples took time to believe and understand what it meant to rise from the dead, they too, gradually came to be joyous at My Resurrection. Every year that you celebrate this feast, you also can be joyful that I have defeated Satan, death and sin. In My death and Resurrection I have given all of My faithful hope in your after life, as your soul lives on forever and you will later be rejoined with your body. This is cause for all of you to believe and evangelize souls so they can be saved and enjoy My love relationship with their souls.”

Saturday, April 3, 2010: (Easter Vigil)

Jesus said: “My people, even though I told My apostles several times that I must die and rise on the third day, they did not comprehend My words as possible or maybe even forgot them. So when they heard of My Resurrection from the women, they still did not believe them. It was only once St. Peter and St. John went to the tomb to verify the story that some believed. Then they finally remembered My words that I would rise on the third day. I met with My apostles several times so they could see that I truly resurrected and that I was flesh and blood when I ate with them. I was not a ghost. At some of My appearances at the tomb and on the road to Emmaus, My disciples did not recognize Me until I called their name or broke bread with them. This was because I now was in My glorified Body, even though I still showed them My wounds in My hands, feet, and My side. Rejoice in My Resurrection because I have promised My faithful that one day they also would be resurrected body and soul in heaven.”

Friday, April 2, 2010: (Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love you as you saw that I gave up My life for all of you. In the vision you saw My compassionate face that knows your problems and My angels are watching over you. Pray to Me and I will be there by your side to answer your prayers. How I could redeem all souls from their sins is a mystery to explain. Because of Adam’s sin, all human souls have inherited original sin except Me and My Blessed Mother. Now because of My sacrificial death, all souls can receive My redemption if you repent of your sins and make Me Master of your lives. This vision of light is an attempt to show you how all souls: living, dead, and to come, are all ransomed from your sins all at once, as outside of time. Now, as you inherited original sin by one man, Adam, so you are inheriting My payment for your sins by one man, Jesus. The gates of heaven have been opened, and all those, who are worthy after cleansing, can now enter My heavenly Banquet.”

Thursday, April 1, 2010: (Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I washed the feet of My disciples as an example of how they were to serve others. I came to serve and not to be served. I also told My disciples that the one who desires to be first, must be the one who serves the rest. This is also an example for all of My faithful that you are to serve Me in the needs of your neighbor. This Last Supper was the night that I instituted My Eucharist, as you repeat this at every Mass. Before I died, I left you with My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts that are in My tabernacle. It is one of your customs or traditions to visit three or more churches. Some have suggested that it is like praying with Me one hour in the Garden. Rejoice in this service that is centered around Me in My Blessed Sacrament. Thank you for visiting My tabernacles this night to adore Me and give Me thanks.”