Thursday, April 2, 2009: (St. Francis of Paola)

Jesus said: “My people, the readings for today talk of two great Covenants in the Bible. The first talks about Abraham how he will be a Father of all Nations, and his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky. He also was promised the land that they were occupying. In the Gospel you are seeing another statement of My being the Son of God when I declared to the people that before Abraham came to be ‘I AM’. The Jewish leaders did not accept that I was God, or the Messiah, so they tried to kill Me for blaspheming in their eyes. It was for this reason that I declared Myself as the Son of God that eventually they were to crucify Me. But this is why I came into the world to offer up My life as a worthy sacrifice to ransom all of mankind and bring all of you salvation from your sins. My crucifixion is a fulfillment of another promise or Covenant that a Messiah would be sent to free all peoples of their sins. Soon you will revisit the words of My suffering on Passion or Palm Sunday leading into Holy Week. Rejoice that I keep all of My promises for mankind, and I continue to watch over you at all times.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been graced with this exposition of My Holy Shroud at Turin. It shows you all of the nail marks and ths scourging that I suffered, even with My crown of thorns. The vision of the woman anointing Me with oil was done for My pending burial before I was crucified. The wrappings found in the tomb had My image imbedded in the cloth at the moment of My Resurrection when My Light caused this image to form. Rejoice that you have this replica to give witness to My Crucifixion and My Resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, in this scene the people were singing My praise: ‘Hosanna in the Highest’. This celebration as I rode into Jerusalem on a donkey was a joyful jubilation, but it lasted only a short time, just as human fame is fleeting. After I shared the Passover Meal that some call ‘The Last Supper’, I instituted My Body and Blood in the First Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine. Later, in the Garden of Gethsamani the people now wanted to crucify Me for claiming I was the Son of God which I am. Be prepared for the coming Holy Week services.”
Jesus said: “My people, thank you also for displaying Josyp Terelya’s picture of Me as you depart for his funeral. I have given you a message how I wanted to be a hidden Messiah without any fame for Myself. Others did not want to admit that I was the Messiah even when I performed miracles and rose from the dead in My glorious Resurrection. Once My apostles were given the gifts of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, they were emboldened to go out into the streets to shout that the Kingdom of God was upon everyone. They witnessed My words in the Gospels and I put St. Peter in charge of My Church where the popes have carried on My words of salvation to all peoples, even until today.”
Jesus said: “My people, there were other relics of My last days that are treasured in sacred places. Some sought the Holy Grail that I offered up at My Last Supper. Veronica’s veil also held a miraculous image of My face as she wiped My face during My carrying of My Cross. Some have relics of My True Cross that have seen healings come from holding it. Even the spear of Longinus that pierced My side was sought for legendary power. All of these artifacts have a holy significance in addition to the Shroud and other miracles of My Eucharist.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to share in praising Me on Palm Sunday as you hold your palms in procession. The irony of this Sunday is that it is also called Passion Sunday because you are reading the account of My suffering and death on the cross. It is appropriate that you are displaying My Shroud of suffering right before hearing My passion again. As you read the details of how I suffered, think of how much I loved mankind, that of My own free will, I was willing to sacrifice My life for all of you. I could have saved you in a less dramatic way, but I chose this crucifixion to show you that I would go to any extreme to save all sinners from their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are redemptive graces that can be obtained in your Masses, your prayers, and your good deeds. Those, who give their lives for My Name’s sake, will receive instant sainthood and their intercession for your prayers will bring more souls to conversion. Offer up your own suffering and crosses with My suffering, and I will multiply My graces for all sinners who need to repent and be converted.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for all of your beautiful displays, but most of all I share My graces even more with My holy adorers who take special time to adore Me in holy hours or visit Me in My tabernacle. Receiving Me in Holy Communion or adoring My Host will give you a peace in your heart and soul that cannot be found anywhere else among your worldly things.”

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious flooding in the Mid-West of your country from heavy rain and snow melting. Some people are seeing too much water, while others are witnessing droughts as in Texas. This high water level is also a reflection of your high sin level. If evil could be measured in water terms, then you are also witnessing a flood of evil as well. Your abortions and wars continue, as well as your drug traffic and killings associated with drugs. Euthanasia, sexual sins, and embryonic stem cell research continues to raise the evil level in America. The death culture is running rampant with your latest administration, so expect the worst as a consequence of your misdeeds. More natural disasters, and more financial problems will be the harvest when you offend Me with these killings. Not only will your economy falter, but your whole government will be taken over by the one world people as evil will reign for a short time. Pray that this time of evil will be shortened for the sake of My faithful.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the news some scenes from England and the Royal Court. Aristocracies with kings and queens are mostly figureheads at most in your heads of government that have presidents and prime ministers. In older days kings ruled over their subjects with dictatorial power. There are physical kingdoms on earth, but the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that reigns over the physical and the spiritual realms. I am your King of Kings and I sit on My throne in heaven next to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. We are all One in the Blessed Trinity. When I came down to earth as a God-man, I died for your sins, and I conquered death and sin. The Kingdom of God is among you in My very Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts all over the world. Give honor and glory to My Kingship which gives peace to all of your souls. Keep focused on Me to bring all of you closer to Me in following My laws instead of your laws.”