Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, you have had some good weather so far, but snow and wind will be coming that could cause damage to your Christmas decorations. I bring the Light into the world, but Satan and his demons are trying their hardest to snuff out My Light of truth with their lies and the darkness of sin. Be good examples of holiness to your children and grandchildren if you want them to keep their faith. You are not only suffering from natural disasters, but you are also dealing with financial storm clouds, and the threat of terrorist attacks. The latest killings in India could be another catalyst for future confrontations with Pakistan. That whole region is experiencing constant wars and drug trafficking. It is hard to have the peace of Christmas when certain terrorists are planning more destruction. Pray that peace will prevail over these fighting factions.”

Wednesday, December 3, 2008: (St. Francis Xavier)

Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel reading of My multiplying the loaves and fishes is a sign of My compassion for the crowd, but it is also a symbol of My sharing My Eucharist with My disciples at the Last Supper. After My Resurrection My disciples recognized Me in the ‘Breaking of the Bread’. At every Mass I am multiplied as the bread and wine are consecrated into My Body and Blood. In Holy Communion you share in My Real Presence of My Blessed Sacrament. When you have Me with you sacramentally, you gain graces to heal all of your old wounds from your sins. Even more so in the coming tribulation I will be multiplied among you as My angels will give you Holy Communion if you cannot attend a Mass. I will also multiply your physical food and your dwellings so all of your needs will be cared for as I will protect you from the evil ones. Rejoice that I am always with My faithful as you obey My Commandments and give worship to Me, especially on Sunday.”

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, when your consumers have low confidence in your economy, they pull back from buying cars, homes, and large repairs, and only buy their necessities. As more stop buying these items, your economy will continue a slow down. As more people get laid off of their jobs, this cycle will continue. It is difficult to live through hard times, but it sometimes makes you appreciate what you have. You also start depending more on My help when you cannot do much on your own. As times get worse, you will have to depend on helping each other both physically and financially. Families need to eat and pay their bills, so as jobs get scarce, this may become more of a problem. Pray for My help in everything that you do, and life will go easier with Me helping you to carry your cross.”

Monday, December 1, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, your preparation backpacks could be quite heavy, especially for riding a bicycle. Women and smaller children may find it difficult to manage such a load on the way to your refuge. It would be a prudent measure to have some kind of a trailer that could be attached to the back of your bicycles so you could more easily carry your preparations for leaving. This time of mandatory chips in the body and martial law is drawing close, so it would be wise to be ready for its coming so you can leave immediately for your refuge. You do not want to be at your homes when the men in black will be searching for you to try and place chips in your body. If they capture you and you refuse these chips, they will place you in death camps to be killed. The one world people’s plan is to control everyone with mind control chips in the body so you will obey them like robots. But My faithful will be warned ahead of this martial law so you can go to My refuges of protection where you will be made invisible to the evil ones, and I will provide for all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people were hoping for a rebound in your stock market along with a good shopping season. But then the reality of your bad economy is still weighing heavily on your markets. Your government has done everything to try and bring your economy back out of recession, but confidence in your consumers is low with stock losses, house losses, and potential job losses. Some of your people are trying to save more and limit their spending, but this has caused your recession to worsen. Some think this recession is almost over, but in fact it is only beginning, and it will have a worse effect than your business people are telling you. This planned bankruptcy will happen, and it is just a matter of time until you reach a critical point. Be prepared in your soul by Confession, and have your backpacks ready to leave for your refuges. Trust in My help and not your wealth or possessions.”

Katrina’s Confirmation: Jesus said: “My people, being confirmed will make you a ‘Soldier of Christ’ as you are infused by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I am hearing your prayers for Katrina, and I am sending her graces and angels of protection to help her in life. She is very cheerful and happy in her ways before you, and a joy in your life to be around her. Thank Me for sending her into your family. Her life will be enhanced by the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”