Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, even as I gave power to heal people to My apostles, I also give power to My faithful to heal people in My Name. In the Book of Proverbs it speaks of being content with what you have, and not desiring more riches than you need. This world and its riches will pass away. You are rich to have Me and My graces to lead you to your eternal reward in heaven. This is why the things of heaven are more valuable to you than the things of this world. So reach out to people to share your gift of faith and donations to the needy, and your gift of healing. By evangelizing the non-believers and doing good deeds for people, you will share in My love in heaven as your reward.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are entering the fall season of the year when many farmers are harvesting their crops. You can also think about the harvest of souls in the end times by My angels. I keep calling souls to repent of their sins in Confession so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment. My son, you are getting ready for more tests on your bone marrow problem. You may have to undergo some treatments for your condition. Offer up any pain or treatments for poor sinners, and the poor souls in purgatory. Trust in Me that you will be healed and brought into My Era of Peace as I told you in previous messages.”