Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Wednesday, January 8, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John’s letter speaks of how I love you and how you should love Me as well. You need to love one another or you cannot be My disciple. I am your Creator and your Savior. It is the Holy Spirit who gives life to your soul. In the Gospel I dismissed the crowd that I fed and the apostles went into the boat to row to Bethsaida. A storm arose and they had difficulty rowing because the wind was against them. I then went to them walking on the water after some time in prayer. They thought I was a ghost, but I assured them that it was I and not to be afraid. I got into the boat and I calmed the sea. After these miracles, they truly realized that I AM God’s Son.”
Jesus said: “My people, you see people suffering from snow and ice storms in your Mid West that is causing power outages to many homes. You also are experiencing many fires in California from high winds of up to 100mph. Some of these natural disasters can be considered punishments for your sins of abortion and other sexual sins. You also are seeing more drug problems with fentanyl killing some young people. You have Trump coming into the White House in a week or so, and he could help with your borders and the illegal immigrants. Pray for America, and especially for those people who are dying in your fires.”