Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wednesday, January 22, 2025: (Protection for the Unborn)
Jesus said: “My people, it is true that many babies are aborted in the womb in America. Your Supreme Court overturned Rowe vs. Wade, so it is up to the states to determine if they will prohibit abortions or not. Even early abortions are just as sinful as late term abortions. Life is precious, and when you abort a life, you are also stopping the plan I had for this life. This defiance of My plan is a serious sin against My Will. Even birth control is a serious sin because you are purposely preventing life to form in a marriage that is meant to have children. You have family planning to avoid fertile times, so do not use condoms or vasectomies to avoid having children. I gave you the ability to have children, so bring your pregnancies to full term. If you cannot take care of a child, then you can give the baby up for adoption, but do not kill My little ones. Pray for the stoppage of abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusually cold weather of 0 degrees F in the morning with more snow than the last few years. You even had snow in New Orleans as the cold front moved quite South. This snow and ice has also caused some power outages which is hard to deal with in the cold of winter. You saw the HAARP machine affecting your hurricanes in the fall, and now this microwave machine is active again in causing your winter storms. Pray that your people can keep warm throughout this winter.”