Sunday, January 19, 2025
Sunday, January 19, 2025: (Mass intention for Yolanda Pepe)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles, My Blessed Mother, and I were all invited to a wedding in Cana. You, My son, saw one of the rock containers that held water for the ceremonial washings. The wine ran out and My Blessed Mother urged Me to help the newly married couple. She told the servers: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ I had the servers fill six large jars with water, and then they took some to the head waiter. The water was changed to wine and the head waiter was surprised that the miraculous wine was better than the first wine. On seeing this miracle, My apostles started to believe in Me. You know I can do the impossible, and you have seen Me perform other miracles both then and now. Trust in Me to protect My people at My refuges.”
Yolanda Pepe Mass intention: Jesus said: “My people, Yolanda was grateful for the Mass for her soul. She was also thankful for the many years she came to your prayer group.”