Sunday, August 30, 2009
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you see your responsibility to witness your faith to everyone. You know your faith and belief in My death and Resurrection. So you should shout your love for Me from the rooftops, so all can hear and be saved in their souls. It is everyone of My faithful’s duty to bring souls to Me so they are not lost in hell. Obey My laws that you are preaching, so you are not hypocrites. Reach out also to share your money, time, and talent with those around you in need. Do not just only act when you are asked, but see people’s needs and volunteer to help them, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone. Walk an extra mile to help each other. I want each of you to be generous in sharing your faith and your physical help with those that you meet. When you help someone, you will receive your reward from Me both on earth and in heaven.”