Saturday, August 17, 2024
Saturday, August 17, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles that unless people come to Me as little children, they cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven. When you look on little children, they have an innocence and a desire to show love to everyone, especially their parents. When I see My faithful come to daily Mass, I see the love you have for Me in your hearts. I love all of you even more than your parents because the Blessed Trinity are your spiritual Parents. We instilled life into you with a soul and a body, and you belong to Us. I give you your guardian angel to watch over you, even for the little children. You are fortunate today to visit Olivia, one of your great grandchildren. This is a beautiful blend of today’s Gospel with the reason for your travel today. Enjoy the love of your children that I love even more than you.”
Jesus said: “My son, in the case of an electricity shutdown before the Warning, you will need to be careful about using lights with your solar backup. If there are a lot of people using generators with lights, then you could use your regular lights or your solar generators. If there are not many of your neighbors with lights, then only use your lights in your basement with your basement windows covered with black plastic. This is so people do not see you have power in a power outage. Once you have My Warning, then My angels will be putting an invisible shield over your refuge. I will be protecting My refuge believers, but you need to take these precautions before My Warning. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges.”