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Jesus said: “My people, this is the feast day of the Birth of My Blessed Mother, nine months after her feast day of her Immaculate Conception. My Blessed Mother was honored to be without sin throughout her whole life, and even at conception she was free of original sin. This pool of water represents the purity of her life from sin, even as I offer Baptismal waters to free all of mankind from original sin by My death on the cross. My sacrifice has freed all those who are worthy by their actions in life to come to heaven. Man now has an opportunity to come to heaven where the gates have been opened by My redemption of man. You still have free will to accept Me or to reject Me, but you also have Confession to have your sins wiped away when you seek My forgiveness. Even if you are sinners, you have no excuse to not accept My pardon and be saved from your sins. In life you are at the crossroads in every decision that you make. You can choose to follow My Will and My Commandments on the narrow road to heaven, or you can choose to refuse to serve Me on the broad road to hell. Take advantage of My grace and mercy, and you will live in eternal love with Me in heaven where you were made to come.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is important to know what your children are being taught in your schools. A lot of pressure is being placed on your children to get good grades whether it be in grammar school, high school, or in college. There are only a few that are going to excel in getting straight ‘A’s. It is one thing to know your subjects, but each person needs lessons in morals or a knowledge of what is right and wrong by the norms of your society. The need for faith in Me is an inner spiritual calling that is not satisfied until you reach My love and peace. Until you have peace in your soul from Me, you will be constantly seeking this peace until you are satisfied. Some children are brain-washed with an ethnic hatred, while others are brain-washed with a desire to be independent and a striving to be rich in worldly things. Since prayer has been taken out of the schools, it is hard for young people to have a strong calling to faith. It is only by strong parental beliefs that the children are encouraged to attend church and have a good prayer life. Each child has free will and they eventually have to choose to love Me on their own. This is why they need a good environment and loving parents as models to imitate. Pray for your children and see to it that they receive some worthy training in the faith along with their secular classes.”
Jesus said: “My people, wherever you have My Presence, that of God the Father, or that of the Holy Spirit, you have the Presence of all Three Persons of God because We are inseparable. We are always Three Persons in One God. The Blessed Trinity is a mystery to man because We are so encompassing in Our existence that you cannot comprehend that We are present everywhere in the universe. It is because of Our power at any second of your life that you even exist. The power of creation and the power to sustain creation all comes from God. Even the existence and power of the demons comes from Us. We allow man and the angels to exercise their own free will. I am explaining to you that the source of all power and energy comes from God. Those, who use the occult and witchcraft, derive their power from the demons. So you should know the source of the power, and you will know if it is from an evil power or from Our power of grace. Our power is always greater than the evil ones because We created them. This is why when you call on Me and My Name, the evil ones will leave you. Trust in My power to overcome any evil influence that may afflict you. In the end you will see Me come and defeat the evil ones and chain them in hell. Stay faithful to Me through all of your trials, and you will be greatly rewarded in heaven. Give praise and glory to the Blessed Trinity who are always at your side ready to help you.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you take your means of energy for granted, but there is a lot of hard work that goes into supplying your electricity, natural gas, and your gasoline for your vehicles. A good number of your power plants still run on coal, natural gas, and nuclear power. You heat your homes with methane from drilling, propane from oil products, and wood from your forests. You run your cars and trucks from oil products both in America and overseas. Some gasoline products are now using corn to supplement ethanol in your fuels. All of these fuels require management and an expense to supply your ravenous needs for energy where America uses 25% of the world’s available supplies for only 300 million people. It is this level of energy use that supplies your current standard of living. You are now competing more with other nations for these supplies, and the cost of these fuels could begin to lower your standard of living as your currency’s value is challenged. Pray for your children’s jobs as it will become harder to find good paying jobs with the exporting of so many manufacturing jobs. It is the multinational corporations that will be causing lower salaries and less benefits. Your workplace will be changing as America will become less dominant over time.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many times you have seen the priest raise incense smoke during Benediction, funerals, and sometimes at Mass. This is a means to give honor and praise to your God in honor of My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Kneeling and genuflecting before My Blessed Sacrament is another means to show your reverence for My Presence. I ask you many times to come and visit Me in Adoration or at My tabernacle. Your extra visits are a sign to Me of how much you love Me and your desire to be in My Presence. I will bestow My graces upon you for making this extra effort to be with Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying to have a crucifix on your altar area for the people to meditate on. There are always problems and delays that could be trying to delay this project. The demons will do everything to thwart this project, so you must continue your prayers until this crucifix is up before you. Do not leave anything to chance so you could see this project brought to completion.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some movements in My Church to take away some of the old traditions of your Liturgy as they are calling them outdated. Contemplative prayer and strict observance of fasting during Lent are needed at times to help souls have a sense of the sacred in their penances. Lent can be a necessary means to renew your faith each year, so keeping your traditions will help keep your souls close to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, the rosary is My Blessed Mother’s powerful weapon to fight the evil in your world of today. This can be a part of your daily prayer time that you should put aside for Me every day. Prayer is your expression of love for Me and a means for making reparation for your sins and the sins of others. See the necessity of prayer to help strengthen you against temptations. Carrying your sacramentals also will protect you from the evil ones. Trust in My help as I put a shield of angels around you to protect you from the evil ones.”
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I am happy to receive all of your rosaries tonight as I will send them to My Son, Jesus, for your petitions. I have shared many messages with you through My various visionaries, yet you are seeking more messages without carrying out My requests from the messages that you have already received. You should be preparing your souls to endure the coming Warning and tribulation. Instead of spending so much time on worldly concerns, you should have more focus on My Son in becoming more holy. Worldly things will pass away, but the words of My Son, Jesus, will not pass away.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have used this image of a door many times to represent the door to your heart that I knock on for entry to be with you. Some souls have hardened their hearts so much to Me that they refuse to let Me into their lives. Such a life without Me can be very dark and cause a lack of love in that soul’s heart. When you open this door to Me of your own free will, I can share My love and graces with you to ease the burdens of your life. Walk with Me constantly in doing My Will in your life, and you will be able to fulfill the mission that I have for you to serve Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for your students and your teachers that they may be successful in their studies. This idea of starting school with a fresh slate is the same feeling spiritually that you should have after you come forth from the confessional. Learn from your mistakes so you do not repeat them, and see the need in your life to break any sinful habits. You can have this pure soul by confessing your sins often and seeking My forgiveness. There is no reason to remain in the bondage of your sins when priests are constantly available to receive you in Confession.”
Jesus said: “My people, the lives of the saints have been revealed to you, and many had to endure dry times in their spiritual lives which you have called ‘dark nights of the soul.’ During your faith journeys you also may have to endure times of doubt, or times of addiction, or bad habits that have drawn you away from Me. But before you die there are still opportunities to be saved and converted back to your former faith. You can call on Me at any time for the grace of repentance for your sins in Confession, and a chance to renew your love for Me. This is why I ask you every day to consecrate everything over to Me so I can help you in your daily trials and you can offer up all of your trials and hurts to Me. By sharing your pain, I can help shoulder your daily difficulties in carrying your cross, as Simon helped Me to carry My cross. Treasure your daily prayer time with Me so you can share your love for Me in word and good deeds. The saints are models of hope and faith because they trusted Me with their very lives. You too, can trust Me to help you since I am always at your side eager to answer your requests.”
Jesus said: “My people, America has been graced so far this year that none of the large hurricanes have struck your mainland. You have had some violent weather, but the more serious storms are yet to come. This vision of a large storm striking America is very close to happening. You have not had to endure such a storm since a few years ago. Many of these latest hurricanes have reached category five strength because they have been enhanced by your microwave weather making machines. Pray for your people to be prepared for any serious storms coming your way. The other vision of a sense of death from a terrorist attack is another event in your future. There is a major event being planned that is so serious that it will be the means to declare a national emergency that will result in a declaration of martial law. This has been the plan of the one world people to allow them the excuse for a takeover of your government and declare a dictatorship. There will be much resistance at first, but then the foreign troops on your soil will round up all religious and patriotic people into the death camps to kill all resistors. It is at this time that you are to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to safety at the nearest refuge of protection. Leave quickly when martial law is declared so you can avoid being captured. I will provide for all of your needs at that time so have no fear and trust in My assistance.”
Jesus said: “My people, America has been graced so far this year that none of the large hurricanes have struck your mainland. You have had some violent weather, but the more serious storms are yet to come. This vision of a large storm striking America is very close to happening. You have not had to endure such a storm since a few years ago. Many of these latest hurricanes have reached category five strength because they have been enhanced by your microwave weather making machines. Pray for your people to be prepared for any serious storms coming your way. The other vision of a sense of death from a terrorist attack is another event in your future. There is a major event being planned that is so serious that it will be the means to declare a national emergency that will result in a declaration of martial law. This has been the plan of the one world people to allow them the excuse for a takeover of your government and declare a dictatorship. There will be much resistance at first, but then the foreign troops on your soil will round up all religious and patriotic people into the death camps to kill all resistors. It is at this time that you are to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to safety at the nearest refuge of protection. Leave quickly when martial law is declared so you can avoid being captured. I will provide for all of your needs at that time so have no fear and trust in My assistance.”
Jesus said: “My son, many times I have confirmed your mission of preparing the people for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist’s brief reign. This is not an easy mission to explain, but its purpose is to instill faith in the people to follow Me in these end days. Some may be frightened by events in the sky at the time of the Warning. Others will see an evil that they have yet to see. Comfort My people with the assurance and hope of My coming again when I will defeat the evil ones. Many signs of the end times are around you, and with the eyes of faith you will know when it is time to leave for My refuges. You have seen a pattern of increased details being given on how and why My faithful will need to leave their homes for My refuges of protection. This is again a confirmation in itself that the time of tribulation is close. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I am sharing with you so you can carry out your mission.”
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel the people of Nazareth rejected the prophet in Me from their own town, but I walked away from them because it was not My hour. So I have sent My prophets to My people throughout all of history both to teach the faith and to prophesy the events to come as a warning for the faithful. You are seeing these empty hangars in a closet in the vision as a sign of My son’s need to travel to share My messages, and as a sign to warn the people when to leave their homes for My refuges. This is My son’s mission to prepare the people for the coming tribulation of evil. The signs of this time are all around you, and I have repeated these messages because it will be in your lifetime. I also give you My promises of protection of your souls. Some may be martyred for their faith, but the rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges. I will prevail over the evil ones who will be cast into hell, and I will establish My Era of Peace. Call on My help to endure this tribulation, and have trust and hope that My power is greater than these evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, man’s weapons of war continue to be more deadly both for conventional and nuclear war. This vision of nuclear ballistic missiles has been the center of the old cold war where no one really wanted to use nuclear weapons. This is why most of the recent wars have used sophisticated conventional weapons. Such wars have been very quickly decided when one side has had superior firepower. The current war in Iraq has become a different kind of warfare where there are no enemy lines and the opposing insurgents use mostly roadside bombs and suicide bombs. These terrorist activities are meant to break morale and cause the current government to fail. These incidents are hard to defend, and the desire of your people to continue this war is waning. Fighting and killing in war is against My plan for man, where he should be living in peace and compromise. Love should be directing your actions, and not greed for money or material gains. Work to strive to be peacemakers both between nations and between people.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have sent My apostles out to convert all nations and to build up My Church. Whenever you build a new church, you are providing a home for My faithful to share My abode in My Real Presence in My tabernacle. In the opposite way every time that you close a church, you have one less opportunity for graces and My sacraments. It is more important to continue to build up My Church by reaching out to convert souls to understanding the faith. I call everyone to keep close to Me and give glory and praise to Me every Sunday at Mass and in daily prayer. I give you all many gifts in this life, especially time and your talents. You can give Me thanks for these gifts at least once on Sunday for an hour. This is My Commandment that you keep Sunday holy by attending Mass and sharing in Holy Communion worthily without mortal sin. Those, who refuse to give Me worship on Sunday, will have to answer for their actions at their judgment. Encourage your friends and relatives to see the need for My love and graces by attending Sunday Mass. Do not turn your back on Me, but love Me and your neighbor.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you come into a holy church where the people give Me honor and reverence of My Blessed Sacrament, you have a great sense of spiritual peace and joy at My oasis of graces for your soul. Your soul is at ease in My Real Presence and you are graced to be with Me. Be thankful for your priests to offer the Mass and preserve the traditions of your Catholic faith. In today’s Gospel on the use of given talents, you know how important it is to use your physical talents for your mission in life. When you consecrate everything to Me, you are dedicating all of your works to Me in My glory and you are serving Me as I have requested everyone to serve Me. Some do not use their talents, and this is the lesson of the Gospel not to waste their gifts. I want to emphasize to My faithful that you also have been given spiritual talents as well to evangelize souls by your Baptism and Confirmation. These talents of sharing your faith with others also should not be buried or unused. It should be a joy for you to give the gift of faith so others can share in the peace and joy of My love. Do not be selfish for just your own faith, but go out to all the nations and preach My Good News of love and salvation of souls. Then when you settle accounts with Me at the judgment, I will reward you for all the souls that you have brought to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard many Scripture passages that tell you to follow the narrow road or gate in order to gain eternal life. There are many who follow the broad road to hell in their love of fame, power, and money of the world. They have made these things gods and they worship them more than Me as idols. If you follow My Will and My Commandments, this will place you on the narrow road to heaven. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but then he loses his soul? In the end all of these things will pass away, but your soul remains forever, and it is immortal and will never die. But your soul will face a judgment and be held accountable for all of your actions on earth. By keeping your soul right with Me in sanctifying grace, you will always be ready for your judgment. Whenever I come to take you home, all the good deeds that you did for Me and your neighbor will be in your hands to weigh against your actual sins and your sins of omission. My mercy will be on your soul, but My justice will also prevail.”
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel of the five wise virgins and the five unwise virgins is a theme of being watchful for when I will return in victory. I have given many messages of warning to prepare My people for the time of tribulation with the Antichrist’s brief reign of evil. You are continuing to see signs of this evil age as in Noah’s time, and the faith has grown cold in many hearts. You are seeing the areas of pestilence, wars, and famine in parts of the world. You are also seeing the forced microchips in your passports and coming licenses as the mark of the beast is already prepared. You are entering the end times as the signs are all around you. Be always ready in your soul with frequent Confession and a strong daily prayer life. Do not be like the five unwise virgins who could not enter because they knew neither the day nor the hour of My return.”
Jesus said: “My people, in every life you are going to be tested in the workplace, on the highway, and in running your household. You will meet with many frustrations and disappointments, as this is part of your human condition. It is how you react to life’s situations that will have an effect on your disposition and the effect you have on others. If you are boastful or have an upset attitude over things, you can make yourself and others miserable around you. If you have a calm and faithful attitude, your love can touch others and they will be thankful to be in your presence. A person of deep faith should not allow the little things in life to upset their peace. This takes some patience and a good prayer life to restrain your anger and irritability. So stop and think how other people are viewing your actions, and try to be good Christian examples to others so they will desire the love that you have for Me. Keep calm in all of your reactions so you can have respect for Me, yourself, and your neighbor.”