Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you that the Kingdom of God is in your midst among My believers. A day is coming when the Son of Man will come to judge the earth with lightning from one end of the sky to the other. Before that happens, I died on the cross for your sins, and you will all have to endure the time of the Antichrist in the coming tribulation. You have been preparing your refuge because these places will be safe havens for My faithful. Those people, who refuse to come to My refuges, will be risking martyrdom at the hands of the one world people who will place the Antichrist into power. Have no fear because those faithful, who are martyred for their faith in Me, will become instant saints. This is the blood that you saw in the vision for those who will be killed in the tribulation. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges. No matter whether you live or you are martyred, My faithful will all be joined in their reward of My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two disruptions in your schools from gunmen killing students, and now student uprisings to remove teachers and principals. Your schools are becoming targets by psychotic killers, who are killing students because security is lax. More recently, several schools are seeing organized protests against teachers and principals for trumped up reasons. You have certain one world radicals who are behind the killings, and the protests that are spreading to other schools. Pray for calm in your schools so the students can study their courses without these perpetrated disruptions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I have been speeding up the days as you are entering the end times. I am slowly speeding up the earth on its axis. This is why the months and years seem to be flying by, so your tribulation time will be shortened for the sake of My elect. The reign of the Antichrist will be brief, and I will protect My faithful at My refuges. I will bring My Warning to wake up the sinners, and some will repent of their sins and seek My forgiveness.”

Jesus said: “My people, once you allow pornography and drug use to be used legally, you are inviting the moral breakdown of your society with these addictions. Pornography use is breaking up families because of the lust for sex and not for having children. This is also a bad environment to bring up children. The medical marijuana is a foot in the door to legalize marijuana for recreational use for all the people. Try to avoid these temptations that can cause evil addictions to sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, your previous times had interest rates at 4 to 5% for many years. Now for the last decade you have had 0% interest, beyond what is needed. Your Federal Reserve is planning to raise rates to more normal rates. Europe is now using the printing of money to spur their weak economies. It is the manipulation of money by your governments that is causing many of your financial problems. Pray for calm in your markets without governments stealing the value of your money from its peoples by inflating the money.”

Jesus said: “My people, My prayer warriors are most needed now because of the evil extending from abortions, same sex marriage, fornication, transgender problems, and other evil addictions. I told you that I will multiply your prayers, but now it will be multiple times and not just a double. I am relying on My prayer warriors for their daily rosaries, Masses, and other prayers. The sins of the world are not being balanced with enough prayer, so your evil actions and laws are growing worse and more corrupt.”

Jesus said: “My people, the number of families married with a man and a woman are only a third of your households. You now have many single parent families, divorces, couples living together, and same sex marriages. Your children should be brought up in a loving environment of a normal family, but now many children have only one parent or same sex parents. This strained environment is why your children have problems in school with their learning, and later with poorer paid jobs that can cause poverty. Pray for your families, and encourage marriage in My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing an older population dying off with very few young people to take their place. If you did not have increasing immigrants coming into your country, you would be losing population as the European countries. You are having less children because of your abortion and birth control mentality. Without enough children to pay for your taxes and support your Social Security for the older people, your financial support could fall apart. When there is not enough money to support your welfare state, your society will collapse under its own debts. Pray for your people to support themselves without relying on government handouts.”

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, when I made man and woman in Adam and Eve, they were made to complement each other. Man and woman have been given different skills, so they could work together. Some of your people want equality with men and women, but they are not made the same. The men can do heavier jobs, while the women can do lighter things. Each of them should have equal freedoms, but their jobs fit their skills. It is better for a man to be married, so the two can help each other in bringing up the children. Single parent families are causing the children to miss a motherly or fatherly figure to imitate. This is why your society should be built around a family of husband and wife, and not the distorted lifestyles in your present society. Once the family life is broken, your nation will fall apart from within. Pray that your society will learn from its mistakes, but Satan wants to divide and conquer you. Call on My help, and trust in Me, and not just in yourselves.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these trumpet sounds represent the seven trumpets that were announcing the coming events of the tribulation from the Book of Revelation. Each of My angels that blew the trumpets, had control over the four corners of the earth. This time of trial will test all souls, but My angels will begin My victory over the evil ones, who will be tested by several plagues. Rejoice in My coming victory, as I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace after your stay at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, My life is an example to you of how I risked speaking out against some hostile people. My faithful are also called to speak out against the evil ways of your society. It is not easy to witness to your faith in Me because there are some evil people who want to persecute you, and even kill Christians in some places. Do not be fearful of what to say, because the Holy Spirit will give you the words to speak. I will protect My faithful at My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are brave and dedicated to working for Me, even amidst some severe cold and snow. Pray your St. Michael prayer for My protection from any trials that you may face both going and coming. Travel in the winter time presents many driving hazards, but I will be at your side to protect you from harm. Continue to trust in Me as you share My words among the people who you will be seeing. Your mission is a good example for others to follow.”

St. Therese said: “My son, you and your wife have been faithful to praying my twenty-four Glory Be prayers. Even if you have missed some days, I know you have a good heart to follow the Will of My Jesus. I truly have sent you some signs that your prayers are being answered, especially with the stories from the contractor who visited you today. Have faith in Jesus, and My intercession for your mission to be completed.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is facing My punishment for your evil decisions and laws that are allowing abortion and same sex marriage. Your Supreme Court refused to make such a ruling when 30 states had allowed such marriages. Now 37 states have passed laws allowing same sex marriage. Such a ruling in favor of this same sex marriage by your Supreme Court would force such an abomination on all of your states who have not passed such laws. You know that I consider same sex marriage as an abomination, even as you are reading about Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis. Pray that your court does not allow this to be the law of the land, or you will be putting another nail in your coffin.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you would see waves of cold and snow come upon you this winter. Many of your Northeastern cities are struggling with heavy snowfalls, and now with some below zero temperatures. Pray that your people can keep warm without any power outages. You are tired of all of your snow removal, but trust in My help to get you through this winter. Such weather is hurting your businesses, and keeping some shoppers from coming to the stores. You may have to have more patience for the rest of your winter. Call on My help when you are being tested.”

Jesus said: “My people, your coming Lenten Season starts on Ash Wednesday, and it is an appropriate time to work on healing your sinful habits. It is not easy to improve your spiritual life on your own, but you can call on Me, My angels, and My saints to intercede for you in improving your faith. Leading holy lives, takes a great effort because you are fighting the devil and your earthly desires. My ways are not mankind’s ways, so it is difficult to curb your earthly ways and follow My Will. Those, who do make an extra effort this Lent, will receive My graces and treasure in heaven.”

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing a latrine with a reference to (Matt. 15:10-11) ‘And He called the people to Him and said to them: Hear and understand: It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man.’ The Pharisees held many traditions about washing their hands and their cups and pans. They also could only eat certain foods. I spoke to the Pharisees about how they dressed and fasted for show, but inside they were full of dead men’s bones. What comes out of your mouths is what comes from your heart. Some speak ill of others in gossip, and some may utter swear words in anger. You can also utter prayers to Me which shows your love in your heart for Me and your neighbor. So your mouth can be used for good or for bad things. I speak to you of a good tree which represents My faithful who share My Word to save souls. There are also bad trees represented by wicked people who spew evil things from their mouths. By their fruits you will know who people are, either by good fruits or by bad fruits. Come to Me and trust in Me so your good deeds can be a witness to your faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an unusual number of fires from moving crude oil, and in some refineries. Some of these fires are caused by arson to slow down your gasoline sources. Your government is using the regulatory agencies to harass your energy sources, especially your coal production. You are seeing some conversions of coal-fired plants over to natural gas plants to make electricity. It is irresponsible for your government to try and shut down all of your coal production and coal-fired plants for electricity by passing regulations that coal plants could not possibly meet. Your coal plants provide 39% of your energy production, and there is no other fuel or means to replace it. Limiting your electricity production could cause many businesses to shut down. These trumped up regulations could ruin your economy with little recourse for the people to stop this abuse of power in your government. The one world people are using many means to bring down your economy, and losing cheap power is one of them. Pray that your Congress could override your regulatory agencies that are shutting down your energy production.”

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My people, in your recent workshop on the Book of Revelation, you were acquainted with the seven trumpets. One of the disasters or plagues, dealt with ‘Wormwood’ which relates to ‘Chernobyl’ and to the meltdown of the nuclear plants in Fukushima in Japan. The radiation from these plants is still polluting the Pacific Ocean. This radioactivity can be seen as making the water bitter as in the Book of Revelation. These nuclear events are a taste of the plagues that will afflict the Godless people in the coming tribulation. Just as Jeremiah prophesied about the Babylonian Exile and the destruction of Jerusalem, so these trumpets of the angels are a sign of the coming fall of America. This fall will then lead up to the coming into power of the Antichrist, that will signal the beginning of the tribulation. Have no fear, My faithful, because I will protect you at My places of refuge, that will be protected by My angels.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked about a deadly pandemic virus that would be purposely spread among the people to reduce the population. This concept of reducing the population is a plan of Satan, who hates man, and he has the one world people carrying this out because they worship Satan. This statement about reducing the population is also in the Georgia Guide stones, which is part of their ten commandments that contradict My Commandments. For those who want to learn more about AIDS and ebola as laboratory creations, there is a book called ‘Emerging viruses, AIDS and ebola’ by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. This book shows you all the background for how these viruses were made and distributed. When the swine flu became pandemic, these evil ones behind it, tried to force everyone to have a flu shot which actually impairs your immune system. This same scare with ebola, will precipitate the same mandatory flu shots that will again compromise your immune system. It is better to refuse these flu shots, and take Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. If you see a contagious deadly virus that is transmitted in the air, then I will advise My faithful to come to My refuges, where you can look on My luminous cross in the sky or drink the healing spring water to heal any disease. This pandemic virus is one of the conditions to come to My refuges. Other signs are a world famine, a bank failure, a division in My Church, and mandatory chips in the body. You may even see people persecuted because they refused these flu shots. Have trust in My protection, as your lives will be in danger, when I will call all of My faithful to My refuges.”

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I asked My disciples ‘Who do people say that I am?’ Later, St. Peter answered: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended him for answering correctly, as he was inspired by My heavenly Father. I then told St. Peter that he was the rock upon whom I will build My Church. No other church or religion was directed by Me to build My Church. I also conferred the sacrament of Penance through My disciples and My future priests in whatever they held bound on earth, would be held bound in heaven. Also, whatever they loosed on earth, would be loosed in heaven. This forming of My Church was to spread My Good News of how I died for all of mankind’s sins, and I brought salvation to all souls who repented and accepted Me. Without repenting of your sins, you cannot be forgiven of your sins, and you cannot enter heaven. I have given all of My people the opportunity to be saved by My death and Resurrection, and I have given all of you free will to accept Me or reject Me. Those, who repent, will be forgiven, and they will be on the right path to heaven. Those, who reject Me and do not repent, are on the path to hell. You need to not only know that I am the Son of God, but it is by your actions of accepting Me and seeking My forgiveness of your sins, that will bring you salvation. Heed My words and follow My Commandments, and you will be saved.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know your politicians are postponing the implementation of your Health Care Law for supposed political reasons. There are many disagreements with the states and the Congress on funding such a huge enterprise. What people do not realize, is that I have been instrumental as well in putting this off, because I am not allowing it until it is according to My timing. One of the main reasons that this Health Plan has been pushed back, is to force the people to take chips in the body to control their minds. Fear not, My people, for I will warn you when to go to My refuges, when the evil ones can mandate chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that your President wants to unilaterally reduce your nuclear weapons to zero. He has been using fake treaties with Russia to reduce the number of these weapons. The Russians do not abide by these treaties, so they are just empty promises on paper. This latest falling out of relations with Russia, means your President will reduce your Defense and your weapons in secret.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in some recent articles how your government is demanding information from food storage companies on how fast in 24 hours that they could deliver large quantities of prepared food as MREs and dried food. This forced rushing of information on food deliveries is a sign to you that your government is preparing for food shortages, and a possible takeover or revolt from the people. Again, My people need to have one year’s supply of food on hand before you leave for My refuges for the same reasons, as a food shortage or buying food with chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar in World War II how there were safe houses to hide the Jews and others from the Germans, who wanted to kill them. I have asked some people with smaller interim refuges to be safe havens for housing My faithful on their way to their final refuges. My faithful will be hiding from the evil ones, but My angels will put a shield of invisibility around them. The interim refuges will provide food, water, and bedding that will be multiplied as needed for small groups of people.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are hundreds of detention center death camps all over your country. These buildings are being prepared to exterminate millions of Americans who will not take chips in the body, nor go along with the new world order. These evil ones know that My faithful will not go along with the laws mandating chips in the body, or the mark of the beast. This is why the evil ones have millions of foreign mercenary troops who do not mind killing American outlaws. These troops are the UN men in black who will go door to door to try and force chips in the body on the people. Those people, who are captured that did not escape, will be killed in these death camps as martyrs. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I warn you, or you could be one of these martyrs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are right in seeing My angels who are blowing their trumpets to announce the coming of My Warning. I have told you many times that My Warning is close, and it will happen according to My time plan. After the Warning, you are to get rid of all of your TVs and all your computers and devices connected to the internet. The Antichrist will appear on your screens, so do not look at his eyes that could draw you to worship him. He will control the people through the chips in their bodies that will be linked to the internet by the cell towers and the satellites. Get rid of all of your electronic devices, so you are not under the Antichrist’s control. After the Warning, reach out to convert your families, and be ready to bring them to the same refuge.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM thanks all of My faithful for honoring Me on this day. This feast of Mine is not well known, but it is fitting that you have a picture of Me on the altar, and that your Eternal Father prayer group is meeting on this day. Give praise and glory to Me for creating you and all of My creation. I love all of you so much that I sent My only Begotten Son to die for your sins, and I offer you salvation in coming to heaven. You have seen the beauty of heaven, and you can share with the people the beautiful reward that awaits all souls who love Me and follow My ways. This reward in heaven should give all souls hope to endure through all of your earthly trials and temptations.”

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013: (St. Alphonsus Liguori-Redemptorists)
Jesus said: “My people, you saw how much care and reverence that was made over erecting a sacred Dwelling Place in the tent for the Ten Commandments in the Ark of the Covenant. The cloud of God’s holiness surrounded this Dwelling Place. The Israelites were led by a pillar of fire at night and a cloud during the day. Even now in the vision, you are seeing My Light shine down on My tabernacle because you have My Real Presence in the Hosts of every tabernacle. You honor and reverence Me every time that you visit Me in My tabernacle. You are going to see a separation of the good people from the evil people at My refuges. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to My nearest refuge. At each refuge you will have a large angel guarding My people with an invisible dome where the evil ones who will not be allowed to enter. You will have a luminous cross in the sky, which will heal you of your infirmities when you look on it. You will have Holy Communion every day, and you will be Adoring Me in My Host in perpetual Adoration. Thus you will have My Real Presence with you throughout the tribulation. At the end of the tribulation My angels will cast the evil ones into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

(Janette Tedesco Funeral message) Janette said: “I am so happy to see all of my family members here at my funeral Mass. I love Rudy, Lilian, and the rest of my family so much. Do not be in tears because I am not far away from you. I will be with you in spirit, and I will be praying for you. I thank those who gave my eulogy and did the readings at the Mass. Thank you also for all the beautiful flowers and taking care of me in my last days. I will keep sending you kisses, and you can send kisses to me every day. It is hard to be separated from all of you in the body, but I will always be with you in spirit.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the angels blowing their trumpets to announce that the major events were about to begin. Today, you are seeing an Israelite blowing an old horn of warning to prepare the people so they are ready to leave for My refuges. This is also a warning to have some extra food ready for the coming famine. The events of the end times are about to speed up, as I am already speeding up the time so you will have less to suffer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the statistics in many countries that they are seeing fewer births that are even below a replacement level. This means that some countries are losing population, and the average age is increasing because abortion has spread to all the countries. This is a big contribution to the reduction in your population. America is not decreasing because of the many people who are immigrating to your country. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion which is threatening the viability of many nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, because your interest rates have been at record lows, you were seeing an increase in house sales. Once there was a suggestion of less help coming from the Federal Reserve, mortgage interest rates have been rising while house sales have started a decline. This artificial increase in the money supply with quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve could stop which is pushing rates up and it will be affecting the supply and demand for housing finances. Pray that your economy could grow, even without any interference from the Federal Reserve or your government.”

Jesus said: “My people, your politicians always wait to the last minute to adjust their budgets, and they try to push through more increases in the National Debt limit. You have seen some increased taxes on the rich, and some attempts to reduce your budget using an annual sequestration across the board. Even with these attempts, the core deficits are still occurring with a question over how the new Health Care law will be worked out. Pray that your economy could improve to help these deficits go down.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a renewal in My Church with the latest trip of Pope Francis to Brazil. Many people are supporting his efforts to help the youth who are having problems with unemployment in many countries. These young people need to have hope and faith in My help with their education and their entry into the workforce. It is hard for the youth to compete with older and better trained people who have been out of work for a long time. Even some attempts have been made to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. Pray for the unemployed, and especially for those who have just graduated from high school and college.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some poor crop yields in the last few years. This year has seen variable rain and temperature levels across your states. My people need to pray for their farmers that they could have more optimum growing conditions so they could have a rich harvest to make up for some poor years.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some of your politicians putting the dates off for various businesses when they would be forced to pay penalties for not paying for the new Health insurance. This is another sign that your government is having difficulty in paying for the new mandates for everyone to be offered a health care plan. The more these mandates are postponed, the less confidence there is that this plan will work. It is good to offer such a plan to help people, but there still is a question of how it will be paid for.”

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013: (St. Sharbel)
Jesus said: “My people, at times some people have worries or anxieties of what they are to eat, what they will wear, or where they will stay. These are the concerns of everyone, but My people need to have faith that I will provide for them. If I could provide manna, quail, and water for My people in the desert of the Exodus for forty years, then I could feed you just as well. In today’s world, you have plenty of support groups to help you with food stamps, welfare, and Social Security. Some who have jobs, have to manage their money within their means. Even if famines should come, I will multiply your food, if necessary. Those, who are able to work, should make an effort to help themselves. Only if you are persecuted or without food, then you will need My immediate help in your food and lodging. I feed the birds and I take care of the other animals, but you are more valuable than they are. Surely, you can trust that I will come to your aid in your daily situations. I will not test you beyond your endurance. You also can trust in your family and friends to help you as well. My people should also be ready to help people in need of food or lodging around you. With My help always available, you should not have any worries about your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages about the coming Ison Comet, which will be almost as bright as the moon, and it will be a sign of the Warning. You are seeing in the heavens in the vision how My angels are showing you a banner, and they were blowing their trumpets to announce the coming of My Warning experience. Many people are not prepared for the coming evil of the Antichrist in the tribulation. This is why it is necessary to allow all sinners to view their life review, and see where it is headed. When some see hell or deep purgatory, this could wake up some souls to desire a change in their lives. Keep praying for your friends and relatives so they could keep their hearts and souls open to repentance. Those, who see hell and do not change their ways, could be lost. Many will seek Confession after the Warning, so lead your families to a priest in Confession. I have told you that these things will be happening soon, and now you will actually see it happen. Be prepared to leave for My refuges after the Warning, because the evil ones will be gaining power soon. This Ison Comet will usher in the events that will lead up to the Antichrist declaring himself ruler of the world.”

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012: (Christmas Day, Sol West’s Mass)
Sol said: “I am so happy to be celebrating Christmas with Jesus and the angels in heaven. I am sorry that I had to leave my loving wife, Judy, behind, but I am now able to pray for her mission on earth. I love you so much, Judy, and I am ever thankful for all of your dedicated care for my health in my last days. I am thankful for all of those who cared for me, and I love all of My family. I thank all of those people who prayed for me, and who had Masses said that have enabled me to reach heaven. I will be praying for everyone in their daily trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you on this calm, silent Christmas Day. My angels in the vision are singing and trumpeting My glory in commemoration of My coming to earth in the flesh as a man. Rejoice in My gift of salvation that I loved all of you so much that I would die for all of your sins. The other beautiful thing in nature is that from now on, the day will get longer past the winter solstice. This increase in light is another sign of My Light that conquers the darkness. Come and offer your prayers and good deeds to Me at My crib as your gift in thanksgiving for all that I do for you.”

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you see in the vision how I fashion the vases, as you are the clay and I am the potter. I make you as earthen vessels to hold your souls that I treasure so much. This human condition is how I lived for thirty-three years, so I know all of your pains and difficulties. It is not easy to find work and bear with it to provide for your food, and any health problems. Even in today’s reading you could be endangered by your own religious beliefs in Me. St. Stephen died a martyr’s death as he defended Me. Certain people cannot stand to hear the truth, so they strike out at those who bother their conscience. They find ways to either kill religious people, or to silence them in prison or take away their money. You will soon be seeing more persecution of My faithful as the evil ones are preparing the way for the coming Antichrist. I do not want My faithful to take up weapons to kill their persecutors, but I will provide My angel protection at My refuges. Once your lives are threatened with martial law or mandatory chips in the body, I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges. You can come to heaven as a martyr, or you can follow your guardian angels to My places of safe havens.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people in America take their freedom for granted without realizing how many people had to die to gain your freedom from England, and other dictators. Many recent wars have been trumped up by the one world people for financial gain, and to weaken your military. Your Air Force and Navy have been shrinking in planes and ships. Your Army ranks are barely able to support one small war. The one world people want to take over America so they are stripping your strength and increasing your debts to near bankruptcy. It is sad that these events are going on, and the people are unaware that their freedoms are slipping away. Your country’s abortions and sexual sins are so rampant that America’s punishment will be allowed to come with a new world order takeover. If your people continue to turn your backs on Me, and they do not repent of their sins, then your destruction as a nation is imminent. Evil will be allowed its hour during the tribulation, but I will protect My faithful, and then My victory will cast the evil ones into hell. You will then rejoice in your reward in My Era of Peace. Be patient and trust in My power which is greater than all of the evil ones put together.”

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that Satan’s time is short, so he will be using his minions to speed up your current events. I also said that once you see the signs of the Antichrist coming into power, you know that My victory is near. Before the Antichrist comes, I will send you My Warning. This vision of a large wind coming from a circling fan represents the same wind of the Holy Spirit that entered My apostles in the upper room. After they received the Holy Spirit, they were given courage to take My message of love in the Gospel out to all the nations. So it will be with My Warning experience when all of you will see your sins in your life review. Many will have a strong desire for Confession, and they will be open to conversions with the help of My faithful. This power of the Holy Spirit will help the people to withstand the power of the evil of the Antichrist. You will be warned in the Warning not to take any chips in the body, and not to worship the Antichrist. Even get rid of your TVs and computers after the Warning so you do not look at or listen to the Antichrist who could cause you to worship him. You will be warned as well to call on Me to bring you to My refuges of protection when the evil ones will want to kill all of My believers. The Warning is a wake-up call spiritually, to give sinners an opportunity to change their lives. They will face their mini-judgment if they do not change. Use this coming Lenten season of grace to prepare your souls for what is to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Me holding a sickle on My throne in heaven is a sign that the time for the harvest of souls is getting close. This is written in the Book of Revelation (14:14) ‘Then I looked and there was a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud One who looked like a Son of Man, with a gold crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand.’ (Message 5-19-07) This is like the miraculous picture that you have in your Bible. This part of Revelation comes after the seven trumpets. I will come first to gather My elect into My barn of heaven. Then I will have My angels wield their sickles in gathering the clusters of grapes that represent the gathering of the evil ones who will be cast into hell. Once these souls have been separated, I will renew the earth, and bring My people into My Era of Peace. Have patience My people, because My victory will be coming after a brief reign of the Antichrist in the tribulation.”