Monday, January 20, 2025
Monday, January 20, 2025: (St. Sebastian, St. Fabian, Trump Pres)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you see Aaron and the priestly class of Levites who carried out the offering of the day. But I AM starting a new way where My suffering on the cross is the only Sacrifice needed to forgive your sins. You no longer need to sacrifice animals for the atonement of your sins. Now, My apostles and priests will carry on offering Mass as they are priests forever according to the order of Melchizedek. In the Gospel I told those people who questioned about My disciples not fasting, that they do not need to fast while the Bridegroom is still with them. When I am taken away, My disciples will fast. Lent will not start Ash Wednesday until the beginning of March, but already people are talking about fasting. Your new President will be sworn into office today, and he has promised to start with many Executive Orders to undo Biden’s open borders. Pray for Trump’s success to bring America back from all of the liberal disasters.”
Jesus said: “My people, Biden with his open borders for four years brought millions of illegal immigrants into your country that is destroying your infrastructure. The criminal immigrants are killing people and stealing from stores, and they have not been put in jail, especially in sanctuary cities. President Trump gave a good inaugural speech after he was sworn into office, and he followed up by signing many Executive Orders. He is closing the borders with no release of captured criminals. He wants workers to return to their offices instead of staying at home. He is working on more drilling for natural gas and oil to lower inflation. He took the United States back out of the Paris climate accords again, because countries like China are spewing out more pollution from all of their coal plants. Trump’s goal is to bring America back from the destruction by the Democrats over the last four years. Pray for Trump’s protection and that your Republican Congress can carry out Trump’s agenda to make America Great Again with My help.”