Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday, January 24, 2025: (St. Francis de Sales, Lydia Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it was unusual to see so much damage from a hurricane so far inland in North Carolina. It was the HAARP machine and the water coming off the mountains that caused so much destruction. To compound these problems FEMA was low on money because Biden had used the FEMA money to help the illegal immigrants. The poor people in North Carolina could not get much help from the government, and they were without homes in bad weather. You may hear more about this destruction when your President visits this area. Pray that these people in North Carolina will get some help from any aid packages from your new Congress.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you need to take a quiet reflection on how you are leading your life in putting Me first, and how you can best help people to come to know and love Me. I gave you a vision of a magnifying glass so you can look closer at how you are serving Me in your life as you help your neighbor. You also want to look closely at your spiritual life in how you could improve your life to make it holy. Remember to pray your daily prayers and try to come to Mass every day. At night you could spend some time with Me in Adoration, even if it is on the internet. I thank all of My prayer warriors for all that you do for Me and your neighbor out of love for Me.”