Thursday, March 9, 2023

Thursday, March 9, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel the rich man had all of the pleasures of life, but he did not help the beggar, Lazarus with even the scraps from his table.  The beggar had to suffer through life with little help.  At the judgment the rich man went to hell because he did not show love for Me in his neighbor, Lazarus.  But Lazarus was rewarded in heaven for all he had to suffer on earth.  The rich man wanted to keep his brothers from coming to hell.  I told the rich man, the brothers had Moses and the prophets to help save them.  But the rich man said if someone from the dead would speak to the brothers, surely they would listen.  I told him if the brothers would not heed Moses and the prophets, they would not heed even if one from the dead spoke to them.  This meant that after I died on the cross and I resurrected, then the brothers would not even listen to Me as well.  Everyone has to make a free will choice to love Me or not, as well as loving your neighbor.  Those people, who love Me in their actions and love others, will be rewarded in heaven like Lazarus.  But those people, who refuse to love Me and others, and do not obey My Commandments, will find themselves in the flames of hell like the rich man.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, I know you both are having problems with your leg and your wife’s knee.  You are brave to get through the airports while going from one place to another.  I am sending My angels to protect you from harm, and to help you through any pain.  Have your prayer group pray for a safe trip.  This is your first long trip flying in a while, so pray your rosaries during your trip.  Thank all of the people who paid for this trip, and call on the Holy Spirit to help you in your four talks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing some struggles between your parties over the current Budget and the National Debt Limit.  The Republicans want some Budget restraints as a bargaining chip to raise the National Debt Ceiling.  You have a lot of overspending by the Democrats in the last few years without much accounting for how the money is to be spent.  Your huge deficits need to be reigned in to cut the excess spending.  Pray for your Congress to make the best choices for the people of your country.”

Jesus said:  “My people, the worst train wreck happened in East Palestine, Ohio when they used controlled fires to burn some chemicals.  This area  may be contaminated for years.  Your government was slow to respond  to the cleanup.  Now you have seen two more train wrecks without a large fire.  It is time to investigate the causes, whether it is bad rail management or possible sabotage.  A lot of freight is delivered by train, but it needs to be done safely.  Investigators should inform the public why there are so many train wrecks.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a spring offensive by Russia to destroy the Ukraine’s infrastructure which is causing power outages.  They are also trying to take more land in East Ukraine.  Your country is sending billions of dollars in weapons to the Ukraine with little accounting of how the weapons and money are being used.  Your Congress needs to investigate how long this giving of arms will last.  You should not get involved with another long no win war.  Pray for peace and not an everlasting war.”

Jesus said:  “My people, you even saw a story in your newspaper about where is all the snow going.  Your own town has seen 50 inches less snow than normal.  Some are blaming the cold Pacific Ocean for La Nina.   You have enough rainfall, but it is coming more as rain than snow.  Pray for help for your people who are suffering losses from the snow and wind.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing serious problems as many immigrants are needing food, housing, and medical aid.  This is causing financial hardships on many communities, especially in your border states.  Biden wants more Democrat voters, but he is ruining your economy with this influx of illegal immigrants.  Pray  that your people can stop this continuing destruction against your border laws.”

I could see we are a few weeks into Lent and we need to examine how we are doing with out fasting and penances.  Jesus said: “My people, at the start of Lent you had many devotions that you planned to keep throughout your Lenten Season.  It is hard to keep up your fasting when you are hungry.  Not eating candy and desserts is also hard to maintain.  But you are keeping up your penances for My sake and to control your appetites.  By struggling to keep up your penances, you can see your free will can be restrained when you put forth an effort.  Sometimes you get a little lazy with your spiritual life.  This is the purpose of Lent to put your spiritual life back together, as you put more focus on loving Me and your neighbor in your actions.  By prayer and self-denial, this can help restrain your actions so you can lead a holier life.  Keep up with your Lenten devotions and you will see how you can do more spiritual things when you try.”

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Wednesday, March 8, 2023: (St. John of God)

Jesus said: “My people, war is destructive and it can destroy cities and kill civilians, as well as soldiers.  I am showing you a tactical atomic bomb exploding with a tall cloud of radiation.  Some bombs have varying degrees of radiation which is why less is better.  Each atomic bomb causes an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) wave that could destroy electric grids and stop vehicles from moving.  You could see such a weapon used in the Ukraine by Russia, or by any nuclear capable country on America.  If your electric grid was attacked by such an EMP explosion, you could see starvation of many people over a long time.  If such an attack was about to be launched on the U.S.,  I will warn My faithful in advance to come to the safety of My refuges.  My angels will shield My refuges from any EMP attack, so your solar systems will be protected.  Trust in My help, no matter how the evil ones will try to reduce the population.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were exposed to a different rite with a bit of old English in the words of the Mass.  This church gives more opportunities with a 7:00 p.m. Mass at night on Wednesdays.  You will need to read more to understand this rite.  The priest faced the old altar.  This Mass was offered for you and your wife by one of your prayer group members. This offered you a new experience.  The words of Consecration were proper, so I am Present in this Holy Communion.”

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Tuesday, March 7, 2023: (St. Perpetua and St. Felicity)

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to bear your human existence with all of your aches and pains, as well as your trials and troubles every day.  You saw in the vision how I had to suffer more excruciating pain carrying My cross than your pains.  Some people suffer little pain, but others are given the strength to suffer severe pain.  In all of your suffering, you can offer it up to help save souls, or to help the souls in purgatory.  You heard Bishop Sheen by a hospital saying how there is a lot of wasted pain that people could have offered it up for souls.  Pray for the sick and suffering on earth, and for the souls in purgatory who are suffering in their soul bodies.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing in the vision of a time when the statues used to be covered with purple cloths during the last two weeks of Lent.  Because of your Covid virus, many priests would not give out My Blessed Sacrament on the tongue.  You even stopped putting holy water in the fonts at the doors.  For a long time you have very few Communion rails so you could kneel to receive My Eucharist.  Even on the feast day of St. Blaise, very few churches used the crossed candles to bless your throats.  Some of these things are traditions, but the reverence is being lost for My Blessed Sacrament when you do not bow or kneel when you receive My Eucharist on the tongue.  This is why many Catholics are not believing in My Real Presence in the consecrated Hosts.  I truly AM Present in the consecrated Host, whether people believe it or not.  So give reverence to My Eucharist when you kneel to enter church at your pew, and remember to visit My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or at Adoration in the monstrance.  Center your life around Me at daily Mass, your daily prayers, and at Adoration.”

Monday, March 6, 2023

Monday, March 6, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in life you make decisions every day in how to do things.  It is better to do things out of love for Me and your neighbor.  Take the upstairs toward heaven and avoid evil ways.  In the Gospel I am asking people not to judge others, as I am the only One to judge people.  Do not condemn people either.  Seek My forgiveness of your sins in Confession to keep a clean soul.  This time of Lent calls you to be holy, and strive for perfection by loving everyone.  Imitate Me and be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect.  During Lent you are fasting and making little penances to add to your daily prayers.  I love all of you for making an effort to follow your Lenten devotions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I had to carry My cross to Calvary where the Romans crucified Me.  I died on the cross to offer My life to God the Father for the perfect Sacrifice for all the sins of mankind.  I brought salvation to all the souls who are willing to accept My gift of spiritual life forever.  This means My faithful must be willing to take up your own cross and carry it through all of your earthly sufferings.  At the end of your life, I will say: ‘Well done My good and faithful servant, come enter into the joy of your Master for all eternity in heaven.’”

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday, March 5, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, just as you have a taste of heaven when you receive Me in Holy Communion, so I gave My apostles a preview of My Glorified Body that they would see at My Resurrection.  During Lent you are making penances to avoid eating sweets and not eating between meals.  You also are praying for your family to be saved and you are giving alms to the poor.  Lent can be a test of your free will to make sacrifices for Me and the souls you are praying for. I thank you for praying the names of your family as I suggested for your prayer intentions.  When you address names for the living or the dead in your prayers, your graces are directed specifically to these very souls.  Give praise and thanks to Me that I have given these souls for you to pray for them.”

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Saturday, March 4, 2023: (St. Casimir)

Jesus said: “My people, I know sometimes how the little children can be a little noisy at church, but you need to bring them to Me just the same.  You are helping to teach them their prayers and you even showed one child how to pray the Stations of the Cross, which you do every Friday.  Children learn by example, and I told you that you are responsible for the souls of your children, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren.  Even if you cannot be with them all of the time, you need to pray for all of them and name them in your prayers.  You gain graces for every soul you help bring to Me in prayer.  I love all of you, and in today’s Gospel I asked everyone to love each other, even your enemies.”

Jesus said: “My people, I call all of My people to love Me and your neighbor as yourself.  You all have unique hearts and souls, but it is the harmony of all of you singing your love of Me together that directs you to heaven.  When you come to heaven one day, you will hear the beautiful voices of My choirs of angels and My saints.  They are all in harmony because they have reached their perfection in heaven.  Souls on earth are all works in progress as you struggle to be perfected so you can enter heaven.  Each soul is at a different stage of progress in loving Me and striving to be a saint in heaven.  Once you reach perfection by some purification in purgatory, then you will be in complete harmony with My saints and angels.  Pray for all the souls who are striving to reach heaven.”

Friday, March 3, 2023

Friday, March 3, 2023: (St. Catherine Drexel)

Jesus said: “My people, all of the people on earth are like they are playing out their lives on the stage of life.  I want My faithful to remain true to Me in all that you do.  You are the actors on this stage, and you have all of heaven and the souls in purgatory who are the audience watching your every action.  So be careful so you do not embarrass yourself in front of all of us.  Your lives should be a good example for others to follow.  During Lent you should pay attention to your prayers, fasting, and penances that can help keep your soul on the right path to heaven.” 

Jesus said: “My people, I want My faithful remnant to follow the Church that I have established from the time I was on the earth.  I am warning you that a time is coming when there will be a split in My Church.  Some may call it a schism.  You will see some leaders in My Church try to be inclusive by joining all religions into a one world religion.  Refuse to follow this New Age one world religion because this will bring a new Mass without the proper words of Consecration over the Host.  This will be the abomination of desolation when I will not be Present in a Host without the proper words of Consecration.  You will eventually be called to My places of refuge where faithful priests will use the proper words to Consecrate the Hosts and I will be Present there.  Stay true to My Catholic traditions and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good that you can teach your great grandchildren how to pray.  When they are young, it is easier to teach things to them about Me.  I love the little children, and I want you to protect them from harm and abuse.  Most of all pray to stop the killing of My babies in abortion.  I love all of you and I want you to be child like in your love for Me to enter heaven.”

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Thursday, March 2, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are liars and thieves.  They say how everything looks good, but in reality Biden is taking your country down in every way possible.  He is reducing your military’s means to fight by giving away your ammunition and weapons to the Ukraine.  His overspending has caused your inflation and your National Debt is even hard to pay the interest on your debt.  He is ruining your border states with an open Southern border.  He wants to free all student loans, but the Supreme Court may stop this giveaway.  He is still trying to mandate Covid shots and masks, when there are few sick people.  All of his plans are to control your freedoms and force you to stop using fossil fuels which is a disaster for your economy.  If your government is not turned around soon without a cheating election, all of you will be in deep water of destruction.  Pray for such a change, or I may have to call My faithful to the safety of My refuges. 

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a vision of the Communion of Saints.  The saints and angels are the Church Triumphant and they are praying for you on earth as the Church Militant.  The faithful on earth are praying for the souls in purgatory as the Church Suffering.  You have souls in all three realms giving glory to Me as you are all joined in the Communion of Saints.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I brought My wrath down on the people who built the Tower of Babel when I confused these people, who worshiped other gods, with many different languages.  Even today the people of this world are worshiping other gods of pleasure, riches, and comforts.  I am your God and Savior, and I am the only One you should be worshiping.  I created all of humanity and I love all of you enough to die for your salvation.  So show your love for Me by worshiping only Me at Mass on Sunday. 

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a person who died, and there was a funeral Mass for this person.  My son, you have been to many funeral Masses, and it is good to offer prayers and Masses for the deceased souls.  Most souls go to purgatory or hell with only a few going directly to heaven.  It is good to have a picture of your deceased loved one in a place so you can remember to pray for this soul.  There are other deceased relatives that may still be in purgatory.  Pray for all the poor souls in purgatory and remember to offer Masses for their souls with their name intention.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some blackouts from ice storms and other disasters.  In this vision I am showing you how My light of grace can come into your hearts to heal you of your spiritual blindness.  Let Me come into your hearts after a worthy Holy Communion.  Those faithful, who believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, have a short time when I am with you in a small taste of heaven.  You are happy to be with Me at every Mass and when you are with Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament.  Call on Me to help you and you will receive My graces into your soul.  Rejoice when you are in My Presence.”

Jesus said: “My people, I make a unique mold for every person who I create, and you are made in My Image to live forever in your soul.  You are molded in your mother’s womb, and I place the Spirit of Life in your soul at the moment of your conception.  You are wonderfully made and born into the world that I have prepared for you.  This is why every unborn child is precious to Me, and you should not kill My unborn babies with abortion.  Each person has been given an earthly and a spiritual mission which should not be violated by abortion.  Keep working and praying to stop abortion, and allow My babies to fulfill My plan for them by being allowed to live.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are Satan worshipers who are led by the devil to try and kill people with wars, abortions, viruses, vaccines, and murders.  There are evil scientists who are purposely using gain of function viruses for the purpose of reducing the population.  They create the problem with deadly viruses to kill people.  Then these same evil ones produce mRNA vaccines as a supposed cure as a solution to the problem.  Like the Covid vaccines, these evil shots were designed to manufacture the spike protein in the body that causes the Covid disease.  This spike protein is shed from the infected person to other healthy people.  The pharmaceutical companies are making these mRNA vaccines that are killing people,  and they get millions of dollars from your government to give shots and many boosters that ruin your immune system.  These evil ones, who want to reduce the population, will face Me in death, and they could be condemned to hell for their evil deeds.”

Jesus said: “My people, I shine My Light of grace into every soul when you receive My sacraments.  In order to receive My graces worthily, you need to be free of mortal sin.  This is why you can come to Me in repentance in Confession, and the priest’s absolution will free your mortal sin and restore My sanctifying grace to your soul.  I call on all souls to be cleansed of their sins by their free will decision.  I do not force Myself on anyone, but I ask you to open the door to your soul from the inside.  This is why you see pictures of Me knocking on the door of people’s soul.  It is only when I can enter your soul that I can cleanse your sins and bring you back into My graces as a part of My Church.  I call on My faithful to evangelize souls so they can appreciate My love for each soul.  Keep close to Me in frequent Confession, your Masses, and your daily prayers.  Let My Light shine into your soul, especially with this Lenten Season.”

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Wednesday, March 1, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the account of Jonah when he told the people of Nineveh that in forty days their city would be destroyed.  But the people repented of their sins, and the king ordered them to repent as they sat in sackcloth and ashes.  Once I saw how the people repented of their sins, I relented from My intent to destroy the city.  I did not carry it out.  In the Gospel the people wanted a sign, but I would not give them a sign except for the sign of Jonah.  I told them that there was someone here who is greater than Jonah and the Queen of the South.  I call all of My faithful to repent of your sins at Confession.  Pray your Lenten prayers and continue your fasting and almsgiving to the poor.  Thank you for praying the Stations of the Cross as you do on Lenten Wednesdays at this church.” 

Jesus said: “My people, a good share of your computer chips are made in Taiwan, but Taiwan is a target of China.  Your National Security is in question when most of your chips are made overseas.  Many of your technology companies are shipping chip making overseas to save money.  This means your national chip making might need subsidies in order to compete with cheaper labor.  Foreign sources could get shut down for various reasons, and you need backup chip making to put in your cars and other critical military needs.  Memory chips are easier to produce than more complicated new architecture chips, so the more expensive chips should be produced first in your country.  Another issue you are facing is the Green New Deal people who want to force you to buy electric cars and use less fossil fuels.  You need fossil fuels to produce the needed electricity.  If you have brownouts already in the summer for air conditioning, where will you get the extra electricity to power your electric cars?  For now you need fossil fuels to run your economy, and that requires more investment in finding natural gas and oil.  Pray that your people can use gas run cars which most people own, because electric cars are expensive and it is hard to find charging places.”

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tuesday, February 28, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are called to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  You see the people praying in church in the vision, and you heard Me in the Gospel teaching My apostles how to pray the ‘Our Father’ prayer.  When you pray your four Mysteries of the rosary each day, you pray many ‘Our Father’ prayers.  When you fast from eating between meals, you suffer more at night when you like to snack on food.  You do not eat meat on Fridays of Lent, and one day like Friday, you can fast from supper to supper.  All of these penances are a means to test your free will to do this for Me and your spiritual benefit.  You can also make some donations to your local food shelf for your almsgiving for the poor.  You saw a vision of a red sky over Europe from an Aurora Borealis which could be a sign of a coming war, just as My Blessed Mother told of a sign before World War II.  You have been given My messages of a possible World War III involving nuclear weapons.  Pray for peace, especially in the Ukraine war.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting to see more information coming out that the Covid virus was planned to reduce the world’s population.  In the early stages of the Covid pandemic, doctors were secretly healing Covid patients with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin.  There was an attempt to ban such medicines to cause more deaths.  The use of mRNA vaccines were never before used to heal viruses.  These mRNA vaccines were not proven to stop Covid virus, and they were pushed and mandated even though they are ruining your immune system.  This was a plan to kill a lot of people by forcing people to take a poisonous shot to keep your job.  They also forced college students to take the shots, or they could not attend college.  They forced the shots on people working in hospitals.  These evil people are even forcing the shots on young children, when they rarely got sick from Covid.  The pharmaceutical people and the one world people should be held for the greatest crime on humanity when they used Covid virus and these poisonous vaccines to purposely kill people with the spike protein that the shots produced in the body.  There was no need to have a Covid vaccine shot which I warned people not to take.  The media and your government brain washed people that the Covid shots had to be used.  This lie is why so many people have died from the wrong treatment.  If another virus is spread, refuse to take any mRNA vaccines because they could kill you.  Evil people are trying to reduce the population and make millions of dollars making toxic vaccines that do not work.  These evil ones will suffer much for their crimes at their judgment before Me.  Use your Good Friday oil and your known good medicines for healing these viruses.”