Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Wednesday, October 5, 2022: (Bl Seelos, St. Faustina)

Jesus said: “My people, this is a serious vision since you are seeing atomic bombs being used.  You have heard Putin of Russia threaten the use of atomic weapons, as he does not want to lose the Ukraine war.  I gave you a message before about several US cities that would be hit by nuclear weapons.  Be prepared when such an event happens.  When your electric grid goes down, you will be forced to come to the safety of My refuges.  Your government will soon crash, and My Church will be in crisis.  Be prepared to have your guardian angels lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge.  Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”

  Jesus said: “My son, you have seen how your military makes tunnels underground using various machines.  These tunnels are used for military purposes and for underground cities, made especially for the elite.  These tunnels could be used for protection from atomic bomb attacks.  You have also heard reports and I confirm it that some evil people use these tunnels to hide kidnaped children of all ages.  I remind you that the evil people will pay for their crimes against My little ones, especially for their abortions.  When life threatening events come, I will call My believers to the safety of My refuges.  So have no fear and be ready to leave for My refuges when I will call you.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Tuesday, October 4, 2022: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My son, you were happy to be able to visit where St. Francis lived in Assisi, Italy. You saw a stone that was called his pillow, and his rose garden where the thorns fell off the roses. It is good to read his prayer as well.”
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is lowering your defenses too much by using up your strategic oil reserves, and sending too much of your war supplies to the Ukraine.  Biden was using your oil reserves to keep your gasoline prices lower.  Because Biden has a war against your fossil fuels, you will soon see your prices of gasoline rise.  He refuses to keep you energy independent.  Now that the reserves will not be used anymore, unless Biden changes his mind, and OPEC is lowering their production of oil, you will have fuel shortages and high prices for gasoline again.  Your oil reserves are at an all time low level because of Biden’s mismanagement.  Biden is also sending too much ammunition and weapons to the Ukraine without replacing what he used.  This leaves your troops with low levels of ammunition, if you should have to defend yourselves.  It is time for other nations to step up and help the Ukraine.  Your spending on this war is raising your National Debt into high levels that need to be cut back.  Pray that this poor management can be stopped by a change in your Congress, or your country will be in danger of a takeover.”

Monday, October 3, 2022

Monday, October 3, 2022:
Jesus said: “My son, you had several messages from the angels at your prayer group meeting. Because the feast of the Guardian Angels fell on a Sunday, it was not celebrated. You did not realize this at first, but your Guardian Angel, St. Mark, gave you a message then. Now you are seeing how your refuge angel, St. Meridia, will be in the sky and you will be protected at your refuge during the tribulation. Remember when the faithful people are going to be brought to your refuge by their guardian angels, you will have many angels protecting all of you as well. My refuge builders have made their preparations, and My angels will help you in providing for your food, water, fuels, and places to sleep. Just have faith in Me to provide for your needs.”

(St. Therese, Latin calendar) St. Therese said: “My son, you had Jesus mention about your spiritual directors, but He did not mention me. I do not give you frequent messages, but I am still here to give you spiritual direction. You have been under stress lately from all of your recent activities. I want you to quiet yourself down, so you can have peace of mind with the Lord’s help. You have prayed my 24 Glory Be prayers when you have a special need, but you can pray my Novena prayers also when you are feeling stressed. I pray for you and I watch over you, because you have an important mission for the Lord. You can also pray to me for help in your daily trials.”

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sunday, October 2, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you many times to encourage your family members to attend Sunday Mass, which is an obligation by My Third Commandment. Even if the parents may not come to Sunday Mass, it is good to bring My little ones to Mass. It is hard to bring the children to My sacraments, if the parents do not attend Sunday Mass. I only ask My people to give Me at least one hour out of the week to adore Me and thank Me for all I give to you. Keep reminding your family that it is proper to give Me worship on Sunday. I have told you, if you do not acknowledge Me before the world, then My Father in heaven will not acknowledge you as well. Pray that your family members, who do not come to Sunday Mass, will be saved at My Warning, or they could be lost in hell.”

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Saturday, October 1, 2022: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
Jesus said: “My people, you can imitate St. Therese by following her example of doing everything out of love for Me. When you make Me the center of your life, you will follow My ways before your own ways. Your priest gave you good advice to seek out a spiritual director as a coach for your spiritual life. My son, you have had several spiritual directors over the years, and it is essential for your particular mission. In everything you are called to do, do it with love for My sake. Those people, who follow Me, will have their eternal reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, from Hurricane Ian you have seen major destruction on Puerto Rico, Cuba, Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina. It may take years to repair all of the damage caused by this storm. Pray for the victims of this storm as there were over fifty deaths, and some have lost their homes, or they were greatly damaged. You have not seen any storms cause such damage in some years. This was a hurricane 4 of 155 mph that caused so much damage. I have told you that this disaster is a punishment for your abortions as you are making worse abortion laws in your states to go around your latest Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe vs. Wade. There are evil people pushing for more abortion laws to allow abortion up to birth. I have asked you to stop your abortions. Since your laws are getting worse, I told you I would stop your abortions, and I am starting with this storm to bring you to your knees. If you continue your abortions, you will see even more punishments. Wake up your people to the mortal sins you are committing with each abortion. Pray to stop your abortions every day, and not just on Saturday.”

Friday, September 30, 2022

Friday, September 30, 2022: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with St. Jerome because he translated the Bible into the Latin Vulgate. This was a huge undertaking to write the whole Bible into Latin. He spent many hours preserving the Scriptures into the language of the day. Many monks preserved the Scriptures in their ornate writings in other languages. St. Jerome had to know these other languages in order to translate it into Latin. There were not many books then and he had to read many scrolls. This was another deposit of the faith that was handed down to write the Bible in many languages. Be thankful for all of his work.”

Jesus said: “My son, I appreciate your thank you for all of the angel messages that were given at your prayer group meeting. The angels are answering you that they are happy to help you in their service, even if this is their job in your life. This is why I keep telling you to trust in Me to protect you from the demons and all of the evil people who want to keep you quiet. I am happy that you are always willing to shout My praises from the rooftop. My angels will continue to guide you and protect you for as long as you are alive.”

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Thursday, September 29, 2022:(St. Michael,St.Gabriel,St. Raphael)
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God. I am a soldier for God as I am assembling the armies of angels for the coming battle with the Antichrist and the demons. I am also preparing my Christian leaders who will be fighting the evil ones at the Battle of Armageddon. The Antichrist’s reign is temporary and brief. This time of the tribulation will be shortened for the sake of God’s elect. You will see the end times begin with God’s Warning and then the six weeks of Conversion for souls. Take advantage of this time to convert your lives to being true believers in God, and work to get all of your family members to believe in God and give Him glory and adoration. Keep your souls holy with frequent Confession. Thank you for praying your prayers to me, especially the long form of my prayers. You are in a constant battle against the evil ones, but you are not alone. Call on me and the angels of heaven to defend you from the attacks of the demons. Father’s list is well written to be aware of your weaknesses. I love all of you, and you need to love God and your neighbor as yourself.”

Prayer Group:
St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God adoring Him every day like the angel statues by your tabernacle. Tonight while you have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, there are myriads of angels here adoring Our Lord. You are in a refuge and you will have a consecrated Host from a priest or the angels, and you will place it in a monstrance so you can have perpetual Adoration at every refuge. You will assign people to make holy hours around the clock so Our Lord is not left alone. God’s power will protect every refuge during the tribulation. Be thankful for all of the refuges that are formed by God’s refuge builders.”

St. Gabriel said: “I am Gabriel and I also stand before God to adore Him. I am the messenger of God and I told the Blessed Mother that she was chosen out of all women to be the Mother of Jesus. She accepted by her own free will to give her fiat, as she was chosen because she was sinless to hold Jesus as a tabernacle during her pregnancy. You recite this in every Holy Mary prayer that you pray.”

St. Raphael said: “I am Raphael and I stand before God, and I pray over all newly married couples on their wedding night. Tobiah’s bride, Sarah, was married seven times and the grooms were killed by a demon on her wedding night. Tobiah prayed that he would not be killed and I intervened to cast out this demon so Tobiah lived.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told the apostles that they would see greater things than what I told Bartholomew when I saw him under a fig tree. You have also read about My angels in heaven that when you are attacked by demons, you can call on Me and I will send you a legion of angels to protect you. So have no fear of the demons when you have My angels watching over you.”

St. Meridia said: “I am Meridia and I also stand before God to protect this prayer group and this refuge. I have been with this prayer group since it was formed for over fifty years. I made you aware in a message that I am your refuge angel. You can call on me for help and protection even when you travel to give your talks. Trust in me that during the tribulation, I will not allow any non-believer in God to enter this refuge. So help your family to be believers in God so they can enter this refuge.”

St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God as I am the guardian angel for John. You know of several times when I performed miracles of protection which kept John from being hurt. You were told by another visionary that you have a thousand angels guiding and protecting you on all of your trips to give your talks. Give praise and thanks to God for all He does to guard His messengers.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep asking you to have trust in Me and My angels of protection. Do not fear the evil ones who will not harm you at your refuge. I will use My angel protection to shield you, and they will bring you daily Holy Communion if you do not have a priest. They will assist you also in helping you with whatever you need during the tribulation, including finishing any needs at your refuge. The angels will bring you food, fuels, and water if you need more for your people. My angels will bring your needs to every refuge, even to those refuges that did not have any preparations. Rejoice in My angels who will be helping My faithful throughout the whole tribulation.”

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022: (St. Lawrence Ruiz & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a place in heaven where I receive the souls of all of the aborted babies. They are saints washed in their blood as little martyrs. In the vision you are also seeing your deceased son, David, as well as your miscarried daughter, Mary. They were leading you to meet the millions of aborted souls. When you see the killing of so many lives, now you understand the grave consequences for all of America’s abortions. I thank My people for praying to stop abortion and for all of your time and effort to try and counsel mothers to have their children and not to kill them. I hear your many prayers at the Planned Parenthood clinic where they perform abortions. Keep praying for these mothers not to have an abortion. I will stop your abortions in a way you may regret.”

(Uncle Bill’s Mass intention) Jesus said: “My people, I know you had many Masses offered up for your Uncle Bill. At the last Mass for him, I told you he needed just one more Mass, and your Uncle Bill thanks you for remembering him with these Masses to raise him out of purgatory. He will be praying for all of his family and his extended family.”

Rochester, NY (2-28-24) Spanish

Wed, February  28, 2024,


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