Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday, September 17, 2022:

Jesus said: “My son, you heard in the Gospel ‘What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and then lose his soul?  In some of the more modern translations, they have changed soul to life.  But the soul is eternal, while your physical life is temporary and you return to dust.  I did not die on the cross to save your mortal lives that will be no more, but I died to save your immortal souls that last forever.  So it is everyone’s goal to use My graces of My sacraments to work to save your own soul with My help.  This is why I have encouraged you to keep a clean soul through frequent Confession because you do not know when you will die, or when I will return.  With a clean soul you will always be ready and worthy of meeting Me at your judgment.  You do not want to be found in mortal sin at your judgment when you could risk going to hell.  I love all of you and I want you to love Me as the center of your lives.  If you want to be on the path to heaven, then every day consecrate everything you do for My glory, and do not be boastful of any of your earthly accomplishments.  Come to daily Mass and pray your daily rosaries.  You are to love your neighbor as yourself, so reach out to help your neighbor in good works.  Your best gift is to share your faith in evangelizing souls in My sacraments so they can help save their souls.  Saving souls from hell is your most important goal in life.  Trust in My grace to save your soul and the souls of others.”

  Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another sign of the end times when you see the devil and the evil ones attack My Church from without and from within.  Just as you see many churches being burned down in Canada, so you will be seeing the same destruction in America.  You are also seeing attacks by the pro-death people who are holding protests right in church at Mass because of the Supreme Court decision against Row v. Wade that was overturned.  Some churches are also being attacked for standing up against abortion and euthanasia.  Within the priesthood there have been some pedophile priests who had to be put out, and the lawyers have brought many lawsuits against the Church that costs millions of dollars. In some cases the dioceses have had to declare bankruptcy. More recently, during the Covid shutdown, a lot of your churches were shutdown so you were locked out of Mass and Confession.  You had to view your daily Mass on the internet, but you could only have a spiritual Communion.  Even now, you have seen a cut in the number of people who come to Sunday Mass as a result of the Covid scare.  The bishops were threatened with thousands of dollars in fines, if they opened their churches during Covid.  Be prepared for more serious attacks on My churches, when they will force parishes to pay land taxes and your government may shutdown your churches with a new pandemic virus.  Trust in Me when it will be difficult to find a church open, when you will need to come to My refuges for Mass with a faithful priest.”

Friday, September 16, 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022: (St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian)

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to focus on Me in the sacred Hosts and all that is eternal without letting the temporary things of this world distract you.  I have been preparing you for these end times, but do not fear them because I will be protecting My believers.  I told you that I will bring My Warning  and My Conversion time as the end times will begin.  You will see My churches being persecuted and some will be destroyed.  When the words of Consecration at the Mass are changed, you will see the Abomination of Desolation and I will no longer be Present in the host of such a Mass.  I will have My refuge builders set aside refuges and consecrate them to Me where I will protect My people.  Be prepared when I will call My believers to My refuges where My angels will protect you and I will provide for your needs.  Trust in Me to protect you from the Antichrist during the tribulation.  I will bring about a new heavens and a new earth.  The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace.”

  Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the power of the old rites of My Church being used in an exorcism.  You went to an exorcism many times to rid a demon from a possessed person.  Because the priest used a new reformed rite of exorcism  only for a few hours at a time, the demon refused to leave.  In another exorcism with the same possessed person, the priest used the old rite of exorcism and for over two or more days with constant fasting, and the demon came out.  The priest and the possessed person both have to believe and have faith that I can remove the demon.  Give praise and thanks to Me for giving you this insight.  Thank you for attending this Holy Hour in front of My Blessed Sacrament.”

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Thursday, September 15, 2022: (Our Lady of Sorrows)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am here to help support you through your daily troubles, just as I had to suffer things on earth.  It is not easy to suffer disappointments, sickness, and the deaths of your loved ones.  Stay close to my Son, Jesus, and He will provide for your needs.  Trust in Jesus’ protection from harm and the evil ones.  He provides you angels to protect you.  Keep focused more on the good things in life, and bear through the difficult moments.  Everyone has to bear hardships and losses, but Jesus will welcome His faithful believers into heaven.  Keep praying your daily rosaries  for your intentions.”

  Prayer Group:

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I come to bless all of your prayer group members and their families.  I will also be guarding My faithful travelers who are going to Louisiana on their plane.  Follow my Son’s Commandments and pray your daily rosaries.  I thank you for all of your rosaries tonight.  When you pray together, you are multiplying your rosaries for your intentions.”

  Jesus said: “My people, such a railroad strike would have been a hardship on your businesses.  Biden offered to give these workers a $24/hr. raise that will be paid by your taxpayers.  There was an incentive to do this before the mid-term elections.  Give thanks that a settlement appears close.”

  Jesus said: “My people, this latest inflation of 8.3% in August was not much of an improvement over 8.5% in July.  As a result, the stock market was down 3% and there was a fear interest rates will be raised again to try and stem your inflation.  Your Federal Reserve may continue its high interest raises and there is no letting up.  It is hard to lower inflation with your government’s overspending.  Pray that you can avoid a recession and lost jobs.”

  Jesus said: “My people, one of My Blessed Mother’s sorrows was to hold My dead Body, once I was taken down from the cross.  While I was on the cross, I gave My Blessed Mother over to St. John and all of My Church.  I also gave St. John over to My Blessed Mother, and he took her into his home.  You were fortunate, My son,  to visit this home of My Blessed Mother.  Give thanks and praise to Me for offering up My life as a sacrifice for all of your sins.”

  Jesus said: “My people, in My early Church Christians gathered together to share My Eucharist  at Sunday Mass.  In the beginning My people had to meet in secret  because the Romans were killing Christians.  With the evil of today, you will see more persecution of My Christian followers.  As the tribulation comes, I will need to call My believers to the safety of My refuges where My angels will shield you from the evil ones with a veil of invisibility.  My angels will shield you from harm and they will provide for your needs, even daily Holy Communion, if you do not have a priest.”

  Jesus said: “My people, you will be fortunate to be able to hold your mid-term elections without some man-made obstructions.  Declaring winners in the House of Representatives and the Senate may be difficult with more possible cheating with your ballots.  If your government does not change its policies, you could see a possible uprising over any cheating.  If there is much violence, I will need to call My believers to My refuges.  Call on Me and My angels if the evil ones threaten your lives.”

  Jesus said: “My people, your defunding of the police is a plan of the left Democrats to create chaos in your streets, so they could start a police state of a dictatorship.  This could be an excuse to cause martial law which would take over your country, which will be ready for the coming of the Antichrist into power.  If such an insurrection occurs, I will need to bring My Warning and call My believers to the safety of My refuges and My angels.  Be patient because I will protect My people from the evil ones who want to kill My people.”

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Wednesday, September 14, 2022: (Exultation of the Holy Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for honoring My Holy Cross.  You, My son, are blessed to have and wear a relic of My Holy Cross which you use to pray over people.  I call all of My faithful servants to take up your cross of life and carry it to your Calvary of suffering in imitation of Me.  Everyone’s cross is unique to your mission in life which I have given you.  It is not easy to endure your humanity which was weakened by Adam’s sin.  This means you have a weakness to sin, which is why I died on the cross to forgive all the sins of mankind.  This is why you need the sacrament of Baptism to take away original sin and welcome you into the faith community.  If you were baptized as an infant, then later in life you need to make your own personal commitment to believe in Me and follow My Commandments.  You can come to monthly Confession to repent of your sins, and receive absolution of your sins by the priest who takes My place to give this sacrament.  I thank all of My faithful for taking up your own cross.”

Jesus said:  “My people, I am showing you this molten hot lava as it was destroying everything in its path.  This is similar to the Democrats and the one world people who are defying your Constitution and your very freedoms.  The goal is to take your country down so the one world people can use their ‘Great Reset’ to allow the Antichrist to take over the world.  Everything that is sacred is being destroyed by the Democrats.  Biden is destroying your fossil fuels so you cannot use gasoline for your cars, or natural gas to heat your home.  Most all of your electricity is produced with fossil fuels.  The Green New Deal is meant to destroy your energy sources, and your means of travel and keeping your houses warm.  The Democrats are defying your freedom of speech by declaring their political opposition as terrorists.  They are using the FBI to arrest their opposition with fraudulent warrants, and they will use the new IRS agents to harass any conservatives.  The Democrats have declared war on their opposition and they use the media and rich liberals to spread lies about the opposition party.  These same one world people will use any means of lying and cheating to get their people elected.  They were behind breaking down your police because they want chaos so criminals can run free, and the flooded border allows illegal immigrants and drug lords to ruin your country as well.  When you look at your inflation, your crime in the streets, your overrun border, and the war on your fossil fuels, these things were all organized plans to bring your country down.  Despite all of the evil going on, it will get worse before I bring My victory over these evil people.  I have some faithful who are building refuges, where I will call My believers to come, and My angels will protect you and multiply your food, water, fuels, and places to sleep.  Trust in My power which is greater than the evil ones.  I will bring My Warning and you will be called to My refuges for your protection during the tribulation.  After the Antichrist’s short reign, I will destroy the evil ones and cast them into hell.  Then I will renew the earth and bring My believers into My Era of Peace.”

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022: (St. John Chrysostom)

Jesus said: “My people, you all have different gifts, but you are all in My One Body of My Church.  Reach out whenever you can to make converts to the faith in Me.  I love My people, and I do not want to leave one person behind.  You know how I search for any lost sheep in My flock.  Even at My refuges, I will send you people with various skills so you will have all of your needs fulfilled.  You will see Me perform even more miracles to multiply your food, water, fuels, and even your lodging.  I will provide everyone with your own personal room as I told you how St. Joseph will help in any needed construction.  So have no worries that there will always be a place for you at My inn.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Biden promoting himself while on the same day your markets are losing badly.  The latest inflation numbers are still high with only a very small reduction.  The markets are falling because they fear your Federal Reserve will raise interest rates too high for too long.  You are seeing a very difficult inflation rate being made worse by all of the trillions of dollars that the Democrats are overspending.  Higher interest rates will not bring inflation rates down if your Democrat Congress keeps overspending with trillions of taxpayer dollars.  If you do not have a change in your government with the mid-term elections, your inflation could ruin your economy and your household economy as well.  Pray that you can stop the ballot cheating in your elections, or nothing will change.  If the Democrats win again by cheating, you could see a civil war when My people may need to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Monday, September 12, 2022

Monday, September 12, 2022: (The Most Holy Name of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in your vision where churches were being destroyed and burned by the evil people, because they hate Me, and they want to destroy anything about Me.  Do not be fearful and be patient, since I am not giving you a date when all of these evil things will begin.  Know that when this destruction does start, you will be seeing the end times beginning.  Before any threats to your lives, I will bring My Warning and My Conversion time to give all sinners one last chance to repent of their sins and become believers in Me.  After My Warning you will see a worse evil and the destruction of My churches.  When your lives are in danger, I will bring My believers to the safety of My refuges.  Do not be doubters or non-believers in these events because they will happen, as the Antichrist will be allowed a short reign.  Then at the end of the tribulation, I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell.  Only My believers will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

 Jesus said: “My people, you have see some strong flooding from heavy rainstorms and a few 7.2 earthquakes in various parts of the world.  Be ready for some serious weather events that could take your power down in an area.  You have been spared any damaging hurricanes, but be ready for some late season storms.  Be also ready for some man-made events that could come to upset your mid-term elections.  The Democrats will try anything to upset an election that they could possibly lose.  Keep praying to save the souls of your family with the upcoming evil tribulation.”

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sunday, September 11, 2022:

Jesus said: “My people, I have called on My people to help the poor in need when you are able.  You have been helping your family a lot this year, but you can still help to feed the poor.  They need help and they are not being helped by their governments.  There is too much corruption at the top, and the people rarely see any help, except from charity organizations.  You also are remembering the violence that the terrorists did to your country on 9-11-01 when they killed your people and destroyed your buildings.  This, unfortunately, was used as a pretext to start a long war in Afghanistan by the one world people.  Pray that you can keep out of any more wars or being a proxy in the Ukraine war.”

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Saturday, September 10, 2022: (Funeral Mass for Mary Murphy)

Jesus said: “My people, yes, I am confirming this sign of the longer flame than usual that Mary is with Me in heaven.  She had a long life of 99 years old and her son gave a nice homily.  The readings were an expression of her faith, especially when I said: ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ when St. Thomas asked Me where I was going.  Mary will be praying for her family as she loves all of them so much.”

(Amanda and Peter Barilla Wedding Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I know you are happy for this couple of Amanda and Peter, who were married in a Catholic Church.  I heard your prayer to pray for all of the souls in the church.  You know that I prefer Confession and coming to Sunday Mass, but the young people are a little lax in giving Me some time at church.  Keep praying for their souls and pray they can learn to follow My laws, and the laws of My Church.  Help this couple in whatever way that you can.”

Friday, September 9, 2022

Friday, September 9, 2022: (St. Peter Claver)

Jesus said: “My people, do not judge people on their faults because I am the only true Judge of souls.  Before you come to celebrate Mass,  you need to make amends with your people and ask for your forgiveness of any wrongs you did to your neighbor.  Once you have a clean soul, then you will be worthy to receive Me at Mass in Holy Communion.  I told people to remove the beam from their own eye first, so they could see clearly to remove the splinter from their neighbor’s eye.  By being humble and not judging people, you will be prepared to meet Me at your judgment when you die.”

Thursday, Septebmer 8, 2022

Thursday, September 8, 2022:(Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I thank you for honoring me on my feast of my Nativity.  I love you all so much and I put my mantle of protection over all of you.  You see in the Gospel an overall picture of how the Lord planned my birth by creating a woman without sin so my Son, Jesus, would have a pure tabernacle before His birth.  I was made Blessed for this purpose of bringing my Savior into the world of time.  You all are part of God’s plan for humanity, so follow His laws so you can have pure souls.  Come to frequent Confession and pray your rosaries and wear my brown scapular for your protection from the evil one.  I love all of you, and I do not want to lose anyone to hell.  Stay close to my Son, and He will welcome all purified believers into heaven.”

  Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing many stories about how food is getting harder to obtain as the farmers are having trouble getting expensive fertilizers and controlled seed.  The one world people are buying up farmland and they are controlling the flow of farm crops.  A time is coming when you will see less food on your store shelves.  This is the beginning of a global food shortage where many people will be going hungry for a lack of food.  The one world people will be going to their bunkers with stored food.  I will be calling My believers to My refuges where I will multiply your food.  Remember to store your three months of food for everyone.”

  Jesus said: “My people, as you are coming to the end of the Church Year, you are reading many parables about preparing for the end times.  I have been calling My refuge builders to set up refuges with food, water, beds, and fuels to heat your homes.  I will need organizers to be ready to accept My believers into My refuges of protection with My angels guarding you.  The time is running out when the evil ones will try to take over the world and make it ready for the Antichrist’s takeover.  I will call you to My refuges with My inner locution, and My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge.  Leave your homes within 20 minutes.”

  Jesus said: “My people, the time of the evil ones is running out before I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion time without any evil influence.  This will be the last chance for all sinners to be converted and show their love for Me by confessing their sins.  Only My believers will receive a cross on their forehead, and they will be allowed into My refuges.  At My refuges during the tribulation, My angels will shield you from bombs, viruses, and even My Comet of Chastisement.  Many plagues will fall on the evil ones as they will be cast into hell after they are killed.  Trust in My power when I will renew the earth and bring My believers into My Era of Peace.”

  Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My refuge builders to store your means of cooking food with your new grill, your fire pits, and your wood piles and propane tanks.  You will have many people to cook for, so you will be happy to have your CampChefs for making bread, and your grills and fire pits to prepare your food.  I will multiply your food with your deer, and I will multiply your fuels as well.  Trust in Me to provide enough food for the 5,000 people  which I did in the Gospels.”

  Jesus said: “My people, when your people will have your electric grid go down for a long time, this will be a test of your faith in how I will help My believers during the tribulation.  Some of My refuges will have electricity in your solar panels and batteries so you can run your water pump and sump pumps.  With your rechargeable batteries and solar power, you can have light at night with your pull up lanterns.  You will have power to run fans and a refrigerator.  You will have what you need for less than 3½ years by My power and My angels.”

  Jesus said: “My people, you have been preparing your refuges with wood for your fireplace, kerosene for your kerosene burners, and propane for your cooking.  You have prepared some cut up wood for heating in the winter.  You have an insert in your chimney so you can get more heat to stay in your dwelling.  Use your small kerosene burner to keep your basement warm.  You will need to cut up more wood that I will provide.  Once you use up one kerosene container, I will refill it so you will have enough to keep warm.  As you use up your propane tanks for cooking, I will also refill your propane tanks for as long as you need it.  Trust in Me to multiply your fuels, your food, and water throughout the whole tribulation.”

  The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have my beautiful statue of Fatima at your prayer group.  I thank you for praying your rosaries for all of your intentions that I will take to my Son, Jesus.  I bless all of you tonight and your families.  Bear with all of your trials for now, because you are about to see my promise of bringing my children into the Lord’s Era of Peace.  Keep praying your daily rosary, wear your scapular, and come to Confession at least monthly.  All of us in heaven are watching over you and protecting you.”